30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I found the cardio in L2 to be much more difficult. maybe because my freaking arms are screaming for the plank to DIE!! I'm getting better each and every day though. I make sure to count how many reps I can do of each exercise and write it down afterwards- this way i can 'see' how i am improving- at least strength wise. The scale hasn't moved at all and I've only lost about .5inch from my belly, but I know strength wise I am getting SO MUCh stronger than i was before. Hell I can do a real push up now instead of a girlie one- and I'm doing walking push ups no problem!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Day 10 of Level 1 Complete! Excited and scared for Day 1 of Level 2. Going to get my manicure tonight :)
  • sassenachtiff
    Do you take rest days or is it 30 days straight?
    I take rest days, usually on Sundays. Some days I'm just really, really sore and I'd rather take a small break for a day instead of attempting to do the workout and hurting myself.
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I am skipping today because of my hour long boot camp that is just as intense as 30 day shred. We are working lower body today (Monday was upper body) and so hopefully I won't be as sore and can pick up on day 11 of the shred tomorrow!!! My lower body is waaaaaaaay stronger than my upper body right now. But, I can see a bicep muscle now where 2 weeks ago, I couldn't!
    Small progress!!
  • CellaBee
    CellaBee Posts: 4 Member
    Today's my day 12, L2, Day 2, sooo exhausted, but it's great! I've lost 5lbs and 6", I find that I get a lot more out of the work out then straight cardio (I used to bike 120 mins a day)...Can't wait til the 30 days are over tho! Good luck to everyone!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    momofJandA - I completely agree with you about the cardio being much harder in L2. I had no problems getting through the cardio in L1 even on the first day but those planks in L2 are completely KILLER!!! My arms totally feel it as well

    ak - Good luck on your first day of L2 tomorrow! You will soon feel our pain haha :)

    As for me, just finished day 12, second day on L2. My arms are SO SORE and in so much pain! This is worse than when I first started the shred! I just keep repeating to myself that it's only 20 mins and that it will be worth it in the end. I can't even imagine what L3 looks like. I'm too scared to even take a peek at it haha.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    I'm on day two of L1 today. I used 20lbs weight my first time and it took me about a week to recover. Wish me luck this afternoon! =)
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    I had to take another day off last night as I was just exhausted and wanted to go to bed. I'm finding that I need a day of rest once a week; I don't think I can do this 7 days straight. I did do some cardio on the elliptical yesterday on my lunch break, so I didn't totally slack off, but by the time I got the kids to bed last night, I had zero, and I mean ZERO, energy. Going to get back into it tonight, but feel guilty for skipping a second night (I needed a day last week as well just to rest & recoup).

    I did wear a pair of pants yesterday for the second time - they were snug around the waist when I bought them; well yesterday I had to keep hiking them up because they were too loose!! It made me feel so good! I will hopefully be able to get them tailored once I'm comfortable at my goal weight. :) The little things make a BIG difference.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I usually end up taking 1 day a week off. I don't plan it, but because I a getting up early before everyone else in the house to work out- if I (which really means Ava) have a bad night then the 5:30am thing just doesn't work out. It seems as though Sunday nights are rough so the past 2 weeks I have skipped Monday morning.

    D5 L2 today. I decided this is my work out and I will modify to get the work out I need. So instead of plank jacks I just do jumping jacks (better for my heart rate), I do double high knees instead of squat thrusts, and instead of those cross over plank crunches in circuit 3- I do bicycle crunches. So I'm still working the same muscle group or cardio work, just a better fit for me.

    I did the whole damn L2 this morning. 5 lb weights on everything except the chair sit anterior raises when I had to use 3lbs. Didn't stop once! Even did a couple extra crunches when J and the girls were talking or resting or whatever. I try to start the next exercise before they do so I can get a couple of extra reps in.

    Scale isn't moving though and I'm really trying to not get discouraged. I should be seeing SOMETHING!!!!!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    OMG... did Level 2 today for the first time. It was difficult, but about what I expected. Glad to see a lot more focus on abs... that is where I really need help.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57

    Scale isn't moving though and I'm really trying to not get discouraged. I should be seeing SOMETHING!!!!!

