

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth sooooo glad ds felt strong about the audition, sounds like the professors were positive and professional, we need more like that. My bff's son is a bass player and is waiting to find out about acceptances, tricky thing is he cant decide between jazz or classical so he wants a program that will accept him on both!! But it is great that ds felt he gave it his all and now, more waiting :smirk: nothing else you can do.

    Amazingly strong thunder, lightning and hail storm at 1 a.m., it woke us both up and we just had to watch from the porch, the wind is still howling and we have no t.v. or wireless connection, its the apocalypse!! Or maybe a chance to clean out the sock drawer, mazing what i can do when unplugged!

    Karen from stormy ny
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Awwwww! Penny- Just melts my heart! Did she get her hugs?

    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! Got a couple more inches of snow overnight. It is supposed to be sunny this morning, but then clouding over and a rain snow mix later in the afternoon and evening. Blech. I HATE the mix. I'd rather have just snow. or just rain. It WAS very pretty yesterday as it started coming down. My yard has about a four inch blanket of snow still on it. And the trees have that "frosted" look to them. When the snow is wet it sticks to every branch, needle, part of the tree. It makes me want to lick a tree.

    Lenora- I live in West Michigan, in a little town called Grand Haven. We sit right on the coast of Lake Michigan and are protected by dunes; so quite often our town has a little climate bubble that is different from the cities around us. This time, pretty much most of Michigan got hit with this late snow storm. We have had snow as late as late April. Michigan winters.

    Larisa-I got your humor in your post re logging. I didn't mean for my response to sound preachy (I just reread it and I guess it does a little). My falling off the mfp wagon had a LOT more to do with the stresses of life not allowing me to focus on myself rather than being mad at the mfp version of "Hal" from 2001 Space Odyssey. Love you and I love your garden arbor work out. I think you should incorporate it into your daily work out ;)

    Kristan - Yeah. I think the squat challenge is easy right now, too; which is why I have added weights. Only ten pounders. I may drop them as it gets harder.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Beth- Woo-hoo! It sounds like the auditions went really well! Usually if they are not impressed, they don't spend a lot of time telling you that they think you are wonderful and that they would love to have you! Maybe your son couldn't/didn't want to think of another option, because in his heart/brain he knew where he wanted/needed to be. Still keeping the good thoughts, prayers, etc coming your way until you have an answer from the college!

    Cool! They just showed a clip of Grand Rapids, Michigan (my hometown/birthplace) and yesterday's snow fall! GR is the closest "big" city to us. About 30 miles away. I do have to say, snow doesn't look as pretty falling in a city as it does falling in the country. I will keep my trees, dunes and fields, thank you very much.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    The "they" that showed the cool clip was GMA. That's what I get for trying to post and watch tv at the same time. My brain goes MIA. (Not you Mi; missing in action.)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Beth - crossing fingers and toes!

    Penny - Funny! <3

    DDIL just sent more photos to ease my aching heart. :love:

    I'm hoping to get out into the garden this afternoon. Finish raking the beds. Will get to the garden centre tomorrow to buy fresh seeds.

    Kim - Yesterday the builders were next door, taking down the scaffolding. Somehow that provided me with the company I needed to get out there. DH will come out today to prune herbs. Later he has the Cricket 20/20 World Cup final to watch. England v West Indies. :o

    I've been doing a little googling about Guadeloupe for a winter holiday. We can fly there from Southampton via Paris Orly. I was amazed when I saw it on the departures board in December, as I thought of Orly as a national airport. Of course, Guadeloupe is a department of France, even though it is in the Caribbean. I didn't realise that there are several islands , so it's more complicated than I thought re accommodation. More googling. :D

    OK folks. Speak later. Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kim ~ Loved the password piece! Setting new passwords can be so frustrating. LOL

    DrKatie ~ I have the opposite problem when getting a bra. The cups are always too big (and these are B's). Have a new bra to take back cause it just didn't work. The only ones that actually fit are the light weight sports type ones.

    Larissa ~ I have a real problem with accurately logging. The first year I was on here, I started at 171 (I'm 5'2") and got down to 150. Now I'm up to 166 and just trying to gain any more. I'm good at logging breakfast and lunch (if we don't eat out) but dinner is a problem because I make a lot of one pot meals and don't follow recipes. Even if I try to use the recipe maker, I never know how many servings to put in. I am finding that if I allow myself to eat more at dinner I don't go in and pig out later.

