Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Sinead... they are adorable!!! Aww! I'd share a photo of mine if I knew how, but I guess you've seen her on FB... That is the best way ever to relax with your babies on either side.. looks like you tuckered them out on your walk! Thanks for sharing!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    What cuties!! I am excited for the weekend - It is supposed to be 54 here in Minneapolis tomorrow!! So excited to spend the day out side getting some exercise.....maybe a get a good run in

    Agreed!! I'm in Wisconsin and fully ready for spring!! ;) Let's blow the calories away this weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thanks everyone for cheering me on for my new classes!

    @indygirl217 Your post made me laugh! How old is your daughter? And great job finding an awesome new class!

    @tazzy2911 your puppies are sooooo cute! I love puppy snuggles in the morning :)

    @jkhoffe As a fellow MN person I literally started dancing around the room when I read the weather report! What a perfect day to be outside!

    @ShyCush6 What does your furbaby look like?

    So I had a bit of a day.... Yesterday during work my knee/ankle were twingeing. Luckily I've gotten into a much better headspace with exercise, so I immediately emailed to cancel Krav Maga (kicking and sore joints aren't a good combo). I spent the night with my puppy, but then set my alarm to go to the 530am weightlifting class this morning so I could start today fresh. This morning I woke up naturally and looked at the clock....and it was 5:15am so the stupid alarm never went off!!! I missed class so I was pretty grumpy and discouraged.

    BUT instead of sleeping in further or calling it quits, I went to the gym and tried the new "YFit" gym, which is like a crossfit setup with WOD. I ended up getting a great burn and had a lot of fun trying something new. Today my joints are feeling much more rested so I'll hopefully still be able to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu this weekend. Plus it's a ground based combat so there's minimal leg joint stress as long as we aren't doing leg locks.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @tazzy2911 cute pooches!! I love dogs!
    @Rachel0778 way to go to not let a minor sleep in ruin a work out. You are seriously killing it lately, so motivational!
    So, it's official: I'm SHRINKING! Weighed myself this morning and I have lost 30 lbs! I couldn't have done it without you guys being here every day, motivating and helping me get through the ups and downs. I have 32 more lbs to go, but it's nice that people are noticing and it bloody well feels good!
    Have an awesome weekend everyone! Have fun, eat right, and sweat!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    Hello everyone - I saw this forum and thought "wow, 45 pages and still going strong! might as well see what it's all about..." so here I am. :)

    I have about 50lbs to go to get to what would be considered a healthy weight for my height. I've already lost 15lbs since January 2016. I don't weigh myself every week, but I do track my food and exercise and try to stay close to my calorie and macro goals for the day. I don't have many off days at the gym - when I do, I do yoga in the apartment. I'm really into weight lifting and I can feel myself getting stronger.

    Last night, I was able to bench press 2 30lb plates on the olympic barbell for 7 whole reps. My boyfriend did not have to help me lift the bar. He set a goal of 6 reps for me, but I was able to push out one more and felt so strong after. I also was able to do 6 chin ups on 95lb assistance (the lowest assistance I have ever had the machine set for) and that felt amazing too.

    While I want the weight to come off fast, I'm more impressed by how strong I have become by being consistent at the gym and pushing myself to try exercises and lifts that I would have avoided a year ago.
  • pvju
    pvju Posts: 115 Member
    I'd love to join your group. I've lost some and trying to lose another 10lbs. It may not sound like a lot but I've been trying to take off these same ten lbs for 6 years! So far so good on this diet plan.
  • wlfsilva1955
    wlfsilva1955 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi All, I saw this post and thought the same as wishfuljune this forum is going strong!

    I am 60 years old, retired and have been 80 pounds overweight for the last 30 years. I started Dr. Fuhrman's Nutritarian Plan on Monday and am down 5 pounds. The meals are filling and I'm not hungry or craving any junk. Started exercising today, I have lots of DVD's so I did The Firm-Hi Def Sculpt and Susan Deason's Yoga this morning, now I'm feeling energized.

