Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Happy Friday everyone!!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 Sadly I don't know any home remedies, I'm firmly in the Nyquil camp. Green tea and honey always makes me feel better though

    @chasidee90 Rock on! You are killing those pounds!

    @kgslim17 I'm definitely a wine drinker :)

    @ngolden3320 I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's memory decline. I have a family member who is going through a similar thing. It is really hard to recognize the extent of it when you're so close to the person. Please don't beat yourself up too much about the Whopper. It's one sandwich in the grand scheme of things and at that moment you needed to fuel your body.

    Welcome @la2511, @steviejanedrake and @goonietime! Keep posting!

    @GillianSmith2 That protein powder sounds yummy! Once I'm done with my Combat Birthday Cake protein stuff I'll have to give it a try!

    I almost didn't go to kickboxing last night, but at the last moment I decided to do my best and give it a try and I'm glad I did! It ended up being a 2.5 hour practice and I'm exhausted but I did loads better than Tuesday (it really was the food making me lethargic and extra sucky). Happy Friday Everyone!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Friday! Sorry I was missing the last few days. I kept up with the posts, I just didn't check in myself. Computer issues and lots of running around. @ngolden3320 - sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully you can get her the care she needs. Welcome all the newbies! This is a great group to be part of!

    Well, with my husband gone this week I think I did ok. The last time I recorded a loss in weight was back on March 31st. Well, this morning I was down .5 lbs! Yay! Finally! (But of course the weekend is back) But I am going to work extra hard on staying below calories this weekend. And it should be an active weekend as this weekend we are landscaping. So lots of hauling rock, dirt, plants and digging and shoveling. So that should help I would think. Food choices aren't always the greatest because we literally get up around 7:00am and start working and don't stop until we can't go anymore. So we really don't want to stop to make food. We take quick breaks just to have something quick and start working again. But I might stop at the store before I get there and pick up some healthier choices. Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep up the awesome work!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    @CariTJR - just wanted to let you know we are still thinking about you, and hope you are taking care of yourself!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm definitely in the wine drinking club. But I like all the fruity sweet wines!
  • chasidee90
    chasidee90 Posts: 25 Member
    Friday is FINALLY here! My hubby is taking me away for the weekend and when booking the hotel we made sure we got one with a fitness center for the first time haha! We are visiting the Zoo tomorrow and I have already mapped out their eateries to see what to avoid and where to eat. Excuses are for "kittens" haha

  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Did somebody ask if there were any wine drinkers?! (Putting up hand)!!! Me! Me! Me! Lol! Haha Dana, I love that one, wine and yoga pants!
    Well everyone, this is tough... At the mother in laws for the funeral, which is today. We are out in the country, no healthy food in sight, no gym, and terrible beds!! Gah! So basically eating crappy, and getting no sleep, which makes me a complete lunatic I think! I went for a 45 min walk yesterday, but it is completely flat here so I don't think it did much. Boo hoo. I'm going to have to hit the gym so hard when I get back home. Thankfully the family are all ok, no one is a wreck. He'd been declining for quite a while, been on dialysis for 10 years. But it's still sad of course. Hug your families! If you have ever had to write an obituary or a eulogy (both up to me), it totally sucks!
    Welcome to the newbies! Glad to see that everyone is posting lots and exercising lots! We've got to stick together and keep pushing on in this health and fitness journey. Take the bumps in the road and put it in 4x4 to get over them. This week is one of those weeks for me! Thanks to you all, I just have to log in and read my favorite thread and I've got instant motivation, support and laughs! I appreciate you all!!!
  • kgslim17
    kgslim17 Posts: 8 Member
    Whew! So thankful that it is Friday! :D Made a cauliflower crust cheese pizza last night so that I could get rid of the cauliflower. It isn't bad. For my lunch this morning, I threw in some peppers and asparagus. My weigh in day will be tomorrow so I hope I see lbs go down.
    @ngolden3320 I totally understand what you are going through. My family and I have experienced the same thing with our mom, who has suffered from a couple of strokes and heart attacks over several years. Also, check with your state department on aging because they will also have programs that they can guide you to.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • NewMau
    NewMau Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group. Just getting back into weightlifting and eating right. I have a bit of weight to lose. This seems like a great group to connect with and help with motivation!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @danan01 I love your memes! Sounds like you've got a busy weekend planned. I bet you burn a ton with all of that activity!

