Free Therapy: Another Open Letter!



  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Dear 2 year old dalring daughter,

    When you do something wrong and have to be put in time out don't turn into the devil and point your finger at me and tell me "you're not the boss of me!!" and when I ask you who is the boss you say "MIMI!!" How can I not giggle at that. I am supposed to be mad at you. You are supposed to be in time out!!!

    Oh yeah, when I say something to you could you please answer me in english and not spanish or your new language you are learning Japanese.

    Your loving Mamma!
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    Dear Insurance Company,

    Thank you for allowing my granddaughter's doctor to be one of your preferred providers but not allowing the hospital he has privileges at to be an in-network facility. Thanks too for making my daughter have to take her baby from the hospital she was admitted to and drive in 25 degree weather to the hospital that is in-network. I'm sure you would enjoy driving to another hospital with a baby that has a double ear infection, RSV, and dehydration. Oh, and did I mention that the baby also had an IV in her too.

    One Pissed Off Nana
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Dear Insurance Company,

    Thank you for allowing my granddaughter's doctor to be one of your preferred providers but not allowing the hospital he has privileges at to be an in-network facility. Thanks too for making my daughter have to take her baby from the hospital she was admitted to and drive in 25 degree weather to the hospital that is in-network. I'm sure you would enjoy driving to another hospital with a baby that has a double ear infection, RSV, and dehydration. Oh, and did I mention that the baby also had an IV in her too.

    One Pissed Off Nana

    I am so tired of insurance companies! This is seriously wrong. That child should have been treated not transported. I am now pissed off too!
  • alaskagal
    alaskagal Posts: 326

    This is just to great.

    I won't even start mine for fear of never ending. (It's been the week from h - e - double toothpicks)

    But I feel a lot better reading everyone else's letters, so thanks for the therapy.

  • justjenny89
    Dear FELLOW Music Majors,

    Quit making fun of me just because I decided to pursue a BA instead of a BM in vocal performance. That doesn't make me any "less of a music major" than you are, and it doesn't give you license to declare my studies less important than yours are. I'm happy with the degree I've chosen, and I'm glad it allows me to double as a Family & Consumer Sciences Education major. I know I'm a good musician, and you know I'm a good musician, so be nice and allow me to have a life outside of and along with music.

    Musically (but not maniacally) Yours,
    The Girl Who Got An A In Every Theory Class

    Dear Mom & Dad,

    I love you. BUT. You're smothering me. When I come home to visit, I'd like it to be just that: a visit. I don't want to have to carry ALL the reponsibilities I used to. That's selfish, I know, but I'd like for my breaks to be actual breaks. I love you, and I'll cook for you and clean for you gladly, but I don't want to be EXPECTED to do it. That's all. Keep working hard, and try not to get too upset when I want to take a Saturday off.

    Your Adoring Daughter,
    Sugar Bear

    P.S.- Oh, and if I want to sleep in, that's what I'm going to do.

    Last one, I swear. :happy:

    Dear Cold Miser,

    You and your brother, Heat Miser, need to have a little talk, because this off and on hot/cold thing is getting really annoying. I know it's the southeast, but geez, 14 degrees? Ridiculous. Especially after two weeks of 60 and 70 degree weather. I just don't know what to expect from you anymore, and a little consistency would be appreciated.

    Frozen In Alabama

    I read this and realized that I didn't have to write my own!! Thanks-
    I totally understand about the B.A./B.M. thing- I just switched.
    Good luck- and thanks for writing my therapy for me!

    No problem. :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Dear Fellow Assistant Manager,

    I'd almost feel sorry for you now that you're losing your job, but it's your own fault for being a complete tool. I thought everyone knew it was just common sense not to greet strange women with a light tap on the bum. :noway:

    Now I have to pick up your extra hours. I hope your underwear turns carnivorous.


    The only A.M. capable of higher thought

    Dear Zooquatic Pet Center Workers,

    You sold me a sick baby rat. He can't stop sneezing. I know it's because you keep your tiny, adorable furry creatures in deplorable conditions. Now I have to pay for medication for him and the other two rats he got sick even though I quarantined. I hope that you someday end up in a cramped, poorly-ventilated box filled with your own urine. :mad: And I hope you sneeze 20 times every day for the rest of your lives. You should be ashamed.

    A very worried rat momma :frown:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    dear alcohol,

    it's been a week now since we have seen each other.
    i miss you. i miss you very badly and part of me really wants you back in my life so i can be with you every night like we used to be.:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    but, i think i'm a better person w/out you. you seem to take over any situation we are in together and i'm not happy w/ that. we tried to just see each other a little bit over time, but that did not work.
    i love you too much. :love: i see in my personality that i want to have you w/ me a lot or not at all.
    ~no in between.

    we need to stay apart
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Dear Evil Dictator, er Homeowners Association Dictator,

    It is not nice when you lie. It is also best if you get things fixed before the cars fall through the parking lot, and the trees fall on the buildings, and the river consumes the land because you refuse to spend any money because you say that there are people who can't afford it. And when those same people are floating down the river in their upside-down cars hanging on for dear life to the tree limbs that are attached to nothing because the river consumed them, then it would be good if you would pay their medical bills and pay for their cars, and the new buildings and new clothes and TVs and furniture and computers because while they are being washed away, the frikkin roof is falling in because you won't get the gutters cleaned for the last seven years and now the roof is all rotted out from two feet of leaves on the roof. And those "old" people with no money? Who can't afford to pay for their homeowners dues? Could you catch their orthopedists bills, too, because the sidewalks are so warped from tree roots that they will be falling and needing surgery. Lots of surgery. And you better hire a REALLY good lawyer, because ......well. Because I think you should.

