40+yrs motivation group. We aren't getting any younger!



  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    In my facebook timeline MyFitnessPal is asking the question "what is the best piece of advice of health advice you have received" here is my answer.

    Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. My doctor, is a sports medicine doctor for a well known sports organization told me this. When I stopped thinking I could exercise away the extra calories the weight finally came off. The exercise is helpings be stronger, keep it off, feel better, and look better with the weight loss.

    This is a great reminder kelbels. I've seen different articles say the same thing in the last 2 yrs. It's taught me that I have to be more respectful of my body and behave less like I can cover up for excessive or careless eating by exercising. Still learning.
  • trk24
    trk24 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, I belong here. 46, 175ish and would like to lose at least 25lbs. Food is my nemesis. No willpower whatsoever. Exercise is not really my problem. I can make myself get to the gym, but have a hard time eating right or portion control. Would love new friends to get through this journey...that starts again in Monday.
  • altergirl
    altergirl Posts: 7 Member
    I turned 40 last summer, so working my way towards 41 :)
    I got myself into great shape with bootcamp workouts and running races two years ago but then I went back to school to complete a Master's program and totally fell off the wagon. I'm now trying to lose 20lbs and get my endurance back up. I find it so hard to stick with MFP. I will track well for the week and then stop tracking on the weekend. My dedication is just not there, but I'm trying to stick to it one day at a time.
  • kmbrvt99
    kmbrvt99 Posts: 19 Member
    I'll be 52 in May and I think that the 50's are pretty damn good! Feel free to add me if you would like =)
  • stellabest99
    stellabest99 Posts: 44 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    So today is a new day that I feel just tired and unmotivated. What are some good ideas today for a cold breezy day to get me moving. Just looking to burn some calories. How are you guys getting past the fatigue

    Hi Kel, you could do some gentle yoga to get you going at home before braving the outdoors for a walk... even half an hour makes a difference :-)

    Oh, and I'm 42 and joining in, in case no one noticed... heehee. I'm the noisy hobbit in the corner. I accept all friend requests :-)
  • cristimorrison
    cristimorrison Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all! I'm 42 and have been on MFP for years. I go on and off and have recently rededicated myself to get these pounds off! I was diagnosed with MS in 2012 and thankfully haven't had too many relapses. I stay active with hiking, walking, weight training, yoga and most recently boxing & muy thai! I enjoy cooking and look for healthy recipes all the time. Feel free to add me!
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey there! I'm Becky, I'll be 45 in May and it's definitely a lot harder to lose weight these days, I think mostly because it's harder to burn calories like I use too. I continue to work on my running and do a light workout. Feel free to add me for anyone who like to interact, with encouragement and motivation, as well as sharing real struggles that come with all of this.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
  • GoJohnGo71
    GoJohnGo71 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm 44. Lost 20 pounds since January. It's hard work but still seems to work for this old body. To me it's about portion control and of course exercise.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
  • DaShumps
    DaShumps Posts: 25 Member
    Hello, I'm 52 and just joined this site couple of days ago... not use to counting calories etc. but now that I'm recovering from a broken leg while going thru mid life changes I thought this would be a good place to help stay fit and healthy :)
  • beka456
    beka456 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I'm Beka...I'm not new to MFP but I am to this group. I've been on this journey for a while now and now back on track. It's hard work staying on track! Looking for some motivational talk and also offering it too. Yes I'm in my 40's too and I figure that health wise we'll have a lot in common and can help each other out. So add me and we'll keep each other honest. Here's to changing our lives for better!!! ✊
  • JUknowPK
    JUknowPK Posts: 482 Member
    If anyone needs a friend, just add me. I'm 43, and am about a month into this journey.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 656 Member
    Hi, I am Kevin. I have been on MFP for a couple of years now. I have lost 20lbs. Unfortunatly, I have gained about 10 of those lbs back but am in the process of losing again. So if anyone wishs you can add me as a friend.
  • embear2
    embear2 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I'm Jane, 44 in UK. Used mfp before successfully but injury in last 2 years stopped me exercising and I put 2 stone of it back on. Been active for 55 days, lost 15 lbs so far, another 14 lbs would do it now. Add me so we can keep motivating each other
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    I am Kelly, turning 44 in a just a few days. I had back surgery a year ago and have fibromyalgia. I enjoy all the support that I have received from the friends I have made here. If you find yourself in need of motivational support and someone to bounce ideas and thoughts off of I can do that. Just send over a friend request. Male and female friends are welcome.
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    Pls add me
  • dresha41
    dresha41 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello I am 42struggled with being over weight most of my life even went almost through the bariactric course for surgery, I have fought off and on to get the access weight off. Not really knowing what I was doing. I started out eating clean about three months ago, and started doing exercise by going up and down the stairs walking outside when the weather permits and stretching to help make my body more flexible. I have lost 11pounfs and having support is the best thing any of us can have.
  • Jacabyte
    Jacabyte Posts: 43 Member
    I keep getting reminded im in my 40'es but i feel 24 but with 20years experience of being 24
  • marlymarly
    marlymarly Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 years old. Trying to lose about 20lbs. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I carry it all on my tummy - not healthy! I'm also PCOS so the weight comes off very slowly. I've been trying to lose 3 lbs a month, but even that has been s huge challenge. Add me as a friend for motivation. How do you find time to exercise between work and kids? How do you avoid munching when things get stressful?