

  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Good morning ! Up bright and early watching the birds get their morning grub. Got new feeders last night after work and more seed and they are enjoying it. The Blue Jays are already nesting in the bird houses we have set up. We get at least 5 broods a year from them. Our wood pecker hasn't showed his head yet but I am sure he will.

    I will be doing my workout soon. Doing some yard work and then bound for work.

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

    Wendy from TN. :)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning everyone. Last night my hubby and I went to see Chonda Pierce. I had seen her before but not my hub. Really enjoyed listening to her. She has a very talented singer traveling with her, Karyn Williams.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Sylvia, glad to hear from you again...sorry about all the continued challenges with your son. :'(
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Kim - yes 1958 is a good year too ...that is DH's vinetage ...:) Awe the garden tour must have been beautiful! We have just been dumped on again and the temps have dipped below zero Celsius again... :(

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Friday !!!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    CSSJ09. New tattoo will be on my thigh. Will take two 3 to 4 hour sessions to finish. Excited about it. Now have to cone up with the cash. Lol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2016
    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    GobletSquat - 3X7X 25
    Russian Kettlebell Swing - 34X15X25 = 510

    Day 18 Challenge Total = 7,090

    Because of traveling I brought my Kettlebell with in order to get my workout in today.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    CSSJ09. New tattoo will be on my thigh. Will take two 3 to 4 hour sessions to finish. Excited about it. Now have to cone up with the cash. Lol

    I think that KJLaMore was asking about the tattoo.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning my pals!

    No tattoos, no zip lining, no plane flying, no root canals without novacain for this gal. I am proud to be wimpy on all counts. I applaud those of you with the courage to do any one of them.

    The Tamiflu seems to be working for me. I still cough some, but if isn't constant. The fever and aches are gone. I'm contemplating doing my 3 mile walk today, just at a slower pace. I'm going to wait until Monday to hit the gym again. I think I'll be ready by then. I slept really well last night for the first time in a while.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning all!

    Still in Chicago nursing my daughter after knee surgery. Not sure I am cut out for this "home health care biz" but her true appreciation of what I am able to do for her and a long visit with her kitties keeps me agoin'!

    Haven't read back thru but my gooodness: zip lining, root canals, tattoos, planes...OH MY!

    I leave all with this quote:

    Still in Chicago
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    GobletSquat - 3X7X 25
    Russian Kettlebell Swing - 34X15X25 = 510

    Day 18 Challenge Total = 7,090

    Because of traveling I brought my Kettlebell with in order to get my workout in today.


    Mary from Minnesota

    wow, and you did them first thing in the morning so you wouldn't forget later :)o:)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am a complete wimp with heights. Can't go up a step ladder. :( I was beginning to think I had got a bit better about it until last December in France. I went up a spiral staircase in a tower and completely lost it. A quivering wreck! Had to edge down on my bottom. It's something that is putting me off booking a trip to Costa Rica - just the thought of those jungle rope bridge walks - aaaarrrrrgh! :sad:
    I went up in a glider once as part of a challenge and screamed the whole time. :ohwell: The poor man who was taking me was doing it as a volunteer to help cancer patients (me). I wish I could have been more appreciative, but it was one of the worst experiences of my life! (Apart from the chair lift, or the cable car, or ............. :sad: )

    Mary - You are truly one determined and amazing person! :flowerforyou:

    Pip - Great numbers on the calorie burn! :flowerforyou:

    I did my usual exercises this morning, which was an achievement in itself as I was sooooooo stiff. :D
    Then this afternoon our friend who paints our house came round to estimate for the rendering and windowsills where the guttering had leaked before we replaced it. I gave him tea and hot cross buns. :) He has just got back from the Caymans and Costa Rica, so he looked a LOT better than the last time I saw him. He is nearly 70 and still works full time. I will organise for him and his wife to come over for a meal soon.

