"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • beckygammon
    beckygammon Posts: 73 Member
    Yesterday (Saturday) - Glute Day

    Cardio: 15 mins HIIT on the sit down bike

    Strength: 3x8-10: sumo barbell squats 5kg each side, sumo deadlifts 20kg each side
    3x10-12: reverse abductor machine 73kg, regular aductor machine 50kg, superset reverse barbell lunges just the bar with romainian deadlifts with 10kg dumbbells each arm, glute hip thrusts on leg extension machine 14kg, glute bridge with one leg on bench thrusts no weight

    Assessment: sumo deadlifts did not feel great - was the first time doing them so I may need to work on my form. Macros on point though and the rest of the day felt good, walked the dogs and went to the beach for an hour. :blush:
  • beckygammon
    beckygammon Posts: 73 Member
    Today (Sunday):

    Cardio: 15 mins HIIT on the elliptical

    Strenght: Chest, shoulders and triceps
    Bench press 2.5kg each side

    Pec flies 32kg
    Cable cross overs level 4
    Lat and front raise combo 7kg dumbbell
    Y shoulder press 6kg dumbbell
    Round the world 5kg dumbbell
    Tricep dips 36kg
    Tricep pull overs level 4
    Tricep pushdowns 18kg

    Assessment: felt like a great workout today burnt 477 calories. I also went to the beach and walked the dogs. So very active day and macros on point. :smiley:
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    edited February 2016
    Happy Sunday, enjoying the last few hours of the weekend!

    @luluinca yesterday was the first time I was at Five Guys burgers, all I can say is wow I'm still drooling.... Just happy I do enough exercising so I can afford a few indulgences now & again!

    >16k steps today.

    Barbell OHP 6x2@70 lbs (yeah, making great progress toward my goal of 6x2@70 lbs)
    Trap bar deadlift 6x3@225 lbs
    Shoulder width pull-ups 5x2
    Barbell reverse lunge to step-up with hip flexion 4x6/side@70 lbs & bodyweight 1x30/side
    Single leg hamstring curl on ball 3x18/side
    My hips & glutes are on fire tonight, here's hoping I make it outta bed tomorrow!

    Assessment: chicken Caesar salad for dinner greens: romaine, spinach & cilantro. Dressing: 1 tbsp. Renee's Caesar salad dressing mixed with bolt house cilantro avocado yogurt dressing & 1/4 fresh lime. Calories & macros on track.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    @kdogni and @DizzyMissIzzy Welcome to the nut house. But actually a very motivating group!

    And as usual, I missed another day of checking in!

    Saturday cardio: 6 miles walking with the wife

    Sunday cardio: 30 miles on the bike, 1.5 mile run towards the end of the ride. 2000+ app estimated calories burned, and fuel in the tank

    Assessment: Ate slightly over maintenance yesterday, burned it up today. Wish I had got out yesterday to bike/run, had tons of energy today!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Cardio: Two 5 mile runs...one in the morning, other at night. Needed to run 10 miles today, but had some things to do in the middle of the day, so split it up. First one was 58 minutes, second run was 59 minutes.

    Also, about an hour and half of light softball practice.

    Food: I'm slowly weaning myself off calorie tracking. So, haven't input much this weekend, but feels on track and weight was back down today.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I'm so jealous of all your good workouts and good eating! Last week was a yucky week for me as far as exercise and just generally sticking to my game plan. I did weigh myself this morning and no damage done scale wise. Now that I'm feeling better I'll be back to my normal form and getting some real exercise in!

    Cardio: Taking the dog out and we'll run until the hill we climb to get to the park and then walk that and maybe run around the park for a little bit. Should be about 3.5 miles or so total.

    Strength: Gym day tomorrow..............yay!!!

    Assessment: Ate weird last week but tried to stick to generally healthy stuff, assuming Pho is healthy. This week will be planned out much better!

    Have a great week! Wedding is in 11 days so next week will be another crazy week here and I may not even bother logging but I will at least check in here! All the festivities are at our house and there will be lots of people around from Wed thru Sat so the fridge will generally just be stocked with food and drink for all! I've found that normally when we entertain I'm too busy to eat much and so just don't worry about sticking to my normal fare!

    BTW, frozen shoulder is gone, I have full range of motion back but I'm still experiencing quite a bit of pain doing certain movements with weights..............therapist is calling it tendinitis now and is changing the therapy somewhat. Hope it works!
  • kdogni
    kdogni Posts: 124 Member
    @luluinca sorry wod stands for workout of the day. Cross fit speak lol
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    kdogni wrote: »
    @luluinca sorry wod stands for workout of the day. Cross fit speak lol

    Ahhhh, thanks!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 4 clients this morning then 2 tonight. Have to nix my first 2 evening appointments to take my CRP recert so I can also recert my PT and GFT certifications. Have to do this every 2 years.

    Cardio: boxing- 30 min (200 calories)

    Strength: back- high pulldowns, one arm rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pushdowns. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: We ate Mediterranean last night. Loved it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Welcome Dizzy and kdogni!
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    You guys are so welcoming!!! I love it! <3 Thank you!

    Today I'm really excited because I've finally just gotten myself enrolled in my NASM certification courses! <3

    Cardio: Stair Master (UGH) for 15 min (141 calories)

    Strength: Back- reverse grip pull downs, standing barbell rows, one arm rows, dropset burnout of close grip lat pulldowns.

    Assessment: I allowed myself to have my first cheat day yesterday after about 3 months. Taco bell, a small soda and a double chocolate cupcake... it was glorious, and was only 100 cal over! Macros were atrocious though. Today my macros are on point and I feel amazing, and energized! That cupcake must have had special powers! Or... tons of sugar. -_-;;
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Led a circuit class at lunch & enjoyed my Krav class tonight, we reviewed getting out of choke holds from behind, a very scary situation. I hope I never have to use what I'm learning.

    Assessment: steak, mashed potatoes with grilled onion & Caesar salad (healthier version). Macros & calories on track.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 4 clients this morning then 2 tonight. Passed my CPR re examine and now just have to re up (pay) for my re certifications for PT and GFT. At least it's a write off.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 (150 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, dumbell flat bench, machine flyes, dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Pork chops. Oh and my DD wanted "Chicken in a Bisket" crackers so we bought some, and I scarffed down on some of them.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Finally back to a normal workout week.

    Cardio: 10 min run.

    Strength: 20 min calisthenics including good mornings, goblet squats, planks, physio ball bridges and pikes, decline situps/scissors/leg lifts and stair master. 15 min shoulder rehab. 50 min weights including leg press <single leg warmup 10@ 130 lbs, 8@180 lbs, dbl leg 12@320 lbs, 10@410 lbs, 8@460 lbs and 6@480 lbs>, 3X8 shrugs w/95 lbs, single leg RDL <1X8@95 lbs and 1X5@115 lbs>, 3X10 hip thrusts w/55 lbs, 3X8 single arm bench rows w/27.5 lbs, 3X10 wood chops w/27lbs, 3X10 inner thigh w/100 lbs.

    Assessment: Back up to 1650 calories now that I'm feeling better and getting some real workouts in this week.
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    With my PT today I did various line, cone & ladder drills today.

    4 rounds of:
    Skipping 2 mins
    Lunge to 1 leg hold on bosu w/hip flexion & 1 arm kettle press 5 reps/side
    Hand stand push-ups against wall (working on the eccentric portion) 3 reps

    Assessment: calories under, macros on target. Butterfly chops for dinner.
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    Happy Tuesday all!

    Cardio: Grocery shopping, food prep and cleaning all day, haha, but I definitely broke a sweat!

    Strength: Chest and tris! Currently benching 95lbs, progress is progress!

    Assessment: Macros have been on point for the last two days, so I'm pleased! Feeling good, and food for the week is prepped and the apartment is clean (I work Wed-Sat so tomorrow is my "Monday").
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    I didn't forget to log my workout today! (well I guess its' really Wednesday as I type, but I was close!)

    Strength: None today, got short on time and had to choose 1 or the other!

    Cardio: Quick warm up, then killed it on the elliptical. New PR for 1 mile effort (7:07 pace) en route to a new PR 30 minute effort (3.7 miles). Including warm up 643 machine estimated calories in 40 minutes, and 4.62 miles. I was hoping to reach 20 calories a minute gross on the 1st mile, and just barely missed it.

    Assessment: Eating for recovery and fueling lately, and being a little more flexible day to day but staying in line with weekly goals.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Nice today. No yard duty because I have a dental appointment.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: shoulder- military presses, side laterals, bent over rear laterals, front laterals. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: KFC last night. Something about Crispy I love.
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    This is a day that is a long work day for me (10 hours) and then I take classes at night, so I did my workout at the gym at work. Didn't do too shabby though!

    Cardio: Walking around the building at medium intensity.

    Strength: Legs! Squats, leg curls, abductors, adductors, leg press and weighted ab machine!

    Assessment: I've eaten a good deal today but I'm still pretty hungry. I have a good bit of food left to eat, but I had to cut some of it because my husband wants to do an ice cream and Star Wars movie marathon tonight so I had to rearrange my macros to fit! Hahaha. It's a good day though, considering that it's my Monday! Glad I food prepped yesterday as well.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey guys!

    Cardio- FXFMax Total Circuit-38 min. This am. Included lunges, squats, and push ups. Was a good, all around, workout.

    Strength- body resistance- see above

    Assessment- could do better. Wish my bunion wasn't so painful. Oh well.....