St. Patrick's day Challenge



  • bookwyrmkd
    bookwyrmkd Posts: 27 Member
    jenlaw71 wrote: »
    Late to the party - but I'm in :) and living in Savannah, GA - St. Pat's week will be my "cheat week" for a few months :)

    SW 211
    GW 206

    I'm a Georgia girl too...other side of the state. Savannah's celebration is legendary! Have a great time, and make healthy choices when you can. Add a little extra movement to offset some of the fun. Enjoy!
  • bookwyrmkd
    bookwyrmkd Posts: 27 Member
    Day 3
    I'm a morning person, so checking in now. Today is a rest day from my traditional exercise, but filled with house cleaning, meal planning, grocery shopping and pre-prepping what I can for the week ahead. I'm paying particular attention to snacks to make every nutrient count.
    CW: 199 (weigh-in 2/27)
    GW: 198 (I don't trust the 3 pound loss this week enough to change my goal.)

    Have a healthy week! :)
  • bookwyrmkd
    bookwyrmkd Posts: 27 Member
    lboyer6 wrote: »
    Managed to stay in my calorie range all this week. Rode my horses 3x and gym only once. Going to ride again tomorrow. Haven't met my goal of exercise 5x a week but I am close to it. I will try harder this week.

    Small steps count...go you! Riding sounds like a wonderful way to get in a workout.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Day 11 - 2.5 hour hike today - have to make up for not exercising my normal amount last week! Have to toe a harder line next week!!
  • maredbear
    maredbear Posts: 17 Member
    missed 2 days of accountability but I'm here today haven't felt wel. so skipped counting calories but did walk the 2 miles for me and my faithful friend Mac(dog) he won't let me sit on my tush to long. so tomarrow I jump on the scale hopefully I didn't do to much damage ths last 2 days. have a healthy movitivated week all.
  • desasmom300
    desasmom300 Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2016
    12th day straight of not missing a workout. Have had 2 days of shortened ones due to illness, but have not skipped one day!!! 12 days of being under my calorie goal. 9 inches gone and 5 pounds.
    Thank you to this group for keeping me accountable and motivated.
  • sepoep2
    sepoep2 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in! Was doing great this fall running and getting into a workout routine but the holidays and Ohio winter hit (and had sick kids for months). Finally getting back into the swing and enjoying the warming temperature! Joined a ReFit class at the Y and started my runs again today.

    CW: 171
    GW: 165

    Under calories today thanks to the run!
  • kahynes5
    kahynes5 Posts: 4 Member
    Day 1 and I'm under my calorie and carb goal for the day. Also managed to get a workout in. Focused on arms. Feeling motivated!
  • kirstendawm
    kirstendawm Posts: 101 Member
    Didn't do too well this weekend. Ate more calories than I wanted to. But I did go for a nice mile and a half walk at the park with my fiancé this afternoon. Hoping for a good week this week. Ready to go back to the gym!
  • allenjamie457
    allenjamie457 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 6: under calories today. Found the cravings easier to ignore. I made my step goal but didn't go to the gym. I'll try to go to the gym tomorrow.
  • joymomrn4
    joymomrn4 Posts: 173 Member
    edited February 2016
    Checking in for the day. Ok so I've lost 3.8 pounds since day one Feb 17th! My goal was 8 lbs for St. patty's Day so I think I have a nice start. I did overindulge as well this weekend. Weekends are the hardest for me. I am determined to get exercise every day this week! Warm wishes to everyone and keep logging and moving! We can do this and just think of the great head start we have moving into the Spring and Summer :)B)<3
  • I'm in, I can't say how many lbs I want to lose by then but to at least reach my daily step target of 10,000... far fetched I'm sure but worth a shot.
  • lboyer6
    lboyer6 Posts: 7 Member
    Today is day 43 of staying on my program. At least 38 of those days my calories were in the 1200 range or slightly under. Maybe 6 days were under 1500 calories (BUT two of those I spent the day walking around Disneyland). My goal is to remain faithful to my program and not fall off the wagon. I fear if I do, that I won't get back on.
  • sb_silver
    sb_silver Posts: 1 Member
    I'mn! Goal - curb the after work snacking, eat dinner before 7, and no eating after 7.30pm!

  • bookwyrmkd
    bookwyrmkd Posts: 27 Member
    Day 4
    Woke up with terrible cough and very sore lower back. Will try working out this afternoon when hopefully I'll feel some better. Will check back in later.
  • pbandbananas1996
    pbandbananas1996 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in!

    I would like to lose 5 pounds by St Patrick's Day.

    SW: 156
    GW: 151
  • Shenvalleygurl
    Shenvalleygurl Posts: 27 Member
    Check in:

    Yesterday was Day 11 for me.

    At 10 workouts and 10 days under my calorie goal.

    (My goal was 20 workouts in 29 days, and 22 out of 29 days under my calorie goal.)

    Also, I hit ONEderland this weekend :-)
  • samjon2
    samjon2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in
    SW: 160
    GW: 150

    I plan to stay under my calorie totals and drink a gallon of water daily. Thanks!

  • kirstendawm
    kirstendawm Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hit the gym after work today and got in a good workout! Also managed to make it to 15,000 steps. Stayed under my calorie Goal. Ready for tomorrow!
  • joymomrn4
    joymomrn4 Posts: 173 Member
    Hit the gym after work today and got in a good workout! Also managed to make it to 15,000 steps. Stayed under my calorie Goal. Ready for tomorrow!

    I'm ready for tomorrow as well! We Are doin this! Looking forward to reaching our goals just think of how good we are going to feel! :)