GIRLS UNDER 5' 4" with less than 30 lbs to loose!



  • jucyfruit2003
    jucyfruit2003 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to MFP and am also short! 5'2 and weight 155 lbs. I would like to get down to at least 130 (120 would even be better) but I figured I better set me goal to something reasonable. Would love to join the group for the extra encouragement and support, just do not know how!
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Another new-to-MFP "fun-sized" girl here. I'm 5'1" and 108lbs. I'm not really looking to lose any weight, just lard :) . I'm built like a pear shaped weiner dog (sounds super sexy, I've got super short and thick legs, attached to a bubble butt, a long torso and a small upper body. I'd like to eradicate cellulite, increase muscle mass and build some monster endurance! I've got a goal of participating in a Tough Mudder event in September, and have a lot to accomplish before I am fit enough to do so. I've started running 3-4 days a week and am trying the "hundred pushup" series with pushups/sit-ups/squats. I'm contemplating ordering 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 for variety. I've also wondered if P90x would help, but it seems like a lot of $ to fork over for some DVDs...what do you all think?

    Looking forward to going at this with others who can relate! We may not be big girls, but it's still going to take motivation and hard work to reach our goals...I'm confident we are going to succeed!


    i find my favorite videos on netflix! they have a huge variety. we also had netflix before i started on MFP.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Another new-to-MFP "fun-sized" girl here. I'm 5'1" and 108lbs. I'm not really looking to lose any weight, just lard :) . I'm built like a pear shaped weiner dog (sounds super sexy, I've got super short and thick legs, attached to a bubble butt, a long torso and a small upper body. I'd like to eradicate cellulite, increase muscle mass and build some monster endurance! I've got a goal of participating in a Tough Mudder event in September, and have a lot to accomplish before I am fit enough to do so. I've started running 3-4 days a week and am trying the "hundred pushup" series with pushups/sit-ups/squats. I'm contemplating ordering 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 for variety. I've also wondered if P90x would help, but it seems like a lot of $ to fork over for some DVDs...what do you all think?

    Looking forward to going at this with others who can relate! We may not be big girls, but it's still going to take motivation and hard work to reach our goals...I'm confident we are going to succeed!


    i find my favorite videos on netflix! they have a huge variety. we also had netflix before i started on MFP.

    What have you found? I have some crunch videos but they are a little dated, I can completely tell the girls are from the early 90's haha. So any suggests of work out stuff on instant queue would be great! thanks girl!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Another new-to-MFP "fun-sized" girl here. I'm 5'1" and 108lbs. I'm not really looking to lose any weight, just lard :) . I'm built like a pear shaped weiner dog (sounds super sexy, I've got super short and thick legs, attached to a bubble butt, a long torso and a small upper body. I'd like to eradicate cellulite, increase muscle mass and build some monster endurance! I've got a goal of participating in a Tough Mudder event in September, and have a lot to accomplish before I am fit enough to do so. I've started running 3-4 days a week and am trying the "hundred pushup" series with pushups/sit-ups/squats. I'm contemplating ordering 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 for variety. I've also wondered if P90x would help, but it seems like a lot of $ to fork over for some DVDs...what do you all think?

    Looking forward to going at this with others who can relate! We may not be big girls, but it's still going to take motivation and hard work to reach our goals...I'm confident we are going to succeed!


    "Fun-Sized..." heehee
  • teakaybee
    teakaybee Posts: 7
    LOVE this post! If there's any possible way to join this group (not sure how these things work...haha) I would love to! I'm 5'2" with about 25 more pounds to go...I started out at 150lbs, I'm now at 146lbs, and I'm trying to get down to 120lbs by the time I go back to school at the end of the summer (Aug. 22!) If I only get down to 125 that will be ok too, as long as I'm under 130! I definitely gained the Freshman 15 last year, and that was with a few extra pounds, so this is my summer to really kick it into gear and get back in shape!

    I'm soo glad I found this group, I'm glad there's so many other wonderful ladies on here who are where i am, and have similar goals! I was starting to think everyone on here was moms, which really isn't where I am as a college student, lol. (Not putting down the ladies are completely inspiring to me!)

    Love the motivation and support I'm seeing from this thread :) Feel free to add me as a friend...let's do this! :)
  • CoilyRob
    CoilyRob Posts: 10 Member
    I'm down 3.6 lbs from Monday. Yay:love: This thread, and MFP are the best at keeping me accountable. Feel free to add me as a friend. Off to do 4 Fast Miles, by Leslie Sansone.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    It is frustrating and disheartening as my old way of losing (1200 cal/day) isn't working. I am even gaining weight!! 4 pounds in one week to be exact.... I feel like crying. I dont know what is going on but I would love the support from the group and to be able to give the support too.

