JM 30 Day Shred



  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    I just started Day 1 again yesterday. I will commit to finishing at least 30 days between now and August and post my befores and afters then! My wife is doing it with me so maybe I can get her to post hers as well.
  • Brilliant timing on this thread... my 30DS arrived a couple of days ago and I did day 1 today...

    My husband is going to take some measurements and before pics later today (I know that's slightly the wrong way round) but my stats from June 6th (when I started with MFP) were:

    SW: 256lbs
    Waist: 43.3"
    Tummy: 49.6"
    Hips: 55.1"
    Thigh: 32.3"
    Calf: 17.7"
    Arm: 17.3"

    Really hoping this makes a difference before my son's Christening on August 14th!!!

    OK after 2 weeks (of SF/MFP/running/zumba) stats are now:
    CW: 247lbs
    Waist: 39" (loss of 4.3")
    Tummy: 46.9" (loss of 2.8")
    Hips: 53.9" (loss of 1.2")
    Thigh: 30.7" (loss of 1.6")
    Calf: 18.5" (gain of 0.8")
    Arm: 17.3" (no change)

    1st 30DS completed. 2nd due later today (when I've recovered from today's run!)

    Can feel that I've worked my abs and arms but otherwise OK...
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    Tomorrow will be my level 1 day 3. I didn't do the workout yesterday because I wanted a rest day before my 10K this morning! And I'm not doing the video today either... tomorrow I will be back!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Whew! Just finished day 2 and man I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be hurting tomorrow!
  • dannidoc
    dannidoc Posts: 19
    i'll order a copy off amazon :) looks good
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Des-you will get past it what you can do, just do it!! WTG!!

    tbhoover-way to get day 1 and 2 done!! I have a really cheap HRM and mine say 200 cals for the who knows how close that is?! I would recommend circuit training on MFP until you get some sort of HRM though :) keep on going!!

    Spud-welcome to the group!! be sure to post how you are doing everyday! It should get easier, once your muscles get more used to it!
    Tim-welcome to you and your wife :)

    Nova-great results for your first 2 weeks on MFP so far!! I bet you will be really happy with your results after these 30 days!! :)

    comcatee-how did your 10K go?? seeya back at the shred tomorrow :)

    dannidoc-seeya when you get a copy :)

    AFM-as you all know...I will starting on Wed (the 29th) but I did a run of it today, as it was in my monthly plan for every Sat in is still hard for sure, but I can't wait to start full forced on Wed!! I do girlie push-ups and use 3lb weights for now :)
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I am starting it July 11th! I can't wait :happy:
  • jo_3
    jo_3 Posts: 7
    Just ordered a copy today! hopefully it will arrive soon! Cant wait to start as have been hearing /seeing such amazing results just hope it works for me too!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    runlorirun-I will be about halfway through with it...but would be happy to root ya on still!

    jo_3-let us know when you start!! don't forget your before and afters!
  • Wow! How awesome! You have so many people joining in this challenge now! You are right, no excuses. Gotta get back on it. I have a concert I'm going to at the end of July and I want to look HOT! :) I'll be starting on the 29th with you! Are we still doing 10 days at each level?
  • delana10
    delana10 Posts: 5
    I've had the dvd for about a month. The first day I used it I literally almost passed MIL said it had something to do with my blood pressure, so I quit doing it. However I've really been wanting to restart it!!! I'm new to all of this weight loss stuff though...where are you guys writing the video down on your exercise log? Is it aerobics or something else? Also, I have never taken my measurements before, so I have no clue how to do it correctly. But I will start the shred again next week, probably a few days before you guys on the 27th. Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • abbyy182
    abbyy182 Posts: 56
    I started the 30DS yesterday, so on D2L1, and my goodness I ache and hurt like hell ! I am also combining it with Zumba, and walking with my little man in his stroller. I have taken measurements and photos, and will hopefully see a difference towards the end of July ! :happy: Can't wait to see everyone else's stats !
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    I'm looking so forward to starting! I tried the first few days during the winter but gave up. My butt/thighs were DYING and my house has 4 sets of stairs. I have a bunch of kids too so I'm always racing up and down the stairs was just plain painful!!
  • tieen
    tieen Posts: 3
    I'm in!!!
  • emzachek
    emzachek Posts: 4
    I ordered mine a few days ago, so it should arrive soon. I'm totally in! I need some inspiration to work out, and here it is! :)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Okay, I will be starting my 2nd round as well July 1st. I'm in! :bigsmile:

    Add me if you like!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I started the 30DS yesterday, so on D2L1, and my goodness I ache and hurt like hell ! I am also combining it with Zumba, and walking with my little man in his stroller. I have taken measurements and photos, and will hopefully see a difference towards the end of July ! :happy: Can't wait to see everyone else's stats !

    Today was my 4th day, just did it this morning. Yesterday (Day 3) was the WORST for me, mainly in my thighs, but today I woke up feeling so much better. And I'm starting to feel the workout getting easier! Keep on pushing through! :)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Just did first day last night, I am in (I think I will need other people to get me thru this for 30 days!)

    My ultimate goal is for 20 more pounds lost to reach my end goal, but I am figuring this will mainly get me shaped a little nicer, which is great too.

    Thanks for the group!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I'm in. I did day 4 today. It was hard work but I am hoping it will get easier!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I'm in. I did day 4 today. It was hard work but I am hoping it will get easier!!

    it will get easier! hang in there!
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