How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat!!



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake..............

    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake..............

    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.

    I am the OP and learn to read the post in full before you comment. I never said it MAKES YOU FAT, i said it will keep your body fat because your body will use muscle as energy before it will use fat.
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Is butter a carb?
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake..............

    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.

    I am the OP and learn to read the post in full before you comment. I never said it MAKES YOU FAT, i said it will keep your body fat because your body will use muscle as energy before it will use fat or a video like you posted.

    This is TRUE it will keep your body fat or from burning fat. That is why i think that everyone should have to take a class on what the food groups do for your body and how it uses them.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm with you there. Yes, a calorie is a calorie, but carbs turn to sugar, and sugar turns to fat. Unless you're an endurance runner... more protein and fat, yay! (I just started the Paleo journey and am learning to love fat!)
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    Is butter a carb?

    depends on the butter and what its made of? Generaly speaking people think of carbs as starchy food i.e. breads,pastas, grains and rice, but those are just complex carbs which are slow digesting and should be used in moderation for sustained energy levels. There is also simple carbs known as sugars and are digested very rapidly <-- This is where many people get into trouble because there is a very good side to simple carbs such as fruits and veggies which you can use during the day if you are feeling tired as lng as you dont eat a whole bag of apples lol. The bad side is the refined sugars which are simple carbs also and will give you a short burst of energy but they normally come in copious amounts such as energy drinks that contain almost 12TB spoons of sugar per drink WOW and I think we all know where that goes. When you get to a certin BF% or even BMI a calorie isnt just a calorie either they all count because they have very different effects on everyone.
  • FitnessChefJime
    FitnessChefJime Posts: 174 Member
    I like Steak!

    Carry on
  • Interesting... this has given me food for thought and I think I'll look into this topic further. Thanks!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    If you tell me how to look like Kara Goucher, I'll love you forever. I don't want a lot of muscle mass, but I don't want skinny fat either.

    I'm sure she has a relatively high carb ratio due to her being a distance runner.

    They recommend something like 55%-60% for long distance runners. Not all runners, just those packing on the miles.
  • donna - while I am NOT a nutritionist, the general rule is half to a full gram of protein per pound of your ideal body weight. Example: I'm 5'4, figuring my ideal weight at about 160 (I am very broad). So I generally shoot for a MINIMUM of 80g of protein a day. I generally try to stay under HALF of that in grams of carbs, so again, for me, that puts me between 40 and 50. It may seem low, but it works! This allows me to not only lose fat, but gain muscle. (I have regular body scans done to determine just how much loss/gain there is).

    general rule is .75 up to 1.5 grams per lbs dependent on what you are trying to obtain. The FDA says .5 and this has been disproved by about everyone and their brother.

    Wow. Little harsh. Just trying to help here. I obviously have not read as much material as you.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake..............

    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.

    I am the OP and learn to read the post in full before you comment. I never said it MAKES YOU FAT, i said it will keep your body fat because your body will use muscle as energy before it will use fat.

    Learn to read? Okay. How about this: learn basic nutrition because you're talkin nonsense.

    Caloric deficit = weight loss.
    High protein = muscle sparing.
    It follows that a high protein diet at a caloric deficit REGARDLESS of carb intake will result in optimal fat loss as far as the diet side of the equation is concerned.

    How can so many athletes eat hundreds of grams of carbs and maintain a sub 10% body fat with ease?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake..............

    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.

    I am the OP and learn to read the post in full before you comment. I never said it MAKES YOU FAT, i said it will keep your body fat because your body will use muscle as energy before it will use fat or a video like you posted.

    This is TRUE it will keep your body fat or from burning fat. That is why i think that everyone should have to take a class on what the food groups do for your body and how it uses them.
    Lol. No.

    What happens if you eat a diet solely based in fat in regards to burning fat? Answer that for me. Thanks.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Let's throw out a hypothetical. Guy has a 2,000 calorie maintenance and eats 1,500 calories resulting in a 500 calorie deficit.

    1) if all calories are consumed as carbs, then your body will burn every last carb as free glucose in he bloodstream or once it's already been stored as glycogen. The remaining 500 calories will come primarily from fat.

    2) if all calories are consumed as fat, then your body will burn every last gram as fat once it's been broken down or after it has already been stored as body fat. The remaining 500 calories will come primarily from fat.