    I must suggest reading this:

    I gained a ton of weight over my pregnancy, despite eating healthier because I had been a chronic under eater.
    What are you doing for exercise and are you drinking lots of water? I found that water was a huge part of my problem. Too much sodium not enough water.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I just burnt a ton of calories so I can have a few drinks this afternoon at a bbq/banquet for a golf tournament my husband is playing in today for my step-moms bar. I just put on a dress from last summer that fit okay but was kinda tough to move my arms in cause the upper half was a little too tight but it feels way better now... I'm supper excited!

    Coily, great job on your weight loss! I can't seem to lose more than 2lbs a week. I'm trying super hard this week though cause i'm in a competition here on mfp and have to help my team out so we don't lose another player! I'm down a pound since wed though:drinker:
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Yay to all us girls under 5'4! I'm 5'2 and have 10lbs to lose. I've lost quite a bit already but I've been stuck at the same weight since last august. Hoping to shift my weight and tone up before my birthday in Nov at least!
  • Count me in:)

    I'm 4'11'' and looking to lose about 25lbs... I need all the support I can get!
  • Hey ladies! I have been doing a "SHORTY'S 12 WEEK CHALLENGE" and we are on Week 11 this week. If you want to join our group, I will put the thread on here so you can go straight to it. So far...nearly EVERY person has lost in our Shorty's Challenge, give you an example: Our top loser has lost 22 lbs in our challenge (in just 10 weeks), others have weight loss totals of 16, 10, 8, and most are at a 5 pound loss as of now!


    Although...we will be starting another 12 Week Challenge on June 30! So you'll have to wait until then, so it gives you plenty of time to get your mind set, buy some good groceries, and friend request me with your info Name, Height, Weight, and 12 Week End Goal! Hope to see you there!! :smile:

    Here is the direct link to Shorty's Challenge: You can read everything and see what it is like! Be sure to read my intro! :)

    Again, message me if you want to join the next 12 week challenge starting June 30th! :happy:
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    So i've been ill for ten days or so, hardly eaten a thing, lost the weight that i was literally STUCK at... i know some of it will be just water weight (though i have been drinking 10 glasses a day) but like how do i increase my intake without gaining LOADS back??

    That happened to be after my second kid and I didn't lose ground, or gain ground. I just remember resuming my exercising and keeping an eye on my cals. At that time, I was still nursing so that may have played a large role. Good luck
  • allsummersingle
    allsummersingle Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 4"10 3/4!

    I would love to lose 16 pounds with a goal of 100 lbs
  • le6676
    le6676 Posts: 30 Member
    i'm 5'3 and i'd like to lose 6lb
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    I'm 5' 1" and need to lose 30 to get me to my 'comfortable' weight. (I hate that the BMI charts say I should be 120, but I haven't been that small since grade school!)
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Where is everyone from? Anyone from the west coast? I'm in Oregon :] Gotta love the rain =/
  • TheAnonGit
    TheAnonGit Posts: 123
    Hey ladies! I have been doing a "SHORTY'S 12 WEEK CHALLENGE" and we are on Week 11 this week. If you want to join our group, I will put the thread on here so you can go straight to it. So far...nearly EVERY person has lost in our Shorty's Challenge, give you an example: Our top loser has lost 22 lbs in our challenge (in just 10 weeks), others have weight loss totals of 16, 10, 8, and most are at a 5 pound loss as of now!


    Although...we will be starting another 12 Week Challenge on June 30! So you'll have to wait until then, so it gives you plenty of time to get your mind set, buy some good groceries, and friend request me with your info Name, Height, Weight, and 12 Week End Goal! Hope to see you there!! :smile:

    Here is the direct link to Shorty's Challenge: You can read everything and see what it is like! Be sure to read my intro! :)

    Again, message me if you want to join the next 12 week challenge starting June 30th! :happy:

    I would love to join that! But I'm not tall enough! Ahh! Maybe I'll just say I'm 4'11".
  • smcinto
    smcinto Posts: 55 Member
    I have 5.2 1/2 and need to lose 35. Can I join???
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi Im 5ft 2 and 156lbs would be happy to be 136 or else grow to 5ft 7 then Id be a good weight,Ive given up that dream years ago its not happening!!! I keep trying,I wonder does being small,make it harder????:frown:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Where is everyone from? Anyone from the west coast? I'm in Oregon :] Gotta love the rain =/

    I'm in West Michigan... near the shore of Lake Michigan!!! I've lived here forever, and even though I wonder why sometimes, it's amazing!!! Summer's finally here and I'm taking advantage!!!
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