

  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I feel like my brain is going Jekyl and Hyde on me

    Hyde Brain: Why not eat some of all of the treats in the house? They're all so delicious
    Jekyl Brain: We already had our treat today, we can have more treats tomorrow
    Hyde Brain: Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it now?
    Jekyl Brain: I'm not hungry, and that would be a binge which would make me feel awful and regret it.
    Hyde Brain: It's just one day, you won't fall back into your old binging patterns. It's just to get it out of your system
    Jekyl Brain: BS I know better than that!

    And so on and so forth. Seriously, after these treats are gone I'm making sure there's no more than 1 or 2 types of sweet items in the house at one time. Otherwise I want the ice cream, Easter candy, and girl scout cookies all at once!

    Jekyl and Hyde weren't very good to you today. I hope Jekyll won the battle, I liked her reasoning.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Girls weekend at Round Top doing the antiquing thing. I look a lot, but don't buy much. It's usually a weekend for me to just do as little as possible and get my head in the right place. I am going to need that before this training program starts.

    Hope you have a good rest.
  • becknows
    becknows Posts: 1 Member
    I keep encouraging people to feel things I cannot feel for myself. Like acceptance of current body and pride of accomplishment. I truly mean it when I say it, and I want it for them. I just cant seem to apply it to me. Kinda scared when I get to goal Im still going to feel absolutely *kitten*. but at least I will have done something, eh?
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    The month of March was not good to me. I did get in a few great hikes and had a lot of good times with my family so I can't say it was a total waste. It just seemed that I had some low level sinus something going on, with a little malaise added to the mix. so far I have averaged 5.5 miles a day instead of the 7.58 miles a day I had in February.
    Friday that sinus something suddenly felt like a massive ballon had been inserted and blown up to the fullest. When I started antibiotics I progressed to rivers than nasty junk. 48 hours of sleep with periodic times woken to eat. On top of that while walking across the room I hooked my little toe on the dumbbell on the floor. I was a pitiful sight.
    I am now feeling better and I have high hopes for the month of April.

    Good night everyone.
  • xXxWhitneyxXx
    xXxWhitneyxXx Posts: 119 Member
    Today was the first day of my PMS and I ate well over half a box of kraft mac and cheese by myself.


    On top of my normal daily meals. I feel a little dirty. And very very full.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I feel like my brain is going Jekyl and Hyde on me

    Hyde Brain: Why not eat some of all of the treats in the house? They're all so delicious
    Jekyl Brain: We already had our treat today, we can have more treats tomorrow
    Hyde Brain: Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it now?
    Jekyl Brain: I'm not hungry, and that would be a binge which would make me feel awful and regret it.
    Hyde Brain: It's just one day, you won't fall back into your old binging patterns. It's just to get it out of your system
    Jekyl Brain: BS I know better than that!

    And so on and so forth. Seriously, after these treats are gone I'm making sure there's no more than 1 or 2 types of sweet items in the house at one time. Otherwise I want the ice cream, Easter candy, and girl scout cookies all at once!

    My brain has similar arguments with itself.

    Mine too! :(

    Tomorrow I meet Lois and Marissa!! Eeeek!!!!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I feel like my brain is going Jekyl and Hyde on me

    Hyde Brain: Why not eat some of all of the treats in the house? They're all so delicious
    Jekyl Brain: We already had our treat today, we can have more treats tomorrow
    Hyde Brain: Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it now?
    Jekyl Brain: I'm not hungry, and that would be a binge which would make me feel awful and regret it.
    Hyde Brain: It's just one day, you won't fall back into your old binging patterns. It's just to get it out of your system
    Jekyl Brain: BS I know better than that!

    And so on and so forth. Seriously, after these treats are gone I'm making sure there's no more than 1 or 2 types of sweet items in the house at one time. Otherwise I want the ice cream, Easter candy, and girl scout cookies all at once!

    My brain has similar arguments with itself.

    Me too. Hyde brain almost always wins in my head
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Today was the first day of my PMS and I ate well over half a box of kraft mac and cheese by myself.


    On top of my normal daily meals. I feel a little dirty. And very very full.