    Sylvia - I was mighty glad to hear from you! Sounds as if things are moving in the right direction. :flowerforyou:

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • msjanjan337
    msjanjan337 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, This is my first time posting here but I really enjoy the spirit of community and support I'm reading. I'm 56 and even though I've lost a tad over 40lbs since beginning this particular journey (hopefully the last 'start') I still have over 100lbs that I need to lose. I'm more focused however on the positive changes that will lead me to the loss of those pounds. Like others posting here, I do great with my diet. It's my exercise I struggle with. I'm not lazy but I have some health issues that make it not only hard but scary. I've got to get past this because I'm never going to see the results that I'm after if I don't incorporate more exercise into my days. Time is another element I use as an excuse. However, with all that said, my goals for March is to do the one thing holding me back, EXERCISE. I need to begin by adding three workouts a week, at least. I've begun by doing the walking videos. Low impact and doable. Hopefully, in time, and with the encouragement of my support groups, I will begin to see that I can do more than I think I can. I strive to be more like the person I always have been, the person that I always thought I would be if I actually made it to this age. Before I began this journey, I didn't come close to resembling the person I've always been. But little by little I've begun to see signs of myself again. I guess I am actually in here somewhere. No one likes feeling like a stranger in their own skin. I hope everyone is successful for their March goals and look forward to getting to know each of you better.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Great pictures of tattoo's. I will stick to my henna tattoo's, I'm a wimp too. Over the years I have noticed that many of the nudists at the resort I went to either had lots of tattoo's, or piercings. Like walking stories, and important events you could strike up a conversation about. This one gal, I shall never forget, had a beautiful tree on her back, so I would think of WOOD, and her name was Natalie, so there ya go. Another nudist had tattoo's from his head to his toes, and we called him Billboard. Another gal had a tattoo'ed ivy vine with flowers around her mastectomy down one leg, like a celebration of strength. Her name was Vella, so I always greeted her "Vella, Vella, Vella", in an Italian accent. I find tattoo's fascinating, but my husband isn't keen on them, so I respect that. Plus there is my zero tolerance about pain, (ever since my 25th anniversary gift to my husband of getting my nipples pierced, nice life story but alas my body kept rejecting the rings).

    Today I get to check out new books from the library. I am reading Susan Wiggs, The Lake Shore Chronicles, then another author Dean Koontz Odd Thomas series. It's nice when you are in a series situation, to have a list then go to the library and get the next one. I hate when I skip a book, then you are lost with the one you are reading, then its easy to get dis-interested. Hmmm I sound a wee bit OCD about that..

    Have a nice day alls!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps -

    cssj09 - yes, yes i am :0)

    kjlamore- just here to do my job, to keep u amused

    thanks cityjanelondon- :0)

    15mph winds riding home!!!!!! geez I hate riding in the wind!!! did I tell you I HATE riding in the wind???!!!!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2016
    Sylvia - Good to hear from you! It isn't really my place to say anything, but if your son's "wife" is out of his and your grandchildren's lives, my impulse is to shout good riddance >:) She doesn't appear to have contributed anything positive. I'd agree with Allie that new locks would be a good idea, except that I can't see them stopping her from knocking on the door and barging in as soon as it opens. I hope it all turns out well.

    I had to look up HGTV because I hadn't a clue what it was. Hmmm... Home and Garden TV... Sounds like the kind of programming I could spend some hours watching.

    Yesterday we had a free concert in Longyearbyen "to celebrate the community spirit". We've all been through the wringer with the avalanche and everything, but it brought out the best in us and that's what we were celebrating. The first performers in the concert were the children who lost their father, singing, playing the violin and some soft percussion, supported on piano and violin by three adults who were close friends and colleagues of the father. A poignant moment.

    Later in the concert, the big band played and two little girls started dancing like crazy! The band is sort of in focus, but there's no way those girls could be captured without blurring. (The stage decorations were all done by children at daycare.)

    When we left the concert people were commenting to each other about how LIGHT it's getting. And we don't yet have the (dubious) benefit of having switched to daylight saving time. This is the horizon to the northwest, out beyond the fjord, at 9 pm.

    It was cold and windy again today and I wanted to run for a long time, so I swallowed my pride, went to the gym and ran on a treadmill. I'd borrowed a different heartrate monitor to cross-check the values on the one I usually use. The new one gave me the same very high heartrate (BOO!!!) and a very disappointing calorie consumption reading: just 300 kcal for 80 full minutes of running! Now I don't know WHAT to think!

    Finally, a picture of a Norwegian buttermilk carton. The cartons of our dairy products usually feature sports on three sides. This one is for all you daredevils out there.
    /Penny, keeping her feet firmly on the ground at the emoticon-object-026.gif