Relatively light people trying to get leaner



  • hollen_carol
    hollen_carol Posts: 121 Member
    Love this thread! Still need to read though many pages tonight at home so BUMP :)
  • Tamlyngo
    Tamlyngo Posts: 96 Member
    Appreciate how you put things into perspective. I've never been a fan of using the scale much as there are times im heavier but more fit/toned and times I'm lighter but a little flabby. This is the first time in my life I've used any kind of 'program' to loose weight. I'm currently at a normal BMI (have always been underweight until a few years ago) but I've recently started to get extra belly fat that needs to go!
  • Dashly
    Dashly Posts: 2 Member
    jabdye wrote: »
    Great post! Thanks! I am in a similar situation. I have been running for about 2 years -- and after an overuse injury decided to do a little more cross training. I started weight-lifting, swimming and biking on my non-running days. After 5 months I have gained 3 pounds! It's very discouraging. Luckily I did do a body composition analysis before I started -- and look forward to comparing before/after results. I know I have toned so I should have a lower body fat %. I tend to be a slave to the scale but am trying desperately to quit using it until my 6 month month.

    Thanks for the great info!

  • sureitstime
    sureitstime Posts: 67 Member
    Long time lurker, first time poster here. I know I'll get some solid and reliable answers here. I am a 39 yrs, 4'11 woman. My highest weight has been 70kgs. I have been diagonised with hypertension in Jan and my doc thinks my weight is the main culprit here. Since Jan I have lost 5 kgs and see a lot of inch loss. But my doc is not happy with the rate of weight loss and delicately asked me if I want something to hasten my weight loss.
    My questions to you Stroutman
    1. If I start a lifting weights will it not slow down my weight loss.
    2. Is it better for my overall health to first lose the weight and then start lifting.
    Confused! Please help!

    Yeah, I'm ashamed by how much time has passed since I visited this thread. Between a growing business, major home renovations, and raising 3 little girls... MFP slipped beyond my radar. Sorry about that.

    Firstly, congrats on the loss and more so for getting a handle on your habits.

    I find it a bit frustrating that the doc is fretting about your rate of weight loss. While it's not the stock standard 1 lb per week that everyone throws around... it's a perfectly fine rate by my standards. Plus, it's one that you can likely stick with. It's not pushing you too far out of your comfort zone. Some time has passed since you posted this but I sincerely hope you kept doing your thing. This isn't a race. It's a personal journey of incremental change over time.

    Granted, maybe your medical condition warrants some faster course of action, and if that's the case, obviously he/she knows best. I'm no doctor. That said, I've dealt with many clients who experienced doctors telling them whacky stuff when it comes to weight loss for no good medical reason except for "losing weight would be good for your health." And when that's the reason, which is perfectly fine, I'm of the opinion that you customize an approach that fits the person rather than cramming some stock standard rate of weight loss expectation that may or may not apply to the individual in question.

    Delaying lifting isn't necessary. Can it slow results? Sure, assuming we're relying solely on the scale to measure results. We'd be misguided in doing so though. Adding lifting into the mix might cause some water retention due to the novelty of the stress. But that's temporary. It might also add a little muscle. But that's awesome. For physique, for health, for functionality, etc.

    Progress comes in many shades and if I were you'd I'd be worrying more about how you look and feel than what the random number generator tells you on any given day!

    Thank you so much for the reply. I knew I could get solid answers from you!
    I am glad to report back that I 've lost 2 more kgs in the meantime and I've started lifting weights. I feel awesome!
    Oh, btw, I also changed my doc as she kept pushing me to try the HCG diet.
    Thanks again!
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Tamlyngo wrote: »
    Appreciate how you put things into perspective. I've never been a fan of using the scale much as there are times im heavier but more fit/toned and times I'm lighter but a little flabby. This is the first time in my life I've used any kind of 'program' to loose weight. I'm currently at a normal BMI (have always been underweight until a few years ago) but I've recently started to get extra belly fat that needs to go!

    Well it's simply a matter of reversing the habits that generated the belly fat. Now that's easier said than done as habits are very hard to change. But it's this reason why I highly suggest setting up realistic and incremental change targets. Do some accounting of what you're comfortable changing today, put it in action form scaling it to meet you where you are... so that you're confident you'll be able to do it... and then start executing. Everyday. And as slowly develop a new normal, your body will follow suit.

  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Long time lurker, first time poster here. I know I'll get some solid and reliable answers here. I am a 39 yrs, 4'11 woman. My highest weight has been 70kgs. I have been diagonised with hypertension in Jan and my doc thinks my weight is the main culprit here. Since Jan I have lost 5 kgs and see a lot of inch loss. But my doc is not happy with the rate of weight loss and delicately asked me if I want something to hasten my weight loss.
    My questions to you Stroutman
    1. If I start a lifting weights will it not slow down my weight loss.
    2. Is it better for my overall health to first lose the weight and then start lifting.
    Confused! Please help!