    Signed, Someone who lives near you.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Dear Insurance Company,
    I'm so thrilled to see that you are working so "hard" to get your customers their medical and prescription cards in a timely manner. Not only do we have to pay out of pocket for pricey prescriptions but some of us cannot go see our doctors when we need to because we do not have cards. I'm pretty sure that there aren't that many records to enter into the computer and if your people do not know how to type without pecking at the computer, I will more than willingly come input them for you.

    One pissed off/stressed out employee.

    Short letter to Home Office,

    Thanks for picking a sh**** @$$ insurance.:devil: :explode:

    The End.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Dear GTO's husband,

    Leave GTO alone and let her move on with her life. You've already caused too much heartache and pain and you no longer deserve to see her pretty face in the morning.

    None of your darn business
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    Dear Insurance Company,
    I'm so thrilled to see that you are working so "hard" to get your customers their medical and prescription cards in a timely manner. Not only do we have to pay out of pocket for pricey prescriptions but some of us cannot go see our doctors when we need to because we do not have cards. I'm pretty sure that there aren't that many records to enter into the computer and if your people do not know how to type without pecking at the computer, I will more than willingly come input them for you.

    One pissed off/stressed out employee.

    Short letter to Home Office,

    Thanks for picking a sh**** @$$ insurance.:devil: :explode:

    The End.

    not to be mean or anything i :heart: america... except for health care,,, im happy to be canadian coz im frustrated to just hear about it

    thats what im gratefull for today :smile:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Dear GTO's husband,

    Leave GTO alone and let her move on with her life. You've already caused too much heartache and pain and you no longer deserve to see her pretty face in the morning.

    None of your darn business

    You are so right!!!!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Dear Powerball,

    How can you consistently pick the wrong d@mn numbers week after week?????? :angry: You KNOW the numbers that you're supposed to draw but you're WAAAAYYY off all the time. :explode:

    I demand that you draw the right numbers THIS Saturday, or I'll be forced to wake up disappointed & sad again on Sunday. :grumble:

    Angrily yours,

  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    Dear Motorola

    YOU SUCK big time!

    That is all!
  • MrsJ
    MrsJ Posts: 27
    Dear Venti Non Fat Iced Chai,

    Will you forgive me for this sudden abandonment? I love you more than words can ever say. The 2 or 3 times we spent together every single day really meant alot to me. You will forever have a spot in my heart. It's not you. It's me. Oh wait maybe it is you. You are packed with sugars which I cannot have. In a few weeks I shall think about returning. My tummy is sad without you. My head has been giving my pains ever since our last time at Starbeezy. I miss you Iced Chai!!!!! Do you know I even have a half empty cart in the fridge stiil because I cannot bear to waste you and throw you in the trash.

    Iced Chai Lover

    My handsome boy,
    This attitude you have developed has really got to calm down. The screeching and telling me "YOU MEAN" " MOMMY YOUR ARE SOOO MEAN..SOO SOO MEAN" or the one that bugs me the most "MOMMY I DON'T LIKE YOU THEN" have all got to stop. Mommy loves your lil butt and when you say things like that tomommy it hurts her heart. When I come home from work please do not be rude with me 5 minutes after we hug. You cannot always have your way. When mommy is driving you better stop un-buckling your seat belt and then quuickly re-buckling. I have told you a million times that mom knows everything you do. Please stop taking all your clothes off and using the excuse "I'M HOT'
    Oh, and remember that mommy is on a diet and she cannot eat your food. So stop bringing me things I cannot eat. Please stop asking for "manilla milk from tarbux" Be nice to daddy too.
    Your loving mommy

    Dear Smelly People,
    Seriously. Do you honestly not know that you smell? Whether it is your breath or your frikkin body. Please correct this problem. Take a shower. Brush your teeth two times a day or even just once for starters. I cannot stand being face to face with s***breath any more. I will not tell you but I did assume the disturbing look on my face and thet way I back away from you when we are standing face to face talking would let you know something is wrong. It is a big problem. Please just brush your teeth. This has been bothering me for some time now. I just do not know how to tell you. Yo breath smells like crap!! Wash your armpits and your booty. If I walk by you and I smell the heck do you not smell yourself??? This boggles my mind. Seriously. Wake up. Take a shower brush your grill and change your dang clothes. And underwear. It's very easy and even convenient. Billions of humans do it everyday.
    Tryin hard not to breath

    Dear Boss,
    Please stop you frikkin bit*****.KNow what you are talking about before the rude emails and phone calls come in. You are too grown for that behavior anyhow. You are a bit over weight and you may just give yourself a mild heart attck one day. Call me nicely. I am not your lil bi***. I am your employee. I do not want to hear garbage about others in this company either. It is not my business. I enjoy you when you are pleasent. Let's keep it that way. No one likes to be yelled out or belittled. Everything is always under control. Except for your coping skills because you do not have any!!!!!!!

    The Book Keeper

    hahahaha this was fun!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Dear 135 pounds I have lost,

    It doesn't pain me at all to say goodbye to you forever. You were a weight on my shoulders (and every other part of my body) for far too long and as much as you loved making me feel bad about myself and making me look like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man in clothes, and giving me a complex about every bite I put in my mouth and breathe heavy when I walked up a hill and even made me snore......I had to get rid of you once and for all. No more party on THIS body! Sorry fat but I really must say.....Good riddance!!

    Never again in CT!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Dear Cold and Snow,

    Screw off!!

    Fed up
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Did somebody say cow???


    How 'bout a cow who does a mean pole dance?

    Marla when did you come to my barn and take that picture:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Dear GTO's husband,

    Leave GTO alone and let her move on with her life. You've already caused too much heartache and pain and you no longer deserve to see her pretty face in the morning.

    None of your darn business

  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Dear Jeff:

    Kiss my *kitten*.


    PS....Don't EVER, I mean EVER threaten me again.:explode: