Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, I just finished my workout! Tonight I did 10 min abs and P90 Plyo Legs. It was AWESOME! My legs were on fire. I have not done 10 min abs in a long time and felt the burn there too. It just seems to hit different areas... Tomorrow is my favorite classic... P90X Kenpo X. I have not done it in a long time and love it every time I do it! CAN'T WAIT!!! I had a really bad day at work today!

    Time for shower and dinner... I will be back later. I am going to play alittle with the Jillian Wii first...

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :bigsmile: Morning all. Just finished my 30 min cardio and 30 day shred dvd. Feeling good. Last night I had dinner at a friends and its safe to say i overate. she had french bread (my fav) lots of wine snacks etc. A new day!
    My interview went well, although Im not really sure if they even offer the job I will want to take it, as it turned out to be a bit different that I had expected. Other than that no other leads.
    I had a long list of stuff to do while im not working but that is getting lower and lower so Im trying to think of more things to do.
    I have volleyball tonight so that is a weekend workout bonus!
    Have a great day:drinker:
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Took today as my rest day from P90, I'll go to the gym at lunch time and get a 30 min run in.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Just finished Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100. It was a GREAT workout was shaking by the end! I actually did the whole first set of jumping jacks, running and run lunges, the second set on the other hand not so good. All I can say is that I keep impressing myself by improving!

    BF I think is starting P90X today so last night he wanted his last fast food meal and I said ok I still have the calories for it. About 5mins later I was like you can have fast food I'm having subway and I did!!! Now 3 1/2 weeks being fast food free! Also went to the bar last night with a friend of mine and only drank water!!!!! It was hard saying no to the free shots though I gotta say but did it!

    I am a little frustrated today though my weight is staying the same this week but Im not giving up and still working out and eating good!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my workout and it was the best ever! Tonight I did P90 X Kenpo X and it was AWESOME! I wore my heavy weighted gloves and punched hard and kicked really high! It was AMAZING!!! I burned 548 calories tonight in that one workout! I am one happy lady!

    Time for my shower and dinner. Be back later...hopefully....it is Friday night...

  • busymoma
    busymoma Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone. I started mfp last year but didn't give it a go. I have been back on since Sunday and doing well. I bought a p90 system last year and didn't open it.:blushing: Anyway after reading this thread I am ready to try it. Now I just have to find it and then I will start. Thanks for the motivation.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I slept soooo good last night! I did not wake up til 8:15, when Mike was leaving for work. I need that good nights sleep and sleeping in. This morning I have to go to the bank and deposit my paycheck and then I will hit Wally and Game Stop to shop for some birthday presents for my granddaughter, Ashley. She turns 6 on th 21st. Nothing else planned for the weekend except working on my entries for the contest. I did my essay questions but need to take pictures and do my video. Not sure yet what I will wear or what I will say but that is what I plan to work on this weekend. I am doing a workout at 3pm and plan to possibly do about 1 hr of Jillian Wii. I figured since I burned 358 calories in 30 min, I will burn alot more in 60 minutes.

    Way to go on your workouts everyone!

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member

    So I took yesterday as my day off from P90 but got a 25 minute run at 6 mph pace in at lunch time. That burned 300 calories. This morning I did the Sculpt. Sticking to the 15 lbs and 10 reps. Next week I'll up it to 11 reps and the following week 12 reps. Then I'll consider moving on to the next Phase. I may move on to the next Cardio phase sooner.

    Be well all and keep pressing play.

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I also just finished Sculpt 1-2. It seems like all of us doing P90 are on the same rotation which is awesome! The longer I am doing P90 Sculpt the more my arms are shaking after my work out! I have a feeling I know what is making them shake......damn push ups I tell you BUT getting better. Does anyone have any advice for me about doing the very close ones? Those seem to be my hardest to get done.

    I love sundays now because it is my rest day! Only 1 more work out of each P90 Sculpt 1-2, Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 until I move onto 3-4 on Wed! The move is exciting but also scary but I can do it!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! I did my workout this afternoon. I did the Jillian Wii for 60 minutes on intermediate level. I burned 564 calories. It was great! I may be brave next time and try for the advanced level and see what it is like!

    I did go shopping for little Ashley (granddaughter turning 6) today and bought her birthday presents. I know she will be very happy! I got her a couple Wii games that I know she will like. I got her twin baby dolls that interact and talk to each other and a playpen, stroller, high chair, swing set.

    Jenn: Way to go on your workout today! REST DAY TOMORROW!!! I may play on the Wii fit but nothing strenous. What is that Fitness Trainer game you talk about? Is it on Wii???

    Paula: Sounds like a good workout yesterday and today! Way to go!!! You are doing great! Just keep it up....

    Well, gotta go fix some dinner. It is so cold here in Oklahoma today. So, I am making some good homeade chicken noodle soup! YUMMY!!!

  • Wow you guys are doing awesome.

    Sorry I havent posted in a while, just forget to log in here while I am at work ( I dont have interenet at home, it sucks) Gotta love living in NO MAN'S LAND!!!