    I always thought those boxes were 2 servings anyhow. LOL

    It happens. Move on, a little mac and cheese is not really that bad.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I feel like my brain is going Jekyl and Hyde on me

    Hyde Brain: Why not eat some of all of the treats in the house? They're all so delicious
    Jekyl Brain: We already had our treat today, we can have more treats tomorrow
    Hyde Brain: Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it now?
    Jekyl Brain: I'm not hungry, and that would be a binge which would make me feel awful and regret it.
    Hyde Brain: It's just one day, you won't fall back into your old binging patterns. It's just to get it out of your system
    Jekyl Brain: BS I know better than that!

    And so on and so forth. Seriously, after these treats are gone I'm making sure there's no more than 1 or 2 types of sweet items in the house at one time. Otherwise I want the ice cream, Easter candy, and girl scout cookies all at once!

    My brain has similar arguments with itself.

    Mine too! :(

    Tomorrow I meet Lois and Marissa!! Eeeek!!!!

    That is so amazingly awesome! We expect pictures, of course.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    becknows wrote: »
    I keep encouraging people to feel things I cannot feel for myself. Like acceptance of current body and pride of accomplishment. I truly mean it when I say it, and I want it for them. I just cant seem to apply it to me. Kinda scared when I get to goal Im still going to feel absolutely *kitten*. but at least I will have done something, eh?

    I understand that feeling. I'm a good cheerleader for everyone else, it seems like. Practice positive self-talk, telling yourself good things, pointing out your strengths and positive attributes. When you find yourself using negative self-talk, "I'm so fat," or "I hate my stomach," or whatever, stop immediately! Focus on those positive things. It's not easy, but it's completely necessary. You can do this!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Care to go lifting?

    Um, yes, please...
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Someone asked about Lent goals and I forgot to reply. It's Spy Wednesday. I have four days left to fast from my item. I really thought I would crack twice this week.

    There was a huge Spring Celebration in my department this morning in which my only participation was to guess how many pieces of chocolate were in a vase my supervisor was giving away because she directly asked me to and to find an egg with chocolate candy (that I haven't eaten) that my supervisor hid in my cubby. Note this was deliberately not called an Easter egg and the Holy Day was never mentioned. I am irrationally annoyed by that. And also by the email from our department manager to "wait and see what we've got cooked up foe next month."

    It seems odd that she would be so evasive as to not ask for the easter egg to you. Is there someone in the office that is providing pressure not to have any christian references?

    Let's just sat that I get a lot of strange looks about my ashes every year. I had one boss ask several years ago if I couldn't wash them off. When I said, "God wouldn't strike me dead for it, but get them if you don't plan to keep them?" she tried to cover them up with my hair. I jerked backward so hard I scared and then put my hair in a ponytail so that everyone had to see them. I have never bee so angry at a boss in my life. Thankfully, she retired.
    Father Mike is right, ashes are a bold witness and they do make some people uncomfortable. I wouldn't say there is a ban on Easter, but I would say that there is a secular culture here and the manager would rather offend me than 99 other people.
    I don't understand why a boss would think that was ok. Ever. Hugs. We have today off and the owner of my company is not religious and by his heritage is Jewish. We are a small company but have multiple religions or non at all and it is never an issue.
    @nonoelmo hugs for you. Sorry about your hard week.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »

    I need a vacation...

    I need to go back on vacation.

    Short camping trip the last weekend of April, and the Oregon Coast in July, and I cannot wait for either of them!!!
    So much of my childhood was camping at the coast in Oregon, fun!

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited March 2016
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Is this week over yet? Please let it end. I am ready for good news and rest. Nutshell, it has been an odd, challenging in many ways,and chaotic week. It has involved people I see daily (1) being robbed at gunpoint in the middle of the night (2) a coworker being taken away in an ambulance possibly due to illegal drug use (3) ex going into his manic cycle out of the blue when I objected to him changing plans on my time with son with no communication or notification. All I insisted upon was timely communication. (4)daughter being sick (5) high winds and rapidly changing weather coupled with very high allergy symptoms (6) multiple high pressure deadlines.

    In general life is good and I am optimistic. I am so ready for this weekend..

    I am back from my two back to back work trips too. Whew!

    Props to you for still being optimistic! The Universe definitely needs to give you a big break this weekend
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »

    I need a vacation...

    I need to go back on vacation.

    Short camping trip the last weekend of April, and the Oregon Coast in July, and I cannot wait for either of them!!!

    Oregon coast sounds nice! I have Nashville at the end of April, then England in July...! I can't wait for either either (I know that is probably not grammatically correct).

