

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited March 2016
    Mikesmom - my lovely DH was 57 when I met him and UTTERLY reliable re dates, ringing when he said he would etc. That was one of my criteria. Can't be doing with guys who mess you about. :noway:

    Re the music thing. I left my health club because they played ambient music everywhere in the building. Plus, music in the gym, in the YOGA class :noway: , and far too loud in the pool for the aqua aerobics. What is wrong with peace and quiet? Thank goodness my yoga teacher doesn't play music, except sometimes a bit at the end for a relaxation exercise. :ohwell:
    Yesterday I was really proud of myself for putting up with ghastly loud music at the pub. A couple of years ago I would have had a panic attack and had to leave. I still don't like it, but I was OK. I just find it so sad that we are assailed on all sides by music we haven't chosen and would not have in our house. To me it is an assault. As bad as a physical assault. But somehow losing weight has helped me feel more in control of my life and I can deal with it better. I still cannot understand why people think THEIR choice of c#×p music should be an acceptable choice to accompany a meal. Usually I am successful in getting them to turn it down, and generally choose to go to places that don't have music. Yesterday I didn't feel it was my place to do so and also I wanted to test myself to put up with it. But why should I ? These days people can stick any nonsense in their ears if they want to and not annoy other people.
    I survived. I managed. That is a major achievement for me.

    Heather UK
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited March 2016
    MightyLolo wrote: »

    No date tonight, he never called like he said he would to finalize plans. What is it about men in their 50's???!!!

    They're men! :laugh:

    I finally went out with a man who'd been asking me for a year; by our second date, he had designed our dream home in his head...we made plans for a few days later, but he never finalized. I still get texts from him; he still acts interested, but he hasn't asked me out again. Who knows?

    Your dog is adorable BTW <3

    Larisa in Seattle

    Larisa, so you know what I'm talking about. They give such conflicting messages. I'm too old to be playing these games, either you want to go out with me or you don't, simple. Times a wastin' and I'm not getting any younger!!
    I'm trying online dating, they express interest, they wink, or send an email and I'll respond, and then POOF! they're gone. I love my dog but he's not an ideal date!

    Those of you who have had success with online dating, what were your experiences? I agree Heather, if they're not reliable in the beginning, they are not for me because they are not going to change. How many frogs did you have to kiss before you met your DH?

    Chris in MA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Just signing on for the day and 80 new messages! Phew...I will wade my way thru.

    Left my daughter's downtown apt. this morning way early to take her to a hospital in the suburbs for her knee surgery. Everything went well. A repaired meniscus and some inflamed tissue issues. She is home now and resting. Sent the hubs out in search of a bag of ice and some laxatives. The ice for the ice compression thingy on her knee for 48 hours and the laxatives cause the pain killers ... well...you know.

    Hopefully this will be the end of the pain she has been in since last December. Physical therapy for several weeks. Then back on full with her scheduled move out of Chicago early summer.

    We are both MFPs so eating shouldn't be a problem. As soon as I can leave her alone I will make use of walking around the city and / or her gym in the building. Staying a week or 2 for recuperation and pack some stuff for the future move. Hubs goes home in a few days and will come back to fetch me. Gonna miss him!

    All for now. Going to try and get some food into my girl.

    Sunny Chicago, Il
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2016
    Sweet little baby, Heather. My son looked awful when he was born - even his own mother admits it! My pelvic bones had squeezed his head into the shape of a rugby ball. :noway: I remember looking other babies in the ward - babies born by C-section - and thinking how beautiful they were. Beatrice is no exception! :heart:

    You seem to be finding lots of programs about Svalbard, but it doesn't surprise me. There's usually a film team or two hanging around town. BBC has been here on and off for months making an entire series about a selection of residents. Obviously they've chosen some of the town's more colorful characters. :D Everyone cringed a bit when they heard some of the names. ;) As it happens, reality has taken some unexpected turns for weirdest of all their protagonists, and much of his plight and the town's reaction to it has been caught on film. It will be interesting seeing what they make of it all in the cutting room.

    I really got my exercise in today. In the morning I ran 5 km. In the afternoon I walked down to do some shopping. By then we were having a blizzard. Not very cold or windy, so it was no problem, but a blizzard nonetheless. When I'd gathered up the groceries, I realized I'd forgotten all my money - both cash and plastic. I asked Esther at the check-out counter if she could ring up the stuff so I could take it home and come back and pay later, but she was going off her shift in 10-15 minutes and couldn't accommodate me. So I walked home again through the blizzard (incidentally passing a film team on the way), grabbed my charge card walked back again (passing the same team in another location), got my stuff and paid for it, then walked home once more. Still in a blizzard. The tracks I made through the snowdrifts had been obliterated every time. Ah, well. I burned plenty of calories B)
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Larisa, so you know what I'm talking about. They give such conflicting messages. I'm too old to be playing these games, either you want to go out with me or you don't, simple.
    Those of you who have had success with online dating, what were your experiences?
    Chris in MA

    I do indeed. Funny thing is, I don't think they think they're playing games.

