

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    ah lisa sorry, but you never know what's around the next bend. Sounds like you handled it with strength! You are #1 to all of us <3

    mindy you are an inspiration to your coworkers, keep.it.up....and find a different al anon meeting day.

    beth is ds gonna eat that quinoa?, that would be a nsv

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Today's workout was more arm stuff, 3 sets of 15 each:

    Leaning lateral raises (5 lb barbell)
    holding a bar at waist height, then raising it above your head keeping arms close to body
    Holding an 8 lb weight out in front of my waist, raising arms, twisting weight, then lowering arms
    Using rope and pulley up high, pulling toward face, 60 lbs
    One more with two 8 lb Dumbbells, but cannot for the life of me remember what we did, some king of arm raises, I'm sure.
    Then we worked core, 3 sets of 10 bird dogs, 3 sets of 10 hovers and 1 minute planks.

    Then I came home and walked 2.65 miles with DH.

    Weigh-in this morning: 204.2, my lowest in a really long time. I can feel onederland coming on.

    Lisa, I'm so sorry about the job. I agree with whomever said you are number one with us.

    I celebrated a really good day by blowing all but $10 of my weekly "fun money" on a mani-pedi. My toes are now Cajun Shrimp, my nails are American natural looking gel polish.

    Wow, I think you just listed the "names" of your exercises. I'm impressed :) You are doing a terrific job. Way to go.

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    made taco's for Tom and took the dogs for another walk, im over 14,000 steps.. but still not happy with my binge but will get over it..
    Tomorrow is crazy at work so will have to bring grab and go food.. it was warm again today so had the screen door open and getting fresh air in.. flonase every morning, because spring is coming and when the tree's bud, so does my nose..
    Lisa~ sorry about the job.. but your a go getter, I bet there is something on the horizon that is tailor made just for you xoxox
    sold Tom's wireless tracker on a facebook site for 25.00 bucks we paid over 30 but he wore it for a week and didnt like it.. he gave me the money and I will set that aside to take up to the Cape ..
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Dr.Katie, you look amazing, if you didn't already know... pretty unhappy with my arms, so I get it, but arms and calves always seem to be the last to get with the program.

    I've shed a tear or two, and can't even begin to tell y'all how much I appreciate the support. Now that I've had my pity party, and found my big girl drawers, I'll be ok. Bruised, but never beaten...

    Lisa in West Texas.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I thought I would list my hot tub workout.
    First I do 100 pull ups holding on to the folded over top. I usually have to do these in sets of 25 since my hands hurt.
    Then I do 100 -200 of arm swings from straight out in front to the sides as far as I can.
    Then I do 100 arm lifts, palms down, straight out front and down to my hips.
    Then I do 100 breast stroke arm swings, but just pull my arms back to the center.
    The above all are done sitting in the foot well.
    Then I sit at the edge of the foot well and do 200 leg straighten and bend at the knee with my legs in the foot well.
    Then I flip over and do 100-200 bicycle type motions with my knees bent, kicking the side of the foot well with my knee then kicking the folded over top with the bottom of my foot.
    Then I do 100-200 swinging my legs out to the side and back together, leading with my heel.
    Then I do 100-300 kicks from the hips with straight legs, like a crawl stroke kick.
    These above are done with my legs in the foot well, my torso crossing the sideways reclining seat, my arms resting on the side of the hot tub, arching my back rather than resting on my arms as much as possible.
    Then I usually have to do loosen up my back and hips before I can climb out and walk.
    Water temp 103 (warm weather) and 104 during the bitter cold. My hot tub is in my drafty old barn.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,764 Member
    Karen ... Son turned up his nose at the quinoa ... His loss.

    Lisa ... Sorry about the job ... Maybe it's time to write the next installment in the Flak Anders series??

    Sue ... Hope you get some breathing relief soon!

    Mindy ... You're description of dog training had me laughing! I remember that training style well ... And it worked!

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Lisa, sorry about the job. Somehow tho I think you are going to be OK.
    Eating out tonight and looked at the menu online...can I stay at 600 calories there? Not sure...
    Welcome to the new ladies!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Got the answer on the job. Came in second.

    NSV-- instead of eating my feelings, I ran a couple miles instead.

    Shower time, see if I can't find my big girl panties, and pull those on, and on to the next thing.

    Lisa in West Texas

    Ah Lisa so sorry! :( Great NSV tho! :)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Thanks for the compliments. I showed the picture to D(not dear at the moment)H, and he said, "yeah, I can tell a big difference." (Pause while he waits for me to look happy.) "You're smiling in the second picture."

    Tell me again why I stay married to this man for 41 years?

    Oh, yeah, it's because he does my laundry!

    Ha ha !

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Lisa (((Hugs))). Proud of you for running it off rather than running to the high cal foods.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    Lisa - i'm sorry to hear that! I agree you are number one with us!

    Mariam - Great workout!

    Janetr - it took a while but the skin on my arms did start to tighten up. I've been doing weight lifting for a little over a year now. And a year of push-ups. So it took all together two years.

    Mindy - thanks for the advice on potty training! I will put it to good use!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    heather, I wish I knew what my husbands childhood was like. He can talk about some of the games they played out in the street but really nothing else. I have talked to his siblings and they can't recall anything. His Mom had numerous shock treatments for paranoid schizophrnia, and didn't remember much. When his Mom died, one of his uncles gave mae a packet of pictures and other stuff from his childhood and it was the first time I actually had a glimpse into his childhood. In it was his report cards and I was so thrilled to read the notes from the teacher to his Mom after each grading period.

    Katie, I can see a difference in your arms in the 2 pics. If you look at the bend of your arms, you can see a difference. You look GOOD!