    I am feeling the same way right now....We only have 2 (or so) weeks...hopefully we will see some changes when it's over!! Good luck!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Finished day 13 of shredding, day 3 on L2. Today I was really struggling with the workout. Between shredding and the c210k workouts, my body is really really feeling the pain! But I must say that it actually feels good to feel some pain :) I wonder when this L2 workout will get easier. At the rate it's going, I don't even now if I will be able to move to L3 after only 10 days!

    Keep at it everyone!
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    Did D4, L2 last night and I must say, I rocked it! :) I took Wednesday night off and I think that really did help me rest up. I was able to keep up and only had to stop once. I can tell my endurance has gotten better and I'm more stable. I briefly tried 6lb dumbells (typically use 2lb; 6lb is the only other set we have) and it felt good to have my muscles work a little harder. BUT, I couldn't use them very long and ended up switching back to my 2's. I didn't want to over do it or hurt myself.

    Hitting D5 tonight.......actually looking forward to it! Most of us are almost halfway to our goal (completing the 30DS)....keep on keepin' on!
  • sassenachtiff
    Today is Day 12 for me (Level 2). I'm kind of shocked by how effective 30DS is! I lost lbs last week and this week. And yesterday, I couldn't wait for the work day to be over so I could go home and work out! That's never happened in my life before. Crazy.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    On Day 5, Level 2 today. Did the workout tonight after work instead of as soon as I wake up. Find I have more energy when I do it later for some reason. Perhaps in the morning I'm still sleepy.

    I find the 3rd Circuit the hardest. I cant keep my balance and those chair thrusts kill me. LOL
  • mbastian
    mbastian Posts: 16
    L1D10 done and I have to say... ya'll on level 2 are scaring the heck out of me! I am so nervous about going to level 2 tomorrow since everyone is saying how it is kicking them. Well, I guess I will find out for myself in the morning!

  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    TOTALLY fell off the wagon today... didn't shred, didn't go to the gym and ate about 800 calories over my goal today :sad:

    Just have had a few ****ty days and everything just caught up with me today.

    Going to go to bed tonight and FORGET about it. Gotta get up and shred tomorrow.

    Congrats to everyone that has kept it going. I totally envy your dedication.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    TOTALLY fell off the wagon today... didn't shred, didn't go to the gym and ate about 800 calories over my goal today :sad:

    Just have had a few ****ty days and everything just caught up with me today.

    Going to go to bed tonight and FORGET about it. Gotta get up and shred tomorrow.

    Congrats to everyone that has kept it going. I totally envy your dedication.

    AK I love your attitude! The day is gone and there's nothing you can do to change except forget about it. And don't be so hard on yourself, we all have bad days. You should be proud of yourself for working so hard! We've all missed a day or two here and there for whatever reasons (sickness, no time, pain, or just plain didn't want to do it) but the important thing is to move forward, which is what you're doing. Keep it up, you're doing great!
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    FINALLY!!! Day 11 Level 2 DONE!! I was so stinking sore from my boot camp this week to even attempt Jillian but felt so much better today!
    AK-hang in there! No one has all perfect days!! We'd be pretty boring if we did!!!!! I'm proud of all you have already done!!!
    I can't seem to drop any more lbs. and you are only a few away from your goal!! AWESOME!!! :smooched:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Sunnikim - Great job! Congrats on ROCKIN' it :)

    Sassenachtiff - Yay congrats on your weight loss! Keep working hard and I'm sure you will continue to lose even more :)

    Nowornever3 - I completely agree with you on the 3rd circuit being the hardest. I still can't get through that one without taking a 5 second breather. And I hear ya on the balance thing, I have that problem with ALL the moves in this level that require any little form of balance (including those static lunges! for some reason I still tilt side to side a little bit lol)

    mbastian - Good luck on your first day in L2! Hope it goes well

    kunmingmom - Welcome back! Glad to see that you are feeling better and are ready for more pain! LOL

    As for me, I just completed day 15, 5th day in L2, halfway through the shred! Even after doing L2 for 5 days it still hasn't gotten that much easier for me and I am just in a constant state of SORENESS. Everything hurts but I am just continuing to push through it and hoping that it gets easier. I'm still shooting for moving on to L3 after 10 days of L2 but we will see, I'm not sure that I will be able to. I am trying really hard not to look at the L3 workout because I don't want it to scare me hahaha.