40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, Becky. I just sent you a friend request. Welcome!

    OK, I'm totally behind on updates, and I've been MIA. Summer seems to be a busy time for me, which is GREAT because I love the warm/hot weather.

    I haven't been exercising as much as I'd like in the past few days. I went to go swimming, but the weather was crappy. Couldn't walk, either. I did clean a bit, but not too much! :laugh: The scale is creeping up just the slightest bit, so I better get back on track.

    Some folks who have had the same weight loss surgery that I did are coming on to MFP to keep track of carbs and exercise. I love it! This site is really the best one out there as far as I'm concerned. The community is friendly, and the tools are totally personalize-able for those of us with special nutritional or weight loss needs.

    OK, I"m going to Subway right now to get a seafood sensation sandwich. That thing is delicious! The weather looks decent, so I think I'll walk over. All these breads are a ton of carbs. How they tell the folks on Biggest Loser that Subway is the way to go, I don't know.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I am such a lucky person, I mean yesterday some people in white coats gave me this jacket that lets me hug myself, so now I can get a hug everyday!:laugh:

    Sorry I just thought this was the funniest thing so I wanted to share!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I am such a lucky person, I mean yesterday some people in white coats gave me this jacket that lets me hug myself, so now I can get a hug everyday!:laugh:

    Sorry I just thought this was the funniest thing so I wanted to share!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Oh tron....I am sooo ready for one of those!!!!! I really need a break from this **** of a life I have been living. Every weekend one of my kids (or all of them) need me to do for them. When will I get a break??? I am 60 after all !!!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning first weekend home and my counselor had a blast. I missed him more than he missed me. .I've been running my but off though and it feels great. Running my new addiction...lol
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning first weekend home and my counselor had a blast. I missed him more than he missed me. .I've been running my but off though and it feels great. Running my new addiction...lol
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia...what a wonderful addiction to have.:laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm back!!!!

    Good morning friends! I'm finally back to work after my seminar and a few days of vacation. The seminar was just as expected...boring, but it got me out of the office for a few days. We did not do too much this weekend. Even my Birthday was uneventful!! One thing, however...I ate (a lot) last week....

    Now I really, REALLY need to watch my diet and get some heavy-duty exercise this week. Time to cut down on the carbs and processed stuff and start eating clean again.

    Stiring, it's time to dust off the old ShaunT Insanity CDs and see if my left knee will hold up. It seems like heavy cardio is the only thing that will reverse the trend and blast this fat layer once and for all. How are you doing with the new workouts? Kicking his butt (or is ShaunT whoopin' yours)? My money is on you!

    Wel, gotta go.. I'm really beat right now. I hope I can sleep when I get home.

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing...I am so glad to hear from you. I had actually thought that the thread was gone. I was looking for a new one. Happy to see you back. And a little "falling off the wagon" won't hurt as I know you will be back to the healthy guy that we all admire.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday, singfree!! Glad you enjoyed some time off, even if it was uneventful. Sometimes that's a good thing too. Good luck on Insanity. But listen to that knee. No doubt Insanity is tough on the knee joints.

    Regarding Asylum, it is a 30 day program, and I'm on my last week of it! I can't believe it because it has flown by. There are little things (like the warm-ups) about this program that I don't like as well as Insanity, but, on the whole, I really am loving this program. Based on what I can see, it was designed to improve athletic performance so the workouts are more athletic than Insanity's workouts (in other words, more emphasis on speed, agility and skill than on pure endurance). At first I didn't really appreciate that aspect of this program since I'm not an athlete (and have no plans to be one) but as I'm concluding the program, I'm really beginning to experience the benefits. It is definitely making my other workouts more effective and, in some cases, feel easier. I also like the variety of the program. There are three tough cardio workouts, but each has a different focus (one of speed/agility, one is plyo and one is sports based), one strength workout, and one workout focused solely on working the back of the core region. The latter two workouts are spectacular. The strength workout is definitely endurance-based, but it is one of those rare workouts where I feel like I've done everything--both cardio and total body strength--at the end of the 47 minutes. The back/core workout is one of the most unique workouts I've done since so many core workouts focus on the ab region. The ab region is hit alot in all of the other workouts, and I appreciate he takes time out to really work the back (from shoulders down through hamstrings). My lower back really appreciates it as well! There are also two add-ons....a stretching workout and a short cardio workout (15 minutes) which is TOUGH! So, all in all, a very thorough program. And, no doubt, Shaun T. is kicking my butt. But at my age, I'm just happy to be hanging in the same room with him! :happy:

    Hope everybody is doing well. I missed Friday's check-in :cry: as I was at a meeting of Friday and didn't get a chance to get on my computer. Nothing much new to report, though, as my eating still isn't great but I'm doing good with the workouts. My husband and I have become golf-obsessed, so our weekends have become about finding a place not too crowded to play golf!! I never imagined this for me, but there you go. I'm enjoying it. I'm hoping to start some lessons in the next couple of weeks so that maybe I can actually...you know....hit the ball. :blushing:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday All!

