Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @chasidee90 great job on walking a mile. Keep up the great work.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Chasidee Congrats on being 13 pounds down! Talk abut kickstarting your weightloss!

    @FitEqualsSmile I hope you have a great day of pampering, you definitely earned it!

    @ngolden3320 Sounds like you had quite the busy day of softball. Patience is one of the hardest things, even as adults!

    @janetay01 160 miles sounds absolutely brutal. I'm so glad he found something closer to home! To not feel sluggish at work I often eat like a hobbit. A snack once I get to the office, a light lunch, and an afternoon snack. Keeps my blood sugar steady and I don't feel overly full

    @bluepoppies777 I love your idea of minimalism with weight loss. I am an absolute food hoarder. It's an odd comfort thing for me to always have a ton of food around, but I like the idea of only having the food on hand for the meals that I planned. I may have to eat out of my cupboards for a few weeks and start a new trend!

    @TxGlenn251 I wouldn't put too much stock in the BMI scale, especially if you have a more muscular frame. If you're happy with your body and your doctor thinks your healthy that's what really counts!

    @health_guard I love making yonanas in my food processor with a frozen banana, cocoa or pb2 powder, vanilla, and a little bit of cashew milk. Yum! My significant other loves it too as a good summer treat.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I was on the phone last night and lost track of time so I had to scarf my dinner quick before practice. BIG mistake. I felt super sluggish and my stomach hurt for the entire boxing class, it really didn't go well at all.

    I was feeling pretty disheartened by how truly awful I am at boxing, but I try to remember that everyone starts from 0 at some point and I do have a lot of fun learning how to throw.

    Please yet me know what you guys think of the peanut butter/yam combo!
  • glenneric913
    glenneric913 Posts: 7 Member
    rushing to lose weight and get in shape is the kiss of death and sure way to fail....slow and steady wins this race. Cardio won't work alone, you need to do strength training and eat cleanly. Reserve one cheat day and drink a big glass of water before every meal. Think about how you'd feel if you started 6 months or a year ago. Time flies and before you know it you'll be healthier and happier! My other piece of advice is every time you want to come up with an excuse to skip exercise or eat that food you shouldn't think to yourself how you will feel AFTER! After you exercise you feel great the next day and better about yourself...thinking about how proud you are to skip that slice of pizza after the fact is key.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Rachel - I have learned that I need to eat before I work but I need to eat about 45 minutes before or else it is not pretty. Holy heartburn. Yesterday in aerial yoga we were hanging upside down and my instructor spun us around and holy crow I thought I was going to lose my breakfast. Not a great start to the day, lol.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @Lauramo06 Yup, I microwave the yam and then add peanut butter. It rocks my socks. I don't eat the skin though since I'm not a fan.

    WOW... Yams and PB...this I will have to try.
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile - Thanks for the response. I have never heard of hemp seeds, let alone, tried them. I will have to find some and try them.

    @bluepoppies777 - Thanks for your response as well. I have heard of chia seeds but have not tried them. I will have to try them too.

    I Eat a granola blend with my oatmeal in the morning and it has flax seeds, Quinoa, Amaranth and sunflower seeds in it besides wheat and barley and oats but I am definitely interested in finding those and trying them too.

    @janetay01 - Sorry to hear about your cold and congrats to your hubby!! Hope you over come the cold soon, I know its a drag to be sick.

    @ngolden3320 - what is this 30 day challenge you speak of??

    @chasidee90 - WAY TO GO!!!! on pushing yourself and going farther with your walk. Keep up the Excellent loss of pounds!!!!

    @glenneric913 - I totally agree!! Proven time and time again by my bad eating habits. I have finally gotten into a good clean eating routine and am going to stick with it. I HATE The way I feel after I eat non clean foods and junk and I know in my head what the results will be each time. This time will be the winning time. Never going back to the bad stuff. I actually was really proud of myself Monday and Tuesday this week. We had donuts and work and I did not eat one little bit. That is a win for me because I have been the worst at will power. Small non scale victory but a victory non the less. YAY me!!

    Yesterday, was my rest day but ended up biking 5 miles. Felt good to get out in the fresh air. First week of Vigorous exercise done. Starting Day 1 of Week 2 today. Wish me luck! Got on the scale today and pounds went up. I am hoping that is because i am gaining muscle. Maybe I should stop looking at the scale. It was a little disappointing.
    Have a happy and healthy good day!!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Another great day. After some core and strength training i did some work outside and managed to get a bit of a sun tan :sunglasses: yet another lovely day today although the forecast for the rest of the week is pants :neutral: of to the gym again soon i think i might do some leg work. Keep up the great work everyone.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Jen @ChangeIsADecision - I would so miss my beer. I make sure I only have 2 in the fridge at a time but only allow them on the weekend and then work them into my plan. The are definitely in my plan.

    I'm with ya... I need to focus on making sure they are in my plan for the day instead of just drinking them. :D My hubby makes homebrew too so that makes it hard to always have 3 taps of something right at my finger tips! So hard... but I've got to get focused on discipline! What kind of beer do you like? I'm an IPA girl... ugh! Of course one of the highest in calories! But I have pilsners and light ales too for a lighter option.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Wondering.... how are you gals putting all of your comments on each person you want to comment to into one post? I get the @ thing.... but I hit "quote" to whoever I want to respond to but then I'm dragging 7 message thru the board instead of on big post with a bunch of people tagged in it. Do you start another tab in you browser? This is driving me crazy for some reason. Not sure why...

    @Rachel0778 - @ngolden3320 - I know others do too but that's all I can see on this page.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Rachel - I have learned that I need to eat before I work but I need to eat about 45 minutes before or else it is not pretty. Holy heartburn. Yesterday in aerial yoga we were hanging upside down and my instructor spun us around and holy crow I thought I was going to lose my breakfast. Not a great start to the day, lol.

