
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited March 2016
    Here's one where I think Heather in the UK has it all over the rest of us - she takes joy in her food, rather than guilt and shame. It's an interesting thought--to change, we must make food a pleasure again: Bee Wilson's First Bite.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! The sun is out, but it is still a chilly 33 degrees. Not that cold, but still colder than it has been lately. I am taking a phrase I got recently from a Finnish friend, to heart: "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing choices." I will be walking with extra layers today.

    I spent yesterday cooking/prepping for the week for my family, daycare, and for my in-laws who are in their 80's and recuperating from hospital stays (again). So, because I was inside pretty much all day, except for my walk; I will be outside for a couple hours doing some yard work. A blustery night brought down more branches from the trees. I am going to get those picked up and get them (and the pile collected from my daycare kids) burned today. The kids really wanted me to burn them after they picked up, but some of them are so unpredictable in how they play and meander about, I didn't want to risk any of them getting too close to the fire pit.

    Anne - I struggle with keeping bulbs growing also. I would love to hear some of the "greenthumb" ladies ideas for saving the bulbs. I have all kinds of wildlife; moles, deer, bunnies, and a few squirrels but not many. I think the hawks and eagles are keeping the squirrel population down.

    Welcome Maryam Elizabeth!

    BArbie- Your father sounds like my father. I grew up in a large family, father worked at the post office, mom stayed home with six kids and cared for us and grandparents (all in one little house). We received government cheese, eggs, and milk. Always on a budget. But I married a man whose family lived buying on credit and paying off debt and so here we are; in our 50's and trying to get on top of a huge debt. Back to life on a budget. I have found out a LOT about myself during this time. I am MUCH better at saying "NO or Sorry we can't" than my husband is. I think, not being able to afford things that others seem to do/buy without giving it a second thought, is a blow to his ego. The "good provider" thing. He has been a great provider, but I keep telling him that we need to get ourselves in shape financially so that we don't have to depend on our children later in life. We really should have been doing this earlier; because just beginning to dig out now, is a little scary!

    Katie- Prayers and good thoughts to you as you send your/God's message to others!

    Kim- Wowsa! That's a LOT of money for $25 visits to the pool. I saved up and got an annual pass for our high school pool. It cost $150 for unlimited use for a year. I swim about two to three times a week. A friend with a pool, now that temps are getting better? You could barter pool tending services for pool usage?

    Pip- Bullwinkle is looking posh and fluffy!

    Heather- I just can't say enough about that darling baby!

    Janet- Can you do protein powder/shakes? I found protein powders to be an acquired taste. Took me a week or so to get used to the taste. I stick with chocolate and add half a banana and unsweetened almond milk. Fage no fat greek yogurt has only 9g carbs and 23g protein. Cottage cheese has 12g carbs per cup and 24g protein. Finding good protein sources without the added carbs IS hard.

    Rori- Good to see you back on! Sorry to hear about your friend who has suffered a stroke. DH's best friend suffered a major stroke a couple of years ago; and it just tore DH up to visit him and do things with him and see him struggle for his "old normal" lifestyle. It has been two years, but he is talking much clearer and is able to walk well and has gotten the okay to drive again. He is not working anymore, but is in good financial shape to where that is not going to be an issue. But yes, I agree, so painful to see the vibrancy gone and know that this person has so much to say and offer and is not capable, YET. Hopefully time and therapy will help her!

    Penny, CJ, Lenora- Names do seem to be getting crazier, but maybe that is why a portion of the population is going back to the "old" names. Thinking about names, though, has made me wonder if anyone really likes there name when they are younger. My mother wanted to name me Rachael, but my dad over ruled and named me Kelly. I didn't like my name growing up; but I was grateful I wasn't named Rachel. I remember telling my parents that I wanted to change my name to Desiree. (Glad that didn't happen). My daughter thinks it is funny that the name I had picked for her; I ended up not using. She just didn't look like an Andromeda (thank God for that). Then, if my son would have been a girl, he would have been named Sara Aurora. Can you imagine?! Sara Aurora LaMore. Not sure what I was thinking. So I have a Lauren and a Colin. I think their names suit them. I have many nieces and nephews with the older names: Evelyn, Eleanor, Isabel, Charles, Walter, Carl...

