Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jaded33jade
    jaded33jade Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome all that is new. I haven't been here long my self. I'm trying to read through the post but keep getting lost in text due to my mind being else where. My aunt was just taken to the hospital due to dehydration. She has cancer and has been taking chemo. So she is very weak. She fell earlier before I could get to her to catch her.

    My goals for the day are not really my concern. I will probably be sitting her eating without realizing it for the most part, until I hear something. Though I will try not to. But I have already had 2 bowls of egg drop soup.... I am hoping I hear something soon, until then I need to try to keep busy to keep my mind off things.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jaded-- Welcome to the thread and sorry to hear about your aunt. Sounds like a good plan to try to distract yourself with a project or activity until you hear something.

    @tina-- Welcome to you as well.

    @tracy-- It's so nice to see you back on the thread. Sorry to hear about your job, but I recall you weren't "loving" the work from home format, so perhaps it's meant to be. I'm confident you will find a job that's the right fit for you. Regarding WLS, we've had several members of the thread who've gone through that process and gleaned the support of our group while doing so. As far as I'm concerned, it's just another method to reach the same goal we all have: to live healthier lives. :)

    @badnoodle-- great job!

    @laurie-- I say go for the triathlon since it's what you really want to do.

    AFM-- I ate about a zillion calories yesterday; not really sure what prompted it, but it started at work picking at snacks and then I had a meeting/dinner at Biaggi's. I could have ate half my entree, I could have skipped dessert. But did I? No. I tried logging it all when I got home, but not really sure the entries are accurate. Once the total got up past maintenance, I gave up though there were still a few more bites of appetizers that never got logged. :(

    Today was better although far from perfect. Tomorrow will be a gym day, so my plan is to do a full 8k plus some weights and core work. Here I go again trying to outrun my fork...

    Grading Goals:
    1. 4/41 AP Lit Theory papers
    2. 39/41 Wuthering Hts reflections
    3. 21/21 Speech thesis statements DONE

    Fitness Goals for the month of April:
    I will run 3x/week and at least 2 5ks/week
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/2 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish twice with no walking breaks: 1/2
    I will run an 8k three times: 1/3
    Push ups & planks =

    You vs Year Challenge:
    137 k done/ 863 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- Shamrock Shuffle 8k with Laurie!! DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- rest day
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Everyone.

    The last few weeks are just a blur right now. Between a spider bite two weeks ago, a dishwasher that flooded my kitchen, a new payroll system transition this week (mostly smooth but there were some issues) plus life in general I don't know if I'm coming or going. :wink: The good news is that my dishwasher was a relatively easy (yet expensive) fix. The bad news is that I followed-up with my surgeon on Tuesday, he's extended my PT another 6 weeks--he's watching another tendon that could possibly have a tear in it. May have been there all along, its just surfacing now that my Achilles is healthy. I'll see him again at the end of May. He hopes the extra PT will alleviate his concerns, if not he'll order an MRI to see what we're dealing with, if there is a tear I could be facing a 2nd surgery on that ankle this summer. :frowning: He isn't placing any other restrictions on me though, which is good--so at least I can still get out on my bike. :smile:

    @Tracy~ I'm so glad to see you back on the thread. I'm so sorry to hear about your job, but know you didn't like working from home--a better job is out there for you. I'm sure your kids are keeping you busy. Like others have said, we all need to find what works for us to live a healthier lifestyle--you know you'll find the support you need here no matter what path you choose. You're doing great so far.

    I have missed a lot over the last few weeks and have a lot to try and catch up on, but wanted to welcome Tracy back. Welcome to the newlings. I will catch up with everyone else & the thread when I can.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley-- wow, that's a lot all at once! I hope you don't have to have a second surgery.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @kah68 I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have your wings clipped again. But as you say, at least there's the bike. Here's crossed fingers that those tendons are as thick and juicy as a porterhouse steak.

    I forget what we're supposed to do on Fridays, but I have to say that I was glad to put a capper on this week. It's only three more weeks until the end of the semester, and everyone is trying to cram in one last project or assignment, or realizing that they should have been coming to my office hours six weeks ago. And I have a stack of grading fully 15" thick.

    It was also kind of a discouraging week on the weight front because my inner voice has insisted on being super pessimistic. I've half convinced myself that even though I've been tracking religiously for two months (long enough to make it a habit, @Nikion901!), even though the scale says I've lost 25 lbs, I haven't actually gotten any less fat. It's all been a truckload of water weight. It doesn't help that my measurements haven't moved, and the scale has been particularly capricious the past few days.

    Still, the proper analytical side of my brain knows that unless Kroger chicken breast has secretly been injected with butter, I've at or under goal all but two days. The laws of thermodynamics are on my side.
  • skyethebard
    skyethebard Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this thread. I like what I've read thus far but it might take a while for me to learn the format. I need to lose at least 150lbs but I'm not sure what I currently weigh and I'm not sure where my body would happily settle. I will be weighed when I go to the doc's on Tuesday. Hopefully, I will be able to shift my 18lb loss to a higher number :smiley: I should get the tape measure out one of these days...
  • jaded33jade
    jaded33jade Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you very much. I was able to keep busy enough to not eat all day lol. As for my Aunt she called this morning to say she in feeling better. They are still giving her some fluid but she may be able to go home today. :)

    I to have days where I just want to eat empty calories all day; well for me it's all evening lol. It's hard to fight those cravings sometimes but we can do it. I have actually created a gum habit. All evening I usually have gum in my mouth.

    @kah68 I hope all works out and hope you don't need a second surgery.

    @badnoodle I'm not sure what is supposed to be posted on certain days either. I need to back check and look for that. Don't be discouraged if you haven't seen a change in your size just yet. It will happen, it's just a gradual change in our bodies. The toning of muscles and even skin first. :)

    @skyethebard Welcome to the group. I'm new also. I only found this thread about a week or so ago. I to have a lot of weight to loose. Around 150 also. Congrats on the lost 18 good work. I haven't even thought about getting out a tape measure, that's really a good idea. Thanks for thinking of it. :)

    Everyone can feel free to add me if you want to.
    I have lost 1.6 lbs as of today. So YAY that is a lb off the 5 I gained back. lol
    But I'm still happy with the 8 lbs i lost. As for goals other than loosing weight I hope to add more walking time to my tracker. So far through out the day I am walking 1.5 miles a day. I hope to be able to get that up to 2 miles with out having to deal with all the pain that came with it the last time.

    Keep shinning bright we got this. :)
  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    @badnoodle Your Kroger chicken comment made me chuckle! I know how easy it is to get that nagging pessimistic voice in your head. I'm sorry you haven't seen your measurements go down, but 25 lbs is a huge success so great job!

    @skyethebard Welcome! I'm new too! My first post was yesterday :) Great job on losing 18 lbs! That's wonderful! I hope all goes well with your doctor on Tuesday. Also, I need to get out ye ol' tape measurer as well..haven't done that yet.

    @jaded33jade I've been thinking about trying out the gum thing. Evenings are especially hard for me to maintain my calorie goal. And I like your goal to walk 2 miles a day! I don't have a fitbit or anything to record steps, but I'm hoping to get one soon; I'd be interested to know if I'm walking as much as I think I do.

    Well, it says Saturday is a day to share successes, and today I feel very proud of how well I did on the stationary bike. Almost 6 miles in 27 mins! I wanted to hit 30 mins but I had to stop! Still, my stamina has gotten extremely better since starting 2 months ago, when I could barely do 9-10 mins. Another success: I'm finding it much easier to stay in my calorie range the last few days. I used to think I was always hungry, but now I'm starting to actually notice I'm full after meals! That's huge for me! Thanks for listening!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Here's a tip for those who don't have a step tracker but want to know how far you've walked. You can use Google Maps quite easily to find out the walking distance between points. I do that in my neighborhood. It even lets you drag the curser to another spot ... just choose walking instead of driving or flying ... cause it's done on the directions tab. I used it to plot out 1/4 mile, 1/5 mile, 1 mile, etc. in my neighborhood. And, since I am very familiar with my neighborhood, I can now tell how far it is to some place walking without having to have a tracker, which I don't have.