    Beautiful Spring weather here. Sorry for all of you who are having snow and storms. I put spray on weed & feed yesterday. It exhausted me because the expensive new hose I bought kept crinking up and then the spray wouldn't come out until I undid all the crinks. (Sorry about the words "crinking up" but that's all I can think of for it twisting and not allowing water to flow.)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sorry I've missed a few days. Was in the hospital again for blocked colon, then some other stuff happened. Very small stroke. I lost a couple of whole days somewhere. Home now but still very tired and sore. Some limited movement on right side, but they think it will come back. Hard to hunt and peck with left finger.

    Take care.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    One of my problems is accurately measuring portion control. I ordered the little containers off Amazon to track the portion sizes and I ordered a new copy of my favorite workout DVD (the old one died). Ready to push out the door 5 days a week for a few miles of wogging and hope to get a little core work done two times a week. It is time to wear out a new pair of running shoes. Spring is here. I plan on keeping current with recording foods and tracking nutrician.

    :) You have made an awesome beginning by ordering the tools you need. Step by step, you'll get where you want to go on this journey.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, Ladies.

    Kimses, Happy Anniversary. Starting your exercise slow and steady is a good way to go. Just remember that weightloss is 80% what we eat and 20% exercise. That tells us that it is very important that we log everything that goes in our mouths. That way we can look back and see where we need to make adjustments. You can do this and we4 are with you.

    That's the rub right there, isn't it? For me, it's easier to exercise than to control my food intake. And what makes it really difficult is that when I'm tired (which is all the time at the moment) I'm more likely to graze (last night). This tells me that I have have to put some mental energy into setting myself up for success. Easier said than done, but I know how to do it. It's just a matter of not opting for the easy route of just grabbing something and being mindless about it.

    Snow here in MA today and more expected tomorrow. Weird weather, but New England is always weird when it comes to that.

    Kimses in MA

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    Sorry I've missed a few days. Was in the hospital again for blocked colon, then some other stuff happened. Very small stroke. I lost a couple of whole days somewhere. Home now but still very tired and sore. Some limited movement on right side, but they think it will come back. Hard to hunt and peck with left finger.

    Take care.


    <3<3<3 sending lots of hugs to you
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sylvia ~ Healing thoughts and prayers for you!
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Sorry I've missed a few days. Was in the hospital again for blocked colon, then some other stuff happened. Very small stroke. I lost a couple of whole days somewhere. Home now but still very tired and sore. Some limited movement on right side, but they think it will come back. Hard to hunt and peck with left finger.

    Take care.


    Your in my thoughts. Hugs
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning all. Watching the World Men's Curling this morning, drinking my coffee and catching up all my MFP peeps.

    And trying not to look at the weather forecast... DH says snow in the forecast ( and we are 1/2 way across the country from Kimses in MA).. ... jeeze Mother Nature.. the *kitten* willows are out, they will get cold!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Sorry I've missed a few days. Was in the hospital again for blocked colon, then some other stuff happened. Very small stroke. I lost a couple of whole days somewhere. Home now but still very tired and sore. Some limited movement on right side, but they think it will come back. Hard to hunt and peck with left finger.

    Take care.


    OMGoodness Sylvia. Please take the time to take care of yourself. Sending prayers and hugs your way! <3

  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Kim password piece is too funny, and unfortunately accurate.

    Carol I am having problems with accurately logging dinner as well, mostly because of cooking with no recipe. I do perfectly well with breakfast and dinner, then it seems to fall apart later in the day. My husband likes to eat out on the weekends, I found myself at Texas Roadhouse last night trying to log portions. I know my logging could not have been accurate because they drown everything in butter. About bras: Have you tried the Genie Bras? They are sold at Walmart (and other places), and I have found them to be quite comfortable on my small-breasted self.

    Today my sons are coming for Sunday dinner at noon, I have been up since 0730 cooking. We are having beef stew and fresh whole-wheat bread from the bread machine. Please send me positive thoughts so I don't eat the whole loaf myself.DOS is possibly bringing a young lady to meet us. He went through a bad divorce a while back, is dipping his toe into the dating pool. I'm hoping that he is not rushing things; it is hard to allow your children to learn from their own mistakes.