    Swiss, we didn't go anywhere, its just we're terrible posters on the weekend!

    Went home with a bad headache on Friday night, so no workout, which set the tone for the weekend. Got to get back on the wagon tonight. Eating was ok though.

    stiring, I'm exhausted, just reading your post. You probably are more fit then many athletes out there.

    We were looking at potential kitties to add to our household and fell in love with one that needs MFP, too! We have to be approved by the vet that is currently housing her, but can't imagine why they would no approve us, as we treat our cats like prince and princess. We've been throwing around possible names, front runners are Meadow, Firefly and Lilly. Feel free to chime in here with any good suggestions!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!! Last week of June!!! Where is the time going???? Sorry a little MIA, been busy lately. I had a fun weekend. My husband and I had a little getaway right here in town. Stayed at a hotel at the Riverwalk in downtown San Antonio. We went to see a Salsa Singer from PR on Sat night and decided to stay in downtown so we wouldnt have to worry about both drinking. It was nice. Yes, had a few drinks and also ate at restaurants but we had fun...this is another week. LOL Back to the routine today. Next week I am going to my second Zumba convention in Orlando. I cant wait. It is going to be a very special one, 10th yr anniversary of Zumba in the US!!!!

    Sing, welcome back!!! Good luck with Insanity. You can do it!!!! Would it help you to wear a brace on your left knee?

    Stiring, good to hear from you!! You should consider yourself an athlete. I read somewhere or a doctor told me, cant remember LOL, that once you exercise most days a week and train hard, like you do, you are considered an athlete. For example, when you are training for marathon/half marathon, lift weights, etc you are considered an athlete. With that said, you are...keep up the good work!!!

    Ladypersia, I miss running so much!!! :( I am glad that you have picked up that healthy addiction.

    I am hoping I am able to post everyday this week and keep up with all the posts. It will be another busy one and next week I will be leaving on Wed Jul 6 until Mon Jul 11 so there wont be much posting. I can check myfitnesspal in my phone but it is harder to read all the posts. I am not taking my laptop, planning on enjoying all the Zumba workshops/activities and do some relaxing as well. It is sort of my own little vacation since my husband and son are not going. My daughter might go but she hasnt decided yet and she is an adult who doesnt need me to take care of her. LOL

    Have a great Monday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf...I so envy you !!!! I will be in Florida this summer but not until August and then I will be a bit further west (Tampa). My granddaughter attends college in Orlando but I am sure that she is home at this time.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, I am not sure of that asylum...I am quite clumsy and would probably hurt myself doing that.

    :flowerforyou: Zebras, my daughter just got a tiny puppy and names him "Peanut". If your kitty is very little that may do. We have a kitten names "Scroll" but that is because she was found at the scroll compressor plant that I work at.

    I have been doing only 20 minutes of Zumba at home with my DVDs. I have been away from it so long that 20 minutes is the most I am able to do. I am going to have to build myself endurance back up.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Swiss thanks for the ideas. My friends had a cat named Peanut, as he was very tiny when they rescued him, by the time I met him, he was anything but. Our new addition needs to be on the treadmill with me, so I wanted an energetic sounding name, but husband is not yet un board with Firefly.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone! Sounds like you all are.....LIVING! Can't believe how fast time goes!

    Salvatore: I feel your pain with those kiddos! I have an almost 7 year old daughter going into the 2nd grade and an almost 11 year old son going into 6th. Flute lessons, 4-H sheep, swimming lessons, day camps, reading, yard work, animal care WHEW! I'm very fortuante in that my kids get along extremely well and overall are very nice to each other. I also have a Nanny who handles most of the kids activities while I'm at work, so I don't have EVERYTHING to do when I get home from work and can actually have time to excercise.

    Stiring: REALLY appreciated your perspective on "calories burned through excercise" from last week. I'm trying to better incorporate appreciating what I'm doing for my body rather than calories burned, into my psyche while excercising. It was great advice, thanks! I like to work out at home but I'm scared to death of Insanity and those other workouts you do. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner with not so great knees?