  • jaded33jade
    jaded33jade Posts: 30 Member
    @Sgt_Pepper33 I don't have a Fitbit. It cost to much. Mine is a copper fit. It doesn't hook up to wifi but tells me how many steps, and miles. It also tells me how many calories I burned including the bmt. It was $20 at walgreens.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited April 2016
    @Karen ~Yeah, things have been crazy to say the least. :wink: I'm so sorry for the plumbing issues you and DH recently had, really feel sorry that he had to crawl underneath the house to fix all of that. Glad it fixed now! Sounds like you and Laurie had a great time at the Shamrock Shuffle, thanks for sharing the pics--you both look great! :smiley:

    @Niki ~I think I did that before I had a Fitbit or before I had a smartphone to plan out walking routes. Very easy to do. :wink:

    @Laurie ~You train hard, so don't talk yourself out of a triathlon that you know you're prepared for. You can do it! :smile:

    @Jaded ~Great loss this week! :star:

    AFM~Not much to report. Scale is showing a downward trend--scale has been showing small steady losses over the last few weeks, just hope the trend continues. Its been cloudy and rainy off/on today--should clear up tomorrow, hope enough to get a bike ride in. I want to take advantage of the temps before the heat of summer hits. :sweat:
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Hi all! It seems, at the very least, that we all have a few things in common around here, besides the need to lose a hundred pounds, or more. We all struggle with challenges - time, health, age, temptations, self image, self-control, others in our life who support, or don't, and probably more. We may come from many places and backgrounds, but at least have have taken this first step and we have people here who know what we're up against.

    I'm three months into the journey this time, and wondering why losing weight has to take sooooo loooong! This is about the point where I have thrown in the towel in times past and I'm determined NOT to do that this time. I'm not exactly sure what will make the difference for me, but checking in here is part of the game plan. I think the fact that DH is having so much success on his medifast plan will keep me honest too (almost a hundred pounds since January 1st) . If he can do that, I can do this.

    I finally gave in and got a fitbit a couple of weeks ago. I've laughed with all my friends and co workers about them wearing home detention bracelets, but my sister pointed out that they usually attach those around the ankle. I had gift certificate left over from Christmas, so I decided to splurge on the new Alta. To me it looks more like a watch, less like a detention device. I don't know what features the others have, but this one buzzes me at about ten 'til the hour and reminds me to get up and move to get 250 steps in each hour during the day. I guess that's good since I work at a sit on my rear kind of job most days. I haven't reached ten thousand steps in a day yet, but maybe one day soon.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @celtikgirl ~I have the Fitbit Charge HR (my third Fitbit), it doesn't buzz at me to get up every hour (although I can check how often I accomplish that goal), but because I'm a desk jockey (as I call it) I try to get up and get in about that many steps every hour (purposely walking to another building for the bathroom) or going to check my mail or refill my water bottle (I do have to go to another building at work to do that). I think you'll find it encourages you to move more.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. Sorry its been so long since I checked in. I do read the thread every day but have been super focused on the family for the last month or so. Well hubbys back to work now for a couple months and its back to being able to focus mainly on me. My weight loss has started to pick back up. I lost that pesky 10 pounds I was bouncing around and am offically back at my low. I have a couple things helping to motivate me right now. First I was walking the dogs and having random thoughts the other day when I realized that if I lost 25 more pounds I would be 2 pounds less then when my son was born 22 years ago. My hubby will be gone for 8 weeks so I am shooting to meet that goal and be able to tell him that when he gets home. Then my trainer encouraged me to sign up for a biggest loser contest being sponsered for our county by the Y and the local hospital. Its got some pretty good prizes and I am just naturally a very competitive person. The officail start weigh in for that is mid may and it goes until August. Otherwise I am just keeping busy working for my dad, going to the gym, and now that spring is here working on the yard and the garden.

    @karen and lori I loved the picks. It sounds like you guys had a great weekend and the race went well. I really wish I could have been there.
    @kah wow that was a cluster of bad luck. Just got to think you used it all up for a long time so nothing but good things coming your way now :)
    @celticgirl I just have the little fitbit zip so it doesnt do a whole lot of things but it defenitley keeps me motivated most days to keep pushing until I hit that step goal. I get a good head start on it most days when I wlak the dogs. That gives me between 5 and 6k.
    @jade33jade I use gum all the time to just keep my mouth busy. I dont try to ignore actual hunger with it but if I have already eaten and I feel the urge to start grazing I pop in some gum and try to find something to do. Works well as long as the mindless eating isnt being driven by excessive emotions of some kind. That is one of my larger struggles.

    Well my doggies are starting to get vocal so better get the leashes out before they ake up the whole house. Have a great day everyone :):):)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy ~Weight loss challenge sounds like a great way to stay motivated until your DH returns.

    Its been a busy morning here. Started out the day baking bran muffins this morning--changed my recipe a bit to cut back on the sugar and fat. Turned out great. Yesterday I found some leftover pulled BBQ chicken in the freezer, so made some baked beans to go along with it for lunch this week. Still need to make some brown rice to go along with dinner tonight and maybe some hard boiled eggs for snacking--probably do both in my Instant Pot so should be quick and easy! Now just watching weather--looks like sky could open up at any moment and I'd really like to get out on bike, really don't want to get caught in a downpour (Spring storms too unpredictable this time of year around here).
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- I hope you don't have another tear in a tendon and that you managed to get a bike ride today. I need the weather in MD to start warming up so I can ride outside again. We had a mixed bag for the weather yesterday from rain to snow and sleet. Today was warmer but still cold just not as cold as Saturday.

    Karen- I am impressed you were able to run another 8K this week. I spent most of the week letting my legs recover from the Shuffle. I ran for the first time on Saturday for a recovery run, not the best timing but better late than never.

    Tracy good to see you back.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    This was a busy weekend even with the weather. The bright side is I did run and bike yesterday, today was a swim day after spending most of the day at Kinder Farm Park. Now I just need to plan out the next couple of weeks for training.

    Goals for the week
    Sunday- Swim- done 2500yds.
    Monday- walk or run
    Tuesday- Run or swim
    Wednesday- Swim or run
    Thursday- trainer
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday-bike ride

    I need to make the time to ride my bike outside instead of the spin bike.

    Have a great week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- alas, I was over confident and didn't run 8k yesterday. I managed almost 3 miles on tuesday, but yesterday I made it just over 2 miles and then my hamstring started to bother me so I stopped. On the plus side, I did do some weight lifting and core work both days. I even managed a set of squats (bar only) on Saturday. It was still uncomfortable to put my shoulder in that position, but my range of motion was better than last time I tried a couple of months ago.

    @kelley-- what is an Instant Pot?

    @tammy-- great job losing those 10 lbs and getting back to your low. :smiley:

    @celtik-- loved your post! Yes, we all share some struggles and also have our individual challenges. I also would have given up on this process a long time ago, but truly believe this group has made the difference for me. Even right now, when I'm having difficulty staying on track for more than 3 days at a time, coming back here really helps me reflect and refocus.

    AFM-- I didn't get any grading done this weekend, but I accomplished a lot nonetheless. Yesterday, I did my taxes and due to DH being out of work half of 2015, we will get a small refund. I also had to finish an application for an AP mentor program. It's an opportunity through College Board to mentor newer AP Lit teachers for a small stipend. If I'm selected I will attend a 2-day conference in July and then the time commitment is a few hours per month doing online chats with my mentees.

    In addition, I had to get sub plans prepped for later this week. I will be at our IEA Representative Assembly Wed. night through Sat. morning, so missing 2 days of class for that.

