

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Workout stats: 6 straight hours of shopping with my 83 year old mother. That woman puts my 30 year old weight trainer to shame. I need a nap!

    My husband hates to go shopping with me bc I am in the store for so long looking at everything. One reason why him having to take me everywhere is so interesting.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Grits: Pumpkin from a can is good for dogs that have digestive upsets. :heart: I have never done Reiki, but I looked it up online and there is a demonstration that looks easy to follow. I tried it and liked it. It seems to be exercise and not exactly massage.:smiley:

    Joyce and Vicki: Happy Birthday! Twins! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Dr: Katie: After hearing about shopping with your mother, it looks like you have inherited indomitable genes. WTG! Be sure to thank her. :wink:

    Anne from Wisconsin: I am sorry about the insensitive coworker. What a doofus. People like that make enemies for the Lord because they are thoughtless and cruel. (((HUGS))) They make enemies for themselves, too. :noway:

    Anna: Welcome! I hope your knee replacement surgery goes well. A neighbor recently had his done and his life is better than it was. He had to lose 50 pounds before the doctor would perform surgery. It was too dangerous due to his weight. Afterward it didn't take long for him to regain most of it. I hope you'll get any excess weight that could be a danger to your health off and stick around here for support to keep it off. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: Egg whites are low calorie and nearly pure protein. You can put them in lots of things or cook and eat them. I boil the eggs and give the yolks to the dog, who thinks he's gone to doggy heaven. :noway:

    CJ: Welcome back! I hope your life takes a less stressful path in the future. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Enjoy your travels. :smiley:

    I am done with the bone doctor! He says I can do as I wish and to ease back into the use of my right wrist. Progress!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


    I give my egg yolks (hard boiled) to one of our cats. When she hears the dish, she comes running.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I do not allow myself cheat days. To me its back-pedaling. I am in a support group (TOPS) and every Wednesday after our meeting alot of the ladies go out to eat. I think its kind of hypocritical to preach great eating habits, then have fattening lunches. So, you can imagine they don't really invite me to lunch ever. I equate it to having a pristine checking account, always balanced, then every once in awhile bouncing a check. All it really does is stress you out, and worry about if you are going to balance the account for the rest of the week. For some it works great, but for me it doesn't work.

    Why don't you go with them one time and show them that they can order healthfully while still eating out?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Evening everyone. I am NOT skipping a day but sheesh you gals talk a lot..... three pages in one day! Too much to remember ever if I do take notes.

    Spent the morning weeding the garden getting it ready for planting and worked on some flower beds. I treated the rascal ants again and just want to cry when I see what they are doing to my yard. We have an infestation of Texas Leaf-cutter ants and they are super destructive. Nothing really kills them and the goal is to get bait to the queen, who is about 20 feet under ground. Texas A & M's entomology department said I'm looking at a 3 to 5 year battle. *sigh* They are currently defoliating my 40 foot Holly Tree. They've already cleaned off all the bushes. They're also getting all my neighbors foliage. So far they've left the azaleas and some of the other bushes alone but it's quite discouraging. I put various insect repellent type things on the foliage but it only discourages, doesn't kill. Our next attempt will be pumping CO2 down the hole to attempt to freeze their food source (they use the leaves they harvest to grow fungus which they eat). It was either CO2 or Propane and we thought CO2 might just be a bit on the safer side. Anyway.... discouraging just looking at my beautiful yard being killed. They are everywhere in our neighborhood so it's isn't just my problem.

    Did a 30 minute cardio workout and then ran 4 miles. I'd like to know why the first 3 miles is always the worst. After that it isn't a problem. lol Would have run more but had to get home to do some errands. Tomorrow I have PT for my rotator cuff issue and I'm sure they won't be happy with my weights and rowing regime. This weekend we head to New Mexico to visit my in-laws. My mother-in-law is not doing well in her cancer battle and dad needs some emotional support. It's going to be hard to resist all that wonderful New Mexico mexican food!

    Donna - ouch on the neuroma. I had/have one on my right foot. Those shots HURT!

    exermom - I could never do a spin class. I don't like the loud music and the shouting of the instructor. I agree that they shouldn't be telling you what gear to be in, everyone is at a different level...

    mollywhippet - so jealous of studio and kiln time. I'm so consumed by getting my yard cleaned up and dealing with grandkids that I haven't had any real studio time worth mentioning. I have a ton of bisque to get glazed.

    Glowormin WA - hope you are feeling better soon. Everyone here is sneezing, it's high pollen season for the trees. My car is usually yellow from pollen and will be for a good month.

    DJ - I can see why coming here would cut into Facebook time. :) It takes a bit to read everything. lol I gave up Facebook about four years ago and don't miss it a bit. My life is better without it.

    drkatiebug - I wanna be like your mom when I'm her age. I have an aunt that is 94 and is so active she puts 20 year olds to shame.

