Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2016
    @celtikgirl ... we have something in common ... before I was married, the boys in my neighborhood called me 'the barefoot Contessa' ... and this was back in the 1950's and early 1960's. To this day, my preferred foot wear is no footwear. However, i do have very wide feet because of my barefootedness and now have a hard time finding shoes that fit well. .... It was a given when I was a girl, we got a new pair of shoes when school began in the fall, and we got a new pair of boots for Christmas. Summer time we went barefoot or wore sandals that could 'grow' with us. ... oh yes, and Ked's sneakers for gym class or ball sports.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    @badnoodle~ I’d say you definitely aren’t a soup person. :wink: I sure am, especially black bean soup—I make it often (even in the summer)! :lol: Losing weight and having stick-to-itiveness is all about finding what works for you. Skipping bread works for some people, but not everyone—honestly unless you have a gluten allergy or other health condition in which you need to avoid gluten, you need the nutrients provided in whole grain/whole wheat bread. I eat bread every day—its flourless, but I have one serving (one slice) a day. Eating a diet low in calories is a recipe for disaster, too. It’s about finding your comfort zone, that special combination of healthy foods that fall into a healthy caloric range. 1.400 calories/day sounds healthy, if you can stick with that--you're on the right track.

    Youre absolutely right that a diet has to work with your whole life, like Niki shared above. Atkins certainly got weight off quickly, but I didn't want to live a life where a potato is considered a treat. Or a diet where I'd eat half a slice of pizza, a 1/4 piece of chocolate cake, 6 pringles and a carrot for dinner, then be willing to eat drywall 20 minutes later to fill that empty stomach.

    MFP says my goal is 1390 calories, and I aim for 1200-1400. I snack quite a bit, and I don't go to bed hungry.
    But, If I want a donut, I can have one, savor it without guilt, and just have a meatless dinner. That's the kind of diet I can stick to.

    This Wednesday, I wish that it was warm enough to plant my summer garden, but last frost isn't for another 8 weeks.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @badnoodle - we share a similar philosophy on the overall plan. You have to do what works for you.

    I have a sister who buys in to every fad and junk science theory that comes down the pike. She believes all the facebook scientists, pinterest gurus, infomercials, and any snake oil salesman she encounters. Sometimes I just want to shake her and tell her to snap out of it! I guess it is her money and time to waste.

    I see an awful lot of that kind of stuff in the forums here - people evangelizing on the curative powers of one particular nutrient, or demonizing something humans have been eating regularly for thousands of years. I'm worried about a whole group of people who think the internet is a reliable research tool and source for facts.

    I'll get off my soapbox now, it must be time for bed.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Just a little update: My roommate is on a health kick so we've been motivating each other to walk and strength train. I'm starting with the plank, sit-ups, and squats for now... Eventually I want to do more exercises that I can't do right now. Baby steps. I hope all is well with everyone!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth .... Oh, I am so stiff and sore today! Even though I have been more active this week because of the challenges I entered for the month, yesterday was a day where I did a much longer stretch of time in activity doing yardwork. I spent over an hour just trimming the flowering bushes in front of my house ... and didn't get them all! I also cut back and removed all the mint that is growing wildly along the foundation ... but I only did the front of the house with that task. In all, I spent most of the time stooped over, bent at the waist with my fanny up in the air (did ya ever see those painted wood 'garden people' decorations? ... that's what I looked like!). The clippings and trimmings filled up to the top,packed, the trash bin my village has us using ... really, I could fill it with a month's worth of house trash so it's really big. It was actually too heavy for me to push comfortable to the curb and my wonderful neighbor from across the street was just putting theirs to the curb when I was pushing mine so he came over and took it out the rest of the way for me. Today, I am stiff from my waist down to my ankles ... like a board!

    So, I have been doubling up on my ankle exercises to loosen things up. Thank you @RobinsEgg for suggesting that as our challenge this month!

