Why are some people afraid to leave their FOOD diary open?



  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Ive seen peoples food diary's get posted on the message boards just to be picked apart.Mines open now,but I closed it for awhile because I had random a**holes sending me messages about not eating my exercise calories,or eating processed foods,or how I shouldn't drink blah blahh blah closing it was much easier than telling each and every one of them to *kitten* off

    I have to agree. Mine is open to my friends, but most of them understand that the only welcome advice is asked for advice. I really don't have the patience for explaining that to three people a day when I leave it open to the public. Besides, I don't want anyone to know that I secretly eat nothing but Cheetos. They are cheese, and they go crunch! What more could a man need in his diet?
  • TerryLynn66
    TerryLynn66 Posts: 7 Member
    I never knew you could open or close it? :ohwell:
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    I don't get why people should be mad other's diaries are private :/. I looked at someone's diary from here...just because I was trying to figure out how you even know if one is open or closed and I honestly just.don't.care. Like I said in a similar post, I know that I don't eat well, I know that I don't exercise enough...and I don't complain about not losing. There are PLENTY of people on MFP with diaries open...look at theirs and leave everyone else alone. No need to be upset about it.
  • flamnfrekelz
    I personally don't mind if you are using a diary for motivational purposes but to be frank there are plenty of a*sholes on here that feel it's in their right to police all that people do and the thought of a stranger pulling up my diary to scrutinize it is appalling.

    I am actually not sure if my diary is open to the "public" or not but mainly use it to keep myself in check so i dont think it really matters.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    And there is another thing. I'm assuming (yes, I know) that the OP would most likely be complaining about those who only keep it open to friends, because she couldn't see those either. They would appear closed to her.

    EDIT: She thinks that everyone that doesn't keep it wide open is "afraid?"
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    My food diary is open and has been from my beginning here on MFP. I came here on maintenance and hope that my menus will help people find ways to experiment with their own menus. I was on the old Slim Fast Optima program and did great. I found though, that because they gave recipes and menu suggestions I was not learning to do my own individual planning and be creative, so to speak. I was very dependant on their help every day. It worked for me, but I still needed to learn to do this on my own. Many of my friends here have told me that it helps them to look at my menus. It gives them ideas to make their eating less boring. Generally I log everything, including my splurge days. Many of my friends have private food journals and that's ok with me and I have not heard any comments to the contrary from my friends here regarding others'. To each his/her own. We all have to walk this journey as it fits our lifestyles. Everyone loses differently and nobody has the right recipe for everyone. We're here to help one another and not be someone else's critic. Motivation and support are the keys to all of our success.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Some people aren't here for the approval or advice of others, they might be here just for themselves and don't look at it as a social / sharing / full disclosure thing. Some just don't want to deal with the judgements or critiques.

    I think its uber strange that someone not public food diary bugs another person.Seriously? LOL... Are you also bothered that your neighbor has their blinds closed?
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I did not know I was Afraid....Its just non of your business!!!!
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    well.. my diary is open and i could care less what anybody has to think about my food choices. i mean.. i consume green peppers and onions for at least 1 meal, sometimes 3 meals a day. so you could say my diet is a lil boring. if you scroll back a few days you'll see i had 4 servings of 200 calorie each brownies. =)

    this is the internet so if someone is going to judge me or give me unsoliciated advice it's easy to ignore it.

    i have been annoyed by someone having their diary closed before. but the only reason i was annoyed is because they were asking for advice on how to change up their eating but you couldn't see how they were eating to begin with.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    mines is closed. I'm open to people looking for advice, closed to those giving it, and that's why it's closed.

    Please don't give me advice if I don't ask for it.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hahaha this thread makes me laugh....

    It would appear that there are a bunch of busybodies on this website... lol Why the freak do you care? Do you also stand in your front living room at the window looking into the jones' window with a set of binoculars to see what they are eating for dinner?

    Do you also go to your friends house and snoop through their drawers when they aren't looking?

    I bet you are also the person at ALL the neighborhood meetings spreading rumors about Mrs. Johnson down the street because you saw her eating a cookie.

    look at it this way, we aren't all here to serve you... If our diary and profile is closed, take it as a hint that WE DONT WANT YOU LOOKING AT IT. and so be it.

    If you HAVE to have your nose in people's diaries then only friend people whose profiles are viewable by the public.

    and just fyi, its VERY hypricitical of you to not have your diary open to the public yet get pissed off that others dont either...
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    Ive seen peoples food diarys get posted on the message boards just to be picked apart.Mines open now,but I closed it for awhile because I had random a**holes sending me messages about not eating my exercise calories,or eating proccesed foods,or how I shouldnt drink blah blahh blah closing it was much easier than telling each and every one of them to *kitten* off

    Seriously? OMG! I can't believe people would do that! How rude!

    Mine was close when I started because I was embarrassed about my bad days. I didnt want anybody to see how unhealthy i would eat. Now that I have it open to my friends it kind of helps me to be semi ok on the weekends. None of my friends have ever told me anything bad about my food diary. It's only positive that I get.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I leave mine private because I write in the section underneath. I write about my feelings about work, about my day, about my family, my friends, my current weight of the day, I reallly use it as a personal diary also.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I htink it's funny that all this is going on and the OP hasn't even been back here. :laugh:
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I htink it's funny that all this is going on and the OP hasn't even been back here. :laugh:
    I too think it is funny, and I think it is because she got in over her head. She didn't THINK before she Spoke.
  • flutterqueen04
    It is called a "diary" for a reason!! I have it open to my friends only and I am very picky about the friends I have on my list. I am not "afraid" as you say, I just don't want busy bodies who THINK they know everything telling me what I am eating is wrong. This site is a tool for people to lose weight and learn to eat less. There is nothing stating that you have to have any friends or have anyone look at your diary. I for one am not accountable to anyone BUT myself. So please do us all a favor and burn that soap box so you are never tempted to get back on it and post such a ridiculous rant again. Thank you :)
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    ...Frankly ummm, some people are a little more private.

    And ... I won't do it just to serve other people's voyeuristic needs.

    Love this! My food diary is open to my friends only and none of them comment on it, except my twin sister. I look at open diaries to get meal ideas, especially breakfast, and to see how people personalize their exercise goals. MFP has not completely become Facebook for me so I'm not obsessed [yet] with y'all dietary goings-on.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    No, but I do peep in windows when I drive by if they're open... hahahaha. Rubber neck lol!

    Do you also stand in your front living room at the window looking into the jones' window with a set of binoculars to see what they are eating for dinner?

  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    No, but I do peep in windows when I drive by if they're open... hahahaha. Rubber neck lol!

    Do you also stand in your front living room at the window looking into the jones' window with a set of binoculars to see what they are eating for dinner?

  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    Flat out, it's really no one's business what I'm eating, unless I make it their business. So, no offense,

    i like it
    nuff said.