    Well, I have been multitasking while I have been trying to read and post. It has taken me over an hour to read and respond. Gotta get busy and get things done. Love and hugs to all! Beth- Hello! For some reason I know I wanted to reply to something you said, but it is slipping my mind! special hug to you!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    KJ, Becca, Kim etc and all those on a budget - I really do feel for you. Sometimes I worry that when I post about things I am doing that I might be upsetting someone. I know that not everyone has my good fortune not to have to worry about every penny. I used to be in that situation before my remarriage, going week to week and thinking twice before I bought a new tube of toothpaste, so I can definitely relate. Every time I spend a week's grocery bill for a family on a pleasure trip for the day I am very aware of it. Sending my very good wishes to you and hope that things get better. :flowerforyou: <3

    Lisa - I am touched that you thought of me when you read that article. <3 She does have some very good points to make. :) Believe me, I have had my struggles with food and comfort eating, or I would not have got so big. However genetic luck gave me a taste for savoury things rather than sweet (although strangely I do like caramel) and I have always loved vegetables. I was brought up the same as anyone else in the 50s, with a post war time diet, but my tastes expanded from the 1960 onward when we went on our first camping trip to France. We started then to eat more "Frenchified". My repertoire enlarged again at university when I became obsessed by recipe books, primarily Elizabeth David, and had them by the side of my bed. After I married at 20 we shared a house with a fanatical foodie who hugely influenced me. He had friends who moved in very foodie circles.
    As I said, I have had my battles, but now days I don't fear food and enjoy what I eat so much. :D Some of it may look a bit odd to others, including DH, :laugh: But I have found my maintenance sweet spot, combined with my 600 exercise calories. My challenge at the moment is alcohol - nothing serious, but I want to do even better. :)

    DH had some devastating news today, which I am not at liberty to share with you, about a family member. He is very shocked and has gone out for a walk. :'( It's the kind of news that has far reaching effects and wrecks lives. I feel so sorry for him.

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Happy first day of Spring!


    Currently in Chicago from Fairlawn, oHIo
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    Thank you KJLaMore :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Lisa ... I agree... Heather does have the right idea about food ... But she also understands the balance between eating and exercising.

    KJ ... I was brought up and lived much like Barbie ... You save by not spending ... But my husband is exactly like yours. He's generous to a fault, but has not and is not willing to really cut back and live more frugally and as a result we have more debt than I am comfortable with. For over 14 months and counting I have bern asking that we make plans for the future (especially with college expenses looming) .... My dear ostrich ... I mean husband ... Keeps putting it off. Sigh.

    Heather ... I don't have the means to live as you do, but I very much enjoy hearing of your adventures! Even if I had more discretionary income, it's unlikely I would see the places you do ... So please keep sharing!

    Welcome to the new posters!

    Beth near Buffalo where it is sunny but cold.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    morning well almost good afternoon...
    I am a blooming mess. have the shakes which is unlike me, I do not like being rushed.. we went to feed DFIL and he wouldnt eat so we came home, made Tom breakfast and on the way home he said if you really need to pick some groceries up you can go ,I will drop you off and I will go to Home Depot, so I am doing stuff around the kitchen and then he changes his clothes and says he is ready to go.. well he said later, which I meant to be around this time, so I hadn't really looked at the circular and gotten coupons together, so teasingly he said come on you have 5 min. well I didnt know he was teasing, so here I am rushing around trying to get coupons together, make a quick list, then he starts counting down.. I was about to beat him with a stick... and I was rushing around the store, with my list and coupons, told him I would keep it under 100 and I did 94.00 but still grrrrrrr.
    Then came home and put it away.. I have tried to have things organized in the freezer and in the fridge so all he has to pick something and heat it up...less I have to do for the next week when I stop in in the mornings to take care of the dogs and get mine and his lunch together..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
    morning peeps-

    yup, bullwinkle is looking mighty fluffy alright. since she had that surgery to remove that big lump under her front armpit, her hair is slowly growing back, so i wanted to even her out. even got a new pink collar for her. the $$ we spend for our kids.

    well, today is supposed to be my 8mi, kirby's 6. then tomorrow morning is a spin class, then i take him to seattle to get his shoulder worked on, i wish i could watch.

    later peeps and welcome new peeps

    pip in Tacoma Washington
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Karen from NY: We're selling our Honolulu condo because we are very certain we will not be returning to live there and it will simplify our lives. Extra cash in the retirement account will be nice, too. I wish it didn't need so much work, but at least I have an absolutely wonderful and cooperative tenant who will work with me, if he doesn't just buy the place himself. I've never sold a property, and not looking forward to the stress of it. Baby steps for now. I'll be heading there in May to replace the kitchen appliances and do some cosmetic improvements to the bath.