    I tried online dating very briefly. I got a whole slew of, "I like your picture. Write me back."
    Um, yeah...of course you did; I posted the good ones. Thanks for letting me know you're unwilling to put in any effort.

    I'm thinking online dating isn't quite for me. :smile:

    Larisa in Seattle
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Weight resistance training:
    Triceps Extension 3x10x10
    Lunge 3x10x5
    Abdominal Crunches 3x12x10
    Dumbbell Row, Two-Arm, Bent-Over 3x10x10
    Standing Biceps Curl, Dumbell 3x10x10
    Leg Curls 3x10x8
    Side Leg Raises 3x10x8
    Leg Extension 3x10x8
    Overhead Press, Barbell 3x10x10
    Front Squats, Dumbells 3x10x10
    Front Raises, Straight Arm 3x10x10

    It's getting easier :)

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Another pic!


    Each child has had a comforter since birth. Obviously Beatrice's is a monkey! ! The eldest has an elephant (Nellie) and my granddaughter has a rabbit (Rabbit) to which she is surgically attached!
    My DDIL 's child rearing method, which has worked perfectly, is to give them a cloth comforter, feed them a lot and put them to bed a lot. Strict routine. They are excellent sleepers! :D

    Can't wait for my cuddles!

    Heather UK
  • jesser40
    jesser40 Posts: 4 Member
    New here too !! Thanks
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    MightyLolo wrote: »

    No date tonight, he never called like he said he would to finalize plans. What is it about men in their 50's???!!!

    They're men! :laugh:

    I finally went out with a man who'd been asking me for a year; by our second date, he had designed our dream home in his head...we made plans for a few days later, but he never finalized. I still get texts from him; he still acts interested, but he hasn't asked me out again. Who knows?

    Your dog is adorable BTW <3

    Larisa in Seattle

    Larisa, so you know what I'm talking about. They give such conflicting messages. I'm too old to be playing these games, either you want to go out with me or you don't, simple. Times a wastin' and I'm not getting any younger!!
    I'm trying online dating, they express interest, they wink, or send an email and I'll respond, and then POOF! they're gone. I love my dog but he's not an ideal date!

    Those of you who have had success with online dating, what were your experiences? I agree Heather, if they're not reliable in the beginning, they are not for me because they are not going to change. How many frogs did you have to kiss before you met your DH?

    Chris in MA

    I'm not going to begin to tell you all my horror stories with online dating, oh my goodness. Some fun ones too, but fewer. I met a guy in Dallas talked to him for 3 months, I finally went to meet him. He met my kids and grandkids, we all liked each other. He eventually proposed to me. I moved to Dallas, left my condo in So. Calif. (which I eventualy sold) sold all my furniture and brought just a few treasures with me. I was there about 3-4 months when I knew it was not what I thot it was. I moved out after 7 months. Bedroom furniture only, a TV and one recliner chair, not even a toaster or a coffee pot. But I survived. Then I met Jack, he was polite and nice and funny and called me every single night while he was flying all over the world, unless he was in a remote place with no service or overseas where it was to expensive. We talked for several weeks and I finally agreed to go out with him. We have been together ever since. Moved in together in about 6 months and married a year later. The best thing that has ever happened to me, besides my girls. He's my third husband and LAST :) It happens. There are several of us here who met our husbands online.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Penny - wow, I'm impressed. I don't think I could do that once, let alone three times. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Chris - It's a numbers game. You are ruling people out rather than in. Next! Next!
    You are watching to see if they shape up on every level. I must have seen around a hundred men for a cup of coffee. Any little niggling doubts and OUT! Never develop a relationship on line - you need to see them as soon as possible and for the least commitment of time and money. You can tell a lot on the phone - I used to have a set of questions to ask them. One of the most important and revealing things is how they get on with their exes, children, family members etc.
    You are in control. Just keep moving on and through them.
    I knew DH was a good guy from the start. Transparent, reliable, kind, thoughtful, generous and with integrity. It helped that he had been in a committed and loving relationship for 25 years. She had died of cancer.
    Good luck! As I say, it is a numbers game.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 95/100/105, 5X5X 110
    Sumo squats-5X5X 95
    BP-1X5X 55/60/65, 5X5X 70
    BR-5X5X 75

    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 17 X 15 X 25 = 255

    Day 14 Challenge Total = 5,305

    Because of my insomnia I got up really late today and I am still really tired. I walked over 3 miles then I did my workouts. To conserve my energy I did a deload and will throughout the week raise up the weight amount.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    only at page 42 - but got to jet!

    Hi gals,

    I’m in the tree lover group!!! But trees Penny’s size would let you have more in a yard than I can have here in CA - my yard is the traditional ¼ acre (or a bit smaller) and I have a Japanese maple, a regular sugar maple (that doesn’t sugar in this climate), a red oak, a CA sycamore, a pomegranate, a lemon and a peach….. I’d have more if I could figure out where! LOL

    KJL – we have issue with the city “owning” parts of our yards too, it is legally an easement, which means you own it you pay taxes on it and you maintain it, but the city can do anything they want with or to it if it is for the greater good…. Drives me a bit batty, but no politics here…just the facts jack.

