Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    @bluepoppies777. So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Thank you very much everyone! I appreciate it.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts with you and your family - take care of yourselves.

    @Rachel0778 - not a major deal, just some comfort eating to deal with the fact that I'm streaming with cold and feeling sorry for myself - pathetic state of affairs! I don't 'do' ill very well - I get grumpy and irritated with it very quickly!

    @GillianSmith2 - good luck with the exercise and steps. An Abba tribute night should be fun - enjoy that and the birthday drinks!

    Not much to report here - just battling away with work and trying not to sneeze too much. What I really want right now is to go and curl up in my duvet :smiley:
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @bluepoppies777 : Sorry for your loss. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning yall. I am feeling good this morning! Really pushed myself walking last night. But it was worth it.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @danan01 I love your post about the steps to getting back on track this week. So far I'm one day down, 6 to go ;)

    @jkhoffe Your step count is going to go through the roof with waitressing!

    @TxGlenn251 Welcome! One thing to consider might be figuring out what your body fat % is, especially if you're into heavy lifting the BMI scale might not be accurate for you.

    @chasidee90 I feel you! My significant other didn't know what hangry was until he started dating me! Way to go on the walk last night, I hope you have another amazing day today.

    @health_guard It sounds like you have a good scheduled plan to stay on track no matter what work is doing. You're a rockstar!

    @janetay01 Glad it's not too bad of a bug. I don't know anyone who does sick well (especially not me! lol). Hopefully it goes away quick so it's easier to resist temptation

    @GillianSmith2 An ABBA tribute band sounds like so much fun! Totally worth saving up cals for! Although with ABBA I have a feeling you'll be dancing a fair number off too.

    @Bluepoppies777 I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have a great mindset going into things. This week is all about self care, for both you and your family. Weight loss and this group will be here once you're ready to come back.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    As expected I maintained this week due to increased apathy of my eating choices last week (but I didn't gain so at least there's that?) I'm hoping that stepping on the scale today will light the fire under me to step it up a bit this week with healthy choices.

    I was looking at the calendar last night and we have a ton of events coming up in the next few months that I want to look and feel great for. This summer is already ramping up into high gear and it hasn't even started yet! Hopefully my increased dedication now will pay off.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    Gill – Love your dedication and motivation! I’m a daily weigher as well and you do learn your body… It’s a great feeling! Ohhh! Birthday & abba tribute! Fun!!! You rock those steps girl!!! Keep up the good work!

    Diane – Love it when my daughter makes me workout with her!! It’s fun to have a partner!

    Karee – Hope you enjoyed a nice long walk!!

    Nicole – Way to go on the alternatives! Frozen yogurt… no bun… you rock! Hope you enjoyed your weekend! It’s so fun watching our kids succeed! I just love cheering in the stands! =)

    Missy – Hope you made it to work on time yesterday! Spring cleaning felt great this weekend!! I love it!! Windows open! It’s awesome! Nice you will have time to cook healthy meals! That is one thing I miss… I am always rushed for dinner now that I work later. Hope the scheduled eating helps you… =) Way to go on the elliptical!

    Aubrey – You sent the rain our way… =) Looks like showers today in WI… I’m sad… it’s been so beautiful. Hope you had a great hike!

    Jane – Hope you are feeling better!

    ChangeIsADecision – Glad you are back at it! Beer Festival… sounds fun!! And sounds like it could be dangerous… How do you not drink kit all day! =)

    Chasidee – Glad you got to enjoy sunshine all weekend as well!! I might have missed it… Where do you live? Good for you to get out there and push yourself!! You WILL conquer!! You got this!! =) Hangry is never fun…. Hope you overcame it and are back at it! Way to push yourself… I can hear the pride!!! Way to go!!

    Rachel – Way to turn the train around and get back on track! It’s so easy to veer and so hard to veer it back!

    Dana – You got this! You can get back on track, I have faith!! Love the meme!