    But I would like to go back to PR NOW!

    Nashville in April! :)

    I'm going to Cali in May, Chicago in July and maybe again in October if we get in the marathon, and Tucson in December! (mostly race related)
    Yay for Tucson especially. <3
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I feel like my brain is going Jekyl and Hyde on me

    Hyde Brain: Why not eat some of all of the treats in the house? They're all so delicious
    Jekyl Brain: We already had our treat today, we can have more treats tomorrow
    Hyde Brain: Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it now?
    Jekyl Brain: I'm not hungry, and that would be a binge which would make me feel awful and regret it.
    Hyde Brain: It's just one day, you won't fall back into your old binging patterns. It's just to get it out of your system
    Jekyl Brain: BS I know better than that!

    And so on and so forth. Seriously, after these treats are gone I'm making sure there's no more than 1 or 2 types of sweet items in the house at one time. Otherwise I want the ice cream, Easter candy, and girl scout cookies all at once!

    My brain has similar arguments with itself.

    Mine too! :(

    Tomorrow I meet Lois and Marissa!! Eeeek!!!!

    That is so amazingly awesome! We expect pictures, of course.

    Have fun. Say hello and hugs!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Care to go lifting?

    Um, yes, please...

    All those muscles are too much for me. I am more of a lean muscled male admirer...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    becknows wrote: »
    I keep encouraging people to feel things I cannot feel for myself. Like acceptance of current body and pride of accomplishment. I truly mean it when I say it, and I want it for them. I just cant seem to apply it to me. Kinda scared when I get to goal Im still going to feel absolutely *kitten*. but at least I will have done something, eh?

    I understand that feeling. I'm a good cheerleader for everyone else, it seems like. Practice positive self-talk, telling yourself good things, pointing out your strengths and positive attributes. When you find yourself using negative self-talk, "I'm so fat," or "I hate my stomach," or whatever, stop immediately! Focus on those positive things. It's not easy, but it's completely necessary. You can do this!

    Great advice, Quik!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Today was the first day of my PMS and I ate well over half a box of kraft mac and cheese by myself.


    On top of my normal daily meals. I feel a little dirty. And very very full.

    I always thought those boxes were 2 servings anyhow. LOL

    It happens. Move on, a little mac and cheese is not really that bad.

    I used to regularly eat a whole box. When I thought that crap was food (no judgment tho!).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I feel like my brain is going Jekyl and Hyde on me

    Hyde Brain: Why not eat some of all of the treats in the house? They're all so delicious
    Jekyl Brain: We already had our treat today, we can have more treats tomorrow
    Hyde Brain: Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it now?
    Jekyl Brain: I'm not hungry, and that would be a binge which would make me feel awful and regret it.
    Hyde Brain: It's just one day, you won't fall back into your old binging patterns. It's just to get it out of your system
    Jekyl Brain: BS I know better than that!

    And so on and so forth. Seriously, after these treats are gone I'm making sure there's no more than 1 or 2 types of sweet items in the house at one time. Otherwise I want the ice cream, Easter candy, and girl scout cookies all at once!

    My brain has similar arguments with itself.

    Mine too! :(

    Tomorrow I meet Lois and Marissa!! Eeeek!!!!

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    The month of March was not good to me. I did get in a few great hikes and had a lot of good times with my family so I can't say it was a total waste. It just seemed that I had some low level sinus something going on, with a little malaise added to the mix. so far I have averaged 5.5 miles a day instead of the 7.58 miles a day I had in February.
    Friday that sinus something suddenly felt like a massive ballon had been inserted and blown up to the fullest. When I started antibiotics I progressed to rivers than nasty junk. 48 hours of sleep with periodic times woken to eat. On top of that while walking across the room I hooked my little toe on the dumbbell on the floor. I was a pitiful sight.
    I am now feeling better and I have high hopes for the month of April.

    Good night everyone.

    I want April to be better too. You can MAKE IT BETTER! Sounds like getting well will make a big difference!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »

    Your pictures and all stunning. Like you were making travel brochures and you photoshopped them to make it look better than it really is, but I know you would not do that to us. I would have to say you had a very beautiful vacation.

    PR is incredibly beautiful. Especially the part where I was.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Good morning, ladies. Care to go lifting?

    Um, yes, please...

    All those muscles are too much for me. I am more of a lean muscled male admirer...

    Good. More for me! :D