    Charlie is starting something different for the timing of his supper. He is skipping it until after he does his Karaoke. Last night worked and they are going to sing at a retirement home and he is doing the same. But he eats such a lousy small lunch and no breakfast and now a very late supper. Last night it was a bratwurst sandwich at 11 PM! That along with his very rich chocolate milk and gallons of tomato juice with tons of salt in it. I did buy a rotisserie chicken from Walmart today and will fix me some veggies and salad and hopefully he will have some of that when he gets home at 10.

    Speaking of food, has anyone had the Bumblebee snack packs? Its 5 Ritz type crackers, and a meat salad. Even comes with a little spoon. At Walmart they are $1 or 3 for $2.49. I add my carrots and apple to it. GOOOOOD!

    I hope all of you down south are safe from this awful flooding.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    So all of you who are single and cook for themselves only no kids at home etc what do you make. I need stuff that is not to difficult to make. Dinner time has been the worst for me. If it is not easy I just don't eat.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    I also use the crockpot and leftovers are my friend! I bought meal prep containers that I mostly use for work lunches, but I also divide leftovers into them and eat one for dinner sometimes.

    Chicken is my go-to light fare and I just try to mix up how I eat it. I like to grill or bake chicken that I then use in different ways until it's gone - on salads, in wraps, combined with avocado and a little plain yogurt on a slice of toast.

    I also keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator because they're easy to grab and add to other food for more protein, or to just eat on their own if I "have no food." I also make plain or cheese omelets with a veggie salad or put eggs and veggies on Ezekial bread.

    Protein shakes are a life saver. I keep protein powder on hand, along with assorted frozen fruits. When bananas get really ripe, I peel them and cut them in half and freeze them and add those to my shakes.

    Diary of a Fit Mommy also has a lot of really simple and healthy recipes.
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    DrKatieBug - you look fantastic!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hi gals,

    Terri – great poem

    Barbie - give the pups an extra hug from me and hope Jake’s hospital stuff all goes well.

    Love the chicken hot tub! But can’t imagine having all that chicken at my house!

    Marcelyn - Brave woman – that is you!!!! I would get online, and find places you can take them, parks? Kids museums, tech centers….

    Debbie – welcome

    Anne – I am single – no kids, and cook for myself - but I love to cook, so not the best resource, but a few ideas, on a day off cook chili, a soup, meatloaf, a thing or 2 that you love, then divide it into single servings, label what it is and the calorie count and tuck into the freezer then you can grab a container out of the freeze in the morning or night before and let it defrost while you are at work. – Chili is one of my favorite, as it is good as it is, on a salad “fake taco salad”, on a baked potato….

    Miss Pen – welcome

    Katla – most 5 year olds love something they can do – so a craft kit, a science kit, a kids cookbook….

    Katiebug – I can see the change! Great for just 2 months!!!

    Alison – you seem to be putting down yourself a bit lately, that makes me sad. You are doing so much better by doing the gym even if your eating is not perfect… remember that not so long ago, there was no gym… you have made a huge step forward!

    Lisa - sorry to hear about the job, yet VERY proud of you to run instead of eating! There will be other options.

    Mindy - I am very glad to hear that you are doing so much better, the folks at work sound really supportive, there are plenty of other meetings you can go to.

    Kim from N. California
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Chris in MA - Sorry to hear things are so hard right now. Just remember that it's not forever and you will eventually get to the other side of this crisis. If you're getting on the elliptical then you're doing great!

    MsWolf - It's so hard to let them go. Here's wishing you many warm memories of your Zoso to wrap yourself in and bring you comfort.

    Lisa in West TX - So sorry you didn't get the job. It sounds like they made you jump through a lot of hoops for it, too.

    drkatiebug - You are looking fabulous! And your husband sounds like a gem for noticing the best part of your before-and-after photos.

    I'm a little wobbly still but have been upright in my chair all day with no unwanted consequences (victory!). But let me tell you, I am heartily sick of Pedialyte right now. I'm still dehydrated though, so I will get through it. My lovely meal plan for the week went out the window, so I'll repurpose it for next week since I've already done the shopping. And I now have a week's worth of housework to do tomorrow in preparation for house guests, but they are family so they'll just have to take what they can get.

    I want to thank all of you who've share poetry recently. It's been very inspiring. I have a long way to go before I'll make a very good Guest House.

    Week after next we're getting a foster greyhound (foster #50!) so I'll have two reasons for dog walking. And we got the extra bed out of my office so now both the NordicTrack and the Bowflex are accessible! I think adding the strength training back in will be a huge help.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Oh for goodnesses sake! I just caught up and realized my huge faux pas!

    LISA...SO SORRY THEY CHOSE WRONG! I honestly didn't know until way after I jotted my earlier post! Forgive me?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    My name is Debbie. Very new to this and have no idea if I am doing it correctly! I only read a few of these posts (is that what they are called??) I am 57 and have gained 17 pounds in the last 7 months and struggling to lose. It sure doesn't come off like it used to! I sit at a desk all day and love to snack-any suggestions??

    welcome.gif Yes, you are doing this right. I don't know much about snacking or working at a desk, but I'll share with you that what worked for me was to plan and log my food for the day and then stick to the plan, no matter what. If you like to snack, then plan smaller meals and include snacks at specified times as part of your daily plan.

    :) Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    So all of you who are single and cook for themselves only no kids at home etc what do you make. I need stuff that is not to difficult to make. Dinner time has been the worst for me. If it is not easy I just don't eat.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    :) eggs, scrambled with frozen broccoli, sweet onion, and a bit of sharp cheddar cheese

    :) chicken breast (buy in bulk, freeze individually, defrost one in the fridge starting the night before) with one or more steamed or microwaved frozen vegetables.

    <3 Barbie
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Mindy, dear heart, we posted about the same time, nothing to forgive... just a good sign of a vital, responsive group...