    @Sora4ever .. Those three exercises you have chosen are good and hard to do! I wish I could do a sit-up! I can barely accomplish a crunch, were you only try to lift your shoulders off the floor. Actually, just doing those 3 every day, with increased sets every week or two are great ... all you need to add is a stretching movement and some walking. The walking is good for your aerobic capacity and is what burns excess weight.

    @celtikgirl ... I think I've spotted you on a couple of those threads you mention. Yep, some of the posters are kind of over-the-top about some subjects. I have decided to stay off them unless I'm just looking for amusement.

    Today's Goal ... I need to get in 60 minutes of activity and because it is raining outside, that activity will be vigorous housekeeping chores!
    Follow through with Consisitent Focus

  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    I think I got sucked onto a discussion about Hashimoto's thyroiditis. And then decided for the benefit of my blood pressure to pick and choose what I read and/or comment on for the foreseeable future.

    I had a great phone conversation with my daughter tonight. We are making plans to rendezvous in Florida next week. It's a long tale for another time, but we don't get to talk very often and see each other even less so every minute is extra special.

    I picked up my race packet for Saturday and decided that I really like it when the bib has free beer tickets attached. Makes me want to finish faster. I'm bummed that none of my friends or family are coming. DH has to work, so I guess I'm on my own. I'll cheer for me and take a selfie or two. Luckily I can walk home from town if I have too much fun at the pub crawl afterwards.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    @Nikion901 - I'm soar and stiff too. Sit-ups and crunches are so tough but I am taking it slow. The squats and the plank though are what have me super soar. Today I did everything again except for the plank.

    Thursday, 3/10/16 - Today was a pretty good food and exercise day. I managed to stay within my macros, have a 500 calorie deficit, and did cardio + strength exercises. If everyday could be like today, I'd lose all my weight in no time...too bad that's not the case.

    I have two large wildlife encyclopedias which I used as weights today. I worked out my arms with them and did squats with I'm really soar!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, just a quick note to say I'm back, can't believe I dropped out on everything (sensible diet, exercise, logging, and posting) for more than a MONTH!!!! I paid for it with a 5 lb gain and I feel like a whale. But I'm not going to kick myself (much), I'm just going to start again and stick to it. I missed 10 or 12 pages of posts, I skimmed but not enough to do any personals. Missed you guys.
    Austin, TX
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @Sora4ever For some strange reason my brain immediately pictured encyclopedias about birds because they would be lighter. I think this is one of those moments when my husband points at me and mutters to his friends "I have to live with this every day."

    Had my check in at the doc's office this morning. Only down 1.2 pounds over the last two weeks. I was a little disappointed, but it is better than a gain. I ate reasonably well over this two week period, but I can see some places for improvement. I could always say that the strength training is building heavier muscle... yeah that's it!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ha! You guys crack me up! @Celtikgirl and @Sora4ever, I pictured those encyclopedias immediately too, but with much fondness as I had them also. From childhood on they were my best friends. I dreamed of one day seeing all those exotic animals listed. ..but bird books being lighter - TOOOTOOFUNNY!!!!
    You both are doing great, btw!!!! Sora, sorry you are so sore -a. ! I hate the pain - ugh !!!!

    I agree with this general discussion that we have to enjoy our diet - food intake - if we plan to be on it - and it seems like most of us are turly seeing the light.

    @Newbies = welcome! Glad to see you and please return. Post what you are doing and we'll get chummy real quick.

    @Niki - omg, when you said you were pulling wild mint and had filled a barrel, I ached so sympathetically for you! There is nothing more invasive! What a great exercise, but one you shouldn't have done in one day - better to spread out over a week. Sorry you've overdone it.

    @Kah - sounds like you've adapted to the news of not walking yet, and you're riding your bike daily and sound pround of yourself. That must have been hard. I didn't want to comment when you announced that as I was sure it hurt pretty badly. Are you seeing the neurologist for your migraines still?

    AFM: I bought a Chevy Equinox LTZ - a 2011, The dealer was very nice and let me have it for a 48 hour test-drive, and the other dealer also let me have the other one I looked at for the same set up so I really felt special. So I had fancy cars all week. It was a tough decisioin but I went with the one that had heated seats of course, AWD, 6 cyl, and a fancy moon roof,and is extremely easy to get in and out of.