    3) if all calories are consumed as protein, then your body will burn every last amino acid for energy, typically in the form of free amino acids. The remaining 500 calories will come primarily from fat, more so than the last 2 scenarios given protein's muscle-sparing abilities.

    Note that in all 3 scenarios, the 500 calorie deficit will primarily come from fat. This is a watered down version, but the basic message is clear.

    The ultimate message for fat loss is: caloric deficit + high protein. After that, it's up to the individual. You CAN lose fat very easily with a moderate-high carb intake assuming a high protein diet is in place, and preferably resistance trainin is present.
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    Is butter a carb?

    I love that someone actually answered this seriously.
    Possibly one of my favourite movies ever lol.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Is butter a carb?

    I love that someone actually answered this seriously.
    Possibly one of my favourite movies ever lol.

    I can't go to Taco Bell, I'm on an all carb diet!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    The OP is spot on IMO.


    you'll find comparing an elite athlete and regular MFP'er is like comparing a super car to a family saloon...

    they eat a ****eload of carbs...yep.

    now when do they eat them??
    they eat them around thier training... ;)
    because thier bodies will make use of them right away...they will not get stored away for later.

    lets think about this: if said super freak athlete took a week off, would thier carb intake remain the same?
    HELL NO...
    it would be TINY in comparison. I think we know why by now yes?? hell mid way through that week i wouldnt be surprised if thier carb count got well below 50gm's...

    personally, i use 33/33/33. :)
    has always worked well for me...but thats not a hard and fast ratio either...
    on non-workout days i'll generally keep the carbs much lower, and add more fat instead. else i'll feel bloated.

    calories are calories huh??
    I dont think some research. :)
    a carb found in bread/rice/pasta/potatoes, is NOT the same as a carb found good green leafy vegetables...

    oh and OT: Bread is bad, kay. :P and really not needed at all.

    I can provide links to great info if anyone disagrees with the OP...
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Wow, carbs are soooo bad that I went from 191 pounds to 128 pounds in less than a year eating a pizza every Sunday while watching football or Nascar, depending on the time of year.

    This, just like any other carb debate on this website, will simply go around the merri-go-round until people get so mad that others report their posts and the thread gets locked.

    There's no diet that works for 100% of the people 100% of the time and is sustainable for the rest of our lives. If there was, we'd all be on it.

    I personally like to eat around 40% of my calories from carbs. I do have at least 1 day a week where I eat more than that, hence the once a week pizza that I still currently enjoy. My mom, on the otherhand, has lost over 100 pounds eating around 55% of her calories from carbs. She couldn't stand eating like me, and I don't like her diet. We must find something that works for our ow bodies and stop trying every fad that everyone else is doing.

    Low carb is great for some people. It's not so hot for others. But both groups can lose weight. Go figure.

    Debating on what everyone should do is pointless.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    The OP is spot on IMO.


    you'll find comparing an elite athlete and regular MFP'er is like comparing a super car to a family saloon...

    they eat a ****eload of carbs...yep.

    now when do they eat them??
    they eat them around thier training... ;)
    because thier bodies will make use of them right away...they will not get stored away for later.
    You clearly have no concept of carb loading. And who brought up elite athletes? I'm talking about your everday gym-goer. Even people who do nothing but lift weights will eat lots of carbs.
    lets think about this: if said super freak athlete took a week off, would thier carb intake remain the same?
    HELL NO...
    it would be TINY in comparison. I think we know why by now yes?? hell mid way through that week i wouldnt be surprised if thier carb count got well below 50gm's...
    What...? Haha, are you joking?
    personally, i use 33/33/33. :)
    has always worked well for me...but thats not a hard and fast ratio either...
    on non-workout days i'll generally keep the carbs much lower, and add more fat instead. else i'll feel bloated.
    I'd love to hear why swapping carbs for fat is better assuming you aren't insulin resistant.
    calories are calories huh??
    I dont think some research. :)
    a carb found in bread/rice/pasta/potatoes, is NOT the same as a carb found good green leafy vegetables...
    Actually, you're wrong. The glucose from veggies vs the glucose from pasta are the same once they are broken down and metabolized.

    Glucose is glucose. Fructose is fructose. Food source is irrelevant.
    oh and OT: Bread is bad, kay. :P and really not needed at all.

    I can provide links to great info if anyone disagrees with the OP...
    Yes, please provide scientific research showing bread is bad and carbs prevent fat loss.

    Can't wait!