GIRLS UNDER 5' 4" with less than 30 lbs to loose!



  • jjwoods
    jjwoods Posts: 13 Member
    How do I join? Or do I just look for this thread every time I log on??
  • icyythin
    icyythin Posts: 3
    I'm 5 feet (no inches! ;p ) and I just want to lose around 5-8 more pounds!
    I don't have friends on here cause I just started this site but I'd like to meet people (:
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Shorties, what is your trouble spot and what are you doing to make it better?

    For me, it's my tummy. I'm working on eating less, cardio, and crunches.
  • TheAnonGit
    TheAnonGit Posts: 123
    It's definitely my stomach. I have a bit of a pot belly. I also have some inner thigh fat that I would like to get rid of, but it isn't as bad as my stomach. I've kind of got a beer gut. I've been doing zumba which seems to help a lot with my core muscles.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My main problem is my thighs. I'm squeezing into 10s but KNOW I can squeeze into 8s but I've gotta get these thunder thighs moving. I haven't worked out in a few weeks since I've hurt my shoulder and lost my job so I've kind of lost my motivation. :sad: I'm hoping to start running again in the next few days and get back to the gym to work my thighs with weights.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    My trouble spots are my tummy and inner thighs
  • icyythin
    icyythin Posts: 3
    Like a lot of you said: tummy and thighs!
    Just so you know: Since I started yoga I've totally noticed my THIGHS have become stronger and more toned. Seriously! It really helps, I think from holding poses like warrior and crescent for long periods of time.

    I've been working on abs lately too by doing something called 8 minute abs (youtube it!) I've already noticed a difference (not a big one, mind you) after doing it for a week!

    Do you ever feel like sometimes it's harder to "look" fit at a shorter height? Even 5 pounds makes such a difference on me!!
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    The biggest thing I would like to lose is my thighs. There and my stomach are the biggest area I noticed and I do not know if I have really lost much there.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all I'm 5'4 and 142. I've set my goals in 5lb increments...if like to be down to 120-125. I've started cutting calories and trying to eat better, along with at least 30 min on the elliptical machine. I'll try and squeeze about 15min of weights in 3G a week. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! I'm just starting up working out from a long break so I have to build myself back up! I was doing some Turbo Fire workouts..

    Right now the scale is my enemy because I weighed myself for a starting weight and it said 137.2. Then I just HAD to get back on and it said 142..arghhh! I'll mostly be going by measurements but it's nice to see numbers changing too!

    Anyone who would like to be "workout buddies" and keep in touch more than this thread please send me a friend request so we can motivate eachother more!!!

    Anyone have tips on foods to eat or different workouts?? Also how are you all figuring calories burned?
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    I read a bunch of your posts, but not all. I'm 5 feet nothing and currently 146 pounds. I've done all the things recommended and have been on this site for six weeks and have only lost 5 pounds. I think my age, 52, is a bit of an issue, but not a good excuse. I was 92 pounds when I got married at 23 - so my goal weight of 125 doesn't sound unreasonable. I'd love encouragement from you younger girls if you'll have me!
  • sdbarcla
    sdbarcla Posts: 2
    Hey everyone!! I would love to join the group. I am 5'1 on a good day and woud like to lose 20 pounds. I have lost 168 pounds however 20 have crept back on in the last year and I am struggling to get it off. It is frustrating and disheartening as my old way of losing (1200 cal/day) isn't working. I am even gaining weight!! 4 pounds in one week to be exact.... I feel like crying. I dont know what is going on but I would love the support from the group and to be able to give the support too.

    Great posts from everyone and echo the comments about feeling like every pound/ounce shows on us vertically challenged folks.:smile:
  • i'm 5'3.5" and i'd love to lose those last 10 lbs!
  • Oh cool a group to join :)

    im 5ft and need to lose 13lbs. Ive been joined up to MFP for almost 3 weeks and the day after I started my scales broke! (could be fate as I would probably weigh in too often!) so havent had a chance to weigh in yet, i think i will have lost some weight as my jeans are starting to slip down, however this could have been happening before & I just never noticed :S

    It'll be good to have the support as Ive had days where exercise has been the last thing on my mind and really cant be bothered! i try to push myself tho!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I'm 5'4" 145 lbs. My goal is 135lbs. Anything beyond that will be my bonus!:) Like others said lbs show so quick. My muffin top is my hard to lose area, then my stomach. Just upped my calorie intake as I haven't lost in a while. Been working out 60+ minutes a day!!:)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    It is frustrating and disheartening as my old way of losing (1200 cal/day) isn't working. I am even gaining weight!! 4 pounds in one week to be exact.... I feel like crying. I dont know what is going on but I would love the support from the group and to be able to give the support too.

    I must suggest reading this:

    I gained a ton of weight over my pregnancy, despite eating healthier because I had been a chronic under eater.
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd love to join too... I'm 5' nothing... and currently weigh 155... while I'm short, i don't ever see myself getting into the 120 range, for me personally I don't think it is healthy.. I have a bit of a stocker build I think. My goal is 140.. so 15 more pounds. I lost 35 pounds over the last 2 years, but have been stuck in the 156 area for about a year.

    I'm a runner.. and have done lots of 5K's, 10k's and 2 half-marathons. My problem area is my hips, thighs, and belly

  • So glad to see that there are many short hungry girls out there!
  • Im totally in on this. I am 5'2 and 145lbs. I work out 5-6 days a week doing 15 high intensity cardio warm up - half hour of strength training - , and then about 10-15 min interval training.

    I want to weight 125lbs (loose 20 pounds) - I just love drinking wine....and that is what I think is holding me back.

    I tried counting it in my caloric intake - but i just don't end up doing it and then consume over my recommended intake.

    Today I am planning on not drinking wine - and trying to focus on eating delicious hearty healthy foods like I usually always do and keeping it around 1250 calories a day. Wish me luck!
    You should look for the "like minded lushes" thread. I love them! We all like to drink and have an awesome support group going their. We'd love to have ya :drinker:

    I will totally join! See you there!
  • sdbarcla
    sdbarcla Posts: 2
    It is frustrating and disheartening as my old way of losing (1200 cal/day) isn't working. I am even gaining weight!! 4 pounds in one week to be exact.... I feel like crying. I dont know what is going on but I would love the support from the group and to be able to give the support too.

    I must suggest reading this:

    I gained a ton of weight over my pregnancy, despite eating healthier because I had been a chronic under eater.

    Thank you so much for the article. Although I can see how I may have damaged my metabolism previously I do feel that I am eating a more purer and balanced diet. I will open my diary and would appreciate comments. There are a few days last week that I didn't input put pretty thorough the rest of the time.

    MUDDERinTRAINING Posts: 14 Member
    Another new-to-MFP "fun-sized" girl here. I'm 5'1" and 108lbs. I'm not really looking to lose any weight, just lard :) . I'm built like a pear shaped weiner dog (sounds super sexy, I've got super short and thick legs, attached to a bubble butt, a long torso and a small upper body. I'd like to eradicate cellulite, increase muscle mass and build some monster endurance! I've got a goal of participating in a Tough Mudder event in September, and have a lot to accomplish before I am fit enough to do so. I've started running 3-4 days a week and am trying the "hundred pushup" series with pushups/sit-ups/squats. I'm contemplating ordering 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 for variety. I've also wondered if P90x would help, but it seems like a lot of $ to fork over for some DVDs...what do you all think?

    Looking forward to going at this with others who can relate! We may not be big girls, but it's still going to take motivation and hard work to reach our goals...I'm confident we are going to succeed!

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