

  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, I'm Noreen. After reading your posts, I am going to have only one goal in April: Log every swallow every day, and stay just under my calorie limit. And I am going to make my self accountable by logging in here each evening and letting you know I made it. I can no longer exercise and have watched my perfect size 10 figure um...blossom...to a size 18. So. Already, I have followed an organic diet ($$$) and gotten rid of chocolate and wine (mostly), and gotten portions in control. Still gaining. On the upside, I have a husband who thinks I am smart and beautiful (love truly is blind--this man sees me nekked!), children and three grandchildren who take time talk to me frequently, and two of the BEST aussies in the world. Not to mention 6 feral-ish cats that hang out on my porch. In other words, absolutely everything to live for! If you're still reading, thank you for your kind and caring heart.
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,530 Member
    nb1959 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Noreen. After reading your posts, I am going to have only one goal in April: Log every swallow every day, and stay just under my calorie limit. And I am going to make my self accountable by logging in here each evening and letting you know I made it. I can no longer exercise and have watched my perfect size 10 figure um...blossom...to a size 18. So. Already, I have followed an organic diet ($$$) and gotten rid of chocolate and wine (mostly), and gotten portions in control. Still gaining. On the upside, I have a husband who thinks I am smart and beautiful (love truly is blind--this man sees me nekked!), children and three grandchildren who take time talk to me frequently, and two of the BEST aussies in the world. Not to mention 6 feral-ish cats that hang out on my porch. In other words, absolutely everything to live for! If you're still reading, thank you for your kind and caring heart.

    Hi Noreen-
    Thanks for sharing with is. I too want to log every bite I take. Even though you can no longer exercise, the diet is the key part of weight loss. Good for you for being honest with yourself and logging the bites you take!
    Karen in KC, Calif.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well the mini holiday went well..... So my DH has decided he needs to walk - so therefore we used the treadmill at the hotel the first day. the next day - he needed a rest. You see - he has been walking outside on the road and the first day on the treadmill he wanted to see what 4 miles an hour was like... and of course - you cannot tell men to take it easy the first time on a treadmill and maybe you haven't been walking 4 miles an hour at home!!! And because we waited to long to head to the hotel gym - it was full already - so I walked the hallways and the stairs at the hotel so I could get in at least 5000 steps. We got home early Friday so I got to get my other 5000 steps in - actually made more ...YEAH me!!! 12000 plus!!

    Onward ho into SPRING!!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • KalliZiegler
    KalliZiegler Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am 65 yr young and new to the discussion board. My current goal is to lose 25lbs over the next 5 months. To accomplish this goal, I intend to get back into a disciplined workout routine of "Wogging" (jogging-speed walking) 5 days a week. I did my first wog today and went 2.5 miles at 15.11min/mile. Not very fast but it is a start. I have not working out since the beginning of the year. A couple of medical set backs sidelined me. Got the all clear from doctors to resume normal activities...Looking forward to developing relationships with the ladies in this group to get a push out the door and some accountability.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    Larisa - I love those brain coasters, but I know that glass coasters are not actually very good as coasters because the glass sticks to them when the cold drink makes a moisture film. My DSIL has glass ones and I am always picking up the coaster with the glass and then it drops off with a clang! :laugh: Great idea though!

    Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Hi gals,

    Alison – any DH who is happy to have the paycheck and the work done without the company on his Darling Wife – grrr his D is not Darling.

    Sleepy – welcome!!! There are plenty of us who don’t like exercise, and when I started I did not plan on much, but while I have not joined a gym, I do walk the dog and do a ton of gardening, and have added a yoga class.. but that did not happen all at once. I would HIGHLY recommend not cutting your calories too low… this needs to be a change that you can keep for the rest of your life, so small changes – great results, more small changes more great results, repeat until you have something you can do forever.

    Margaret – the dance of anger is not a new book is it? I believe I remember it from a number of years ago… I should re-read it….

    Anne - Keep positive! You are doing great!

    Katiebug – you are not petty, selfish or any of those other things, Take care of you first, then help where you can, and NO guilt. Everyone else has nailed it down, so I am affirming them!

    Heather – great that you got out in the garden!

    Cheri – so you reached 10,000 hooks? LOL which has a double meaning!

    KJ - glad you were able to find your calm place, and tucked in a bit of exercise going to and from the car.. Our water is still rationed, and we are asked to do no more than 56 gallons a day – which is not much – but I have learned tons of tricks and mostly stay under the magic number, it is averaged across the month, which helps - If I stay under 56 gallons my bill stays under $100 – but the minute you are over the first $100 fine kicks in so in a 31 day month you have 1,736 gallons, but at 1,737 gallons you add the cost of the gallon of water, the sewage cost for the gallon and a $100 fine. That only happened once in this household!!!! The $100 was my food budget for the month – I got them to let me pay it a bit at a time. If your daughter would like some tricks let me know and I’ll type up some and send them to you.

    College! Great idea!!! You go!

    Karen AR10at50 – I’m in CA too, the SF bay area….

    Noreen, KalliZ, other newbies – welcome!

    I have a SV – about a year ago – I started dealing with some emotional issues with a counselor and took a break from trying to lose and got lax about logging, although I told myself I was doing a temporary maintenance the pounds creeped on, slowly – and I was better with my eating than I ever had been prior to MFP – I have really learned a lot – well while I am still dealing with my issues, thing are better and I have been logging as I should and 4 of the 7 creeper pounds are gone! 3 more and then back to losing again, as really there are 20 more from my point of view and 40 more from the charts point of view to lose.. I’ll just take it one pound at a time.

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,919 Member

    I want to do weight training three days a week but I also want to have more days of semi-rest for my legs. Scheduling has been tricky for me. Today I modified my usual weight training that is tough on my legs (squats, deadlift, bent over row) and replaced them with seated weight lifts (overhead press, bicep curls, lateral lifts, overhead tricep extension) that allow my legs to rest. I did the routine while watching figure skating on TV--the great benefit of exercise at home.

    :'( My hubby has a bad cold and has been primarily sitting in the recliner coughing and sneezing and watching basketball---thank goodness for a house with more than one TV and cordless headphones.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    Kim wrote "KJ - glad you were able to find your calm place, and tucked in a bit of exercise going to and from the car.. Our water is still rationed, and we are asked to do no more than 56 gallons a day – which is not much – but I have learned tons of tricks and mostly stay under the magic number, it is averaged across the month, which helps - If I stay under 56 gallons my bill stays under $100 – but the minute you are over the first $100 fine kicks in so in a 31 day month you have 1,736 gallons, but at 1,737 gallons you add the cost of the gallon of water, the sewage cost for the gallon and a $100 fine. That only happened once in this household!!!! The $100 was my food budget for the month – I got them to let me pay it a bit at a time. If your daughter would like some tricks let me know and I’ll type up some and send them to you."

    Wow, that's crazy. Now, I'm feeling a little guilty, we have our own well. The well pump is attached to the north side of the house beside the garage. We pay nothing for water and a meager $32 a month for sewer. We are hooked up to the City sewer line. I admit I'm pretty bad about wasting water as it doesn't cost me. I'll be more aware after reading your posts.

    Janetr OKC

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    The problem with not keeping your food diary accurately is that when you want to go back in a month or two to compare to determine why was I losing weight then and not now, or why am I hungry now and wasn't before, or whatever is, you won't have a clear picture as to what you were doing wrong/right. The diary does not know nor care if you lie to it and you can't fool your body. Just my take on it and something I've learned along the way. I'm a closet eater, "if no one sees me eat it, it doesn't count" which translated into if I don't log it, it doesn't count. :(

    Janetr OKC

    Yeah, I haven't eaten anything I didn't log, but logging food I didn't eat is still on that slippery slope. Next month, when I have the money, I think I'll spring for the premium, so I can set higher and lower goals for different days. :smile:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - Glad you we able to adapt a modified version of your weight training that was easier on your legs and knees. Where there's a will, there's a way. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Barbie - great coping with the legs vs weight lifting !!!!

    Janetr - yeah, the water issues are very real here - and we are in the 5th year - so new habits and habitats are evolving... so while the flower pictures from my front are lovely, it is spring flowers and in the summer/fall there are some low water shrubs, bark and trees - this only happens because of rain. It's been an education! smiles

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    OK when I have mint gum in my mouth and sip my glass of lemonade drink (from a mix only 5 calories per 8 oz) it really gives me a suck punch! Like eating sour candy! hahahaha!

    OK my husband now has my cold... Feel bad for the guy, but reality happens. I am trying to be supportive, not hover, yet tell him to stop the whining....

    Well my turn out on the balcony for my vitamin D treatment.

    I had too many nuts for my snack today, so I shall pay for it, with a minimal-istic looking dinner of 4 oz of tilapia and 3 potatoes with some light margarine. I shall steam the fish over the boiling water that holds the potatoes. Lots of spices on the fish is my plan.

    Take care and have a nice Saturday!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I made this one up...


  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    Hi there. Hope this is how you post in the group! I am pretty new to this, though I have been on Fitness Pal off and on for a couple years. I'm 58 and just can't seem to take off the 15 lbs that appeared between November and January-looking for some motivation!
    My April goal are to walk 7,000 steps a day, go to my Bar M class at least 3 times a week, and eat healthier.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,052 Member
    Kim it is not new. I am reading her 2014 edition. Not sure what she added to the new edition and what she may have revised.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
    Welcome pkotterman- You are one of us now! (scared?) This is a great group of girls, join in whenever you are ready, remember to sign your post with whatever you wish to be addressed by, if pkotterman isn't your choice.
    Larisa- Love the brain coasters! I wonder if you drilled a small hole through the center, if it would stop the cold glass glasses from sticking; you know relieve that pressure that the condensation would make... I would also use those coasters as wall art, though.
    Heather- I have never tried brain. I am an adventurous eater, but that is something that I have not come across...except in a Hannibal Lecter movie :wink: I would try one if the dish/chef were highly rated or recommended.
    Larisa, again- I know what you mean about the mfp "god" yelling at you when your don't reach recommended calorie goal. I fasted last year, every Sunday from the beginning of Lent to Thanksgiving, and got tired of getting yelled at, so I quit recording all together...not wise, but I am back.
    Got about six inches of snow today. The sun is out now, melting some, but it is supposed to get cold and snow more tomorrow, then warm up a little mid week...to shovel or not to shovel, that is the question.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog - 1hr 21min, 40sec, 139ahr, 172mhr, 5.2sp for 1st 2mi, 6.2-7.0sp for next 5mi, 5.2-5.4sp for last mi, 1# ankle weights for 1st 5mi, 10.12ap/min mi, 8mi = 805c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    I made this one up...


    yes i am