    Anne - well call that bull *rap what it is. My daughter went through a divorce a year ago and it has been anything but easy or a blessing. Necessary yes but easy no. It is never easy no matter what the situation.

    Marcelyn in Houston

    That's one reason I have the downloadable workouts -- so I don't have to listen to the loud music or the shouting
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I have not been successful with cheat days either. If i am in a really good place, i dont feel the need to and if i am starting to slip, a cheat day would send me back to square one.
    I agree with many of.you, account for the calories or just take a taste and walk away.

    barbie have a fun trip, sometimes it is good for us to change the scenery in our day to day, even if it makes us realize how.much we love home most.

    Dd had to visit doc for stomach bug and is starting rx later today, she has lost 7 lbs :# and on her tiny frame that is scarytown. The experience made her appreciate me as caregiver and she wondered how she will handle being sick when she goes away to college o:) nice when kid realizes stuff like that.

    sylvia breakfast for dinner is one of my happiest meals :blush: as a kid, they are lucky to have you.
    Karen from ny

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    morning again ladies-
    well let me just tell you I went to the gym ,got there at 5 am.... did 45 minutes on the treadmill.. then tried my hand at zumba.. holy cow that is one heck of a work out,made it 10 minutes of that :p then went out and did some of the weight machines.... after that I took a shower and got dresses, and they have a hydro massage bed that is the bomb.. turned it on high for 15 minutes and enjoyed.. then went to Mcdonalds because i was starving got an egg white mcmuffin with no meat and a tea.. now sitting at the car dealership waiting for an oil change and then to get my hair cut...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I am done with the bone doctor! He says I can do as I wish and to ease back into the use of my right wrist. Progress!!!!! :bigsmile:

    :):)Yippee.....that is great news

  • drcrisos
    drcrisos Posts: 68 Member
    I am so impressed by this group of people. I have joined groups that just seem to disappear and no one is on. The motivation, support and encouragement here is awesome, so thank you all!
    I am trying to be consistent in my efforts, with yoga and pilates. Pilates I think is the cruelest thing! So important but kicks my butt. Ugh.
    I will keep at it and hopefully my back will thank me for it.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day and will check back in tomorrow!
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I'm am laughing ☆☆☆
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Joyce Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning All! Happy Thursday! I got a full eight hours sleep last night with no coughing! I did wake up this morning with a full chest of gunk. But a hot shower loosened and got rid of all the gunk (sorry, kind of gross), but what a relief! The tightness and heaviness in my chest is gone and my coughing is less but more productive! Yea! Body aches and extreme fatigue gone. I think I am on the upside of this cold! I haven't been walking the past four days due to the illness. The cold air and the exertion would trigger the cough. But I have kept up with my strength training. Today is the first day I have been able to do my regular reps and sets! Whoot!
    1 minute hold Superman
    1 minute hold Bridge
    1 minute push-ups
    1 minute lateral lunges
    1 minute hold wall sit
    (repeat four times) I allow a one minute rest between each set if needed

    Mary - LOL! Adding steps didn't work this week for me due to the cold! That will be my goal for next week!

    Sylvia- Your grandkids are very lucky to have you! I think kids find breakfast for dinner to be a "treat". My favorite memories are of my dad making pancakes for dinner when mom was sick or busy.

    Barbie-have a great trip!

    Michele- the swollen ankle thing happens to me from time to time. Most often it is that I have strained the support muscles in one or both feet and not realized it. I found that even walking on uneven surfaces, like a slanted bikepath or mowing the lawn (uneven lawn) will cause my feet or ankles to swell. I would have your doc check it just to be sure it is not something "health" related, though. RICE= rest, ice, compression, elevation

    Gina and Becca- I am also against the term "cheat" days or meals. I think if you eat healthy meals you can have a treat every now and then, just be sure it is reasonable. For me, it may be a dinner from my favorite chinese restaurant or a scoop of ice cream or (and most often than not) my treat choice is a stout beer. But I still figure it in to my daily calorie allowances. I also try to add extra miles/steps to make up for it.

    - Ugh! The shopping marathons! My older sister shops like that! I have no stamina for shopping! I absolutely HATE shopping for clothes, I always have. As a teen, I was notorious for picking out whatever the mannequin was wearing and just being done. My sister is the Queen of Bargain Shopping. More power to her, but I would rather spend the day on a treadmill!

    Marcelyn- Sorry to hear about your MIL! Very sweet of you to travel to give your FIL the emotional support that he needs as well. Don't sweat the Mexican food! Unless it has been American-ized, it is pretty healthy! Lots of tomato, beans, peppers, meats...Safe travels and hugs to you!

    DJ- I have had to cut way back on facebook time! I find, during this election year, that I am getting FAR too angry at too many people! Most of them family members. So I took myself "off" facebook. Too stressful!
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I'm am laughing ☆☆☆

    I am laughing at my typing, too. .....autocorrect....needs auto-proofing.