    So my dog is other dog aggressive and while I am super careful about him – yard is double fenced and he is walked early on a full harness – I did get a trainer to teach me how to break up a dog fight…or specifically how to control my dog - so you might need someone else to grab the other dog… you do NOT go for head or face as they might bite you (in the heat of the moment) but you grab the hip area and lift the back feet off the ground (if you can) and if it is a male dog grab its penis (balls if it is intact) and squeeze that will completely distract them and you can then pull the other dog away. I have needed to do this once when an un-leased dog came at Levi, and it works! He is not interested in his penis being squeezed. I have heard pepper spray will work too, but no personal experience

    Wendy – welcome – thanks for the great introduction to you! You have your hands full, but sound like you are handling it with grace.

    Bibia – planning! Fit in as many steps as you can, get your friends to walk with you – even if it is around the block, and look ahead at the menus of places on line to make good choices…

    Pip - Hip Hip Hooray for Kirby on the running and what is that man crazy for mowing in the rain!!! LOLOLOL

    Chris – sorry to hear you got stood up! Jake is adorable!

    Gayle – sending good thoughts!!!

    Heather – Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kim from N. California

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    what a day this has been~ I forgot I was supposed to be at work at 9 instead of 10:30 when I got there.. then I get home and Tom says I see you have an appt at Yale~ on August 11th, I said yes that is where the new nephrologist is.. and he gave me the face.. I said what the h$ll do you want me to do? I changed because of the insurance, and now it might be more down there, but I said sorry can't live without my kidneys..
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Monday and I have over 400 posts since last Thursday. We are a very active group. I will do my best to get caught up. I had a nice weekend, we went to the zoo on Saturday with the kids and grandkids. I am not happy about the way the adults acted. Grandkids were great. Just know trying to get them all in the same place will not happen again anytime soon. I did get over 12000 steps in that day. Legs can still feel it. Got some interesting news when I got to work this morning. Our "boss" put out a message that she is stepping down. I think it was not her idea. So be interesting to see what happens now.

    Mary--Shep is growing up so fast and he does look so happy.

    Well I am to the top of page 37 so will sign off for tonight and be back tomorrow. Not alot to say just feeling punk.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    edited March 2016
    Larisa and Chris - I've been on the online dating sites since October, I guess. I have actually been out with four guys.

    One of the things I'm picky about is that they have to live close to me. I had a guy get upset when I didn't want to date him when he lived 80 miles away. I calmly explained to him that I needed someone close enough to give me a hug after a bad day or to spontaneously go for a walk on an unexpected gorgeous day. Living nearly two hours away is not going to allow that. (I'm not looking to get married, so I want someone close enough to see when I want to.)

    I have no clue if this will all work out, but I've just made up my mind to enjoy it. I don't NEED a man in my life so I can choose to be picky about when and if I let someone in. Believe it or not, I've had more than one guy tell me that I'm too smart for him. Granted, I'd rather know that up front, but it still kinda stung. I've had guys who have "ghosted" me--messaging, texting, etc. then POOF! The one guy who pursued me that I wasn't interested in seeing again, I told him that that it wasn't going to work (gently, of course).

    I'm seeing someone now who has expressed an interest in seeing where our relationship will go. We've talked about what is crucial to us in a relationship (integrity, honesty, trust) and we really enjoy talking to each other and lose track of time. So, we'll see! The biggest negative for me is that he has an 11-year-old daughter. I'm kinda done raising kids! But she keeps him youthful.

    I don't have any advice other than be picky and don't look "beneath" you. BTW, if you haven't done it already, make a list of ten things (character traits) that you want in a man and measure each guy up to those standards.

    Carol in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Noticed that it seemed no one was using their real names as their user names so I decided to change my username to SugarDarlin1959. It just feels nice to fit in :) Sorry for any confusion.

    We all have weird names for our user names but we all try to end our threads with our real name and where we are from (It's easier to remember a Betty from Baltimore, than a Bet62tiLoser...right? lol
    in Oregon
    (I see SUN)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    Heather, isn't Beatrice a royal name?

    Janetr, I was there when both of my grand daughters were born. Being the generation we are and when we were having our babies, they were just starting to have husbands in the delivery room, I was shocked when Christina wanted me there. Maybe it's just me but I thought the birth process is an intimate affair. So i told her that I would be there to help her and Paul during labor. But when it came to delivery, it was just natural that I stayed. And am I glad. It was such an experience, no words to describe watching your daughter have a child. When Ellie was born, she was well into labor while I was driving and I got there just as she started pushing.

    Just got back from dentist. A tooth I have a crown on is involved in the pain and the one adjoining. The blister I have above it is an absess, Charlie warned me a good while ago and I even think some of you did. Then the discomfort in my lower jaw is due to me getting food between my teeth and making the whole jaw inflamed. So I see a guy Thursday to see if it is another root canal or maybe even 2 root canals. It's only money and we can't take it with us. Charlie had teeth removed instead of root canals so he had many gaps in his mouth for many years and had to have a partial.

    Joyce, Indiana