    Aside from that, DH and I went to his mother's to celebrate her fiance's b-day. Yes, that's right; my MIL is engaged. He's a very nice man who seems to make her happy and helps keep her negative personality tendencies at bay.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 4/41 AP Lit Theory papers
    2. x/21 Speech tests

    Fitness Goals for the month of April:
    I will run 3x/week and at least 2 5ks/week
    Week 1 = 3/3 runs, 2/2 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish twice with no walking breaks: 1/2
    I will run an 8k three times: 1/3

    You vs Year Challenge:
    140 k done/ 860 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- rest day
    Thurs-- work out at hotel
    Fri-- work out at hotel
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share; I'm Tracy. I just turned 43 and live with my husband and two kids (14 year old son and 9 year old daughter) in Bismarck, ND. I bake cakes on the side and right now my job is looking for a job. I do have 5 applications out right now. I have an interview on Wednesday afternoon, so hopefully :)

    @Sgt_Pepper33 ...Gastric sleeve cuts off part of your stomach and leaves a banana shaped sleeve. I've decided to go with it because it will keep my "piping" in the same position, just changes the size of my stomach. Keep recognizing the increased ability you have...before you know it, you'll be able to do the full 30 minutes!

    @Jaded...sorry to hear about your Aunt.

    @Kelley..Yikes, that is a lot of yuck happening all at once. But nice to see a downward trend on the scale.

    @celtic...I have a fitbit HR and it also has a measure of 250+ steps every hour. I added an alarm every hour (I can have up to 8) so it reminds me to get up and move to make sure I get those steps. I just figured out how to do that yesterday, so still getting used to it. are doing awesome -- only 25 to baby birth weight!!!

    @Laurie...hope you get your spring soon. We've had an amazingly mild winter here in North Dakota. We maybe had a total of 10 inches (and I think i'm being generous when I say that). We had a few cold snaps, but nothing major. We've been seeing some 75 degree days for the last couple of months. It's been amazing. And I know it's abnormal, but will take it when we get it. Today, my daughter was upset that she had to pull out her heavier jacket to go to church -- it was only 45 and windy. for your MIL. It sounds like he makes her happy and when Momma is happy, everyone is happy. :)

    AFM...I've had a bit of a tough weekend. Celebrating my birthday with friends and family. I even caved and had two sodas over the two days (and I had a 3 week streak going!), but as of this evening, back to mostly water and a few instances of fruit juice when i need some flavor. But for the most part, I tried to eat only 1/2 of what was given to me on the plate.

    My workout goals:
    Monday - strong lifts
    Tuesday - water aerobics
    Wednesday - strong lifts
    Thursday - cooking and serving at the banquet so I'll be on my feet for 8 hours straight
    Friday - Sunday-- headed to Fargo to meet up with my old work friends from Sioux Falls.

    Here's to a great week for all of us! Drinking our water and keeping within our calorie goals. GO US!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy ~You can add an alarm to the Fitbit Charge HR to remind you to get up every hour and walk 250 steps? I’ve searched and searched and haven’t found a way to do that--I have found where it shows me whether or not I've done it though. :wink:. Sending you good luck vibes for your interview Wednesday! Happy belated birthday!

    @Karen ~MIL engaged?! Wow! :astonished: I'm glad she found someone that makes her happy.

    An Instant Pot is a multi-function cooker/pressure cooker sold by Amazon. That thing is life-changing! :lol: Yesterday, I cooked 2 cups of brown rice in 22 minutes. It has several presets (i.e. poultry, soup, rice, slow cooker, multi-grain, etc.). Mine has also has a yogurt feature which I haven’t tried yet. Some things cook under pressure and other things don’t. The rice does, the slow cooker feature doesn’t. Hard boiled eggs cook in 8 minutes under pressure. Both the rice and the eggs come out perfect every time and the eggs are so easy to peel—I’ve made a quinoa pilaf in there too in a fraction of the time. One nice feature is that if you need to sauté something before you cook it, you can do it right in the cooker. For me, it’s a real time saver. I have the 6-quart size—I haven’t used my slow cooker since I bought it last year.

    Activity Goals:

    Monday: Gym (time permitting)
    Tuesday: PT
    Wednesday: Gym
    Thursday: PT
    Friday: Bike Outside (weather permitting) or Gym
    Saturday: Rest Day
    Sunday: Bike Outside (weather permitting) or Rest Day
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Kelley... If you go to your menu, there is one called alarms. Then I just set them as repeats.