    Zebra: A new kitty yea! (I have three) I call those kinds of cats in my practice, Chunk-a-munks! :laugh: There is this great thing called an "Eggcersizer" that you can put their low cal food in and it makes them push it around to get the food out. So it is environmentally stimulating, and promotes wt loss through excercise! I thought my poor cat was going to starve before she figured it out though...she would sit and stare at it for hours knowing that if she just looked at it long enough that food would come out....like a mouse in a hole! Had to keep nudging it with my toes to get it to roll and have the food come out, ended up putting tuna juice on the inside of the holes so that she would nudge it with her head to smell the tuna and then the food would come out,she was like.......WOW manna from heaven! Then she kept rolling it and no more food would come out, and she was so confused! I think she thought it was an ENDLESS food dispenser...absolutely hilarious! As far as names go....how about Cricket? (Keeping with your insect theme there) Crickets are pretty cute energetic little guys will their jumping and chirping.......if the cat is a real talker it might be right. I'm sure you'll find something just right to fit his or her personality...let us know!

    Swiss: Is Peanut a dachsund? I get lots of Peanuts who are dachsunds!

    Sing: How was the Mormon Tabernacle choir concert?

    One week till my swimming in the triathalon! Yikes! Hitting the pool tonight and Wens in prep. REALLY need to get a wt lifting session in too but not sure when! Had a family reunion this weekend which was fun. I watched my calories really close all week and then just let myself eat whatever on Sat and Sun. Did pretty well with the meals but had SEVERAL desserts and candy, which is VERY unlike me. Did do a 6 mile hike on Saturday with the family, we went geocaching, lots of fun so felt that I wasn't a total dud. NOT weighing until Thursday to give myself time to recover from the weekend. I also took pictures on Friday to do a before and after spot on MFP success stories since I am officially half way to my goal. I told myself I would, not because I really want to, but because I am so appreciative of all those folks who posted their pics and stories months ago when I first started MFP, they were so helpful in keeping me motivated to reach my goal. I don't think I could have done it without them. If I can do that for someone else then it's worth having my large and still somewhat large backside on the internet! :blushing: July 7th is my official 1 year anniversary for starting my wt loss journey although I didn't find MFP till September, so hope to have it up by then.

    Hi to everyone else....especially the newcomers....Welcome. Have a great week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    So, Crewel, how do you do that for one cat but not the others? We just worked very hard at getting Petty Girl to gain about 1/2 lb recently, as she was looking too thin. Of course, Yogi gained more than that along side, and he didn't need any extra. But the new cat is both of them put together.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Swiss.... Yea, I understand what you are talking about. I always seem to be doing for others. I wouldn't mind as much if certain people showed a little appreciation for what I do for them.

    Sing.... So glad you are back! Are you still working nights? Happy belated birthday!

    Alf.... I love how you always make your rumba workouts to be like a party whenever you post on facebook. It totally makes me want to go.

    Stiring... You are truly inspiring. You are so dedicated to your workouts. Golf sounds like fun. I've never tried really golfing just the miniature kind :laugh:

    My daughter sent out the insanity program this morning so I will be able to start it this week. Good timing cuz I will be ending my TOM. I know, probably TMI. :laugh:

    I'm gonna take the dreaded "before pic" don't really want to look at that. Yuck! But maybe it will motivate me with that in my face.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Zebra: Old cat on Senior diet goes in the bathroon with his food, kitten goes in his carrier with his food and fat cat stays in the kitchen with the Eggcercizer. 20 minutes later we pick up everything and let eveyone out. Then we go the rounds again when we get home from school and again late evening. Within a week everyone is on the same page....if I don't eat now no more till afternoon. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron...have fun with the "insanity" I do not have to worry about this...but, is it bad to workout at TOM?

    :flowerforyou: crewellademel...Peanut is a mix of small poodle and chihuahua. He has the chihuahua body and face with hair that sort of sticks out. Last I weighed him he was 1 pound 8 ounces. He has a wonderful personality and loves to play with the cat. If I can figure it out I will put a pic of him here. I will have to wait til I am at home and have the time to mess with my computer.

    :flowerforyou: Zebras...you can always go with "Garfield" or his buddy "Nerkel". Not sure that is spelled right.

    I will not be going to the "Deep Water Power" class tonight because I am having to work over.:mad: :ohwell: It means for money in my paycheck.:smile: