

  • marymezzo
    marymezzo Posts: 26 Member
    OK, yesterday was my lower-body workout, and the day before was upper body. Pretty much everything is sore right now. Not a bad sore, just a "you've been doing the work" sore.

    Today I'm going to walk, and I have my fingers crossed that I can go for 20 to 30 minutes. The back story (pun intended) is that last fall I had the worst back-pain episode ever, and I was unable to walk for even two minutes without pain. So I went through months of physical therapy, and that helped, but what has really helped is getting back in the gym!

    So I have my fingers crossed and I have no idea what the walk will feel like, but I'll do as much as I can.
  • marymezzo
    marymezzo Posts: 26 Member
    I'm catching up on everyone's recent posts. LOVE the fairy garden!

    And here's a shout-out to all the choir members--I'm one too.

    OK, time for me to get to work.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Penny at the Pole, Yes, it does!

    Barbie, congrats on the meditation. It can make such a difference!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    marymezzo wrote: »
    And here's a shout-out to all the choir members--I'm one too.
    And here's singing right back atcha, Mary. I'm guessing we would be in different sections though. I'm decidedly a soprano.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
    Hey, let's us singers get together up here and sing some barbershop by my Pole!
  • marymezzo
    marymezzo Posts: 26 Member
    Lagopus--I guess my handle gives me away.


    Singing right back to you, over there in the soprano section.

  • Sapphires4me
    Sapphires4me Posts: 93 Member
    Katia – I also have an Aunt on my dad’s side with MS. She’s was diagnosed probably 40 years ago and has been wheelchair bound for at least the last 20 years. That forced us to do a lot of research in the beginning of DD’s diagnosis. There are so many medicine options and breakthroughs now compared to 20 years ago. But it still can be overwhelming at times. Good luck to your husband with the new doctor
    Marti – very scary when that happens. Glad you are ok now. Good job continuing to loose despite all the stress. Keep it up.
    DJ -- Yes the accents here in Louisiana vary about every 100 miles  Galveston is about 4 hours from us. I live about 30 miles south of Lafayette.
    Mia – Good job not stress eating yesterday afternoon. That’s part of my problem too. Also making my food plate with the amount I am supposed to have and not going back for seconds. Not really hungry at all, but sometimes it just tastes so good I want more. Then of course I am so stuffed I am miserable. These last 2 weeks I have been working really hard and starting to pay off. I found recipe on Pinterest this weekend for Energy Cookies – they were amazing. Plenty of protein and mini chocolate chips, perfection. My new before /after workout snack
    Terri – very jealous of the concert, ENJOY!
    Barbiecat – 17,000 steps!! Impressive. I’ve often thought about mediation. Will check out the book 10% happier.
    MaryMezzo – I know what you mean about back problems. When I work out regularly I don’t have near the issues with my back as I do when I lapse for months (years).

    Well ladies, week is going strong. I am so glad I joined this thread and love making new friends all over the place. DH went out and bought a really nice vitamix blender yesterday and is on board with smoothies as well as working out 4 or 5 times a week. I think I have created a monster, but I love it. The 2 knee scopes last year and then the blood clot really got him thinking and now, moved him into action to get healthy. He was also motivated to get healthy after all the medical bills that came in after all those procedures last year. Really took a chunk out of our money.

    New Iberia, Louisiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Back fence pics this morning, he's quick!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - nice!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Kirby and I were talking a bit ago about his biking and running. he mentioned that he didn't know if he would b able to ride the long distance for the MS ride that we do every year in September. I told him he could do the shorter distance, he didn't have to do the longer one that we usually do and he could volunteer the next day if he was too tired. the shortest distance is 22mi, it's flat, I think he could do it, nice and slow but I think he could, plus he has all this time to get better at riding and running. as far as the marathon this year, now that he knows the course is open for 6-1/2hours, I did the math for him. if he did a 14.89 min mile he could finish in that length of time. but I think he could work up to a 12 min. mi. so we would in 5.14 hours, even a 13min mi would be good. we won't be as fast as we were last time we ran it together, but that's ok, this time, it's not about speed. type to ya later.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi gals,
    Barbie – great way to handle the dentist office event…

    Pip – great fence, and it reminds me of my fence, the family behind me is from an Asian country I think Vietnam but not 100% sure, they speak almost no English, so hard to get to know them, he works as a handy man. So when the fence between us needed to be replaced he wanted to do it, but he can’t say fix without a very strong accent and every time we talked about it - it came out as I *kitten* fence instead of I fix fence…. So it started as soon as they moved in, and I had not met them before, so The first time he said it, I was sure I did not hear him right, he repeated “you pay, I *kitten*” a number of times, me thinking he was a pervert, until it dawned on me and it was all I could do to not laugh in his face. He did fix the fence, not nearly as nice a job as you got Pip; but I sure have a story!

    Crazy busy day, walk levi, garden at clients, counseling apt, happy hour with god son, then home…. It is fun to have a “nephew” I can go have a drink with, or go wine tasting….

    Well walked and have had breakfast with you… now off to the rest of the day!

    Kim from N. California
  • lajeffery
    lajeffery Posts: 7 Member
    Barbie - thanks so much for the warm welcome!

    I'm in my office trying to motivate myself to talk my morning walk around the building. I can usually get in 1,500 to 2,000 steps and 4 or 5 flights of stairs in about 20 minutes. The problem is, I have to get up out of my chair first! :smiley:
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Terri - Such exciting news about your daughter. The Voice is one of my favorite shows, and the level of talent they get just blows my mind!

    DJ - Your cruise sounds like a fabulous break. Send ocean breezes to all of us! Some of the Motor Maids are talking about a cruise next year but I'll have to think about whether I could manage it. Might just spend some weekends at the beach instead.

    keenanklk - I'm also at my highest weight ever. If I were really rich I'd hire someone to just set my kibble in front of me every day so I didn't have to think about it. I made the mess, though, so it's my problem to clean up. We just have to take the first baby step, then keep taking them.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing the garden photos, and welcome to the new people! It's time for me to start getting some beds in so I can have a garden this year. The fairy gardens are so charming... maybe I'll add a little fae to my vegetable garden this time. I have to start over from scratch since we're in a new location but I must have tomatoes!

    I'm waiting for the building inspector to approve our shed today, since he never showed up yesterday. Hope he comes today, because we've got errands to do tomorrow and can't stick around the house all day. Once it's approved, we can start stuffing that thing full and finally get out of the storage unit we got when we had to sell our previous home.

    We've had gorgeous weather lately, so I'm looking forward to a walk in the park with Luna this afternoon if that guy will just come over here and get the inspection out of the way!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • barbpl65
    barbpl65 Posts: 13 Member
    Goals for February?
    Stop using my extra calories earned from my fitbit activity. I plan to only use some of the extra calories I earn at the gym. No reward without the actual work
    Become less obsessed with the scale and more with how I feel (tough one!)
    Stay away from the snack bowl at work, no matter how on track I have been. Not worth it!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sitting at cardiologist office waiting with Charlie for his stress test. He presently is taking intermittent trips to the bathroom so hopefully his bowels will cooperate with the test.

    Joyce, Indiana singing alto, low alto
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all!
    My friend in London who has the advanced secondary cancer has just been offered a new drug, Palbociclid, which has been trialled in the US. The trials were stopped early because the results were so good. It has been accepted by the US , but it is still pending over here. It has to be accepted by NICE. I guess she must be on some kind of trial. Anyway, I thought of telling you because the cost of the drug, prior to discounts etc. is $118,000 a year. :noway: I imagine the NHS is getting it free or hugely discounted for a trial period. Of course, over here she doesn't have to pay anything. It seems to stop tumours growing. She has to have an ECG first.

    CSSJ - I did see the WI series and initially wasn't impressed, but it did grow on me. It was mainly the production values I didn't like - far too clean and tidy with most women wearing makeup, being slim and having nice hair styles.I'm sure it wasn't like that! The domestic violence story was good. Next meeting we are having a clothes swap session. Pity I've given all mine away!

