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  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I was out like a light last night, was asleep before 8 and didnt wake up until 6:45 when Tom called.. he said he was worried. because I didnt text him last night or this morning.. so at least I guess deep down he is missing me though he wont admit it.. I am not calling him he can call me...
    Poor Jean caught some type of bug down there either on the plane or what,, but she is going back to bed she bought sudafed and nyquil.. but she smokes... so im sure that isnt helping... Faith is just adorable.. even though she repeats herself, I might bring a chair in her bedroom and bring my computer or my coloring books and spend some time with her..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Another half pound weight loss at my weightwatchers meeting this morning. I struggle all the time but I will definitely get to my 10stone goal. Wishing everyone on this site all the best for moving towards their dreams also. Will catch up on all your posts shortly.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Very little sleep last night but going to try and get moving today. Need to clean house and start packing for the cruise. Excited about going but dreading how it will go with him at the same time. When this trip was planned we were in a good place not so much now. Pretty sure calories etc will go out the window for a week. The possible drinking alone will put me over the top. Won't have app to help since I won't have service. Leaving on the 19th won't be back till the 27th. Hopefully it will be good.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    Very little sleep last night but going to try and get moving today. Need to clean house and start packing for the cruise. Excited about going but dreading how it will go with him at the same time. When this trip was planned we were in a good place not so much now. Pretty sure calories etc will go out the window for a week. The possible drinking alone will put me over the top. Won't have app to help since I won't have service. Leaving on the 19th won't be back till the 27th. Hopefully it will be good.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    :) Anne, it's none of my business, but I'm going to suggest that you don't drink alcohol on the cruise...it will raise your calories and lower your resistance to wise choices. Just stay in the moment.....this can be a good experience for you...there will be a lot to enjoy on this trip that you haven't even imagined...be open to new experiences. :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    well I dont think Tom likes being by himself.. he keeps texting and calling me.. he wants to take me out for an early dinner tonight as I am watching Faith, so it will be more likely be a late lunch.. but still nice.. will go while Faith taking her nap.. have laundry in wash got garbage together, fed the birds and got Faith all set up.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – Yeah, I do agree – even though my sons maybe don’t – that my sons are my sons (my children) for the rest of my life; and, I will be their Mom for the rest of theirs. Good, Bad, or Indifferent. But, they are husbands to their wives until ‘death do them part’ first. Even though I might not agree that DOS is married to his 'soul mate'; and, there is no possibility of her leaving her. I won't even 'run her off with a stick' as she claims to her friends that I'd do, if I could. I'm not like that; just wish she did not bring the family so much grief in her attempts to be divisive in nature. The DDnLs don’t have to worry about that – they left home to make theirs when they did. We only had wished that we had made DOS move back home and go back to school (part-time) and do his best to raise a child (born too soon) to a couple still in their teens when she was born. But, I would not have given up on having this DGD for anything. Just wish he had gotten more college under his belt. Now, he still does not have the time to go back even if it would mean that his job possibilities would improve.

    We wish now that DOS had kept up with his Spanish. He looks so Hispanic – he’s been asked about it before. He could earn upwards to $600 a day as an interpreter for the Federal Government; maybe more if he was able to write it. I keep trying to tell him to go back to school and learn (or pick it back up) as he could supplement his income by doing so. But, I think he is just too lazy to do so. Oh well, it’s not like we haven’t been trying.

    I guess, if I am going to get any exercise today, it will be 'cleaning and decluttering' somewhere in the house. Sur hope that DOGD comes home next weekend and is willing to come over to tackle the bathroom. It is too overwhelming and she would attack it like it was her own. HA! I still need to finish the kitchen cabinets; washing them down to get rid of the grease build-up. Still hoping that DH will paint them. Maybe white (Velvet White) on the top and a deeper grayish green on the bottom. I was surprised that the green he used on the walls looked a lot better than I thought it would next to the hunter green countertops. He still needs to paint my dining room chairs and bar stools the color in the background of the Oriental rug in the den (keeps promising he will) this Spring.

    I did 'declutter' my bookshelves in my den; but, most would say ... I did not go far enough. Especially, if you asked dear sons. Oh well, it is what it is.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle ~ I Googled Island of Reunion and it looks like paradise.

    My son is 40 yrs old and we still have chats about his childhood. I think most of us have had times
    where we felt that our parents negatively influenced the adults we have become. I just listen to him and
    sometimes say I'm sorry that this or that happened. I think that once he understands that you are
    listening to what he says, things will get better. We all have to grow up at some point and realize that
    we should live in the "now" and not the "past." Unfortunately, I still have to tell myself to quit reflecting
    on the past.

    Sylvia ~ You certainly have a right to be exhausted. You are a blessing to your grand children and son.

    Rorie ~ That pillow is so cute and you must love seeing it as a part of the work you do.

    I am sorry that I do not say much about my life, but, it is so quiet compared to you who have such busy (at least to me) lives. It is very hard for me to share my feelings and be open. That is a result of my childhood. I was not abused in any way, but, there was a lot of abuse going on between my parents.


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Kettlebell swings-22X9X30

    Still MIA for the weekend but no excuse not to exercise!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I am sorry that I do not say much about my life, but, it is so quiet compared to you who have such busy (at least to me) lives. It is very hard for me to share my feelings and be open. That is a result of my childhood. I was not abused in any way, but, there was a lot of abuse going on between my parents.

