Ladies loose 10lbs by feb.19



  • thatsmyromanname
    thatsmyromanname Posts: 13 Member
    It was weigh in day for me today and I lost 3lbs, yay! 8 more to go to hit my 11lbs target.
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    It was weigh in day for me today and I lost 3lbs, yay! 8 more to go to hit my 11lbs target.

    Great Job!!
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    izaybess wrote: »
    46carmen wrote: »
    This week, my first week, has been very challenging. I've been trying to have 2 protein shakes a day, morning & night, along with 2 small meals in between. I did lose 1.2 pounds this week. I worked out 3 days this week.

    Great job in the lost for this week!

  • sherhead
    sherhead Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2016
    Today was my first time I have ventured the community section on myfitness hopes of trying to find the motivation and will power to lose these 10 pounds I have gained in the last couple of months. I am In this CHALLENGE! YOU All Have Inspired Me!
  • MadamSabs
    MadamSabs Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I'm in too!! My breakfast today was of muesli with orange and apple with a glass of water and tea. Currently I am 66kg so let's see how much I lose by the end of the challenge!!
  • sherhead
    sherhead Posts: 5 Member
    Today's weight 156 lbs
    Nutrition: B - Blueberry vanilla protein shake
    Am snack - apple, almond butter
    Lunch: Spinach, mushroom, chicken breast, brown rice
    Snack: green matcha tea
    Dinner: Kale, Lentil, carrot soup
  • sherhead
    sherhead Posts: 5 Member
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone - I am late but please count me in! I would love to lose 10lbs by Feb 16th
  • thatsmyromanname
    thatsmyromanname Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Carmen, and the same back atcha!
    Today is a soupy day for me, made a parsnip and sweet potato soup at lunch time and will have the same for dinner with a couple of pieces of bread and butter. Had a Kinder Bueno as a snack - those things are said 122 calories on the packet but then I looked closer and that was only for one stick, rude! I still ate them both though ;) Thankfully am still under 1380 calorie goal.
  • sugom2
    sugom2 Posts: 93 Member
    Vanilla Shakeology for breakfast, Lunch: Mott's unsweetened applesauce snack size, 1 cup of homemade stewed greens with cubed chicken (kinda like collard greens with diced chicken and a can of diced tomatoes. I made a big batch yesterday for my lunches this week.)
  • djhatz
    djhatz Posts: 3 Member
    Hope I'm not too late to start - count me in, please!
  • CharmingPassion
    CharmingPassion Posts: 556 Member
    Oh breakfasts were those jimmy dean chicken sausage 250 cal things. But am now into the oikus triple 0 mixed berry yogurt things. I was worried it would not be filling but that and an 8 oz glass of the topicana50 orange juice was a perfect breakfast. Was craving juice like crazy and this worked out well.
  • gissily04
    gissily04 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join. I'm late but I need the motivation. I need to take off about 40 lbs so ten is a great start.
    Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs
    Lunch- green salad and a whole chicken wing
    Dinner-green salad
    Lots of water and a few healthy snacks
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    This is great motivation..Let's go! Goal: 155 by Feb 19th
  • julieta090818
    julieta090818 Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2016
    izaybess wrote: »
    Hi I am planning to get from 209 to 160. I plan on loosing 10lbs by Feb.19 and would love for others to join for each other motivation. Post your breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks. Don't have to post everyday its just to give each other ideas. We will weigh in on Feb.19 Let's do this ladies!
    izaybess wrote: »
    Hi I am planning to get from 209 to 160. I plan on loosing 10lbs by Feb.19 and would love for others to join for each other motivation. Post your breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks. Don't have to post everyday its just to
    I wanna join too..!! I actually started to juice on jan 11 2016 and my starting weight was 209.6
  • gatsby018
    gatsby018 Posts: 58 Member
    I would like to join. This challenge is just what I need to motivate me.
  • Tigergem_86
    Tigergem_86 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in. I'm 5'5 and 225lbs hoping to lose 60lbs in total. This looks like a good place to boost my motivation!

    Weigh in day today 223lbs, only 8lbs to go !!!
  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    Just checking in. I've really taken control of my diet. Last week, I pre logged breakfast, lunch, and dinner and really stuck to it except Saturday which was a free day for me. (Free to decide what to eat, but had to stay under calories). Breakfast has been either a protein bar or egg whites with broccoli and cheese. Lunch has been salad with either tuna or chicken.
    For dinner, I try to eat fish 2-3 times a week (usually baked but today it was in fish tacos), red meat once and have chicken or pork the other days. I've been having steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts or baked sweet potato with ground sage.
    Usually takes about 30 min to cook dinner because I'm always tired when I get home, but planning ahead has been such a help.
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    This week, my goal is to eat oatmeal for breakfast, 2 small meals then a shake for dinner and exercise 4 days this week.
  • andiehb714
    andiehb714 Posts: 3 Member
    Im in! Reading some of the positive messages right now got me excited to get up in the morning and do this:) thanks ladies.