Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I've been having great movement days but I've not been doing great on the food side of things! Steps have been great and I don't sit down until super late at night... My binging and purging continued last night! Man, it feels great!! Thanks for motivating me Joy!! Got about 3 more bins cleaned out... My water was bad yesterday... might be part of my problem! And those damn cookies are finally out of my house!! I saw my hubby had Thin Mints inthe freezer last night but I was proud to detour from them!!
    The *kitten* rainy, snowy weather continues! I was so ready for a walk this morning with Bentley but instead went to the basement and did the eliptical... Not near as fun. But glad I got it in! In another daily step challenge... those are really helping me! It's easier for me to fight through a day than a week... I see the progress and the total! Love the total! MIght help that I am so competitive! Just wait Gill I need to ramp up to catch you!! ;)
    Hope you all have a great day! Love reading the posts!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    haha! The food is the hardest part now that I have the gym down pat. MAN! Hellooooo Ryan!! :)

    Shy, I just went through my younger son's dresser with him yesterday, another big bag GONE! tshirts, shorts and tank tops all gone through. Small stuff and stuff he doesn't like anymore is out of there. Feels so good! Glad you are bitten by the bug too!

    I forgot to mention this yesterday, but I downloaded an app called Yummly, it is a recipe app. I browsed through it and there's lots there, so if anyone besides Jacqueline is feeling uninspired with cooking ideas, give it a shot. It might give you some pep in the kitchen!

    Rachel, man do we all have those days - some days we feel as big as a blue whale, and other days we are slim and sly like foxes! Probably most days we actually weigh the same and somehow it is all in our heads! Drink your water today and get to the gym is all I can say. Hopefully a good sleep tonight and you will wake up in a foxy body (mind set).

    Well, last night was the first soccer practice for my younger son (hubs is coaching, but I tagged along to hang with the other moms). No time for cooking so what did we do? ORDERED PIZZAAAAA... my favorite of all time. GAHHHH. I'm going to the gym after work to work it all off... I'm proud to say I'm up to 20 minutes on that moving stair climber. I am now doing at level 8 for most of the time, and every 5 mins doing a few minutes of level 10 (2 stairs at a time). Talk about getting my sweat ON! Plus I will do the rower or elliptical today after that. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Damn Joy!!! 20 min on the stair climber! You rock... That one kills me!!
    Love the pizza meme... that was me last week!! Pizza is my kryptonite!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So me!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Ha-you guys are awesome! Way to go on the steps today! I am going to get myself off the bottom of the list before the day is over! Food is the tough part for most of us I think! I tell myself every morning-Im going to be good today! And then I grab a cookie on my way out the door just because they are there. Or I can tell myself over and over I don't want chips, not today, I don't need chips... As I am pulling them out of the cabinet. And you can't stop at just a couple. Ugh... But-I have been trying to get it to fit. If I eat the chips before dinner, I adjust my dinner to make up for it. It doesn't always work, but at least it is better now than it used to be! I am paying attention. Have a great day everyone! Yay-it's almost Friday! :smile:
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Dana... I caught my self last night grabbing the Doritos... thinking you don't want those... Really!? ugh!
    As long as we are aware of it and taking note, we are on the right track... I used to eat and not think twice about things!
    You rock the steps today girl! You can do it!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    You guys are amazing. I love that I can put my feelings out there and you guys go out of your way to talk me off the ledge. After reading all of your amazing, supportive comments I felt a million times better and only indulged in 1/2 a doughnut for my coworker's last day. With the mood I was in this morning it could have easily turned into half the box. Count me as officially back on the turtle wagon!

    Joy @bluepoppies777 you are a rockstar on the stairclimber! I'm definitely hitting up my boxing club tonight to punch out my frustration. Hopefully there aren't too many body kicks planned because my ribs are still a nice shade of purple *ouch!*

    Shy @ShyCush6 I agree 100%. Getting steps and fitness in seems to be the easy part. And then it's the doritos, cookies, etc that just keep calling our names! Drives me crazy that I can go for a 4 mile run and 1 cookie from Panera can undo it all.

    Jen @jkhoffe The universe must be smiling on your weight loss efforts. Fresh fruit compared to pastries is awesome!

    Gill @GillianSmith2 I hope you're right! A nice whoosh effect next week would be welcome.