    The weather here is beautifully sunny but very windy and chilly. Our grill was blown over in the wind last night, several limbs are down in the yard which will need picking up before my DH can mow. We have not done the first mowing of the year, we have an acre of yard so it is a major undertaking to get all of the limbs picked up the first time.

    Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in several days. I have been doing my walking at home but yesterday it was just too windy. I worked on the elliptical for 30 minutes, then did 100 crunches on the ab machine. Today my abs are killing me! I am starting back into my regular routine tomorrow because school is back in session. I have been off on spring break these last 2 weeks. During the school day my routine is to get up at 5:00, go to they gym, work out, shower and then drive the 15 minutes to my school. It is much easier to keep in a routine during the school day, I just don't have time to overeat.

    I am a high school science teacher. I have been teaching at this school for 10 years now. Teaching is my second career, I was a Medical Technologist in a local hospital before that. I really love being a teacher, it feels like what I was intended to be doing. The only downside is I will have less time to be on MFP, I will continue to check in at least once daily.

    Have a great Sunday, and a productive week to come!

    Lora in Indiana

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Sylvia that's scary. Please take care of yourself -- this is the time for you to focus on your own health.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Kim loved the password joke? Every four to six months we have to change our passwords at school. It does reject passwords that have similar words. My solution is to add a character at the beginning or the end and then use the title of a children's book so I have a capital. It makes it easier for me to remember.

    From The Dance of Anger:
    "There are few things more anxiety-arousing than shifting to a higher level of self assertion and separateness in an important relationship and maintaining this position despite the countermoves of the other person."

    She is referring to when I make the decision to make an assertive change sometimes others will make a counter move to keep the status quo. An example would be like I have decided to eat fewer sweets and someone tries to pressure me into eating something sweet.

    The anxiety she is referring to is sometimes after making this kind of change it is natural to feel slightly depressed or upset because it feels different.

    Where this struck a cord in my family history is when I tried to stand up for myself with my mom in wanting some soup that she felt should be saved for someone else. My mom had a total melt down when I stood up for myself. Then my brother got in the act and told me how awful I was for upsetting our mother. I just wanted some of the soup. The lesson from the story for me is how difficult it was to be heard in my family without creating conflict. It helps me understand those times in my life when I would sabotage myself rather than cause or add to a conflict. It also helps me understand why I have pent up anger.

    Another quote i am reflecting on today:

    "Fighting and blaming is sometimes a way both to protest and to protect the status quo when we are not quite ready to make a move in one direction or another. "

    I felt that what was trying to happen in the classroom I was subbing in on Friday. It felt like a game they were playing with one another to keep the room upset. My role was to get them back on track of learning their lessons and not get caught in the power struggles. I did have to do something because others in the class learning was being effected by students behavior.

    For me when I am caught in these actions I am stuck and I do not move forward.

    Change is a process. Changing patterns is not always easy. As I clarify what is important to me those in my life may support me or decide to leave their choice.

    Reflecting on this chapter helped me understand why I sometimes feel unsettled in my choices when I take a stand and why others try to convince me of their viewpoint. As long as no one is getting hurt (me included) others are entitled to their opinion.

    :heart: Margaret

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Well here I am up at my dad's after grocery shopping and putting a pot roast in the crock pot..I'm hauling huge heavy boxes of books down the stairs and there is my 31 yr old son on his Kindle and watching t.v. .boy is he his father's son...just sitting there while his 56 yr old mother is hauling stuff.I am not in the mood to argue.because that is what I will get grrrr.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    In keeping with the idea that 80% of weight loss is what you eat, I just came across this article in the Daily Beast that says:
    "Have you heard the adage “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet”?
    What you eat matters. It matters so much that if you want to start the journey towards creating a healthier you—perhaps losing weight or simply feeling better overall— I recommend throwing all of your focus on eating: changing what you eat, when you eat, with whom you eat, how you eat, how frequently you eat, where you eat, how late you eat, and how fast you eat.
    Screw going to the gym. Health starts in the kitchen."

    Not sure I'd throw out the gym part, but I get it overall.

    Kimses in MA

    Link to full article:
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    sylvia sending healing thoughts your way , take care of you. <3<3<3

    lori i am a teacher as well, the schedule is so concentrated that i dont have time to overeat, the trick for me.is to preplan so i dont go off the rails when i have down time.

    Karen from ny