Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @jaynee7283 Are you sure you haven't lost inches in your waist? The only reason I ask is because if your pants are fitting better that suggests that you lost inches. Maybe your first measurement was off or you took your second one while slightly bloated. Don't be discouraged, especially if clothes are fitting better.

    Pretty positive. I had my measurements done by a healthcare provider as part of my company's health plan earlier this year. As of yesterday, my measurement taken at home was the exact same.

    I'm not exactly discouraged, just confused. But I'm sticking with my plan - I'm hoping to cross over into 20+ lbs gone by Monday's weigh-in. That'll put me at 20 pounds gone in exactly 3 months. If I can keep that up timeframe loss, it'll mean I'm down 40-45 pounds by the time we leave for our family summer vacation!
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Guess who woke up this morning in the 140s?!?!?! I am so incredibly excited that as of today I am a healthy BMI!
    Way to go Rachel, that's a fantastic achievement!

    @SusanConway333 great news on your health! Goes to show the importance of getting enough water in!! Happy birthday in advance. Some great advice from the other ladies. I especially agree with @CariTJR if you do have a blow out, which happens to everyone, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon straight away-don't let a bad weekend turn into a bad week!! Log it, accept it and move on!! Try get some extra exercise in to counter balance a bit.

    uoflgirl89 wrote: »
    So I had my first NSV yesterday. My weight has been holding steady +/- 1 lb over the past two weeks (bad eating on my part). However, my sisters wedding is in May and we order bridesmaids dresses last month. When I got sized one was too small and the other too big, so I ordered the smaller one. Yesterday I tried on the too small dress and I could fit it and it zipped up all the way. It still a little snug but at least I know I can actually get in the dress with the zipper all the way up. Made me feel a little bit better about myself..

    Great nsv! I'm also bridesmaid for my sister, in August. Haven't started looking for dress yet but would love a smaller size too!!
  • plunky58
    plunky58 Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2016
    My morning and noon walks. I lost 5 pounds so far and I can not tell you how that motivates me. I just hope I KEEP this motivation. Funny how something as simple and free as a walk can make you feel so good about yourself. Small accomplishments turn into big achievements. So wish me luck on my journey to a new healthier me! <3

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Guess who woke up this morning in the 140s?!?!?! I am so incredibly excited that as of today I am a healthy BMI!

    YEAHHH!!!! CONGRATS!!! I headed that way as well! 140lbs - 135lbs is my goal range!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    .... I did not like my old Kidney Doctor so I found a new one. She felt looking at my history of my test results in the past, that it indicated I was dehydrated for most of those test and therefor the results were askew. So she retested with a lot of tests with the instructions to be well hydrated. I am in total shock. I was hoping for and expecting an improvement in my numbers. But for the first time in my life, every single test came back NORMAL! ....

    This is AWESOME @SusanConway333 - Good for you to take your health into your own hands and change doctors. When you are the patient - you should feel comfortable with the person helping you with your health!

    As for your b-day weekend.... enjoy yourself and get back on track next Tuesday! Try to stay on track with the meals that aren't a celebration time (breakfast) but the other times... go for it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    plunky58 wrote: »
    My morning and noon walks. I lost 5 pounds so far and I can not tell you how that motivates me. I just hope I KEEP this motivation. Funny how something as simple and free as a walk can make you feel so good about yourself. Small accomplishments turn into big achievements. So wish me luck on my journey to a new healthier me! <3

    Way to go @plunky58 - I completely agree how a walk at can change your whole mind set!! Keep up the awesome work!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Holy! There is so much awesomeness happening on this thread today! i love it!

    Rachel, I am so happy for you to be in the 140's! I bet you just about jumped around the house this morning! My ultimate goal isn't even that low, so that would be so sweet!

    Dana, you are funny! Drinking too much and agreeing to exercising! I love it that your son will keep you accountable, you are going to have fun walking and running on the track for sure. And I lost last weekend with that hangover, so there's something to be said about WINE!!! lol.

