Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    Just don't like the way 200+ pounds feels. I've never been this heavy (except right before I gave birth to my third child)... Extra weight feels awful.
  • littlemissparisblues
    When the DR told me I was definitely Pre diabetic and I needed to do something about it before it became more serious. I DO NOT want to be on meds for the rest of my life. So I am finally watching what I eat. Only down 6lbs but it's going..
  • becbo22
    becbo22 Posts: 283 Member
    At the age of 20 I had to be put on blood pressure medication. I didn't want to go down that path of health problems. I also went to a doctor's appointment and found out I had gotten up to 302 pounds after a fight with depression. I had gained 110 pounds in 2 years of college between psychiatric medications, binge eating, and lack of activity. I have now lost 60 pounds and plan to lose at least 40 more. Taking my life back!
  • becbo22
    becbo22 Posts: 283 Member
    Minpinhead wrote: »
    becbo22 wrote: »
    At the age of 20 I had to be put on blood pressure medication. I didn't want to go down that path of health problems. I also went to a doctor's appointment and found out I had gotten up to 302 pounds after a fight with depression. I had gained 110 pounds in 2 years of college between psychiatric medications, binge eating, and lack of activity. I have now lost 60 pounds and plan to lose at least 40 more. Taking my life back!
    60 lbs is amazing! Congrats!

    Thank you so much! I've also become a certified personal trainer during all this
  • Petra92726
    Petra92726 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been wanting to lose weight for a while. Started a few times, never really succeeded.

    I (like to) consider myself a runner. After a(nother) case of shin splints, my physical therapist told me I could lose some weight to make the running easier on my body. After three injuries, this might be what I need for running. And her help for losing weight.

    There are many reasons I want to lose weight. While reading this thread, I started compiling a list. I'm now at reason #73. Will save the list and come back to it when motivation is running low.

    Currently going on 2 weeks and lost over 5 lbs.
  • _kingbooble
    _kingbooble Posts: 25 Member
    I saw myself in some photos at a parents wedding anniversary and didn't recognise myself, kind of.. I knew I had been putting weight on but I just didn't care. It was that moment that I got on the scales and saw I was 285lbs and decided to do something about it and get my life back. I'm now 210 but still have a long way to go but chipping away at it a day at a time.
  • samwiserabbit
    samwiserabbit Posts: 153 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was trying to take head shots for my business card and found I didn't want to smile because it made my eyes disappear. Also, none of my clothes fit; even the brand new suit I thought I ordered a size too big was too small. Also, I was scooting behind my friend's chair at the dinner table, like we'd done a thousand times before, and I didn't fit. He hadn't gotten any fatter, soooo...

    ETA: And Also, the vet told me to start restricting my cat's intake, and I did, and she lost weight. I was like, "well that was easy enough." And my 11yo son is a little overweight and I want to be a good example.
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    I've wanted to lose weight forever. I think this time around I gathered the mental energy to start again because my father had open heart surgery. In the past few months, for the first time in my life, I "gave up." Not on losing weight. Lol, I gave up on everything. Trying to get my life together, trying to fix my career, dating, etc. I decided to just stop trying. It was shortlived, but it was the first time in my life I felt that hopeless about everything.

    Two things happened, though, when my dad had surgery:

    1. My father had to have two valve replacements. It was from a complication he had from getting rheumatic fever as a child at age 11. Since then, he's been very careful with his diet - being vegetarian, exercising regularly and doing yoga, limiting saturated fats and cholesterol. While talking to his cardiologist it became very clear - there was no way he would have survived this condition since childhood if he had not been careful with his lifestyle. Not a chance. If he lived like me with this condition, he would not have survived past 35.

    2. On the morning of the surgery, prep started at 5am. My mother and I wanted to be there for that. However, it was 4:56am when we finished parking. I didn't think it would be a big deal if we got to my Dad's room at 5:05am, since prep was a few hours long before surgery. However, my mother wanted to be there for every second of it. So she, aged 64, whom I had never seen exercise, ran down the hospital hallway in heels, and I didn't keep up with her. When I did catch up, she wasn't short of breath, at all. Lol, she's a a lifelong vegetarian and has always watched her calories, and she hates sweets.

    Lol, so I'm a bit inspired by that. Also, my parents have been very supportive of me, and I really want them to see me happy. They deserve that - to have the pleasure of seeing their child happy and peaceful. I don't think I have to lose weight for that to happen, but it does go hand in hand with me getting the rest of my life together.