    Dana @danan01 It's hard to adjust the rest of the day after an overindulgence. You're absolutely right that we just have to work on being better than we used to be, one step at a time.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »

    Oh Ryan, you can talk me off the ledge any time ;)
  • erod95695
    erod95695 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay I was wiped out physically today after yesterday being so active. And I was more hungry. I just had a fun size m&m pack and it was so good. I think the baby liked it too. I'm finally motivated to git off the couch and put in some laps at the park. Fresh air sounds nice.
  • michelle_k_314
    michelle_k_314 Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely want a group of people who will check up on me and who all I can check up on! I would love to share ups & downs with all of this. Seeing others struggles and highlights would help out. I'm trying to lose 30lbs. Please anyone feel free to add me!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. i have got a busy day of baking ahead of me ready for a fundraising event we are holding tomorrow. then hopefully it will brighten up and i will be out in the garden later. at the gym tonight for a kickboxing session and take my dog for a walk.
    Shy - loving the step challenge this week. race you to the finish line :wink:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @GillianSmith2 - great restraint at the in-laws and looks like you got a brilliant workout with the kickboxercise! Enjoy the baking - with the sun out, sounds like a really lovely day.

    @rachel0778 - bit late on this one but I think we all have days like that. Hope you've woken up with a better feeling this morning :)

    @bluepoppies777 - I will try that yummly app, I'm on the hunt for some new, healthy meals for all the family so that sounds like a good starting place. Also going to have a better look at pinterest for some healthy ideas.

    @danan01 - I so know that feeling of grabbing something because it is there. I'm sat at my desk at work and someone has brought in loads of muffins, cakes etc - and plonked them on the cabinet next to me :(. I will resist them, I'm getting better at saying know but I wish they wouldn't put them there to start with!

    @health_guard I too get bored eating the same things. Perhaps we could share suggestions for nice recipes if we find them - on yummly or anywhere else?

    Thanks heavens its Friday - looking forward to the weekend so much. I think I've been affected by the spring cleaning and clearning out bug that has got many of us on here - just doing a little bit each evening after little one has gone to bed and we've eaten. But it feels good! Anyone got anything fun planned for the weekend? Beyond going to see my parents, we have very little on although my husband has a job interview on Monday so need to find some time to help him prepare for that. Hoping that the sun shines so that I can spend some time in the garden which is in need of a bit of TLC. We are gradually building up some garden toys as well so that Alistair can come out with me and play (and 'help' when the mood takes him!). Happy Friday all :)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    WTF! This freaking Friday officially sucks. First I stay up and watch American Idol and LaPorsha doesn't win. Then I have to get up at 3 am to be at work at 4am. There's F#$%ing snow on the ground and a winter snow advisory in effect until 6 pm Saturday. :#:s The I call to wake hubby up and my dad rings in and tells me my uncle o:)o:) died just before 5 this morning. Now I have a headache from hell. I quit! :'(:'( The only positive I can see is? Not really seeing one at the moment. And to top it off I'm at work and they actually expect me to work. Ya like that is going to happen.

    Hope everyone's Friday is better than mine.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    :'( Thanks Missy!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ngolden3320 - so sorry to hear your news.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Missy @health_guard Glad next week is looking up for you! How'd the scale go? I second the recommendation for yummly. I never get bored on food with all these awesome recipe websites. What does holding over mean?

    Gill @GillianSmith2 Sounds like you've got an active day ahead! I hope you have a blast at your kickboxing session

    @Michelle_k_314 Welcome!

    Jane @janetay01 I'm sending out positive vibes for your husband's interview on Monday, I hope it goes well. Great job on doing Spring cleaning bit by bit every night. Jake and I push ours off until the weekends and then binge clean, but if we didn't procrastinate so much it wouldn't be nearly as bad!

    Nichole @ngolden3320 I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope your uncle lived a long, good life. I hope you're able to sneak away and get some special coffee, tea, etc to help self sooth until you're able to escape the awful morning and go home and grieve.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I set out my favorite work outfit last night and scheduled extra time this morning to actually do my hair. I'm glad I took the extra effort because even though I still feel kinda bloated the outfit and hair make me feel like a million bucks. I'm way too lazy to do this every day, but every one and awhile it's needed!

    I'm going to see my bestie after work and she's taking me to a pole dancing conditioning class. I have 0 rhythm or dancing skills so I can't imagine this is going to go well, but we'll have fun even though I'm going to look ridiculous.