    Funny thing happened last night, just as I was going to bed . My ex emailed me to say that his family didn't feel like going to the house they permanently rent in France this summer and would I be interested in staying there any time for a low rent? He's given me all the details, street view etc and some dates. It's an area we used to go to a lot in our early marriage and when the children were young. DH seems amenable (we've been to that area together as well) and we wouldn't be sleeping in their bed, but in the guest room. Bit weird though! It's on the Lot river and an area I seriously considered buying a house in. Feels slightly deja vu, but it is lovely down there. I think we will go. ;):* Got to coordinate with DH's cricket.

    Had a delightful lunch with my friend in Winchester. I had soup and fish with kale. :D Declined all bread and potatoes. Had two small glasses of wine, so none tonight. Lovely chat. Afterwards I went to the Chinese supermarket and bought lots of frozen Dim Sum. I had taken bubble wrap to keep it cold :laugh: Walked about quite a bit first and stocked up at the big pharmacy. Good day.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning, all! Happy Thursday!

    I found a goal to add to my February goal list! LOL! It is actually off my "to-do" list. My kitchen faucet is leaking. Like drips and trickles down the drain and if the handle is in the wrong position, it will leak under my sink. (I have a bucket there, just in case). It has been like this since Thanksgiving. Driving me INSANE! My DH has severe RA, so crawling into a small space under the sink is not an option for him and my son is 6'5 and 250 pounds and I am pretty sure his broad shoulders won't even fit under the sink. I am positive I can fix it. I found the paperwork that came with the fixture, so I have a diagram to take it all apart. I just have to do it. I am the world's BEST procrastinator when it is something I am not looking forward to doing. SO...This WILL be taken care of by months end!

    Kim - I love the idea of the lollipop payback! I did, one time, put gum in treat bags on a party day. I had one of my daycare moms so mad at me for that. Her daughter got into her treat bag in the car on the way home, began chewing the gum and for some reason stuck it up her nose...??? Anyway, little girl began crying bc she couldn't get the gum out of her nose, mama pulled over to help, little girl sneezed and the gum shot out and disappeared! Mama never found the little snot rocket! We laugh about this now, but she was mad as a hornet when it happened! Needless to say, I don't put gum in treat bags anymore!

    CSSJ09- Oh, how I love chinese food! I have my favorite place in town and it is my Friday night meal at least twice a month. I have tried to upgrade my choices and not get the super high fat/calorie foods. The sauces are so yummy though, I am sure that is where all of the calories are lurking!

    Heather and CSSJ09- I have to admit, I got a big smile on my face when Heather mentioned that she goes to WI meetings, because, yes, my first and only knowledge of the WI was through the movie Calendar Girls. I will have to look up the BBC series about the WI during WWII. I bet it was fascinating! I really don't think we have anything like that in this area. Some churches have women's bible studies and the like; but it doesn't seem like I ever see an organization of women for women around here. Interested to know if the rest of the ladies have anything in their communities?

    Gayle- That IS a beautiful sculpture in your profile pic! Your comment about not getting the "art" gene hit home for me. I have three older siblings and two younger. My two older brothers and older sister are very artistic. One draws, paints, and sculpts, another draws and writes, and my older sister creates glasswork garden sculpture. We have all talked at great length about why they are so artistic and we younger three seem to have not inherited that gene. I am creative, I do dabble a little in writing, drawing, painting; but nothing like the level of artistry the older ones have. We think it is because the older three were raised without television. I know it sounds silly, but that is the only difference in our upbringing. My parents got our first tv after my younger sister was born, so I was only 1. I am sure tv was a great help to my mom, but I think it stunted my talent. ON the upside, I can sing almost every sitcom theme song from the 70's and 80's!!

    Joyce- I loved your comment about how much you enjoy singing in your church choir! I am sure your services are just beautiful! Maybe after the stress of the Easter performance is gone, the others will be more open to a quartet?

    Mindy- I love your fairy walk photos! Do you have some of these at your home? You commented to some one that you are getting ready to E-bay some memorabilia; have you posted on E-bay before? I have a lot of clothes, and "stuff" from my son's room that I would love to sell to make a little extra, but have never tried E-bay. Easy? Any helpful tips?