    Yeah, I'm ashamed by how much time has passed since I visited this thread. Between a growing business, major home renovations, and raising 3 little girls... MFP slipped beyond my radar. Sorry about that.

    Firstly, congrats on the loss and more so for getting a handle on your habits.

    I find it a bit frustrating that the doc is fretting about your rate of weight loss. While it's not the stock standard 1 lb per week that everyone throws around... it's a perfectly fine rate by my standards. Plus, it's one that you can likely stick with. It's not pushing you too far out of your comfort zone. Some time has passed since you posted this but I sincerely hope you kept doing your thing. This isn't a race. It's a personal journey of incremental change over time.

    Granted, maybe your medical condition warrants some faster course of action, and if that's the case, obviously he/she knows best. I'm no doctor. That said, I've dealt with many clients who experienced doctors telling them whacky stuff when it comes to weight loss for no good medical reason except for "losing weight would be good for your health." And when that's the reason, which is perfectly fine, I'm of the opinion that you customize an approach that fits the person rather than cramming some stock standard rate of weight loss expectation that may or may not apply to the individual in question.

    Delaying lifting isn't necessary. Can it slow results? Sure, assuming we're relying solely on the scale to measure results. We'd be misguided in doing so though. Adding lifting into the mix might cause some water retention due to the novelty of the stress. But that's temporary. It might also add a little muscle. But that's awesome. For physique, for health, for functionality, etc.

    Progress comes in many shades and if I were you'd I'd be worrying more about how you look and feel than what the random number generator tells you on any given day!

    Thank you so much for the reply. I knew I could get solid answers from you!
    I am glad to report back that I 've lost 2 more kgs in the meantime and I've started lifting weights. I feel awesome!
    Oh, btw, I also changed my doc as she kept pushing me to try the HCG diet.
    Thanks again!

    Uhg... I don't get these docs. I'm glad you steered clear and decided to man the helm yourself. Good luck and if you want to run anything by me... you know where to find me.
  • Interesting...I am 110 lbs @ 5'3" . Originally wanted to lose .5 lb. per week up until Thanksgiving, but I'm thinking I'd be okay with a total 2 lb. weight loss as opposed to 4. I am pretty lean up top, but I'm not happy with the appearance of my lower body yet. I'm thinking that may come with several bulk and cut cycles, but I am enjoying the experimentation/process of it all.

    Been taking monthly pictures and I am seeing positive changes and increasing the load or reps every week with lifting, so I would say I'm headed in the right direction. This was all just confirmation to be patient and press forward!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Just giving this a bump for visibility. It's a really useful thread.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Interesting...I am 110 lbs @ 5'3" . Originally wanted to lose .5 lb. per week up until Thanksgiving, but I'm thinking I'd be okay with a total 2 lb. weight loss as opposed to 4. I am pretty lean up top, but I'm not happy with the appearance of my lower body yet. I'm thinking that may come with several bulk and cut cycles, but I am enjoying the experimentation/process of it all.

    Been taking monthly pictures and I am seeing positive changes and increasing the load or reps every week with lifting, so I would say I'm headed in the right direction. This was all just confirmation to be patient and press forward!

    Yup, you certainly seem to be on the right path. Good stuff!

    You might have interest in checking out Lyle McDonald's stubborn fat protocol btw.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    Just a bump for the New Year.
  • bologna111
    bologna111 Posts: 57 Member
    This is the best thread I have ever read! So very helpful!
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    I spent all day reading this thread yesterday (productivity at work zero), it was so helpful! Really helped me re-evaluate my goals. Hovering at just under 5'1" and just under 120, I have been chasing the elusive last 10 pounds as just a number on the scale for years (Im 35). I occasionally get down there only to bounce back up again....this really opened my eyes to stop chasing a number on the scale. For the record, when I do get that low, it creates a minimal difference in how I look. I am looking to re-vamp my goals now :)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    amillenium wrote: »
    I spent all day reading this thread yesterday (productivity at work zero), it was so helpful! Really helped me re-evaluate my goals. Hovering at just under 5'1" and just under 120, I have been chasing the elusive last 10 pounds as just a number on the scale for years (Im 35). I occasionally get down there only to bounce back up again....this really opened my eyes to stop chasing a number on the scale. For the record, when I do get that low, it creates a minimal difference in how I look. I am looking to re-vamp my goals now :)

    Awesome post and a bump to boot!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    Not quite fully read through all of this thread, but I'll explain where I'm at. About 10 stone 6 lbs, 165 cm tall, male, 32 years old, about 17% BF I think, 30 inch waist, lift weights four times a week (currently doing 5/3/1). Been trying for what must be a couple of years now to go the last step to be as lean as I'd feel happy with. Obviously I've made a mess of it, weight going down and back up with hunger getting the better of me. Been below 10 stone before but struggled to get back there since 2013.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    bologna111 wrote: »
    This is the best thread I have ever read! So very helpful!

