30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 147 Member
    I have to wonder if I'm not breathing correctly during my workouts, when I hit the floor for abs I start to yawn a lot, like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Weird feeling!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks for the support! I am aware that it isn't muscle but its not fat either.. so the scale is probably just confused by the tightness of my muscles lately. I'll hang in there! I'm not giving up. This will pay off in the end. I'm excited to measure and see if I'm losing some inches!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    D7L1 DONE!!! Didn't want to do it today but got it done and I feel so much better!! Monday I start Level2 kinda scared
  • aogundare
    aogundare Posts: 12
    D2L1 done. Going to start doing treadmill and wii fit as well.
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    is on day 5, any one else finding her annoying now! lol.

    when making a dvd that you want people to watch over and over again, please for god sake be less annoying! ha ha ha ha ha!
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 147 Member
    is on day 5, any one else finding her annoying now! lol.

    when making a dvd that you want people to watch over and over again, please for god sake be less annoying! ha ha ha ha ha!

    Haha, agreed! I'm scared for the next level of exercises, but it'll be nice to get some different dialogue. Well, until that gets annoying anyway!
  • kleeper80
    kleeper80 Posts: 69 Member
    I just finished day one the other day, then I got sick and haven't done it since! But I'm in if that's still okay?
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    Dvd arrived today and I will be starting tomorrow - hope I'm not too late to join in!
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member

    Oddly, the other thing that causes me pain is the jump rope parts. It really does a number on my shins.

    I agree! It looks so easy but I'm dying when I get to the second 30 second interval. It doesn't bother me as much at the end when you only have to do one 30 second set of them.
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    L1 D5 done! Had to do it this afternoon instead of morning but made sure I did it first thing when I got home from work to get it over with. In my head, I was thinking that I was going to have to start level 2 on Monday but realizing from other posts that it makes so much more sense that you would do 10 days at each level. So happy I don't have to do it until next Thursday! I'm not sore anymore but I still find the workout hard (which I guess is good).
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    is on day 5, any one else finding her annoying now! lol.

    when making a dvd that you want people to watch over and over again, please for god sake be less annoying! ha ha ha ha ha!

    Haha, agreed! I'm scared for the next level of exercises, but it'll be nice to get some different dialogue. Well, until that gets annoying anyway!

    Agree! Today I was pretending to punch her when I was doing the punches :laugh:
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Hey everyone! I didn't get a the chance to post yesterday but I did complete L1D4. I can already feel my endurance improving and I actually made it through the first set of squat and presses without taking a break. Those usually kill me.... Especially because they are paired up with push-ups. Hopefully by the end I will be able to complete both sets without stopping. Just a little mini-goal for myself.

    I used today as my break day from the Shred. I did go for a nice hour long hike this morning so I felt it was a good break day. I will be back on track with L1D5 tomorrow morning :) Tomorrow will be a bit of a test for me as I have a BBQ as well as a birthday party to attend. It's going to be tough to stay within my calorie limits (I'm a huge sucker for baked stuff like cake so it will be very hard not to be temped). I will try my hardest though!!!

    Happy Shredding everyone :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Day four of level one (and 2) complete. I had 2 rest days one for zumba and one to give my body a rest! Wow my thighs are def sore! Did feel worn out doing this and struggled but pushed through it.

    Day 5 tomorrow. Im going to do 15 days of a combination of level one (and two) and level one(and three). Thats the plan anyway.

    My meaurements on day 1 were: chest 32 inc,waist 26, hips 36, thighs 21.

    Haappy shrredding!
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    day 7 here. I tried level 2 today. I really liked some of the creative exercises. I think I made it through about 75% on the first try, which I didn't think was too bad.

    Anyone that does level 2 not get the last ab move? I think I must be doing it wrong, because I feel like it is a better workout doing the bicycle crunches at the end of one.
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in.. I own 30DS and will start it.. I did it last summer, but did the whole thing (not th 30 day progression).. but then began training for a half marathon, so I stopped 30DS... SO.. I totally need to tone up and can definitely shred some pounds. Looks like a lot of people are on this tread.. hoping I don't get lost in the mix.

    I'll start day 1 on monday! Very excited.

  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Has anyone else noticed their weight skyrocketing lately? I've read so many success stories of people losing a bunch of weight while doing the shred...I am wondering if it's muscle that I'm gaining, because I am very strict about my 1200 calorie intake and I exercise and earn back an average of 300 to 400 calories a day. I have been monitoring sodium intake as well as making sure I don't go over the other nutrient goals. I'm just hoping that I'll be done gaining muscle and then will drop some weight. It's really confusing for me.

    This is completely normal, no worries! When you really push your muscles, they retain extra water and swell to repair (and get stronger...and yes, you'll retain this water even if you reduce your sodium and drink plenty of water, there isn't anything you can do to prevent it) - the soreness and weight gain are all a part of this, but they are TEMPORARY, so don't get discouraged!

    Anyhoo... Day 5 finished here too (and week 1 of C25K)! My shoulders suck, but I managed one set of full length push-ups today (woohoo!) and have been easing towards the more difficult versions of the exercises. I'm pondering trying Level 2 sometime this weekend just to change things up...not sure I can get through it, but a change of pace might be nice :-)
  • BeachBride2011
    Just did day 8! Glad to have stuck with it for even 8 days straight so far! Stick in there it does it get easier! I can get through it without stopping and drinking water as many times.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    completed day 5 of level 1 yesterday, half way through level 1 now
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    Day 1, Level 1 in the bag - feel ok but reckon I'll be paying for it tomorrow! Taken all my measurements but decided to stop weighing in until I've completed the 30 day shred as I think if I see any weight gain I may become discouraged and I'm committed to seeing it through to the end!

    Good luck everyone ;)
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Level 1/ Day 4... Done!

    Yay! I must've got plenty of water in my system before that round, because I was sweating like CRAZY! I made it through the side lunges all the way with weights in hand this time! :bigsmile: Had to stop for a drink twice & one tiny break on the last cardio series to catch my breath. I'm getting better though!