The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    January 2016
    02/1 – 13.02 – 1:50:10
    03/1 – rest
    04/1 – 5.06 – pram
    05/1 – rest
    06/1 – 5.01
    07/1 – 6.01 – 34:46
    08/1 – rest
    09/1 – 10.02 – New Yr 10K – 1:11:58
    10/1 – rest
    11/1 – 5.01 – pram
    12/1 – rest
    13/1 – 7.02
    14/1 – 5.05 – shins very tender
    15/1 – rest
    16/1 – 5.07 – in the rain :smile:
    17/1 – rest
    18/1 – rest
    19/1 – 4.00 – pram

    TOT: 65.27 km / 90 km

    Not a happy run – Miss 10 threw the biggest tantrum right in front of the mothers group, who were all with newborn babies at the lake… She did 2km and then protested that she was done! I said It’s a beautiful day out.. Come on… 1 more lap! She said No… I said Yes…. Mr 3 was also yelling from the pram “you’re so naughty” at her, which did not help matters. I lost it! I yelled at her “2 more km’s! Just 2 more km’s! All you’re going to do all day is sit and watch t.v. – The least you can do is ride that scooter for another 15 minutes! Now get up and move!”…. Then looked over to see all the new mums shaking heads, covering mouths, gasping and the like… And then? She got on that scooter and went right past me, off into the far, far distance and left me for dust! I was furious… And now that we are home, she is furious…. Because she just lost t.v. and the ipad for the entire day. Sigh.

    On the plus side... My new Garmin works beautifully and today I did the 4:1 method (run 4 mins, walk 1 min)... It worked a treat (all tantrums and arguments aside :lol: )

    Last run with the pram/stroller was 4km in 34.21 mins

    Today was 4km in 29.49 mins. Pretty happy with that bit :smiley:

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    I hate that work keeps getting in the way of my running! I did manage to get a short run in between meetings sort of... I dialed into one meeting while I was running and only had one instance of being stuck on mute and unable to respond quickly enough LOL. Have agility with Hobbes the Vizsla tonight. It is a bit slippery and wet out and I am hoping not to slip and twist my knee!

    Has anyone heard from @Virkati lately? I haven't seen any posts from her for a while and I thought she was feeling better and back to running again.

    01/01.......0.00..........0.00 - total rest/slug day. Did walk 1.5 miles with the pup
    01/04.......7.16........16.49 + Agility
    01/05.......4.14........20.63 Treadmill run + Strength Training
    01/07.......5.33........25.96 + Strength Training
    01/11.......4.54........46.85 + Agility
    01/12.......3.64........50.49 + Strength Training
    01/14.......5.32........55.81 + Strength Training
    01/15.......5.47........61.28 - half way to goal on the 15th of the month!!
    01/18.......4.51........73.34 + Agility


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @runner_girl83 - Don't worry about all those other moms! It happens to all of us at some point with our kids (my daughter threw a tantrum in a mall and screamed like I was beating her, all the way through the mall to the other end where we were parked). They too will have the pleasure when there sweet babies grow up a bit!
    Glad your new watch worked out well and you had a good run!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    1/2 6.5 miles
    1/3 3.5 miles
    1/7 4.0 miles
    1/10 4.0 miles
    1/13 5.0 miles
    1/14 3.0 miles
    1/15 2.0 miles
    1/18 6.0 miles
    Much better run tonight! I have had some soreness on the top of my foot, near the outside ankle though. It was really painful Saturday, but still sore tonight. Once I got going though it wasn't as noticeable. Hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow.

    So far 34 miles done out of a goal of 55.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @runner_girl83 You may as well let all those brand-new mommies know what they're in for a few years down the road, anyway, lol.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Just saw this and had to share it!

  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    @runner_girl83 You may as well let all those brand-new mommies know what they're in for a few years down the road, anyway, lol.

    Well that's just it... They were definitely judging me lol But when I ran through them all, all I could think was "you don't get it now... but very soon you will!" lol
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Hosting a guest for the week, and we ended up doing a ton of walking today as he wanted to explore every trail & beach on a nearby island state park. Although I didn't think it was that bad, when combined with my running mileage, I nearly surpassed my step count from my marathon day. I'm taking him to Busch Gardens tomorrow, so hopefully, that should be a bit easier on the knees. For my past few runs (including tonight), I've been keeping my running pace pretty slow as I'm still in recovery mode, and hopefully should be recovered enough to start up my next marathon cycle/plan on Monday. Still, I may take another rest day and just cede my mileage goal as my left knee is still a bit more sore than usual.

    1/3 - 10 miles (5 speedwork, 5 slow)
    1/4 - 7 miles
    1/6 - 3 miles (@ MP)
    1/9 - 2 miles (pre race tuneup)
    1/10 - 26.5 miles (Disney marathon in 3:29:08)
    1/14 - 3 miles
    1/16 - 6 miles
    1/17 - 6 miles
    1/18 - 7 miles

    Total: 70.5 miles
    Goal: 180 miles
    Remaining: 109.5 miles
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Just saw this and had to share it!