    Hoping I can meet friends here and we can support each other.
  • winterblue3
    winterblue3 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I join this group? I need a support system. I've lost six pounds in 4 months. Time to ramp that up.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    Looks like it's going to work... =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    So I had a bit of a day.... Yesterday during work my knee/ankle were twingeing. Luckily I've gotten into a much better headspace with exercise, so I immediately emailed to cancel Krav Maga (kicking and sore joints aren't a good combo). I spent the night with my puppy, but then set my alarm to go to the 530am weightlifting class this morning so I could start today fresh. This morning I woke up naturally and looked at the clock....and it was 5:15am so the stupid alarm never went off!!! I missed class so I was pretty grumpy and discouraged.

    BUT instead of sleeping in further or calling it quits, I went to the gym and tried the new "YFit" gym, which is like a crossfit setup with WOD. I ended up getting a great burn and had a lot of fun trying something new. Today my joints are feeling much more rested so I'll hopefully still be able to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu this weekend. Plus it's a ground based combat so there's minimal leg joint stress as long as we aren't doing leg locks.

    Way to turn a negative into a positive! Love that you are trying new things and sharing with us all so we know.. hey maybe I should try that too! ;) Keep up the great encouragement!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    @tazzy2911 cute pooches!! I love dogs!
    @Rachel0778 way to go to not let a minor sleep in ruin a work out. You are seriously killing it lately, so motivational!
    So, it's official: I'm SHRINKING! Weighed myself this morning and I have lost 30 lbs! I couldn't have done it without you guys being here every day, motivating and helping me get through the ups and downs. I have 32 more lbs to go, but it's nice that people are noticing and it bloody well feels good!
    Have an awesome weekend everyone! Have fun, eat right, and sweat!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2016
    Welcome! Check in often and I hope you find our motivation inspiring! =)
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Um, you dog is adorable, Shy!! Love the little sweater for the cold days!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Um, you dog is adorable, Shy!! Love the little sweater for the cold days!!

    Thanks! It is Wisconsin! Glad it's warming up though! Now she's just getting muddy! ;)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 HUGE Milestone!! Way to go! You are rocking this weightloss!

    Welcome @wishfuljune. It sounds like you've made great gains on your weightlifting and are going about your weight loss in a really healthy way!

    Welcome @pvju, @wlfsilva1955 , and @winterblue3!

    @ShyCush6 your puppy is ADORABLE! Love the sweater!

    @jkhoffe way to go on the upcoming 5K. There is no such thing as slow running, you are RUNNING!

    I'm so excited for the weekend. Is anyone else going to watch Fuller House on Netflix? (just got released today!)

  • mtzgirl
    mtzgirl Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. Is this still open to new people? I've lost 36 lbs so far and I'm looking for a supportive community!
  • SaraLikesSunsets
    SaraLikesSunsets Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Sara but I prefer to be called my middle name (though I will still answer to Sara). I am a job corps student. I have been overweight to some degree my whole life, though it got worse when I became an older teenager and ended up gaining a ton of weight due to stuff like being sedentary, lacking motivation, medication side effects, etc. My trade at job corps is one where I'm sitting down all day, often until 3:00pm. I would love to be 150 pounds or smaller, but also look great, be healthier, and have more confidence and better self esteem. :) I would like to be in this group and make some new friends. I try to be active, even though I am a bit busy sometimes.
  • SaraLikesSunsets
    SaraLikesSunsets Posts: 92 Member
    mtzgirl wrote: »
    Hello. Is this still open to new people? I've lost 36 lbs so far and I'm looking for a supportive community!
    I have no idea, but hi! Congrats on the loss so far.

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome all newbies, just join in, we're open to all, and 'hello' lovely regulars.
    I'm having a bit of a melt down... .
    I had an awful run last night, it's really demotivated me. I went out and set my intervals to 3 min effort, 1 min rest, and off I went, much easier than Running Club, what a doodle thought I .... Well, half way through the 3rd effort I was already struggling, then I start getting all dizzy and lightheaded, to the point I needed to sit down, luckily I was right next next to a bus stop, so I sit down to catch my breath and let my head clear (must have looked very odd, someone in running gear waiting for a bus!). Once I felt ok I walked through the next effort and rest and then started to run again, but my legs felt like lead and my breathing was so laboured I sounded like an asthmatic, so I began to walk again. I did this on and off, running as far as I could manage, then walking, and headed home. I'm so disappointed. I thought I was making progress, but now I feel like I've gone back a few weeks. It's the first time I've ever abandoned a run, I'm so peed off.