    Carol don't be sorry. I am the same. We all are from different experiences on here and live a variety of lifestyles. My husband and I live a very simplified life by choice. Most would think I live a very boring life. But it is what I prefer. Lol my husband just said "We are who we are" in a totally random manner. I grew up with a gregarious workaholic father and a very angry mother and they were constantly at odds. My husband grew up with the typical New York jewish parents who were always on the go and socializing/entertaining constantly. So....continue to embrace YOUR lifestyle!

    Cheri in FREEZING COLD NE oHIo
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    CAROL share what you want or don't want. No need to say sorry. We all have our boundaries. I think I share more about my current issue because everyone here is so supportive in every area not just weight calories etc.

    BARBIECAT thanks for the advice. I am going to try and live in the moment on the trip. Feel like it will be the make it or break it for my relationship with him though. Hence the excitement and the dreading the trip. I always said I would not get back into a relationship after my divorce but did it again. Kicking myself now for allowing someone else in again.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    Another half pound weight loss at my weightwatchers meeting this morning. I struggle all the time but I will definitely get to my 10stone goal. Wishing everyone on this site all the best for moving towards their dreams also. Will catch up on all your posts shortly.

    great work!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    morning peeps -
    kirby is gonna try 3 mi this morning, i will b running with him of course, not on the treadmill. we will see how far he gets.
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning and happy day everyone.
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I am in Ft Meyers Fla visiting my son. I just checked out of hotel but an lurking to use wifi. I can't see what I've typed bc it's so sunny so please forgive typos. It's beautiful here. Perfect weather makes me consider moving! Will dissect that thought in months to come. Anyway my visit w him is brief but bonding. We went on an Eco preserve boardwalk trail through mangroves to ocean and to his work and his girlfriends work a fancy burger joint like a papa Gino's but burgers. Went way over calories but today an picking up Becky whom I am on this journey to regain our health with and expect the rest of vaca to be cleaner and even more excersize. I did thirty minutes of laps in their pool and had it all to myself it was delightful! Today I pick her up at airport here and we drive across Everglades to end up in Homestead for a night which is just south of Miami for the night only before we head down the islands to key west. Had some financial difficulties but she is here today so alls well.

    Haven't read for two days bc of visit w son but wanted to comment on a couple of things from last week.

    Michelle. I am sooooo sorry that you've been having such a hard time!

    Gayle. Your relief about being in an apartment is making me think about my struggle to afford my inherited home which I love like a family member but...

    Allison your an angel for your brother!

    Joyce I hope some good things start happening for you

    Sylvia. Having owned horses and having to live through the pain of losing them due to divorce...they were my heart and I cry now as I type this for the loss of my Dopey Joe and Match Maker. Your story was one of the most beautiful and poignant tales I have ever read and had me crying at the coffee counter during my thirty min break at work the other day. Oh the gift you gave that woman!

    Okay I k there were other thoughts but two days have gone by since I read so I am to forgetful to remember.

    Love you all

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CSSJ09: Congratulations on the riding lesson! I gave myself bursitis in my left knee during a riding lesson several years ago. It was the trigger that gave me the determination to lose weight. Shortly after, I found MFP and this wonderful group of women. My knee will never be as strong as before and I typically do not post. I sit the trot. My lesson horse has a sweet jog, but his extended trot is bone pounding. My advice is to take it one lesson at a time and protect your knee. :heart:

    Rori: I hoped you'd enjoy the pillow. The girl who made it did wonderful work. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I'm happy that your son had better color and no fever following surgery. You are a miracle in the lives of your grandkids. :heart: World War 1! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Michele: We'll all be rooting for you during the next Skype event. In my case, I hope you'll be able to protect your own heart from more hurts. :heart:

    Heather: My primary goal in learning Spanish is to stretch my brain. There are many Spanish-speaking people in our area. DH does not like to travel, so needing a second language for practical use is not very likely for the foreseeable future. If I were planning a trip I'd have better motivation. :flowerforyou:

    Anne: When I travel I record all of my food on my MFP cell phone app. When I return to "civilization" the information is all there and is shared with the site. I've never missed a day. Heather travels more frequently than I do and to farther destinations. She would know more about it than I do. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Good luck with the run. Let us know how it goes. :smiley:

    Riding lesson today! Yay! I've decided to wear my brace to yoga for a while, and will also wear it to my riding lesson today. If It gets in my way I can always take it off. The bone is healed but there is still swelling and discomfort in the soft tissue. My "homework" assignment was to watch barrel racing this week. The high level competition was useless to me, but I found a couple of things that showed kids practicing, and a professional barrel racer had a teaching video out there. We will see if any of that translates into improvement on my part.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Elaine352962 - Doing happy dance for you on the great loss, you will be to your goal in no time at all.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Very little sleep last night but going to try and get moving today. Need to clean house and start packing for the cruise. Excited about going but dreading how it will go with him at the same time. When this trip was planned we were in a good place not so much now. Pretty sure calories etc will go out the window for a week. The possible drinking alone will put me over the top. Won't have app to help since I won't have service. Leaving on the 19th won't be back till the 27th. Hopefully it will be good.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Have a great time and just relax and enjoy as much as possible. We'll be sending good thots.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps -
    kirby is gonna try 3 mi this morning, i will b running with him of course, not on the treadmill. we will see how far he gets.

    Exciting, let us know how it goes.

    Janetr OKC