  • wj_rudder38
    wj_rudder38 Posts: 7 Member
    High blood pressure scare of 204/114 and thyroid problems got me motivated, just started this journey a week ago I'm happy Ive lost 9 pounds, I've really worked hard.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,136 Member
    My wake up call was in 2008. I had just gotten a new job, and I was wearing size 16 pants that were tight/uncomfortable, and was wearing 2xl shirts. I was about to go buy size 18 jeans, then it hit me that I was just one size from being a size 20 which I was horrified by, and wasn't going to wear that size. The new job offered 1/2 off at the gym, so I joined and started working out. 6 months later I was much stronger, but still hadn't lost weight. So I started walking at the local high school track. I'm physically disabled - walk on crutches - and have been told not to walk much otherwise I would ruin my arms and not be able to walk eventually. I just decided that I had to lose weight, so walked anyway. I could barely do the 1/4 mile the first time. I had to stop several times. But by the end of that summer, I had lost 2 jean sizes and was walking 1/2 mile at a time. I maintained that weightloss through the winter, started again in the spring, lost 3 more sizes the next summer. I have consistently been a size 8 for several years now, until 2 years ago.

    I started gaining again, and couldn't explain why, but I was also getting weaker and couldn't walk very far. Chalked it up to not walking/going to the gym much because i was always so tired. Long story short, I almost died because I had a 17 lb ovarian cyst that was causing my weight gain. Went into renal failure, spent 6 weeks in the hospital because all of the excess fluid I was retaining due to the kidney failure went to my legs and I couldn't get my leg braces on to walk. When I got out of the hospital, I was extremely weak and needed a lot of physical therapy. Last July I still wasn't happy with my leg strength, so I joined a medically oriented gym. Now I'm stronger than I've ever been. I lost 30 lbs when they took out the mass, and the water weight. Now I want to keep losing again, now that I'm strong and healthy again.

    I keep motivated because my mother is obese and has had high blood pressure, diabetes, and has had 3 strokes in the last 10 years. I DO NOT want to be like her.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    I realize I was needlessly rushing to a hard premature death in 2014. Now health markers, pain levels, ability to physically get around at the age of 65 is better than when I was 45.

    Keep up the good work. A healthy life is a happy life.
  • vgentile990
    vgentile990 Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't want the beer belly anymore
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    I sat down in the car... My love handles pushed forward from the contours of the seat... Their gentle hug whispered... It's time.
  • leslieclancan
    leslieclancan Posts: 1 Member
    Today was the wake up call. Menopause hit me hard a year ago and gave me a belly I've never had in my life. I've always had to work hard at not gaining weight and have had various ups and downs in the 10-20 lb range, but nothing like this. My future daughter in law sent me a picture of me and my son from Easter yesterday, it was a sweet hug pic, but all I saw was a 54 year old woman that looked pregnant. I was literally devastated and decided it's time. I know how to do it and will come here for inspiration, support and guidance.
  • Staceym2112
    Staceym2112 Posts: 892 Member
    Wanted to feel better, have more energy, and fit in a smaller sized jean. Was also disgusted looking at myself naked.
  • stephheath
    stephheath Posts: 7 Member
    When I went to the doctor for a physical and the scale read 290.6. That's all I could think about that entire day. And I said that is enough I will get below 200 lbs. This weight has destroyed the person I used to be. And that was it. I bought a Garmin vivosmart and most days I still have issues hitting my step goal. But I have lost 7 lbs since Feb 23.
    I have had my days... but i get back up and keep going.
  • renevate
    renevate Posts: 15 Member
    There were two moments for me. The first was when I went to get new clothes and discovered I was too big to wear regular clothes and needed to shop in the plus section. The second was when I got home from said shopping trip and weighed myself, only to see 99,8kg on the scale. I thought, it's bad enough having to shop plus size, but I will not hit 100kg (my bed's max weight bearing load is 120kg, and I don't want to break my wonderful bed)
  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    When I hated shopping because I only fit into the frumpy plus size clothes :(
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member

    work_on_it wrote: »
    I sat down in the car... My love handles pushed forward from the contours of the seat... Their gentle hug whispered... It's time.

  • kimberlyy_s
    kimberlyy_s Posts: 16 Member
    echofm1 wrote: »
    I went to the doctor's and she hounded me about my weight before she even asked why I was there (which I was a bit upset about). She encouraged me to see a nutritionist, which was free through work. I agreed to see the nutritionist, dropped the doctor, and started MFP to track what I was eating for the nutritionist to see. Turned out it was a lot easier to manage than I'd ever thought, so I kept on doing it. Seeing the scale near 350 pounds was definitely a wake up call too.

    Happy to say that I've been here a year and a half, am at 246 currently, and still going strong on my goal towards a healthy BMI.

    Yes very inspiring. You go girl!