    Well, we got a wonderful wintry mix of rain and snow last night and early this morning. With temps dropping back down again it has made the road and bike path extremely slick! Got in 3 miles this morning; so glad I wore my YakTrax. I managed a couple sets of crunches and mountain climbers and a 2 1/2 minute plank.

    Pot roast turned out wonderful last night. Now we have veggies and beef for leftovers! Turning it into a soup!

    *My laptop died on me this morning, before I could post this! I thought "Crap. There goes a huge message!" But I plugged it in and it recharged and brought me right where I left off. *whew!*
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Pip- Really nice job on the fence and he works FAST!! I hope Kirby (and you) stay healthy and injury free so you can enjoy the marathon. That is one of my long term goals. I have done a 5k and would love to do a marathon. Hoping to get a 10k under my belt this year. Looking at a local race in September. I am not fast; but I get it done!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, great job on the fence! Looks very nice. I had a solid fence when I first bought my house but took it down. My dogs barked at every little noise behind it since they could not see what it was. I just used metal fence posts and welded wire (a farm fence) instead and it significantly cut down on the barking. I saved all the wood in case I changed my mind. I would love to have a handyman living behind me! Lucky you!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Pip- Really nice job on the fence and he works FAST!! I hope Kirby (and you) stay healthy and injury free so you can enjoy the marathon. That is one of my long term goals. I have done a 5k and would love to do a marathon. Hoping to get a 10k under my belt this year. Looking at a local race in September. I am not fast; but I get it done!

    you can do it... this will be my second marathon. my goal for that was not about time it was, run it without stopping and I met that goal so I'm happy.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Anne in Racine – if you want to go to Three Dog Night tomorrow, PM me.

    Keenanklk – The nice thing about dogs is you can get more exercise while you are exercising them. You Can Do This ! ! !

    Becca – that does look delicious! I think I am free the last weekend of the month. Not completely free, because I need to start packing for Reno, but I don’t know of any bowling tournaments or baseball camps. I will try the banana muffins again at that time.

    – Good luck with the “cleaning deficit disorder”. You will eventually master the timing and codes and side work. Be patient with yourself, as they are being patient with you. You Can Do This ! ! ! Enjoy your pedicure. // Thanks for sharing the Faerie home pictures.

    – I believe that if you and DH both enjoy the area, who cares about ownership. I hope your DH will agree, since it sounds like a wonderful place to relax. I would also decline sleeping in his bed . That just seems a little too weird. Let us know how it goes. I envy all the travel. The big deal for me this year is that DH bought tickets to see Penn & Teller while we are in Reno. I complain that we never travel for anything other than bowling, basketball, or baseball, so he’s trying to make this a vacation as well as a bowling trip. I hope you continue to enjoy your trips.

    KJLaMore – fixing the kitchen sink is an amazing goal. I hope you succeed. I’m certain you have the ability and power ! ! ! // Living in Wisconsin, the only thing that comes up when I do a BING search of WI is about Wisconsin. Will someone please enlighten me? Thanks!

    No sticker today, because I cheated a little last night. After logging, I woke up a few hours later, and ate some peanuts. Although I stopped on my own, I didn’t log them and I didn’t weigh, them, so that is a cheat in my book. Luckily the scale did NOT go in the wrong direction. For the next few days I will cut myself a break, and possibly not even log, because this cold is just whipping my butt, and I don’t have the energy to log every vitamin C drop or throat lozenge. I will stick to what I know, and not cheat at all, and keep exercising. I have been told that your exercise should follow how you feel from the collarbones down, so no excuses are allowed for me for a few days while I fight this.

    Yesterday after work, I increased my walking goal from 7000 to 8000 steps ,and was pleasantly surprised when the tracker started vibrating and showed me the flag. Yay !

    Yesterday we found out the DS’s 26th place in H.S. bowling allows him to enter the State Singles Challenge. The top 10 bowlers automatically get to compete at State. The next 18 have to battle it out at a tournament on Feb. 11. I get to leave work at 3:30pm that day, so I should only miss the first few frames. I hope I can get him to that bowling alley a few times before Feb. 11, especially since it is only a few blocks from our house. He usually bowls well at that location, so fingers crossed that he is having a good day.

    Now, time for lunch. Hand bike again today. I love what it does for my posture.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee