

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    Yes but maybe buy 1 a week and make that treat day? Or 2 days a week?

    Most of the ice creams/gelatos I buy are pints that are around (four servings per container).

    Limit 1 per 2 weeks? Just trying to be helpful!

    That's what I'll probably end up doing.

    I'm not sure I'll buy any Easter Candy to be honest. I might buy a package of Peeps to roast on a campfire, but none of the candies have really called out to me. The only Easter Candy I might buy a few of are the Russell Stover Eggs.

    The only new food item that's not ice cream that I might try once Lent is over is the new Oreos that are supposed to taste like a cupcake. I wish Oreos would come out with sample size packs of all the new flavors that way you don't have to buy a whole pack.

    I made sure I squeezed in a workout today even though I didn't feel like doing one. Just Dance for the win! My three year old niece even tried to dance. It was funny/cute.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited February 2016
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yea Kelly that took ALOT of will power. I don't know how you did it. I would have to avoid those isles because things just jump into my cart.

    That's what usually happens to me! Those evil grocery fairies that follow you around the store & knock in the good treats.

    I noticed I used the wrong there in my original post *smacks head*

    The Pineapple Cottage Cheese was really good! I might have to go back & pick up a few more of those.

    Tomorrow I am planning on using up some of my Cashew milk, Dole Frozen Cherries, & two tablespoons of Hershey's Cocoa Powder, & 8 grams of Xanthan Gum to make a smoothie.

    Sounds good.
    I love frozen blueberries sprinkled with Stevia or sweet n low and then Cashew milk poured over them. Just stir it around a bit and the milk starts to freeze over the berries. I just eat it out of the bowl with a spoon. I use strawberries instead of blueberries sometimes too and add the cocoa.

    Yum that sounds good too!

    I just remembered I have a few cases left of the Diet Cream soda that I could put in the freeze for a few minutes to get a zero calorie ice cream like treat.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I've been sad all the time lately for no reason. I'm going to see my favorite band with my girlfriend tomorrow. How could I not be happy and excited right now? :x blah.
    Also, my confession is that I ate an entire bag of popcorn today.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I should have stayed home today. I woke up freezing and feeling blah. Now I am freezing and feel like there's an ice pick n my right temple. I had Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate for breakfast in an effort to get warm. It worked for about 45 minutes, sort of. Ugh...3:30 can't get here soon enough.

    Ugh! Are you feeling better now?

    Some. Until I try to read then the eye pressure comes back. It's similar to the lack of fine motor control I still suffer from occasionally. Except it is right sided and the motor control problems are always on the left. It's disconcerting, but as I said, not unexpected. My neurologist tools me when I was 7 that I could die if I hit my head in the wrong spot and that any hard hit would cause issues. I have been fortunate that this is the first problem I have had really. I hit that door frame pretty hard, but on the left side of my head.

    Ouch! Will keep you in my prayers for a relaxing weekend free of pain.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I should have stayed home today. I woke up freezing and feeling blah. Now I am freezing and feel like there's an ice pick n my right temple. I had Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate for breakfast in an effort to get warm. It worked for about 45 minutes, sort of. Ugh...3:30 can't get here soon enough.
    Oh please take care of yourself. When I am feeling sick and want a hot drink Traditionally medicals has a Gypsy cold care tea that is very tasty and makes me feel better. It helps a stuffy nose too.
    I have that. I swear by that for a cold. Usually peppermint tea knocks a headache right out for me. No luck today. I ended up leaving work at 10:30 because my vision was getting blurred in the right eye. I cam home went to sleep, felt better but it's blurring again as I try to read. This is a post-concussion headache from an almost 40 year old brain injury. I took a piece of broken curb to the temple and was comatose for a day and a half. ( bike wreck) a few weeks ago, I hit my head on a door frame because I leaned over to pick something up off the floor and had a back spasm. It hurt for most of a day and I have known ever since that this would come. I don't think I recall it ever starting with feeling so cold before. That's something I will have to watch out for and see if it's a fluke or a new sign of imminent pain. Off here to rest my eyes guys. Love you all for caring.

    If this keeps up please see a doctor
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I've been sad all the time lately for no reason. I'm going to see my favorite band with my girlfriend tomorrow. How could I not be happy and excited right now? :x blah.
    Also, my confession is that I ate an entire bag of popcorn today.

    Maybe it's just the weather. Spring is coming! I hope you have wonderful time tonight!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    Yes but maybe buy 1 a week and make that treat day? Or 2 days a week?

    Most of the ice creams/gelatos I buy are pints that are around (four servings per container).

    Limit 1 per 2 weeks? Just trying to be helpful!

    That's what I'll probably end up doing.

    I'm not sure I'll buy any Easter Candy to be honest. I might buy a package of Peeps to roast on a campfire, but none of the candies have really called out to me. The only Easter Candy I might buy a few of are the Russell Stover Eggs.

    The only new food item that's not ice cream that I might try once Lent is over is the new Oreos that are supposed to taste like a cupcake. I wish Oreos would come out with sample size packs of all the new flavors that way you don't have to buy a whole pack.

    I made sure I squeezed in a workout today even though I didn't feel like doing one. Just Dance for the win! My three year old niece even tried to dance. It was funny/cute.

    I am still good on the vegan part. There were a few sketchy things that probably had dairy in them this part week but I am not going to stress about it. The weekend is always good exercise but I did blow my streak yesterday. Went back to bed rather than exercise.
  • Myles_104
    Myles_104 Posts: 91 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Finished my book, it was good. Tho I think I would request a book that is less dark then this one for the next book. Oh well.

    I would probably drive all you insane, I'm one of those people who shows up early, or on the nose. If its for a visit, if I say 2 I mean 2, not 1:59, not 2:02. If its a doctor visit, if its the first time, its 20-30 minutes early, if its not (so paperwork is complete) then 10-15 minutes early.

    It drives my husband nuts because he's more laid back.

    I own all the jd Robb books, including the short stories.
    We are twins, this is me, and all the Nora Roberts ones too. (replying from a kazillion pages back due to nice weather. Had to take advantage and go walking. )

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I should have stayed home today. I woke up freezing and feeling blah. Now I am freezing and feel like there's an ice pick n my right temple. I had Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate for breakfast in an effort to get warm. It worked for about 45 minutes, sort of. Ugh...3:30 can't get here soon enough.
    Oh please take care of yourself. When I am feeling sick and want a hot drink Traditionally medicals has a Gypsy cold care tea that is very tasty and makes me feel better. It helps a stuffy nose too.
    I have that. I swear by that for a cold. Usually peppermint tea knocks a headache right out for me. No luck today. I ended up leaving work at 10:30 because my vision was getting blurred in the right eye. I cam home went to sleep, felt better but it's blurring again as I try to read. This is a post-concussion headache from an almost 40 year old brain injury. I took a piece of broken curb to the temple and was comatose for a day and a half. ( bike wreck) a few weeks ago, I hit my head on a door frame because I leaned over to pick something up off the floor and had a back spasm. It hurt for most of a day and I have known ever since that this would come. I don't think I recall it ever starting with feeling so cold before. That's something I will have to watch out for and see if it's a fluke or a new sign of imminent pain. Off here to rest my eyes guys. Love you all for caring.

    If this keeps up please see a doctor

    If it keeps up, I will, but I feel better this morning. I'll report back after my trip to the gym, but it seems pretty typical for my post-concussion headaches. I won't be doing much reading this weekend for sure, but I have had these since I was 7. Almost 40 years. They aren't really frequent and they last 24-48 hours and unless I am trying to read -which my job requires - they don't really interfere with my daily life. Thanks for being concerned about me.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    I am in the process of doing the same thing. I buy stuff way faster than I could ever consume it. Do you have a snack picked out for Easter day?

    When my daughter gives up chocolate for Lent, she will eat chocolate for breakfast Easter day, and then will pretty much only have chocolate until Easter dinner.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Finished my book, it was good. Tho I think I would request a book that is less dark then this one for the next book. Oh well.