    So lets see I didnt workout this weekend at all... bad I know. I had my dd's 2yr bday party on friday. And yes Jenn and I were bad and had cake!!! You forgot to mention that Jenn. hehe

    Well Sunday I was supposed to go to an Advanced Pilatis workout class but dh and I decided to take the kids sledding in teh backyard, man it was so tiring pulling the kids in the sleds to the back 10acre and then to keep bringing them back up the hill. Anyways, even my dh was exhausted and I was so wiped that I passed on the workout since I sure felt like I did a pretty good job on getting my heartrate up and my legs were killing me.

    Today is P90 sweat 1-2 with ab ripper.. back into the normal routine again.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Thanks Jen for telling on me! Im kidding I was going to confess about the cake anyways and all the other crap I ate this weekend. I just had a bad weekend and to be honest didnt care! BUT today is already a better day, guess I just needed to cheat a bit. I did gain 2lbs which Im not happy about but it is ok I will lose it soon.

    I just got done my last Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 and it was a great work out I needed that!

    Tena: I wanted either Jillians Wii Fit video or My Fitness Coach Wii video and could not find Jillian's so I bought My Fitness Coach and it is awesome! She works me and makes me do things I've never done before! A lot of ppl on here HATE Jillian's work out video and also if you go on amazon.com you should read all the bad comments on it. I am SOOO glad I got My Fitness Coach, go buy that one!

    Have a great work out day everyone I am done confessing!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jenn: Way to go on your workout today! I do not know why people do not like Jillian's Wii. You can make it as tough as you want and I was pretty sore afterwards. And, I am used to tough workouts! I do not have anything bad to say about it. I did it Saturday and got a great calorie burn and my legs were super sore in the upper legs/hip area. I looked for the Fitness coach last weekend but could not find it! I found out hubby is ordering me Chalene Extreme for Valentine's Day! I am so excited!

    Back to work....

  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Shoveled snow yesterday, that'll do as my workout! This morning was exhausted, so I guess today will be my day off. Will do Sculpt I&II tomorrow, sticking with the 15lbs and moving on to 11 reps. Be well.
  • HI My name is Adriana,
    I order the P90 las week, I'm very exited but at the same time scare. I really want this to work I want to loose about 25Lbs. Is there any tips that some of you that have done it already could share? I'm planning on doing the P90x after the P90 bootcamp.
    Which nutrition plan are you guys following? the one on this site or the one from beachbody???
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hi Adriana, you are going to LOVE P90! I am doing it right now and Wed I move onto the second level and I love the work outs. Some things for me are still hard but I can't believe some of the things Im improving on and I'm almost half way through P90.

    I am following the meal plan that this site gives me. I try and drink 96oz of water a day and not eat past 8pm.

    Also just so you know there is P90 Master Series which comes after P90 and then afer P90 Master Series you move onto P90X and now there is P90X+!

    If you need anything let me or any of us know and good luck!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished my workout! I am total toast! I did 1 on 1 30/15 and my upper body is numb.... Then I did ARX, Ab Slings and ball and concentrated on form and breathing and my abs were screaming!

    Jenn: You would love Tony's 1 on 1 30/15. :noway: It is one hour long and consists of 30 push-ups and then 15 pull-ups constantly, the whole hour. He does different types of push-ups and pull-ups but that is definitely a HARD workout! But I did it!!! The WHOLE thing!!!

    Welcome Adriana! I am the vetern Tony workout girl here! I used to workout doing Turbo Jam and jumped right into the P90X. I never started with P90 or P90 Master series. I do own them now and pop them in once in awhile. 1 on 1 is one of Tony's new workouts that I get a new one every month. They are really, really hard! You are going to do great! Just stay strong, schedule every workout daily so you do not miss any and eat clean...:flowerforyou:

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Tena: I HATE push ups so why would I love Tony's 1 on 1 30/15?

    Awesome job on the workouts!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jenn: I know you hate them. I was just kidding about it. heeheehee...

    Guess what? Hubby decided last night with everyone I talk to on Beachbody and help, I am going to become a coach on BeachBody! I just love talking to and helping people to achieve their fitness goals so I think it would be great! He is also getting me the Chalene Extreme workouts for Valentine's Day. I am really excited about that! My coach has been doing it for a couple weeks and loves it. The difference between her and Tony is, she lifts heavier but super slow... My coach is hurting. Good hurt, but hurting....

    Well, gotta get to work.

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well just finished my last Sculpt 1-2 work out and my arms are shaking!

    I am happy to report I have lost 1.2 of the 2lbs I gained over this weekend and have no intentions on eating bad food for awhile!

    Tena: Congrats on becoming a beachbody coach you are going to do amazing! You really know how to keep people motivated and you also had amazing results with beachbody programs. You will have lots of people that will look up to you and want such great success as yourself!

    Tonight I am going to the gym with a friend of mine she got me a free week pass so can't give that up! I will probaly just go on the treadmill and maybe try and run a little. Oct 4, 2009 I know it is far away but I doing a 5k breast cancer walk/run and my goal is to run the full 5ks! I have to teach myself how to run first but Im up for it! BF bought me a nice pair of running shoes this weekend so I am ready to start in the spring, I can't deal with cold. Also another friend of mine on Oct 18, 2009 is doing a half marathon and that is 13.5miles and if I can train myself I will do that one too! The half marathon to me though seems like too big of a goal this year but the 5k is no problem!

    If anyone has any tips on teaching yourself how to run I am accepting!
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