

  • deborahdoyle62
    deborahdoyle62 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm wishes and welcomes. You have given a lot of really great ideas for my meals at work. Today I had was a great gym day with my trainer, worked on upper body/arms... wow is she tough shows no mercy.. LOL then 30 minutes on the EFX. Feeling great today!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Anne from Wisconsin"So maybe I am venting or just getting this off my chest. Today a woman who was apparently listening to my sister and I talking at lunch about my recent breakup decided to tell me that my ex gave me the gift of freedom and that God has a plan for me and it is a blessing. I thought what the heck. I never asked for this apparently wonderful gift I have supposedly received. As far as the God part goes it feels like a punishment not some blessing."

    I'm convinced some ppl just like to hear themselves talk?
    Regardless,your life is your own & I hope you can get thru this bad time.
    Thankfully you have your Sister & other good friends to listen & care. Pat C
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
    Stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.25min, 13.2amph, 142mhr, 2.9mi = 96c
    spin- 42min, 87ar, 133aw, 12-15g 148mhr, 18.1mi = 334c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.38min, 11.1amph, 129mhr 1.4mi = 61c
    ride wk 2 hm- 18.14min, 8.7amph, 150amph, 2.6mi = 172c
    Total cal 663
  • linnellal
    linnellal Posts: 49 Member
    So many of you to get to know. I am jealous of you who are having spring and are out in your gardens today. It was 9 degrees here when I woke up this morning in the beautiful bluff country of the Mississippi river in Iowa. The weather really determines what you are going to do day by day for exercise this time of year. There are some fools who ride their bikes all year long even in the ice and snow. I'm too old for that nonsense. I've seen what a good fall in the winter can do to a person on a bicycle. But word has it that it is going to be up into the 60's by Tuesday. Our weather is that unpredictable. We've just started March, I'm sure we are in for some good old fashioned blizzard conditions in the near future. Stock the shelves with healthy stuff. Thank god we don't like chips.
    Anna from beautiful bluff country of Northeast Iowa.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Anne, my sister is one of those people who, being in a situation that you hear a problem and think you have an expert opinion, she will speak whether it is welcome or not. some people just lack that filter between the brain and the mouth. The thought just spews out without thinking. I don't know how many times I have had to diffuse situations and be the mediator after the fact. One problem is with her fibro which gives her a lot of short term memory problems, she completely forgets that she needs to hit that filter button. So in her short term memory world, she doesn't even remember that it even happened. Because i also have short term memory problems I understand how she can forget she insulted some one or thought some one should have said something to her when in actuality that person has said it to her many times. i don't know how many arguements I have had with DH because I try to see the situation through the other persons eyes. When a young gang member shoots some one he just sees a shooter. I see a young person who grew up in a terrible situation and that is the only way of life they have learned and they have to use it to survive.

    Don't know why I said all of that. Sometimes my tired brain just spews things out. I am wondering because of some heavy feet and legs if some of this is an MS flare.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Dear all you awesome ladies.

    I have been off the thread for 2 weeks due to a big project and family health difficulties. Big mistake. The time I saved by not reading your posts translated into weight gain. I did continue logging every single day and exercised most days, but for some reason gained, even though i wad below calories most days. I really can't eat back exercise at all. Maybe time to get out the tape measure. I have continued to ride and have been going for bodywork, stretching, etc. More endurance on the horse. BTW- I can't find calorie count for 6 mph walking on MFP or on web. Every time I plug in numbers, I get jogging as an answer. Completely different exercise.

    I got caught up on all the news I missed while sitting in the recliner next to DH bed for last 2 days. He has been bedridden and in late stage dementia for many years now, outliving every prediction and crisis and was taken off hospice list several years ago. I am just glad I did not binge when I got the latest call. Thank heavens for the VA.

    So much has happened to you wonderful gals and I feel bad that I have not been here to lend support.
    I have laughed and cried with you and rejoiced in your victories. I see that more and more of you are talking about gardens. I love to garden and still have a freezer and pantry with last year's harvest.

    For those of you who are interested in paring down, I recommend The Minimalists blog and podcasts. The writers are very young but have lots of wisdom beyond their years.

    March goals:
    Read and post each day.
    Begin year long shopping ban
    Keep a written daily to do list for personal life not just work.
    Smart phone and computer out of the bedroom.
    Complete 30 day minimalizing challenge.
    Read foreign language materials 30 minutes/ day

    Hugs to all.{{{{{{{♡♡♡♡}}}}}}}
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited March 2016
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Marcelyn - I don't know about leaf cutter ants, but I was working at a gal's yard today who has gone completely organic and she has red "fire ants" they make ant hills and underground trails and she has found that running a stream of boiling water into the space is "cooking" the ants and has worked really well for her...


    I fight fire ants all the time. They are easy to deal with compared to these things. The leaf-cutter ants have huge colonies, sometimes 1/2 an acre in size. The queen is always about 20 feet down so water doesn't affect them. So far they are limited to an area of about 30 feet by 60 feet. But they travel up to 600 feet for their food sources. I wish they were just fire ants! :) The good thing is leaf-cutter ants don't bite unless really harassed so they leave you alone. Fire ants... well they are named properly. :)

    Marcelyn in Houston
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    linnellal wrote: »
    Anna from beautiful bluff country of Northeast Iowa.

    I used to live in Coralville/Iowa City. I know your weather. Can't say I miss the winter and have adapted well to the warmth but I do miss seasons. We don't have seasons here, or at least not nice changes.

    Marcelyn in Houston

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Anne from Wisconsin, I am so sorry that you were subjected to that rude woman's opinion. She probably meant well, but I'm sorry - she is an idiot who should keep her opinion to herself. The road to you-know-where is paved with good intentions.