    I would love to do aerial yoga!!! #jealous
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wondering.... how are you gals putting all of your comments on each person you want to comment to into one post? I get the @ thing.... but I hit "quote" to whoever I want to respond to but then I'm dragging 7 message thru the board instead of on big post with a bunch of people tagged in it. Do you start another tab in you browser? This is driving me crazy for some reason. Not sure why...

    @Rachel0778 - @ngolden3320 - I know others do too but that's all I can see on this page.

    I just type the @ sign and then start typing the persons screen name that you want to respond to, it will pop up on the screen.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well I am home from the gym, hair and grocery and boy is the weather nice. I hate to say it but I guess I am going to take the puppies for walk. It is so nice outside and the weather is going back into the 40's again this weekend.

    Have a great night!!

    Jen - so not an IPA girl. I find them a little to bitter for me. I am a girl when it comes to my beer. I like the fruity ones, this time of year the unfiltered wheat beers. There is a Harpoon Grapefruit Shandy out right now. I am such a "kitten" - hehe
    So this is what I do to respond. I read a message and go down to the comment box, write my comment and then go up. If I have to go to the next page I cut it and paste on the next page. Works of me as I never remember what everyone else says. I love my aerial yoga class. Give it a try if you get a chance. I don't to the free silks yet as my upper body stretch is not there yet so I stick to a hammock. I am sure there is a class in your area. I started with a sampler class. It was like 90 minutes on a Saturday and went through 4 different apprentices so you could see what you liked. There was even a Groupon. Check it in your area as they are definitely becoming more popular.
  • glenneric913
    glenneric913 Posts: 7 Member
    @Lauramo06 keep it up! good job resisting those donuts! like I mentioned think about how crappy you would feel if you ate vs. how happy and proud you are that you resisted and remind yourself next time you have a temptation. Just remember we're all human and we are going to slip up or even indulge but as long as it's not a habit you'll be fine
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member

    Karen – Hope you get the watch all synced up! That’s a great idea to only have 2 cold ones at a time… Who wants warm beer!!

    Joy – Hoping you ar hanging in there. Thinking about you!
    Wouldn’t it be nice to minimlize the fat!! If it was as easy as packing a box!! I like the direction you are taking though!! It sure does feel good!!! How in the hell is the stair machine your favorite!!? You rock sister! I hate that thing!! It does burn the calories though!! Love the meme! And it is so true!!!! I totally think that way sometimes… But I guess I am thinking… I have to burn XX calories and then I can have a beer or a cupcake… It’s hard not to look at it as a reward.

    Jane – Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on the hubby’s new job! That will be so nice not traveling so far!

    Nicole – The girls won 3-2 on Sunday. This weekend they have a 4 game tournament and more if they keep winning…. So I will be soccered out come Monday! That grocery store trip always gets in my way too…. I hate grocery shopping! Your daughters sound like my sisiter and I. I was a freshman and she was a senior. We competed in the same sports and usually subbed for each other. Luckily I played JV but practiced with both JV and Varsity so I got my playing time in. In softball we got smart and she was the catcher and I was the pitcher! =) Not the same position as we did in volleyball and basketball. Great times!!

    Chasidee - way to go on the walk!! Awesome!!!

    Rachel – You probably felt that way as you were slugish and with your stomach hurting not up to par. I’m sure you wil do great. Always a learning curve!

    Glenn – great advice!!! So true!!

    Laura – Keep at it Lauara! You know you are doing the right thing.. the scale is just a number! You are healthier and feel better, that is what counts!

    Gill – Way to stick to it Gill!

    Jen (Change) I actually open an email and then copy and paste it in… =) There’s probably an easier way but with my two screens, this seems easy at the computer.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Well work is looking to kill me! I'm done eating for the day! Free Bagels, then donuts, then pizza for lunch... I haven't eaten anything I brought to work... AND I WONT!! Yikes! Bad day for me... It's my long day so it makes it even harder when the hours drag on.
    Tomorrow is the hubby's birthday so we are going to a brewery tour, then some light shopping and out to the bar for a gathering of friends, then on Friday a bunch of friends are going bar hopping for his birthday... YIKES! I will not be weighing until next Wed at the earliest!!! Not going to be pretty, as I'm sure the food choices will not be the best. Thinking I will be the DD again!! Life happens.
    Saturday & Sunday are filled with soccer and then back to the the grind. Hopefully you all have a great weekend and I am sure I will have a ton to catch up on come Monday!! Keep doing great girls!!
  • brett28elliott
    brett28elliott Posts: 19 Member
    I'm new to this app, it seems very cool!!! I'm brett, (weird name for a female..I know)
    I used to be extremely fit...then 3 kids happened! 6 yr old,17 mo old,and a 7 month old!! My oldest is non verbal autistic....there were days that I was so busy with him I just ate whatever was in front of me!!!! I have lost 50 pounds so far and am trying to lose 40 more!! I love positive people, as having a special needs child you must surround yourself with as much positivity. Weight loss journeys are hard and I get discouraged at times!!!! Feel free to add me, im still trying to figure this app out LOL
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    @brett28elliott Welcome to the group!! I just joined yesterday. It is hard with kids. I know I have 6 of them. I too, used to be very fit and then my last child happened and now i'm in my 40's. I have faith and keep trying everyday to get back to where I used to be. One day I will be there again. Congrats on losing the first 50!! We all get discouraged at times but don't let that keep you from where you want to be. I am in the same boat, as I am sure many others are too.
  • brett28elliott
    brett28elliott Posts: 19 Member
    @Lauramo06 I salute ya girl!!!! Thanks very much, I'm so ready to see more results..we allll can do this
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes we can!!!! You go girl!!