BL Black Team Challenge Week #2



  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Here's a silly little mini challenge.

    Challenge yourself to walk around all day holding in your tummy. Keep it always on the back of your mind. Don't hold your breath and suck it in and be uncomfortable and look funny, just think about keeping those muscles pulled in and your core strong and tight, your back nice and straight holding a good posture.

    C'mon, Put all your hard work this week to the test!!!!

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Okay, I skipped the abs last night, cause mine are so sore I can barely get out of bed.

    Two nights a go I did the shoving leg exercise till I couldn't lift my legs back up, then rested, then did plank till I couldn't hold it any longer (I stick a magazine between my arms and read while holding it), then rested then I repeated both exercises.:sad: Tonight I'm going to try a light ab work out on the exercise ball.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good for you, Anna! I love the visual of you reading a magazine in plank position. LOL Was it at least an interesting magazine?:laugh:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I was reading a Fitness magazine, not sure what issue, but it had an article about the importance of vitamin D. You know we could all use more of it in the winter months. During the summer we get it from the sun (or our body produces it when we are in the sun), but in the winter we don't get enough direct sun light to do much good. A lack of Vit D can cause depression, moodiness, and make you not absorb calcium as well, and cause a weakened immune system.

    In the back of my mind I consentrate on holding good form, but reading helps me keep my mind off the pain. I read an other article while doing squats, but I did them standing in front of my bed and lowering my butt too the bed, just in case I would lose my balance and fall. I'm always thinking.:bigsmile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Oh Anna, that is a great idea, I love to read and hate the plank, combine the two and it might work!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I don't know what just came over me. I did 20 min. of AbJam (did I say how much I enjoy that? oh, I didn't? that's b/c I HATE THAT ONE!), then I did 30 min. of Fat Blaster...THEN I decided that since everyone was still asleep, I'd do Turbo Sculpt...40 min.! WOo! I got 90 min. in already. Plus, I'm doing the 20 min. with the hubby tonight & the pushup challenge...if my arms stop feeling like jello any time soon. Phew!

    Anna - that's a great idea about reading the magazine while holding plank. That way you aren't focusing on "Oooowwwww!"
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I don't know what just came over me. I did 20 min. of AbJam (did I say how much I enjoy that? oh, I didn't? that's b/c I HATE THAT ONE!), then I did 30 min. of Fat Blaster...THEN I decided that since everyone was still asleep, I'd do Turbo Sculpt...40 min.! WOo! I got 90 min. in already. Plus, I'm doing the 20 min. with the hubby tonight & the pushup challenge...if my arms stop feeling like jello any time soon. Phew!

    Anna - that's a great idea about reading the magazine while holding plank. That way you aren't focusing on "Oooowwwww!"

    HOLY COW woman! That's a lotta exercise! Cool beans! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Okay, I skipped the abs last night, cause mine are so sore I can barely get out of bed.

    Two nights a go I did the shoving leg exercise till I couldn't lift my legs back up, then rested, then did plank till I couldn't hold it any longer (I stick a magazine between my arms and read while holding it), then rested then I repeated both exercises.:sad: Tonight I'm going to try a light ab work out on the exercise ball.

    I think my arms would be shaking too much for me to be able to focus on the words! That's hard enough these days anyway... But I might try it anyway ... not that I'm able to be there long enough to get bored yet! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- is it safe to come out yet? Week 2 challenge is officially over-- thank you all for your cheerful compliance. :wink:

    Personally, I only missed one night due to extreme fatigue-- all in all, not a bad week. I did three sets of different crunches last night-- 30,40 and 40-- while I was doing the push up challenge.

    Come on black-- heading to week three!!!!!!!!