Urban phrases that you HATE!!



  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Another one that gets me is when people try to make their words look more "hip" or whatever by spelling them incorrectly. Like, "kidz", etc. No wonder people can't spell anymore!
  • kmarx65
    kmarx65 Posts: 28
    conversate...why make up a word when there is one that already exists?

    I have to agree!
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    "winning!" i still don't get it.

    I think that phrase died with charlie sheen's career after Two and Half Men thing. I feel bad now. I call my GF my boo, and have admittedly called a situation an EPIC FAIL in the past. I inexplicably call people Dude, I have no recollection of where I would pick up that habit.

    The same place Bud Bundy came up with Grandmaster B
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    another one....when a guy calls a girl dude, ugh, hate it!

    Chuckles my 'hubby' used to call our daughters 'dudette' (remembering fondly)
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I thought boo is a corruption of beau - which is obviously masculine. So why would a guy call his girl a male term of endearment? That would annoy me massively lol.

    My own pet hate is 'innit' at the end of every sentance.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    i hate it when someone is trying to get your attention and they say "yo bra(bro)", or when they see something cool or they like they say "thats mad cool yo"!
    I say bra because I am hawaiian, even though the closest I have been is watching Bradys Go To Hawaii.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    All of the above.

    And I'll add "Just sayin'". I want to punch someone in the mouth when I hear that. I know you're "just sayin'", you just f**king said it! And "literally". "I literally died laughing." NO, no you didn't. Unfortunately you're still here. I also hate "Really?!" and "Seriously?!"

    "Redonkulous" makes me want to punch someone too. My friend says it all the time. Unbekownst to her, my other friends and I turned it into a drinking game when she's around. :drinker:
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    The phrase I hate is "you know what I'm sayin?' It just drives me crazy and I have a coworker who knows this about me and says it all the time just to get under my skin.
  • amysuemartin718
    amysuemartin718 Posts: 99 Member
    "legit"--- it's all I heard from my niece over the weekend.
  • __Jackie__
    __Jackie__ Posts: 39 Member
    I have to agree with saying internet short forms

    The worst is when you hear someone say LOL.(pronounced lull)

    I swear I heard someone at work today say it
  • MsLaurie65
    MsLaurie65 Posts: 46 Member
    :laugh: I was "fixing" to say that word until you said "older"....I can't stand the word myself, along with "shawty, boo, baby daddy, baby moma, drama, and hater" guess I don't fit in anywhere!!!!
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member

    Me too!

    And "bangin'" drives me nuts..

    Biggest annoyance: "FML" -- Really?? "I just walked out to my car and forgot my phone.. FML"

    I hate it so much.. Nothing is worth saying that.. Unless it's like, "My house just burned down and my friend saved me but died in the fire. I've lost everything and can't go on.. FML" Then maybe.

    FML is terrible! I caught my sister posting to her facebook "Ugh, mom screamed at me, FML." Ya? You're life is terrible for getting reprimanded because she caught you j/o-ing the neighbor? Eff you're life? I'm sure she's not crazy about hers.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Oh, and instead of people saying, "What's up, man?" they say "mai" as in "main" without the n-sound.

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I have to agree with saying internet short forms

    The worst is when you hear someone say LOL.(pronounced lull)

    I swear I heard someone at work today say it
    Actually it is lulz as in "I did it for the lulz"
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member

    "Redonkulous" makes me want to punch someone too. My friend says it all the time. Unbekownst to her, my other friends and I turned it into a drinking game when she's around. :drinker:

    That's fantastic!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
  • Picklepower
    Picklepower Posts: 66 Member


    My boyfriend asked me once "Why do all these people nowadays sing about Sharlene? Who is she and what makes her so special?" I wasn't sure what he meant so he clarified "You know, like in that song...Sharlene's like a melody in my head" I about died when I realized what he meant.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Maybe a little older, not a phrase but I hate, hate, hate it anyway: Peeps! "What's up my peeps?" I literally grit my teeth.
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    another one....when a guy calls a girl dude, ugh, hate it!
    My sons are guilty of this but they usually catch themselves and correct it with a "I'm sorry mama".
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I have to agree with saying internet short forms

    The worst is when you hear someone say LOL.(pronounced lull)

    I swear I heard someone at work today say it
    Actually it is lulz as in "I did it for the lulz"

    Is it?? I always thought it was LOLZ! Whoops!
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