    Hahaha! So funny!
  • dominichoran
    dominichoran Posts: 18 Member
    Another tidy week, currently on a 759 mile, 76 day uninterrupted streak
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited January 2016
    01/02 3.5miles
    01/04 3miles
    01/06 4miles
    01/09 3.5miles
    01/13 3miles
    01/16 3miles
    01/17 3.75miles
    01/19 4.25miles
    I've found the last few runs quite tough.


  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Didn't manage to get out at all over the weekend, so just went out for a short one today at lunch. Very close to this month's target though! Will definitely aim for higher next month.

    1/1 - 3.36
    2/1 - 3.08
    5/1 - 3.08
    8/1 - 3.25
    9/1 - 3.08
    10/1 - 4.66
    12/1 - 3.56
    14/1 - 3.65
    19/1 - 2.90

    Total 30.63/35
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-Rest day
    2-Flare/rest day
    3-13.13mi The first six had me convinced i was going to turn around. the rest was nice.
    4-rest day
    5-pain day :(
    6-3.23 mi. it looked slow but i ran fartlek-esque, but still had to avoid ice flows.
    7-6.46 mi it was fun. I pushed hard. I'm glad my heart monitor works again.
    8-rest day
    9-4.75 mi on treadmill.
    10-rest day
    11-too cold and icey. -7 is just too cold even for me
    12-slept in after walking the dogs. too icey now with a fresh coating of snow over it. hoping to get in an hour at the gym
    13-3.7mi on treadmill. got to my third fastest speed. hoping to keep improving. and yoga
    15-no yoga, rest day
    16-3.25mi. race day. fun race. smaller. was 10 out of 21 in my age group.
    17-rest day
    18-lazy day
    19-promised gym tonight from OH. hoping to get a run in. otherwise, I'm going to join the gym I like better


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k-done 33:43:123 (gun time-don't have chip time)
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run
    Feb 13-21 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k
    ?Mar 14-Great Pi Run?
    ?Jun 11-Rock n Sole 5 or 8k? honeymoon might interfere

  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member



    Upcoming races:
    May 14, 2016 Glacier Ridge Trail Ultra 50K (Portersville, PA)
    June 4, 2106 38 Mile NIght Fun Run (Kettle Moraine State Forest, WI)
    October 1, 2016 Cloudsplitter 100K (Pine Mountain, KY)
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @runner_girl83 - that is hilarious!

    1/1 - 3.5 miles on treadmill
    1/2 - Nada :|
    1/3 - 3.75 miles on treadmill + weights
    1/4 - First day back to office / school...had to stay home to get kids moving and ready.
    1/5 - 4 miles on treadmill + 4.65 miles on stationary bike
    1/6 - 4.5 miles on indoor track followed by an extended stretching session.
    1/7 - Sick / rest day - not sick enough to stay home for the day, but didn't want to push it for a run :/
    1/8 - Another sick / rest day.
    1/9 - 4.1 miles on treadmill
    1/10 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights
    1/11 - 4 miles on treadmill
    1/12 - Life got in the way - sick children, work issues, etc. - Ick!
    1/13 - Woke up with a head like concrete...stupid sinuses! Hoping to feel better enough to squeeze in a rare late afternoon run today.
    1/13 - 3.25 miles outdoors...woo hoo! Early evening run. Had to watch out for refreeze on sidewalks and streets, but enjoyed it.
    1/14 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class). My feet are not thanking me for two runs in under 12 hours. Plus, the person next to me must have eaten a poo sandwich before class...blech!! :sweat:
    1/15 - VJ the greyhound woke me up 3x in the night to go out, two kids and myself coughing all night and one kid with high fever this morning = another morning of no run. UGH! I am getting going to miss my goal this month!
    1/16 - 4 miles on treadmill
    1/17 - ANOTHER sick / rest day...this virus won't quit
    1/18 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    1/19 - Seems my body / this illness thinks a workout every other day is enough...grrr!

  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    Last night, 7 miles on the TM. Rolling Hills program. Getting ready for Knoxville TN marathon in April.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1/1-1/9-zero miles- respiratory infection
    1/10-5.9 miles
    1/11-4.0 miles
    1/12-4.0 miles plus strength training
    1/13-5.6 miles
    1/14-rest day (maybe some yoga)
    1/15-3.2 miles treadmill intervals
    1/16-9 miles
    1/17-4.3 miles
    1/18-4 miles of dreadmill intervals + yoga

  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Did 13.1 miles on Sunday. Was supposed to be a "race," but I just ran it on my own, as there were no local halfs running over the weekend. I did not plan well, and the run didn't go great. Decided to drive down to Riverside and run along the trails, rather than on my usual hilly highway shoulder. Would have been great, except I forgot that the trail runs north-south, and there was a brutal wind out of the north. Started out going south, so the first 5 miles or so were fine. When I turned back north, with the wind at my face, I felt like I was running in place half the time.

    Total time was 2:22:59 (my PR for HM is 2:10:54). Oh well, it was just a training run, after all. At least I got the miles in.

    Total mileage for the month: 67.3 of 145.1