    I have my EMG next week. Only just met the doctor for an exam this week. He seems to think some reflexes are missing.

    Ate at a great restaurant this week, a little hole in the wall operation, I'm sure you have it too. Its a franchise called Tom and CHEE. Oh, man , was it great. I had a cup of their tomato and basil soup and a half a grilled cheese sandwich (Made to order with roast beef) and pop for $7 !!!! it filled me up. Recommend to all!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited March 2016

    Heres my food at Tom and Chee - my roast beef and Mozzarella melted cheese 1/ sandwich is open right now so I can add mayo. Its huge. the soup had big chunks of tomato in it. I wa stuffed when done.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @RobinsEgg ... did you know that you can make very fast and wonderful tasting tomato soup at home by opening up a can of coarse ground tomatoes? I have cans of ground tomato, as well as whole plum tomatoes, in the pantry all the time ... and one of my favorites is to turn a can into either a marinara sauce or a tomato soup! That photo of the soup you enjoyed at Tom and Chee looks like what my Tomato soup does!

    Today, for the first time in a long while I had a 6" turkey sub at the Subway shop for lunch. My sister-in-law (bro's widow) and I met for lunch as she was passing through my village on her way into the city. Gotta say this ... Submarine sandwiches, (aka like the old Dagwood sandwiches) are a favorite of mine. Back in the day when I wasn't watching my weight or my carb intake I would eat a whole 12" sandwich, and then wonder why I was sleepy a couple of hours later! Call me dumb and dumber! But this sandwich was a healthy version, no dressing, only the meat and veggies which included spinach and tomato along with the lettuce, provolone cheese and turkey breast.

    Friday Fitness ... well, I am even stiffer and more sore today than I was yesterday, and I had cramps in my ankles and back of my thigh during the night ... however, I walked, albeit slowly and with 3 breaks in between, for 45 minutes today, pushing my walker for support, and I have done 1 set, so far, of squats. Feeling a little looser now and can finally lower and raise myself without tears.

    @GOINSTD12 ... I'm glad you came on to post here. I've been wondering how you are doing. Last time you wrote you were very concerned about your husband. I hope that has settled itself so you can stay on track with your own health matters.

    Follow through with Consistent Focus
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hello everyone, Well I just lost another long post. Grrr~~~~
    I downloaded Windows 10 accidentally the other day and being on this machine has been a nightmare since. I thought I had lost all of you, but somehow managed to find my way back. The dumb thing told me my password was not correct. and now what is that silly wavy line I see....gotta wonder if you will see it.

    I am glad everyone is doing well and getting lots of good exercise, though be a little careful Niki and Sarah not to over do it.

    AFM: After having done well, things have fallen apart here and I need to get started again. I find the scale is up a couple of pounds and that of course is frustrating. It is now the weekend and weekends for me are harder.

    I am going to stop here as that line is a bit distracting and I wonder if this will even post.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Well, the wave line is gone now and it did not post. I wonder what odd character that was. Go figure.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello all. So my plans for today were changed but I improvised. I was supposed to go to the gym and do my strength circuit but had to go to my daughters over by seattle. So I made sure to get up early and took the dogs for a long walk and then I take the ferry to her side of the sound and it is a 35 min ride so I spent that walking laps around the passenger deck both ways. So now at 5 I am just over 15000 steps for the day. Not strength but still a nice overall workout. I went to make sure my daughter was comfortable and help her make a grocery list because she is on a very restricted diet after an endoscopy this morning. They were checking for an ulcer which she didnt have but found out her stomach isnt digesting food. There was food still sitting in her stomach that should have long been digested. so she has to be on a restrictive diet until they find the cause. Well now its time to get ready for my nephews basket ball game so have a great evening all

    Oh and Robin congrats on the new car :):)
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    edited March 2016
    @Nikion901 I had a sub today, too, and I was amazed at just how full I was afterwards. In the past, I've been able to eat two. No, that's a lie. I'd eat two and still feel hungry... entirely in my head.
    I was also able to do a personal best of 8.9 miles during my 30 Minutes Hate on the stationary bike.