    Sylvia when do you sleep?
    Penny I am inspired by your exercising regardless of weather. It is 28 but feeling like 19 and I hope the wind dies down before my riding lesson.Call me a wuss. I read what you wrote about the thesis editing. Since you loved it so much perhaps I can share a 400+ page report on the use of IT in healthcare with you? The flow diagrams and equipment illustrations really spice it up.
    Vickie a belated birthday greeting.
    Anne It is so hard to be in the middle of a breakup and unsolicited "advice" is so demeaning. {{Hugs}}.
    Katla Great news from the doctor. Just in time for your spring riding weather.
    Heather The outfit is really wonderful but the inside is even better looking. I hope you wear this on your trip this summer.
    Lenora I may have to borrow a monitor and use it to accurately measure my stride, HR and calorie usage while walking.
    Allison A break for you on your terms will benefit everyone else. We need to take care of ourselves.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Allie- Your day sounds like HEAVEN to me! And that hydro jet thingy??!!! I gotta find me one of those!
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    62 here and this seems to be such a cozy group I would love to join. Have another 65 pounds to reach my goal, since every pound seems to refuse to leave with ease Christmas is my the long term target. I would love that for beginning of August for my 63rd Birthday. No matter which date it will be I will look forward to a fun and enjoyable journey.
    Wishing you all well and prayers being sent for a peaceful happy day for all.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • tracij625
    tracij625 Posts: 18 Member
    I would REALLY like to get about 10-15 pounds off by June 1st! I've struggled with weight my entire life so not sure why I think this is the time I will do it! I've been in a terrible cycle of "starting on Monday, starting at the first of the month, starting...starting...starting....! So frustrated that I can't get to point "B" with all of this. I'm healthy, have two healthy, wonderful teenagers and an amazing husband. Why can't I figure this out? Don't want to be a downer today...it's just where I'm at. So blessed that I'm here and have the support of many.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member

    I have just returned from my after breakfast walk but today without dogs :'( I reached my goal of 10,000 steps which is great because we'll be primarily in the car or sitting down somewhere for the rest of the day. Suitcases are in the car and all I have to do is shower and change from walking clothes to traveling clothes. :)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    I have just returned from my after breakfast walk but today without dogs :'( I reached my goal of 10,000 steps which is great because we'll be primarily in the car or sitting down somewhere for the rest of the day. Suitcases are in the car and all I have to do is shower and change from walking clothes to traveling clothes. :)

    You are an inspiration! Safe travels and enjoy your trip!

    Cheri staying home in Fairlawn, oHIo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    behnybaby wrote: »
    62 here and this seems to be such a cozy group I would love to join. Have another 65 pounds to reach my goal, since every pound seems to refuse to leave with ease Christmas is my the long term target. I would love that for beginning of August for my 63rd Birthday. No matter which date it will be I will look forward to a fun and enjoyable journey.
    Wishing you all well and prayers being sent for a peaceful happy day for all.

    welcome.gif I started on MFP and on this thread when I was 62 and was able to lose about 60 pounds and keep it off. Take it one day at a time and log every bite and seek every opportunity to be active.

    :) Barbie from overcast NW Washington
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I do not allow myself cheat days. To me its back-pedaling. I am in a support group (TOPS) and every Wednesday after our meeting alot of the ladies go out to eat. I think its kind of hypocritical to preach great eating habits, then have fattening lunches. So, you can imagine they don't really invite me to lunch ever. I equate it to having a pristine checking account, always balanced, then every once in awhile bouncing a check. All it really does is stress you out, and worry about if you are going to balance the account for the rest of the week. For some it works great, but for me it doesn't work.

    I agree, if we have to call it a "cheat day" right there it is sending guilt feelings. This is not a diet, not a destination, it is a life long healthy eating journey. That's not to say I don't have a dessert or something with more carbs once in a while, I do. I do figure it in to my calories, etc. But as you say, Becca, in an entire day you can blow your entire good work for the week. If you feel you are "cheating", you are probably not enjoying it. When I do allow myself a treat, I eat it slowly and absolutely enjoy every bite. :) Just my opinion.

    Janetr OKC

    I have to disagree on this one. Life is about balance and for me, that means eating healthy most of the time and indulging in something "sinful" occasionally. I don't consume 5,000 calories on a cheat day, but I do have one yummy meal or one drink or one dessert. This does not in any way derail my progress. Instead, it allows me to continue with a healthy lifestyle that meets my physical and emotional needs. I am able to spend valuable time with friends or family without guilt, doing something that culturally (as humans) is bonding. In addition, the trainer that I admire and follow cheats occasionally on her own plan (as do every single one I've known) and she looks amazing. Were I not to cheat (and yes, I like that word because I never wish to be rigid in any aspect of my life) I would not - repeat NOT - be able to sustain a healthy diet.