    Jen – Good luck on the new job! My weekend ahead looks filled with soccer!! Love it!! Way to go with the scale! Always a great surprise when you think back and realize how far you have come! =)

    Kgslim17 – Welcome! Weekends are rough on us all! No schedule usually means not the best choices! Check in often!

    Glenn – Welcome! You sounds like your head is in the game! You got this!! Keep up the great work!

    Joy – Sorry for your loss. Sending thoughts and prayers your way! Keep your head up… focus on you and try not to stress eat but like you said… don’t worry too much about it… You have more important things to focus on!! Thinking of you! *hugs*

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I was slammed at work yesterday! Not a bad thing as it makes time go fast! =) I had a great weekend! Friday night... I did go out for a fish fry with my hubby.... Saturday I spent the entire day outside doing yard work. My mom and dad dropped by for a quick visit as they were out on there Harley. Saturday night I went out with friends for drinks... I ate dinner before I left just in case they decided to eat somewhere and that way I would be deterred from ordering too! Luckily they drank there dinners and I did pretty good. I was a driver so I only had a couple. Sunday was another awesome day outside. Enjoyed Lexi's first soccer game of the season. This weekend it is a tournament so that will be fun! Hope the weather is half as nice as last weekend!! I cleaned out 10 boxes for Easter Seals this morning and left them on the curb for donation pickup! Felt good getting them out of my house!!
    Last night Chad requested an apple/rhubarb crisp for his birthday so Lexi and I made that and Lexi wanted to back something else so we made peanut butter bars! I was very proud of my self. I had one bit of hot apple crisp with ice cream out of Chad's bowl... not one other bite of anything else! My knee knee last night had a burning sensation... I think standing on it all day Sat & Sun and all night last night... maybe took a toll... Trying to coddle it yet still get in some calorie burning.
    In for a long work day today so hoping I don't turn to snack! Should be busy so that should help!! I also have off work Thursday and Friday for the hubby's birthday so I am guessing the food intake or rather the alcohol intake may be bad... trying to bank as much as I can for then!! Hope you are all moving in the right direction!! Let's do this!
  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    @ShyCush6 thank you for the support! It feels weird but I like it! I am from Ohio it was a lovely weekend Sunshine and 80s
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning Friends, I would like to join your support group. My name is Laura and I am from Iowa. I have been trying to lose these 30 pounds for 3 years. Lost 10 then gained it all back. I hate the yo yo. I need your support and motivation to help me get to my personal goals. I have been exercising off and on for several months. I have a habit of starting 1 or 2 weeks and then falling off the wagon. I am currently doing videos at home and I run. I am on day 7, week 1 of exercising. and month 4 of eating clean. Please help me to stay motivated to achieve my goals. I have read through some of your post and comments you guy are the greatest!!!! Thanks!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    chasidee90 wrote: »
    @ShyCush6 thank you for the support! It feels weird but I like it! I am from Ohio it was a lovely weekend Sunshine and 80s

    I'm in Wisconsin... so I hear ya! This weekend was beautiful and dare I say it... almost too hot!! But I loved every minute of it! Hope we can help you along!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Laura - Welcome! Hope we help you with your journey!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    @bluepoppies777 So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself!

    @GillianSmith2 that ABBA tribute sounds like a lot of fun!

    @janetay01 Hope you feel better soon! I hate being sick!

    @chasidee90 Great job with the walking! It doesn't matter how far you go, just as long as you go! Keep pushing yourself a little further every day. You are off to a great start!

    @health_guard Great job with the workouts!

    @jkhoffe I am with you on the weekends. I am always up on Mondays too (I weigh daily) and spend all week trying to get back down. But you are absolutely right! My "couple pounds up" is lower than I was a few weeks ago! We just have to keep going and eventually it will move in the right direction! Thank you for reminding me of that!

    @Rachel0778 Maintaining is a win if you ask me! Way to use upcoming events for some motivation to kick it up!

