Why are so many excluding milk from their diet?



  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Wait.. .is this discussion still going?

  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    I find milk disgusting, but I love yogurt and cheese. However, I'm lactose intolerant, so I limit those.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Wait.. .is this discussion still going?

    Seems like it.

    In other news, I'm not eating nuts because I'm not a squirrel.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Wait.. .is this discussion still going?

    Seems like it.

    In other news, I'm not eating nuts because I'm not a squirrel.

    but you are a rat with rockin' abs! Lol
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    But I'm eating Thousand Island... I'm not even sure what I am now... Galactus?
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Wait.. .is this discussion still going?

    Seems like it.

    In other news, I'm not eating nuts because I'm not a squirrel.

  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    I do paleo. No dairy. Here is the lowdown. Dairy actually causes alot of allergies you might not be aware of, it is a big trigger for alot of allergies due to the hormones and the way they process milk these days. It is not always about the lactose tolerance. I have found as well as many others that getting rid of dairy has cleared up some adult acne ive had, clearer skin and i think clearer, and memory is better. I drink coconut milk in my shakes or cereals now.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Oh I love milk, I'd easily drink a pint a day of semi skimmed (never skimmed and full fat is too creamy) but I can't have too much dairy as it gives me bad skin. So I have coconut or almond milk on my porridge now. Still cows milk in my tea though, as no other type of milk tastes right in tea! And I still occasionally treat myself to a nice cold glass of yumminess!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I do paleo. No dairy. Here is the lowdown. Dairy actually causes alot of allergies you might not be aware of, it is a big trigger for alot of allergies due to the hormones and the way they process milk these days. It is not always about the lactose tolerance. I have found as well as many others that getting rid of dairy has cleared up some adult acne ive had, clearer skin and i think clearer, and memory is better. I drink coconut milk in my shakes or cereals now.

    Milk causes allergies? And eliminating it improves memory?

    Please to post links to studies. Really looking forward to reading these.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I do paleo. No dairy. Here is the lowdown. Dairy actually causes alot of allergies you might not be aware of, it is a big trigger for alot of allergies due to the hormones and the way they process milk these days. It is not always about the lactose tolerance. I have found as well as many others that getting rid of dairy has cleared up some adult acne ive had, clearer skin and i think clearer, and memory is better. I drink coconut milk in my shakes or cereals now.

    Anything to back that up?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I have consumed dairy all my life and never had acne issues. I get one right around that TOM but thats about it. even during puberty it was the same. I have always had a clear complexion. I have allergies but none of which are caused by consuming dairy.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I do paleo. No dairy. Here is the lowdown. Dairy actually causes alot of allergies you might not be aware of, it is a big trigger for alot of allergies due to the hormones and the way they process milk these days. It is not always about the lactose tolerance. I have found as well as many others that getting rid of dairy has cleared up some adult acne ive had, clearer skin and i think clearer, and memory is better. I drink coconut milk in my shakes or cereals now.

    Well, I'm allergic to celery and eggs. This means celery and eggs are bad and everyone should avoid them. "milk causes allergies" is not a good enough reason to avoid it for those who are not allergic to it, otherwise virtually everything is an allergen to someone somewhere and we end up breatharian.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Is the allergy thing like the histamine response the Arbonne pusher on my FB bangs on about? She also believes in detoxes so colour me sceptical...........
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    I got tired of milk tasting off before we finished the carton. We don't eat dry cereal or drink milk by the glass. I prefer almond or coconut milk in most recipes for the taste and they last longer than animal milk.
  • Jeff_Sawtelle
    Jeff_Sawtelle Posts: 67 Member
    rca27801 wrote: »
    I don't get it. I can understand not liking milk, but to exclude it solely because of dieting purposes? Am I missing something.

    Milk is such an easy way to get in your protein. Fairlife milk provides me with 13 grams of protein per cup. If you love milk, I don't see any reason to stop drinking it.
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    I make room for milk. I just don't drink it with oreo cookies anymore. (And that's OK).

  • Jeff_Sawtelle
    Jeff_Sawtelle Posts: 67 Member
    I love milk! I don't drink a great deal of it though. Maybe 240 ml.
  • Trinique34
    Trinique34 Posts: 53 Member
    I didn't realize that dairy might be messing with my digestion until I cut it out. Now I never get heartburn anymore. I miss cheese and greek yogurt but my tummy is very grateful I stopped it. I am also partially lactose intolerant. I can't drink milk but could eat cheese and yogurt. It's worth it for me since I just weaned myself off heart burn medication which I have taken for over 10 years.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I typically drink 2 glasses of whole milk a day (by itself and with a protein shake) along with a serving of whole fat Greek yogurt. Love it.
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    edited March 2016
    I guess i'm one of the weird ones and drink WHOLE milk? I think so many people get scared because of the calories, but there are a lot of things people can benefit from that are higher in calories, then say, the fat-free counterparts.

    Personally i like drinking chocolate milk. I wasn't going to live without it forever so i didn't take it out of my diet. I like to occasionally have cereal, so once again, i didn't take it out.
  • jabjbab
    jabjbab Posts: 8 Member
    What's unfortunate to me is that I have developed a real allergy to dairy. I love cheese, full-fat yogurt, chocolate milk after a bike ride, etc., but can't indulge anymore. My eyes, mouth, lips and throat itch annoyingly. My eyes water and get puffy. My sinuses fill up with mucus and my mind fills up with fog. I need to sleep it off.

    The attitude towards those that don't eat dairy in this thread is similar to the "woo-thinkers" they are hating on. Superior and smug. Some people just can't eat it and it has nothing to do with current trends in pop culture.