    It's a beautiful first day of spring here. Most of the snow has melted, the sun is very bright, and I've got 6800+ steps done before lunch.

    Colorado Foothills
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Heather ... Sorry your husband has received difficult news ... Will pray that calm and rational minds prevail ... Hugs to him (and you).
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Heather and all other travelers and vacationers- I imagine most people have to tighten their belts or dig themselves out of a debt "hole" at some time in their lives. Please don't ever feel you are throwing anything in MY face or bragging or anything like that when you talk of your travels and lives. I am content to live vicariously through you and others like you. It gives me hope and dreams for my future as I continue to pay bills! I LOVE to hear about everyone's adventures. Good thoughts and prayers going out to you and your DH (and family).
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Just spent an hour and a half cleaning out my van (my son uses it). Sunny day, so it got "the works". Cleaned, vacuumed, windexed, armor-all, carpet cleaned...I am glad it's done; now if I could just wrap it in plastic so it all stays that way! Heather, wanted you to know also, that I made some lentil and chorizo soup early last week and it turned out AWFUL! LOL! First soup I have ever made that I was tempted to throw out! Anyway, I ended up putting it all back in the soup pot and I added the potato and cabbage from our St. Pat's corned beef and cabbage dinner. I left out the corned beef, but added curry and cumin. Perfection. I eat it with a little dollop of greek yogurt. A soup was saved!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Two deaths: Thursday, an amazing writer in my writer's group died of breast cancer... Her book, Attack of the Killer Boobie, is on Amazon. They thought they had it all, that she was in remission. It was only a temporary reprieve. I've never known anyone stronger, and she fought so hard. Jamie leaves behind an amazing husband, a son the same age as mine, and also a soldier, and a 14-year-old daughter.

    Last night, the Assistant Range Manager was found dead in his personal truck between the ranch in town, pulled off to the side of the road, not a mark on him. Kody was only in his mid-20s, and leaves behind a young wife, and two sons, one that's 2 years old and one that's barely six weeks. We don't know yet what killed him, and of course, drugs are everyone's first thought. I hope not. Death is senseless enough without that...

    I find myself waiting for news of a third tragedy, and hope the spectre of death draws no closer than it's already come.

    Lisa in West Texas

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    The sun is out, but it is still a chilly 33 degrees. Not that cold, but still colder than it has been lately. I am taking a phrase I got recently from a Finnish friend, to heart: "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing choices." I will be walking with extra layers today.

    You are absolutely right...I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer on the counter in the bathroom where I get dressed first thing in the morning to walk the dogs.....the outdoor temperature tells me what to wear (extra wool sweater, balaclava, wool scarf, winter boots, water repellent pants) and I choose the right collection of clothing to match the temperature. When I get home, Jake asks me about the weather and I rarely know what to say, because, once dressed correctly, it all feels the same.

    <3 Barbie

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'(:'(Lisa, sorry to hear about your losses.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Lisa - so sorry for the deaths that come so close. (((((HUGS))))) Awful for the families. <3<3<3

    Heather UK
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm sorry for your losses lhannon. I can relate as my mum passed away 5.5 weeks ago and although she had fought several cancers for 1.5 years and had three surgeries, it was something else that ended up taking her life, and we were not expecting her to pass when she did. My condolences to you.

    Heather, I am also sorry for the distressing news your family received. Take care.
  • lindess
    lindess Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, My Name is Linda, just starting again today to lose 25 lbs. Lost all my weight on Myfitnesspal the first diet ever, then ate like crazy thinking I am OK now. What a mistake! I enjoy reading everyone's comments, and hope to lose 1lb a month for sure. I am from Edmond, Oklahoma. Good luck everyone.
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    lisa- sorry for your loss. I have lost several close friends in my life, young 18, 19, 20 yrs old and a couple in their 40's also young . It hurts. But I choose to believe they are in a better place. Leaving behind kids though makes it even tougher. May they find peace.