The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 1 (DITR)



  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Wednesday: Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I spend way too much time reading the MFP sucess stories. I am fascinated by their stories, triumphs, and it helps me to believe that weight loss for me is possible too.

    Goals: consistently lose for the life of the diamond challenge
    exercise 3-4 times per week
    eat three meals a day - at least 70grams of protein each day
    drink 8+ glasses of water a day.

    Track them here of course!

    Thus QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    Being more outgoing.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I think my weight hasn't stopped me from achieving anything but my fitness has in the past. I was rubbish at sports at school and really unfit during some of my 20s, I feel like I have missed out on some of the things I would've liked to do i.e climbing.... but never too late eh?
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    For me its going to be the self confidence I gain, and looking in the mirror and not wanting to change a thing about what I see. I just want to totally love myself. I also will take great pleasure in not being the "fat friend" any more. I always have been, but now I wear the same size pants as one of my smaller friends:) I told her and I think she was a bit mad, oh the small joys...
  • QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    Oh wow, what a great question and yet a difficult one to answer. This is so vain, but I seriously think it will be the clothes shopping. I just want to feel as though everything I wear will look great on me because it's going to be on top of a great body! I also want to get more involved in dance, and although African and Hip Hop dance don't have the same body expectations as say ballet, I do think that it will be easier for me to get a troupe going if I have the right look.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    Learning to love and accept my body and taking joy in that it is as healthy as I can make it. I just hope my self confidence will be able to back up with how great I AM going to look!

    That I will look great in a bikini with tight *kitten*, abs and toned beautiful arms, I will be the woman that people look at and think 'wow, she has a great body!' Which I hope will inspire someone else to want to make the changes I am so they can be fit and healthy too.

    Hope you all have a good day, take care.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Friday - Most wonderful thing about reaching goal weight?

    Well, definitely it will be wearing the clothes that are currently in the garage in a box entitled "Kristin small clothes" and going shopping. I look forward to being able to pull any size 6 pair of jeans off the rack and put them on. Plus, I do like hearing comments about how great I look (LOL). But most of all I think it will be my own sense of accomplishment in doing what I set out to do!!!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 38 Member
    QOTD Friday ~ The most wonderful things about reaching my goal weight will be ...
    feeling healthy and confident
    leading an active lifestyle with my family
    having a great sense of accomplishment
    looking good

    I can't wait!
  • sazvampire
    sazvampire Posts: 53
    QOTD Friday - Most wonderful thing about reaching goal weight?

    Going to see the surgeon who told me I needed a gastric bypass and showing him he was wrong (to put it nicely)
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Friday - Most wonderful thing about reaching goal weight?

    Going to see the surgeon who told me I needed a gastric bypass and showing him he was wrong (to put it nicely)

    Wearing a sexy dress and not having to wear spanx or suck in my tummy all night!! Can not wait!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving a BIG goal! And of course the clothes! Also knowing that I've improved my health dramatically in suceeding in reaching my goal!
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    QOTD Wednesday. Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I am doing a 100 push up/200 sit up challenge and I try to be very active with all my friends. I have received some great advice that has helped me so far. My monthly goal for June was to lose 9 pounds and to increase my water intake. I have a note book that I keep track of everything in.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Friday - Most wonderful thing about reaching goal weight?

    Being able to show everyone that I can do it!
    Going clothes shopping and not having to get clothes from the plus size section!
    Making my 30's the start of a new and healthier life!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I have always been involved in amateur dramatics and I have found that a lot of times I have not been successful in auditions because of my size. An example of this was when I auditioned for Return to the Forbidden Planet where I was told I did a brilliant audition and was better than many of the experienced dancers but did not get in because the guys on the panel said no one wants to watch a fat girl dance.

    OK, I'm late doing this question because I totally spaced on it!! Usually I do my stuff in the morning, but yesterday I had an early, busy day!

    First off, that is a horrible thing for them to tell you!! I have a friend that was pretty much told a similar thing when she auditioned for American Idol..they said she had the right voice and the wrong look. As for weight as never stopped me....but my being self-conscience of myself has. I had not always been heavy. I didn't get really overweight until high school. I suppose, in some ways, my weight has stopped me from making more friends because I am so shy and so hard on myself that I don't just put myself out there. I am shy because of my weight, and I'm so afraid because I'm heavier than most of the girls around here, they won't like me. But that's more me than my weight.
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything? When I was at my heaviest I missed out on the fun stuff with my son because I was to tired or just to lazy to want to do anything. I thank God that he gave me the strength and courage to do something about it. I know now that I missed out on alot and I don't ever plan to let myself get in that situation again.

    QOTD Friday - Most wonderful thing about reaching goal weight? Proving to myself that hard work and dedication do pay off. Being able to go in any store and buy whatever I want. And being able to run and play with my son and not get tired.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    For me its going to be the self confidence I gain, and looking in the mirror and not wanting to change a thing about what I see. I just want to totally love myself. I also will take great pleasure in not being the "fat friend" any more. I always have been, but now I wear the same size pants as one of my smaller friends:) I told her and I think she was a bit mad, oh the small joys...

    Hmm....this one took a little thought for me. I have so many things that would just be amazing when I reach my goal weight. First, being more confident. I know when I look around I'm the biggest girl in our area. All of the girls around here that are my age are skinny minnies, and I can't wait to say that I am the same size as they are. Another is being able to sit down in any type of chair and not wonder if it's going to break when I sit in it. Yesterday, my mom and I went shopping, and she wanted to stop into Pier 1 to look at a few things. Well, we saw this awesome chair that kind of looked like an egg and it was hanging on a hook and you could swing and spin and everything. Well...I was too afraid to sit in it. My mom tried so hard to get me to try it out, but I justs couldn't. What if it broke right there in the middle of the store?? I would have been horrified!!! So, those are just two things, but I have many, many more small reasons why I can't wait!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    Able to be more confident and just look at myself in the mirror n think wow i have come along way i was never so less (may be 6 yrs back) But with all of you being here for support made me look and feel wonderful

    Thanks you diamonds

  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?
    *Looking sexy
    *Feeling sexy
    *Self confidence
    *Enjoying shopping again!
    *More energy
    *Being able to run a 5K
    *Turning heads =]

    Good luck everyone! Lets go, DITR Team Yellow!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    Being able to wear the clothes that are in my closet waiting for me.

    Not feeling self concious when my husband puts his arms around me.
  • reeology
    reeology Posts: 22
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    Confidence. It will be great not to feel ashamed when I eat in public, or buy groceries, or try on clothes with a friend, or go to the pool, or work out in public... I could go on and on! Just feeling good about myself will be fantastic :) I can't wait!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    QOTD Friday June 24: What do you think will be the most wonderful thing about reaching your goal weight?

    I will be confident about who I am and what I look like. And I'll stop making jokes about how chubby I've gotten to cover up how ashamed I am.