    @jkhoffe Sounds like a great plan on the run. And kickboxing does burn a ton of calories which is definitely a nice bonus. I like it because I end up having so much fun I forget I'm working out

    @chasidee90 It's awesome to hear that your husband is on board. I hope you have a great weekend away together!

    @kgslim17 Sounds like you've got some delicious food combos in the mix. I tried cauliflower crust pizza once and I burned the *kitten* out of it!

    Welcome @NewMau!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @jkhoffe The average burn for 1 hour is about 700 calories give or take a few depending on individual stats. I love kickboxing and have been doing it for years, you should give it a try, it is a complete body workout :)

    @Rachel0778 how long have you done kickboxing for ( i may already have asked you sorry, my memory is rubbish :blush: ) are you training for your belts or the fitness side of it?

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Gill @GillianSmith2 I've only been training for a month an a half so I'm definitely the noob at the gym :) I didn't know there were belts for kickboxing! The guys at my gym are mostly training for MMA fights (mixed martial arts) so we do a lot of takedown training, wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Muay Thai stuff too. I used to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in grad school but fell out of it when I had to move away from my team. I mostly train because I think it's fun, with the added benefit that it's good for me and lets me eat more ;) Do you do competitions/belt stuff or are you fitness training?
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    So sorry to hear your Mum's been poorly Nichole, I really hope she gets better soon.
    Also really sad to hear about your FIL Joy.
    And thanks for the message Dana, I appreciate it a lot. ☺
    Well I'm still about, lurking and reading everyone's posts, you're all doing so great. I'm just not feeling up to being back on it right now, to much to do with organising the funeral, taking care of financial stuff etc. I'm thinking that once the funeral is done (Tuesday) I'll give myself next week to sort my head out and then give myself a kick up the backside to get back to it. I've come this far, I can't let all my efforts go to waste! Keep at it you guys, you're smashing it. I'll be back soon. X
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @Joy - Yes, I had to write my Mum's obituary, you're totally right, it sucks, big time.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Rachel @Rachel0778 My class is a structured kickboxing class. I am a black belt and training for my 2nd Dan. I also do kickboxercise which is more of a fitness class. We have got a competition to go to on Sunday but i dont compete myself. I also mainly do it for the fitness and the extra calories it gives me :smiley: I also teach children aged 3 to 5 years old the basics of kickboxing.

    @CariTJR Its lovely to hear from you. take care of yourself and get back as soon as you feel ready :wink:
  • jonandraz
    jonandraz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Raz. Just starting and I too spend too much time at a desk. Starting with tracking my food and walking 3 days a week!

  • rosalieglez
    rosalieglez Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! I'm a newbie and really need some motivation! Would love to meet some new friends <3 Message me and add me if you'd like to! Snapchat is Rxzaly ..Thanks Mwah! <3
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well where is everyone this weekend?? Hope everyone had, is having a good one. I had a food day off. Tomorrow the hubs and I start our cleanse I was going to enjoy the day and the next 10 are totally clean eating with limited complex carbs and limited dairy. Fun times for sure. It is a good thing I love fruits and vegetables. So tonight I am eating a baked white potato (queue the gasp) and a steak.
    So tomorrow I get on the scale, take my measurements and then try my hardest to not get on the thing again for 10 whole days. This is always the hardest part for me. Wish me luck.
  • Adelynee
    Adelynee Posts: 32 Member
    Hya! Looking for a gp that shares daily. Plz add me.