How do you feel about veganism?



  • buzz28camaro
    buzz28camaro Posts: 49 Member

    They can enjoy their Omega 3 and B12 deficiencies.

    TIL I have an Omega 3 and B12 deficiency because I'm vegan. "Enjoy your mercury poisoning!" See how stupid generalizations sound?

    signs of B12 and Omega 3 deficiency include poor cognitive functioning and anger

    So you're saying you have these deficiencies? Why were you putting them on vegans if it's something you're struggling with?
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't eat meat anymore. I just got to a stage where I could no longer separate what I was eating, however delicious, with what it took to get that meat. I'm not willing to be a part of that any longer, but I don't judge others who are able to separate their food with the source - I did it for most of my life.

    Anything factory farmed, or mass produced, is going to be bad for us and the planet in some way so a lot of my meat eating friends source meat that is small-scale, locally produced and as ethical as possible. Supporting local is an added bonus! I guess it's all about just being curious about where your food actually comes from, and what happens from farm to table.

    Regardless of the ethical side, I do feel a zillion times better and I've been way less sick. I used to always be the person that caught what was going around at work, but I rarely do now. I also have found I lose weight easier. I'd love for people to eat more vegetarian and vegan meals, like a 5/2 situation. Or just have one or two meat free days, just to help ease global demand.

    We're also using a giant amount of water to produce meat for consumers, and a lot of people food too like grain. Basically, more meat means less water and grain, corn etc for humans.

    In all things, there should be balance and a conservative attitude to what we consume and waste. A mutual respect would go a long way towards this too.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    I feel I have canine teeth for a reason--and that's because I belong to an opportunistic and omnivorous species :-) So personally, I'm a "preferential vegetarian"--who eats mostly veg, but eats eggs about 3 days a week, cheese or dairy about 2 days a week, and meat maybe once or twice a week.

    But being part of an opportunistic and omnivorous species means that we can eat different stuff, and we don't NEED meat or animal products to survive. so if it makes you feel good, do it!

    I love this answer, and you seem to be striking a great balance! :)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I have no issue with veganism, and quite enjoy the challenge of cooking for my vegan friends when I invite them over. It's not for me - I enjoy animal products too much and feel that the way I shop for animal products fulfils my personal level of ethical obligations, but I respect their decisions.

    And for what it's worth, the best darned chocolate chip cookies I have ever tasted are vegan. I even got the recipe and make them for non-vegan shindigs.
  • babychris1
    babychris1 Posts: 159 Member
    How do you feel about supporting industries that cause suffering, death and torture to animals for no reason, is a question we should be asking.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    I was a vegetarian in the 80s and then after meeting my (now) husband have been eating poultry, dairy an fish since the mid-90s. Now my 17 year old daughter has gone veggie and I am happily joining her. Love it all over again.
  • FrankWorsley
    FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member
    It depends on a person's goals for going vegan. Just not eating any animal products does not equal good health and nutrition. Eating a prudent balance of healthy foods, combined with regular exercise and sufficient sleep, equals good health and nutrition.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    How do I "feel" about veganism? I feel like what I eat is my business, and what you eat is yours. I'm vegan. Have been almost my entire life. I don't feel the need to scream it from the rooftops, nor do I try to "convert" anyone. My husband eats meat and eggs but loves tofu and beans. He doesn't care if I don't eat the chicken he made and I don't care if he does eat it. I don't "feel" any way about veganism. Guess I'm a bad vegan.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't care one way or another - as long as they don't get in my face about their food beliefs. I don't respect vegans who are confrontational and try to convert others.
  • mrvikingman
    mrvikingman Posts: 83 Member
    It has its place. It's just not for me personally.
  • cosmiqrecovery
    cosmiqrecovery Posts: 171 Member
    edited March 2016
    definitely supportive of people who choose it for themselves. i was a vegetarian for several years and vegan for about a year and a half in high school. if i'd done it for the right reasons it probably would have felt much better than it did. personally, i'm not at a place where i could safely be vegan again. restrictive diets and eating disorder recovery don't really mix (inb4 someone goes off on me about how they don't feel restricted so obviously no one ever would) and it would more than likely trigger a relapse for me. people don't like seem to like to take that into account.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    When I meet a non-militant vegan, I'll feel better about them. Until then:

    How many vegans does it take to change a light bulb?

    A1: None. Light bulbs are "NOT VEGAN!! AHHHHHH!!!!"

    A2: Two. One to get on their high horse and another to chastise them for oppressing the horse.

    A3: 101. One-hundred to crowdsource a website dedicated to finding out which brands satisfy a strict set of current vegan criteria and one to order the light bulb from an obscure online store in an overseas country.
  • liftsalltheweights
    liftsalltheweights Posts: 73 Member
    We do not need to eat animals in fact it is unhealthy
    Animals suffer in factories there are many documentries showing the horrors

    ^^ That right there is the reason I don't particularly care for vegans. It's that sanctimonious "I don't eat meat therefore I am way better than you" attitude. I have had to sever ties with many friends who had that attitude. You don't eat meat or wear fur or leather for whatever ethical reasons? That's awesome but please don't lecture me and tell me how awful I am because I choose to eat meat and wear leather/fur products.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    I don't understand the vehement argument against the fact that animals suffer in factories. They do. There's nothing to argue.

    I admire vegans. I am not one; I'm pescatarian & love this way of eating. I would not dream of preaching at someone or trying to convince them to change their eating habits.

    I've seen more pushy low carbers on MFP than I have pushy vegans.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Eat what you like. I hate almost all meat because it makes me feel sick to my stomach for hours after eating it, but fish doesn't do this so I eat it. I have had folks who judged me for not eating meat (thinking I was somehow morally superior to them or something--probably a backlash from the vegan/whole foods movement), but when I explain it as a food intolerance/dietary need people tend to be more understanding.
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    I feel I have canine teeth for a reason ...


    And have you seen the massive canines on a mountain gorilla? Herbivores.

  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    To each their own. Eat whatever you like as long as it doesn't make you ill. As long as you don't make others feel bad for eating meat it's fine. I know some who are vegetarian or vegan for ethics reasons, some because they don't like the taste of meat and some for medical reasons.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    We do not need to eat animals in fact it is unhealthy
    Animals suffer in factories there are many documentries showing the horrors

    ^^ That right there is the reason I don't particularly care for vegans. It's that sanctimonious "I don't eat meat therefore I am way better than you" attitude. I have had to sever ties with many friends who had that attitude. You don't eat meat or wear fur or leather for whatever ethical reasons? That's awesome but please don't lecture me and tell me how awful I am because I choose to eat meat and wear leather/fur products.

    The person you're responding to isn't even a vegan though. That answer would be why you don't care for that particular person, a person who is an lacto-ovo vegetarian.

    I'm vegan and I've never said that to you or anyone else. Why wouldn't you care for me?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I feel I have canine teeth for a reason ...


    And have you seen the massive canines on a mountain gorilla? Herbivores.

    If all you do for animals is not eat them, then you do really think you are doing much for them? How much impact do you think that actually has on factory farmed meats?