    I think I was so caught off guard by what she had said I did not try and look at it as she was just trying to help. I guess because I would never dream of offering that type of advice. My faith was pretty much destroyed during my divorce I no longer believe you live a good life good things will come to you.
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Anne, my sister is one of those people who, being in a situation that you hear a problem and think you have an expert opinion, she will speak whether it is welcome or not. some people just lack that filter between the brain and the mouth. The thought just spews out without thinking. I don't know how many times I have had to diffuse situations and be the mediator after the fact. One problem is with her fibro which gives her a lot of short term memory problems, she completely forgets that she needs to hit that filter button. So in her short term memory world, she doesn't even remember that it even happened. Because i also have short term memory problems I understand how she can forget she insulted some one or thought some one should have said something to her when in actuality that person has said it to her many times. i don't know how many arguements I have had with DH because I try to see the situation through the other persons eyes. When a young gang member shoots some one he just sees a shooter. I see a young person who grew up in a terrible situation and that is the only way of life they have learned and they have to use it to survive.

    Don't know why I said all of that. Sometimes my tired brain just spews things out. I am wondering because of some heavy feet and legs if some of this is an MS flare.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Thank you for giving me another perspective of why someone may say something.

    Thank to everyone for the support. I hope to be in a better place soon and be helpful to others as you have all been to me.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Evening everyone. I am NOT skipping a day but sheesh you gals talk a lot..... three pages in one day! Too much to remember ever if I do take notes.

    Did a 30 minute cardio workout and then ran 4 miles. I'd like to know why the first 3 miles is always the worst. After that it isn't a problem. lol Would have run more but had to get home to do some errands. Tomorrow I have PT for my rotator cuff issue and I'm sure they won't be happy with my weights and rowing regime. This weekend we head to New Mexico to visit my in-laws. My mother-in-law is not doing well in her cancer battle and dad needs some emotional support. It's going to be hard to resist all that wonderful New Mexico mexican food

    Marcelyn in Houston

    Th first mile is the worst one for me
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    DJ, no, my studio buddy doesn't have much interest in the co-op. He doesn't really want to sell pottery, he wants to give it away, like for empty bowls, or charity auctions. He doesn't need the money.

    Marcelyn, my uninterrupted studio time was interrupted after all with more drafting jobs. Oh well. That's what pays the bills.

    Tonight I brought the kids home after school for dinner. They did their homework, then played outside for a little while before dinner. It was a nice day and the sun is staying up longer. We had breakfast foods for dinner - French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, and strawberries. They must have enjoyed it, because they ate lots. I've been worried that they don't get real food at home. I didn't eat much of anything but tasted everything. The strawberries were especially good.

    Tomorrow I'm going to Joplin to do some shopping. Need to go to Sam's club and Pet Smart and Kohls, and I'm going to see if any of my clay friends want to go to lunch.

    Good night everyone.

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    linnellal wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the group. My name is Anna and I'm 52 yr old and boy do I have a lot to lose. But I'm having a little difficulty lately as I have been physically limited. I injured my left knee last July and have been on crutches ever since. But the good news is that I went to Mayo Clinic and we have set a date for knee replacement surgery. I will be recovered just enough for summer activities. That makes me very happy. Until then I've been logging all my food religiously and I do get some ecercise.... there are 17 steps up into my apartment. Glad to have found you ladies. I already have you bookmarked

    Are you in Minnesota?? I need both knees replaced, they won't do , need more weight off. Welcome to the group, chat often. Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    15,000 steps
    102 minutes of dog walking
    40 minutes riding the exercise bike
    2 minute plank
    line dance class

    weight-lifting-smiley-emoticon.gifStrong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 5X5 @ 45 lbs
    deadlift 5X5 @ 55 lbs
    overhead press 5X5 @ 30 lbs

    The pets have been taken to be boarded, the suitcases are packed except for the last minute items, the "passenger airbag off" light has been repaired and we're headed for bed soon to be ready to leave for Spokane just after sunrise tomorrow. I don't know how much I'll be in touch with all of you, but you'll all be in my heart. I'll aim for 10,000 steps a day and make good choices at restaurants.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful windy NW Washington t110002.gif
  • ginalove1960
    ginalove1960 Posts: 60 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Michele wrote "I'll have to ask again, does anyone have any idea why one of my feet is swollen and the other one isn't?"

    Only throwing a few thots out there, but I know my left foot/ankle often swell and not the right. You may have done a minor twisting/injury without being aware of it. Try keeping it elevated when possible and ice it. If it is still swollen or hurts and is bothersome you might call your doctor when you get back home. Sorry not much help. I do wear compression thigh-high stockings every day now. My ankles still swell but no where near as much as they used to. This is a problem I have had all of my adult life.

    Janetr OKC

  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    So maybe I am venting or just getting this off my chest. Today a woman who was apparently listening to my sister and I talking at lunch about my recent breakup decided to tell me that my ex gave me the gift of freedom and that God has a plan for me and it is a blessing. I thought what the heck. I never asked for this apparently wonderful gift I have supposedly received. As far as the God part goes it feels like a punishment not some blessing.
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Workout stats: 6 straight hours of shopping with my 83 year old mother. That woman puts my 30 year old weight trainer to shame. I need a nap!

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Why do people insist on butting in on something that is none of their business?! I'm sure I would not have been polite to her.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Barbiecat have a great trip we will miss you.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • ginalove1960
    ginalove1960 Posts: 60 Member
    Yeah, I'd say for to your doctor.
  • ginalove1960
    ginalove1960 Posts: 60 Member
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.
  • ginalove1960
    ginalove1960 Posts: 60 Member
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

  • ginalove1960
    ginalove1960 Posts: 60 Member
    Of course, I figure that gooey dessert into my daily calorie allotment.