    @jtconst that's a great way to put a ferry ride to good use!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi friends--sorry I haven't been on lately. As I mentioned earlier in the week, my friend went into hospice, but then we received a text from her that it was just temporary to get her pain meds adjusted. Alas, that was just her last good deed to keep us from worrying; she passed away yesterday. I'm heart-broken. Trying to keep busy at home cleaning while I await news of the services. I need to go to the gym and do some grading, but the waterworks are too much for me to go out in public just yet.

    I will be back later to do some personals.
  • Latitude11Courtney
    Latitude11Courtney Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm a newbie jumping onboard your thread! I am 45, live in Northern California and I've been on my weight loss journey many years:) I started at 333, lost 100, gained 50 back, lost it again, gained back 30.. Now I'm back on the loosing side :) Nice to get a chance to 'meet' you!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I am glad everyone is doing well and getting lots of good exercise, though be a little careful Niki and Sarah not to over do it.
    AFM: After having done well, things have fallen apart here and I need to get started again.

    Thanks Barb, I am still sore and stiff today, the hardest part is getting from a sitting to a standing position and moving my feet one afront the other, a.k.a. walking :) If I were more disciplined it would not have caused this much pain, so I'm taking it as just reward (or punishment) for my inactive winter.
    jtconst wrote: »
    There was food still sitting in her stomach that should have long been digested. so she has to be on a restrictive diet until they find the cause. Well now its time to get ready for my nephews basket ball game so have a great evening all

    Oh and Robin congrats on the new car :):)

    Yes Robin, congratulations! Enjoy your niew ride.

    I just read about something called gastroparesis which may come from damage to the vagus nerve, but has many other reasons, one being uncontrolled diabetes ... that's how I came to read it, from literature about my health condition Diabetes II. Hope they find her cause of a problem that could be this and get it fixed. Prayers for her. Niki
    but the waterworks are too much for me to go out in public just yet.

    Karen, I am so sorry for your pain and sorrow. Prayers for you and your caring friend's family. Memory Eternal.
    Hi everyone - I'm a newbie jumping onboard your thread! I am 45, live in Northern California and I've been on my weight loss journey many years:) I started at 333, lost 100, gained 50 back, lost it again, gained back 30.. Now I'm back on the loosing side :) Nice to get a chance to 'meet' you!

    Welcome ... are you a Courtney using a Lattitude 11 Dell computer? Or is that a geographical lattitude of your favorite place on earth? See ... I'm curious, like my cat. This is a good place to bring that yo-yo weight into tighter control. My heighest weight was 282 before I joined MFP and have bounced around the 250 range for the past couple of years. This year, I really, really, really am pushing for breaking out of the 200's and getting in the 100's ... and am taking it on 5 pounds at a time ... but alas, today's lunch is from the days of the heighest weights and are not conducive to weight loss.

    AFM ... I blew my food choices today and had to take an afternoon nap because of ... yep, carb overload. That 6" sandwich I had yesterday led to having coucous this morning and then when I ordered sub and chicken wings for my nephews dinner surprise for his birthday today it got the best of me and I orderd a couple sliced of pizza and an italian sausage submarine sandwich for myself (after all, why waste the delivery charge by just ordering 1 thing, right?) So goes the old sing-song. If I can manage not to eat any more today, I will still finishout the day without too much damage done to my caloric intake however. So ... let those carb craving be dammed, I will drink hot plain tea and cold plain water the rest of this day! (there, I put my foot down!)

    Thus, no Saturday Sucess from me today.
    Follow through with Consistent Focus
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just checking in to say it has been a busy week as usual. I did attend a silent supper tonight to practice sign language and had a blast. It always amazes me how groups of people come together. The organizer is also a teacher and other person works in the school system as well. We had some good conversations and I had fun.

    I agree that this journey is figuring out what you can live with and make those changes as needed. It takes time to adjust to a new way of thinking and eating.

    Have a great Sunday.