    @ShyCush6 Great job over the weekend! I should volunteer to drive more often. It forces you to not have as much! (Although I don't usually over do it on the drinking anyway) And only one bite of ice cream and Apple crisp! You're awesome! I hope the knee feels better soon!

    @Lauramo06 Welcome! You are in the right place!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Well - yesterday was a pretty good day. I was so not in the mood to do much, but I forced myself to make it to the track after work and I did it. I made it 3 miles, even though I was ready to be done after one. I did feel better after, so that is a win! I have been pretty productive the last couple of days too. After my husband left on Sunday I managed to go through my closet and clean that out. I have a big pile of stuff for donation. Then last night when I got home I started to put some groceries away and I started cleaning out the refrigerator. It is amazing how much stuff accumulates and you don't realize how long its been there. I got rid of all the expired condiments that have been there forever. Then I started on my pantry. I can't believe how much stuff I got rid of. So-Im feeling good about that! And I got some food prep done for lunches for the week. I am in a much better mindset today! Hope everyone has a great day today! Keep up the great work!
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well I have been MIA this weekend. My hubby took off on a business trip this weekend I did painted trim for about 32 hours over Friday, Saturday and Sunday which meant really bad eating as I was to exhausted to cook. The sad part is I am still not done with the trim and I have to even started the walls yet. Holy Jamoly.

    It seems like everyone is finally in the nice weather zone. I was able to get a couple of nice walks with the pooches, clean up the yard, set up the deck and get the yard mowed. Got my farmers tan started for sure.

    BTW - I will kill for a margarita truck, LOL

    Hope everyone has a killer week. Welcome to the newbies, feel free to add me.


    Nichol @ngolden3320 - I remember when my youngest played high school ball. It was so COLD but those empires. So frustrating. Good luck with the season.
  • kgslim17
    kgslim17 Posts: 8 Member
    I got a good start off this morning. I pulled out of bed at 5:20 and did my leg work out. Yesterday, I felt that the sleep was more important. I also just had my morning snack of cantaloupe, berries, kiwi with a tablespoon of greek yoghurt and a small amount of homemade granola. I'm a late luncher so that should hold me until 1pm. The sun is shining so I see a 1 mile walk during a half hour of my lunch break. I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    edited April 2016
    Ok, so I am completely computer illiterate. I cannot figure out how to add friends. When I click on your names I get "send a message" or "ignore". nothing I find says add friend. HELP!!!! If any of you want to add me please feel free.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    edited April 2016
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @ChangeIsADecision Welcome back on the wagon! Great job getting right back into activity!

    @Rachel0778 - Aww, thanks! I'm still on board... i've got up TWO mornings in a row to get my walk/jog in early! BTW, girl you are a *rockstar* at including everyone. How do you do your collective messages? That would be so helpful to have one response and include all your comments. :)
  • kelisueray
    kelisueray Posts: 78 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    I'm a cheesehead too! Living in FLA now though. Go Pack!
    So I've been doing very good these last two days; tracked everything I ate (even the 2 pieces of Tombstone pizza last night). Did 30 mins on the elliptical - feeling proud!

    Kudos to everyone who got off their bums and did something! For those who didn't - tomorrow is another day.
    Awesome! I would love to be living in Florida as well! Great! Lots of cheeseheads! Sorry to you other girls!! =) Tombstone... MY FAV! Yikes! You girls will learn from me... and the ones from WI pry understand... I am a beer and pizza kind of girl! Those are two really hard things for me to give up! Maybe it's a cheese thing... I don't know! But if we eat it, we own it AND we make it right if we went the wrong direction! You can make up for those calories! A little extra work out here and a little less in the mouth! ;)

    Samesies! Cheesehead living in the Mitten state now (Michigan) Why couldn't I have moved to a warmer climate?

    Beer is a hard thing for me to give up - so I won't. I just try to limit it. It's kinda blasphemous for us to give up beer being from good ol' Wisco.