    I would probably drive all you insane, I'm one of those people who shows up early, or on the nose. If its for a visit, if I say 2 I mean 2, not 1:59, not 2:02. If its a doctor visit, if its the first time, its 20-30 minutes early, if its not (so paperwork is complete) then 10-15 minutes early.

    It drives my husband nuts because he's more laid back.

    I own all the jd Robb books, including the short stories.
    We are twins, this is me, and all the Nora Roberts ones too. (replying from a kazillion pages back due to nice weather. Had to take advantage and go walking. )

    I have all Karen Robards. Nora Roberts was never a favorite of mine. I haven't tried the JD Robb ones.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Reporting back now that I have been to the gym. Still feeling pretty good, much much better than yesterday. Still won't be trying to read a lot.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Reporting back now that I have been to the gym. Still feeling pretty good, much much better than yesterday. Still won't be trying to read a lot.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Reporting back now that I have been to the gym. Still feeling pretty good, much much better than yesterday. Still won't be trying to read a lot.

    Yay! Take it easy.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    Yes but maybe buy 1 a week and make that treat day? Or 2 days a week?

    Most of the ice creams/gelatos I buy are pints that are around (four servings per container).

    Limit 1 per 2 weeks? Just trying to be helpful!

    That's what I'll probably end up doing.

    I'm not sure I'll buy any Easter Candy to be honest. I might buy a package of Peeps to roast on a campfire, but none of the candies have really called out to me. The only Easter Candy I might buy a few of are the Russell Stover Eggs.

    The only new food item that's not ice cream that I might try once Lent is over is the new Oreos that are supposed to taste like a cupcake. I wish Oreos would come out with sample size packs of all the new flavors that way you don't have to buy a whole pack.

    I made sure I squeezed in a workout today even though I didn't feel like doing one. Just Dance for the win! My three year old niece even tried to dance. It was funny/cute.

    I am still good on the vegan part. There were a few sketchy things that probably had dairy in them this part week but I am not going to stress about it. The weekend is always good exercise but I did blow my streak yesterday. Went back to bed rather than exercise.

    You deserve a rest :). What's the hardest to give up when you go Vegan?

    I might need to skip my exercise everyday in Lent since I was limping a bit at work.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    I am in the process of doing the same thing. I buy stuff way faster than I could ever consume it. Do you have a snack picked out for Easter day?

    When my daughter gives up chocolate for Lent, she will eat chocolate for breakfast Easter day, and then will pretty much only have chocolate until Easter dinner.

    I'm thinking it will either be ice cream (I noticed so many new flavors I wanted to try & my favorite Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Buns was restocked) or some kind of Easter Candy.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    Yes but maybe buy 1 a week and make that treat day? Or 2 days a week?

    Most of the ice creams/gelatos I buy are pints that are around (four servings per container).

    Limit 1 per 2 weeks? Just trying to be helpful!

    That's what I'll probably end up doing.

    I'm not sure I'll buy any Easter Candy to be honest. I might buy a package of Peeps to roast on a campfire, but none of the candies have really called out to me. The only Easter Candy I might buy a few of are the Russell Stover Eggs.

    The only new food item that's not ice cream that I might try once Lent is over is the new Oreos that are supposed to taste like a cupcake. I wish Oreos would come out with sample size packs of all the new flavors that way you don't have to buy a whole pack.

    I made sure I squeezed in a workout today even though I didn't feel like doing one. Just Dance for the win! My three year old niece even tried to dance. It was funny/cute.

    I am still good on the vegan part. There were a few sketchy things that probably had dairy in them this part week but I am not going to stress about it. The weekend is always good exercise but I did blow my streak yesterday. Went back to bed rather than exercise.

    You deserve a rest :). What's the hardest to give up when you go Vegan?

    I might need to skip my exercise everyday in Lent since I was limping a bit at work.

    That is a bummer what did you do to yourself?

    I don't find going vegan hard in terms of missing food (I mostly eat vegan anyway and have been vegetarian for 20+ years) it's when you are starving and everything you look at has some kind of daily product in it that gets tough. I am going to try to start to cook for myself (maybe) that will help.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Nina_Ekoko wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    Its funny you say this because sometimes, i will have weak moments when i buy things i should not eat. so i put it in water, because if i just toss it, i will get it out and eat it. LOL.


