fit for october challenge



  • cherrydietcoke1
    Am I too late to join? I need to lose 29lbs by Oct for my wedding in November....
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Am I too late to join? I need to lose 29lbs by Oct for my wedding in November....

    of course your not too late to join the more the merrier.

    29lbs thats just over 1.5lbs a week totally doable with a wedding as motivation and im sure you will look fantastic :)

    so far im slacking ive eaten junk in mcdonalds very bad me usually we leave after breakfast but it was raining cats and dogs so i ended up eating fries as well i def need get on the wii later or i will be over on calories boot my rear if i dont i have no excuses my calf is feeling better
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    good afternoon all, well this afternoon me and my friend went for lunch at a nice local pub/restaurant i am proud of meal choices i made and then instead of sitting in the beer garden all afternoon we took the kids in buggies for a long stroll on the riverbank so i done my 2.5 miles for today and now just need to do my evening zumba session
  • cherrydietcoke1
    thanks for having me!! I promise to be a good participant!! ;)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good afternoon all, well this afternoon me and my friend went for lunch at a nice local pub/restaurant i am proud of meal choices i made and then instead of sitting in the beer garden all afternoon we took the kids in buggies for a long stroll on the riverbank so i done my 2.5 miles for today and now just need to do my evening zumba session

    way to go you i did hrs walk mostly round supermarkets shopping worn out now is it bedtime??

    cherrydietcoke1 your welcome i always need motivators to keep booting my rear or i lose interest slack and then complain i gained weight back
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all and happy wet rainy wednesday ok not my idea of a great day either but least its not snowing lol

    hope everyone is having a great week so far im looking forward to seeing all our fab results i know daytimedreamer has done fantatsic this week hope we`re all as lucky as she is.

    todays plans involve running round like a headless chuck i need drop kids school take a friend ikea to walk round and hopefully find a pepper mill drop little ones nursery try to clean get exercise in before yet another school run and then go with my son to his 2hr parents evening i hope it burns me some great calories have a great day everyone
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    my weeks (monday/ tuesday) has gone pretty well so far (which always makes me motivated)
    monday = total conditioning at the gym burn @ 550 calories and i ate really well
    tuesday = run/crosstrain about 5 miles burn @ 500 calories and i sort of had a cheat dinner however; after putting it into my food log I found that I didn't go over calorie if I keep it up the rest of the week I think I will see some lbs drop

    ...I am a baker on the side (of being a stay at home mom) so my goal is just to not eat any of my cookies..luckily most of my orders will not have extras so hopefully I will not be able to have the temptation.

    here is to another day with good exercise and eating goal is to get more veggies in the rest of the week
  • Losing4sure
    Losing4sure Posts: 15 Member
    Can I join you guys too?? I'd like to lose by fall also.
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Would love to Join also my 33rd B-Day is in October, We are going to DC in October, and like some of the people above I would love to wear a cute costume for Halloween, and we have a Military Ball to go to also its a busy month for us and I want to look cute and want to take those dang pictures with my husband in his handsome uniform and be proud and want to send them out :) goal is to try to lose 30-50lbs (I realize 50 is way out there but heck if I could I would love to lol)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'll join! I was getting pretty close to my goal weight right before my wedding 5/13....BUT then the wedding, honeymoon and summer fun began and about 7-8 of those pounds came back. I'd like to lose around10-12 lbs and just be more fit in general. My husband and I are going to Vegas Oct 4 so I'd love to be to my goal weight by then and just continue to be healthy and fit.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    mabrwynn im sure you will have a loss this week if you keep up the good work im struggling to get my exercise in as much as i want there should be an add for workout created getting 5 kids collectivly ready and out the door for school then the picking up and sorting the chaos they have created unfortunaltly there isnt or id be waaaay up there on exercise lol cant have everything i guess

    loserforsure of course you can join how much would you like to lose or is ist just want to look major good in an outfit??

    texastae1010 id love to lose just 20lbs but i think 30lbs would be fab not sure if you will get the 50lbs but well after ocvtober will be a fit for xmas thread so you can always continue with us on there but you never know god may be smiling on us and help us reach target faster well im hoping he does but ill take anything i can get :)

    nelski welcome aboard only a 7-8 gain from a wedding honeymoon and summer fun thats great i gained 8lbs back with no wedding or honeymoon and with all the motivation mfp gives im sure we can shift it off again if that plan fails im going to plan b im winning lottery haveing boob reduction liposuction and a tummy tuck that should do it its great to dream lol
  • heboyette
    heboyette Posts: 12 Member
    I am in, would love to lose 25lbs by October! I have done well so far this summer, just need some motivation to keep it up with vacations in July and August it may prove too difficult!

    Current weight : 175

    Good luck everyone!
  • wishn2binAZ
    wishn2binAZ Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in! My hubby's bday is in Oct and I'd love to lose those 20 lbs by then. I just started the 30 Day Shred again and hoping I can stick with it! Did it for about 2 wks before and had good results before falling off the wagon. My plan is 30 Day shred and atleast 30 min of walking, either on the treadmill or around town.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    heboyette im with you on the need for motivation to keep us at it i do so well then it starts to feel like a chore and i lose interest and end up gaining back what i lost i am always in need of a boot in the bum to stop me slacking or getting tempted by sweets crisps and chocolate good luck us

    wishin2binAZ 20lbs is a realistic goal i hope a sthats what im aiming for as well ive never tried 30DS having read how gruelling it can be i dont think im that brave so very best of luck im looking forward to seeing how great the results are tho it may motivate me to try
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I'm looking to lose 20lb by October. Feel free to add me. My goal is more but I have divided it into smaller goals.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I'm looking to lose 20lb by October. Feel free to add me. My goal is more but I have divided it into smaller goals.

    welcome small goals is great im planning atrip to cinema to see harry potter if i can lose a few lbs in next 4 weeks it will be my reward for being so good

    good morning all and happy thursday 1 more day and ill post out acheivments and see how we`ve done and all extra people thats joined goals im looking forward to seeing how great we are doing

    todays plans involve rushing to get my kid ready for her school trip taking my 2 littlest to the librarys reading and rhymetime come home make lunch get one to nursery home again to clean up some and cook for tea before ttime school run oh and hopefully fit an hr in of exercise wish me luck. :)
  • cherrydietcoke1
    do we weigh in tomorrow?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    do we weigh in tomorrow?

    any day is fine which ever you usually do ive made a note of couple peoples posts on acheivments and ill put them up tomorrow but as many people as want to tell me any weight lost or inches or even just longer exercising or faster time cycling that sort of thing i will post then all tomorrow so we can see how were doing
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    This sounds great.I would love to join you all.Ok,I'm working out again.Jillian Michaels ripped in 1.Week one.Hoorah.I do like this workout.the first day of summer to october.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    This sounds great.I would love to join you all.Ok,I'm working out again.Jillian Michaels ripped in 1.Week one.Hoorah.I do like this workout.the first day of summer to october.

    of course more the merrier i love jillian michaels on biggest loser she is so mean to them yet she gets such fabby results if only i could afford to pay her to yell at me until im skinny lol