    Glad you were able to derive some usefulness from it. I had a lot of fun in this thread over the years.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    amillenium wrote: »
    I spent all day reading this thread yesterday (productivity at work zero), it was so helpful! Really helped me re-evaluate my goals. Hovering at just under 5'1" and just under 120, I have been chasing the elusive last 10 pounds as just a number on the scale for years (Im 35). I occasionally get down there only to bounce back up again....this really opened my eyes to stop chasing a number on the scale. For the record, when I do get that low, it creates a minimal difference in how I look. I am looking to re-vamp my goals now :)

    Great reflection! That's what this is all about. Learning! If I could impart one lesson to everyone I help in fitness it'd be to adopt a mindset that's rooted in experimentation. This isn't about pass/fail. It's about testing things out - conducting our own little personal studies - and reflecting back on them to pinpoint what we did well and to learn.

    What do you plan on doing differently now?
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    Not quite fully read through all of this thread, but I'll explain where I'm at. About 10 stone 6 lbs, 165 cm tall, male, 32 years old, about 17% BF I think, 30 inch waist, lift weights four times a week (currently doing 5/3/1). Been trying for what must be a couple of years now to go the last step to be as lean as I'd feel happy with. Obviously I've made a mess of it, weight going down and back up with hunger getting the better of me. Been below 10 stone before but struggled to get back there since 2013.

    How did you look and feel at 10 stone?
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    amillenium wrote: »
    I spent all day reading this thread yesterday (productivity at work zero), it was so helpful! Really helped me re-evaluate my goals. Hovering at just under 5'1" and just under 120, I have been chasing the elusive last 10 pounds as just a number on the scale for years (Im 35). I occasionally get down there only to bounce back up again....this really opened my eyes to stop chasing a number on the scale. For the record, when I do get that low, it creates a minimal difference in how I look. I am looking to re-vamp my goals now :)

    Great reflection! That's what this is all about. Learning! If I could impart one lesson to everyone I help in fitness it'd be to adopt a mindset that's rooted in experimentation. This isn't about pass/fail. It's about testing things out - conducting our own little personal studies - and reflecting back on them to pinpoint what we did well and to learn.

    What do you plan on doing differently now?

    I've started eating at maintenance which has made a huge difference in how I feel. I'm also not weighing myself obsessively any more :P

    I still do run quite a bit (but that is because I enjoy it). After a long hiatus, I am also trying to get into lifting more again.

  • msteele377
    msteele377 Posts: 14 Member
    Oh my can't wait to read over your comments tomorrow. I'm 25, 5ft and 145 at the moment. Most of my life I've been between 115-125. I grew up with a mom who is 5'1 and never more than 95 suffering from an eating disorder. I'm struggling to understand a healthy way to loose weight since during my lifetime I've witnessed my mom starve herself or attempt outrageous crash diet. I run close to 10-14 miles a week but often find myself extremely hungry after. I saw where you've mentioned running isn't always as effective as one might think. What's your suggestion? Also, what percentage of calories burned is acceptable to consume back? I did a 3 week long shake diet a few months ago where I consumed no more than 600 cals in a day and lost 15 pounds but am beginning to realize that dehydration and water weight is a big part of fad diets and am looking for a healthier more permanate way to shed the pounds
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    amillenium wrote: »
    amillenium wrote: »
    I spent all day reading this thread yesterday (productivity at work zero), it was so helpful! Really helped me re-evaluate my goals. Hovering at just under 5'1" and just under 120, I have been chasing the elusive last 10 pounds as just a number on the scale for years (Im 35). I occasionally get down there only to bounce back up again....this really opened my eyes to stop chasing a number on the scale. For the record, when I do get that low, it creates a minimal difference in how I look. I am looking to re-vamp my goals now :)

    Great reflection! That's what this is all about. Learning! If I could impart one lesson to everyone I help in fitness it'd be to adopt a mindset that's rooted in experimentation. This isn't about pass/fail. It's about testing things out - conducting our own little personal studies - and reflecting back on them to pinpoint what we did well and to learn.

    What do you plan on doing differently now?

    I've started eating at maintenance which has made a huge difference in how I feel. I'm also not weighing myself obsessively any more :P

    I still do run quite a bit (but that is because I enjoy it). After a long hiatus, I am also trying to get into lifting more again.

    Great stuff. Way to be reflective and make modifications while walking the path toward your best you!