    I actually did that with cheesecake the other week :D.

    I ate almost all of the cheesecake in one sitting & threw the rest in a plastic zip close bag in the trash. Awhile later I took it out of the trash & ate the rest haha.

    So embarrassing to actually confess that one LOL!

    You must have semi thought you would do that our you wouldn't have put it in a plastic bag. ;)

    True haha.

    Today I didn't exercise for Lent, but I am still counting it since I pushed carts at work for around 10-15 minutes.

    I still haven't bought any processed snacks or had ice cream. It is getting harder now that the Easter candy is starting to appear, but I will stay strong & not buy any.

    I have been doing good the last few days. I hope I can keep it up when I get home!

    You would be proud of me today considering what I gave up for Lent!

    The struggle was real.

    I walked down our store's Easter Candy aisle & salivated over all of the Easter Candy (not literally of course). I picked up a package of the Mini Cadbury Eggs & sniffed their chocolate goodness. Thank God no one saw me do that or that would be quite embarrassing. I didn't buy a damn thing :). The Carrot Cake Hershey Kisses & M&M Sundae flavor looked good.

    I then went to Giant & only bought 2 Pineapple Cottage Cheese & a frozen Evol meal I've wanted to try forever. No processed snack/junk foods were bought.

    You should've seen me at the ice cream aisle. I probably stood their five minutes staring at all of the new flavors! I know where I am going after Lent is over. So many new brands & flavors.

    Yay! me a favor don't undo everything the day after easter. Learn new good habits.

    Yeah after Lent I am only buying one or two ice creams & then finishing them & then buying more. I am not going to hoard food/snacks like I did before since all the choices can be overwhelming when you're looking for a snack in the cupboard.

    Yes but maybe buy 1 a week and make that treat day? Or 2 days a week?

    Most of the ice creams/gelatos I buy are pints that are around (four servings per container).

    Limit 1 per 2 weeks? Just trying to be helpful!

    That's what I'll probably end up doing.

    I'm not sure I'll buy any Easter Candy to be honest. I might buy a package of Peeps to roast on a campfire, but none of the candies have really called out to me. The only Easter Candy I might buy a few of are the Russell Stover Eggs.

    The only new food item that's not ice cream that I might try once Lent is over is the new Oreos that are supposed to taste like a cupcake. I wish Oreos would come out with sample size packs of all the new flavors that way you don't have to buy a whole pack.

    I made sure I squeezed in a workout today even though I didn't feel like doing one. Just Dance for the win! My three year old niece even tried to dance. It was funny/cute.

    I am still good on the vegan part. There were a few sketchy things that probably had dairy in them this part week but I am not going to stress about it. The weekend is always good exercise but I did blow my streak yesterday. Went back to bed rather than exercise.

    You deserve a rest :). What's the hardest to give up when you go Vegan?

    I might need to skip my exercise everyday in Lent since I was limping a bit at work.

    That is a bummer what did you do to yourself?

    I don't find going vegan hard in terms of missing food (I mostly eat vegan anyway and have been vegetarian for 20+ years) it's when you are starving and everything you look at has some kind of daily product in it that gets tough. I am going to try to start to cook for myself (maybe) that will help.

    I am thinking it's from playing Just Dance the past two days, sleeping on my leg wrong, or standing on my feet for around 7-8 hours a day. I might just walk for my exercise during the rest of Lent.

    That would be hard as far as finding food that is animal friendly & can fit into your overall diet. Do you have a lot of restaurants near you that are vegan friendly?
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    I do good with my diet until i lose inches/weight or manage not to gain weight then go off course eating double my daily calories for a week only to gain weight. Ive been doing this since June and have gained 40 pounds because of it.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I do good with my diet until i lose inches/weight or manage not to gain weight then go off course eating double my daily calories for a week only to gain weight. Ive been doing this since June and have gained 40 pounds because of it.

    Have you noticed anything that triggers you to do this.