    Cari - WAZZOCK??!?!?! LMAO! I have never heard that, but I love it! I can just hear you say that in an English accent, which makes it sound so posh! haha! Enjoy your holiday, you are going to have so much fun. Even if you aren't logging every single thing, mostly pay attention to healthy foods, and portion sizes! Mad Max theme would be hilarious.

    Amber, that is a pretty awesome first NSV! You could lose up to 5 more pounds before the wedding, and you will look banging in that dress!

    Everyone else - have an awesome day!!!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    Cari - I love the words that you use - "wazzock" LOL Never heard that one, and am definitely stealing it

    Use it and abuse it, the more people in this world that use that word the better. It's my favourite 'non-swear' word for idiot. lol
    Cari - WAZZOCK??!?!?! LMAO! I have never heard that, but I love it! I can just hear you say that in an English accent, which makes it sound so posh! haha! Enjoy your holiday, you are going to have so much fun. Even if you aren't logging every single thing, mostly pay attention to healthy foods, and portion sizes! Mad Max theme would be hilarious.

    Oh believe me, i'm not posh at all, I have a London accent lol :smiley:
    I'm going to try hard to eat as well as I can while i'm away, and hope the skiing counteracts the rest...mulled wine anyone?. I'll post a pic of us in our costumes at some point, i'm sure many a pic will be taken! Getting a bit excited now....yay!

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @Dana - That's hilarious that you agreed to run while drunk, that's the sort of thing I do when i've had a few too many hahaha. Good luck though, i'm sure you'll smash it! And well done on the loss, that's fab!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    edited March 2016
    Update-he did not let me out of it. I knew he wasn't going to. So I went, and I did it! Hung over and all! And I ran a full mile without stopping! Granted, he literally pushed me for half of it so I couldn't stop. He forced me and I did it! And I didn't die. Omg-I have tried twice now and it keeps erasing half of my post. Ugh... Anyway-I ran for 1 1/4 mile out of the two we did. Yay!
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Well done @danan01 !!! It's amazing what we're capable off when there's someone else pushing you (literally sometimes!!! :D )
    I've been doing 2-3 classes in the gym, circuits, boxercise and kettle bells. A lot of weight and resisting training in all 3 classes! They're basically all squats lunges and planks in different guises! But I'm amazed how many squats and lunges I can push myself to do when the trainer is watching...if I was doing them at home on my own I'd give up way quicker, telling myself it's too hard! I miss my cardio happy-clappy Zumba classes though!!! My arms and legs are hurting all the time!!!! Scary how unfit, no actually, how weak, I am!! Getting there I hope! If only I could stop eating crap...struggling at the minute :(
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    wow you guys have been busy. I've got so much to catch up on. Hope you are all doing well. I have been extremely busy trying to get some construction work done in my garden whilst we have decent weather, i think im building muscles just from hammering hundreds of nails :smile:
    I am loving the challenge this week on the Fitbit, everyone is getting their steps in.
    I have managed to get a few kickboxing classes in this week and a couple of strength sessions as well.

    i think i had better go and do some reading, :smiley:
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    danan01 wrote: »
    Update-he did not let me out of it. I knew he wasn't going to. So I went, and I did it! Hung over and all! And I ran a full mile without stopping! Granted, he literally pushed me for half of it so I couldn't stop. He forced me and I did it! And I didn't die. Omg-I have tried twice now and it keeps erasing half of my post. Ugh... Anyway-I ran for 1 1/4 mile out of the two we did. Yay!

    Yipeeee! Well done Dana! It is amazing what we can do when we try, so you've gone from 1 min intervals to running a whole mile. Incredible. And with a hang over, so that's like running 10 miles really lol. You should be proud.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Love this...

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Great Tweet from Chalene Johnson!

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    And on a funnier note.... I had to giggle at this one.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member