JM 30 Day Shred



  • pawprintsinthesand
    This is technically day 10 for me but I started off doing it on alternate days so I've only done it 7 times. Finding level one too easy now compared to at the start where the squats and quad exercises really beat me and my legs so achey for 24hours afterwards that it was painful to sit down (especially noticed when trying to sit on the toliet). Really should start level 2 but haven't looked at it yet and fear the worse. I've got a job dog walking at the moment and being achey when I move is a big disadvantage.

  • PersianFlower
    PersianFlower Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in!

    Today will be 'Day 1' for me (I like starting on Mondays for things lol), I've done it once or twice when I got the DVD (about a month or so ago) but now that I'm out of college and settled in my job I have time to get started right!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    For those of you just starting, or not yet started, I just want to say don't let the pain get to you!! I am on day 5 today and have not taken a rest day, even though my thighs hurt so much I couldn't handle stairs! I was even popping Advil before working out, it was so bad! Do what you have to do, but push through and don't give up, today my pain is almost completely gone and I feel amazing!! I know we keep hearing about getting through those first few days, etc etc but here is just one more story that will hopefully keep you motivated! When it hurts just keep picturing the awesome body that will come from it =)
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    tjradd73- My 10K was good! The course was really hilly but I managed to finish close to my previous time... 1:02:55. (My previous time was 1:01:40). I'm really happy with myself considering I almost didn't run it at all because I have been dealing with a sore throat for a little while and I felt undertrained. Oh not to mention it had been thunderstorming all night and some parts of the course were flooded! LOL

    Now I'm excited to get through the rest of my shred!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Thanks for the responses about the muscle soreness going away. I am ready to get home to do day three. At this moment, I actually find myself looking forward to it.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I just finished my 1st day, second round! Still seem to have some endurance from the 1st round. It felt great, no pain so far..still not quite used to all the jumps but ill get the hang on it! :smile:
  • delana10
    delana10 Posts: 5
    I restrted today after failing miserably at my first attempt at this dvd about a month ago. So D1L1 is down in the record book...I'm a little sore in the legs and have a slight headache but nothing like the very first time I did it. Hopefully that means it will be "easier" to accomplish this time around. Good luck to everyone that is doing it.

    And I took my before pics this morning too :( Can't wait for the after!!!
  • nicole716
    nicole716 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow. :) i started it about 2 weeks ago but went out of town for 4 days so im going to restart. :) i'm excited!
  • Bneydgirl
    Bneydgirl Posts: 1
    So do y'all do it in addition to cardio or in place of?

    I decided this month MW would be a JM video on exercise on demand and TT would be run 20/eliptical 20 with a repeat of each on the weekend. I just love the cardio so it's hard to think of giving it up for a month...

    Any recs on what kind of results i could see with the above plan vs a true 30ds?
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm In! I'm still waiting for it in the mail tho. Hopefully I will get it by July 1st!
  • mommytoaiden
    mommytoaiden Posts: 75 Member
    I want to join as well, hop I am not too late!! I ordered the DVD on and I should have it tomorrow.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kory-I think that once your muscles get used to the workouts (day 3-4 of each level, probably) that you will be functioning as normal for your other workouts and walks!! only way to know for sure is to try and see, I guess! :wink: Let us know how it went today!

    Bditbobcat-great job on getting it done on your "hard" days!! that is the true challenge...and mine will be on my 12hour work days (sun-tues)!

    vitamina-welcome to the group! seeya on Wed!

    calicobonny-welcome!! and no worries...I am sure none of us love our befores!! :blushing:

    Mariam-great job as always!! and I will be honored to have you by my side during this little challenge!! LOL I am slightly dreading the shredding!!! :noway:

    Spud-sounds like you are ready for level 2!! just remember...your muscles WILL get used to it after only a few days!

    Adileh-I have also done it a few times in the past...and although I haven't had a change with my schedule...I just FEEL like I am ready to give it my all!! Let us know how it's going for you :smile:

    Des92-I am stoked to hear the change that you are already feeling from the shred!! CONGRATS on pushing through the pain and I can't wait to get to day 5!! :drinker:

    comcatee-CONGRATS on your 10K!!:drinker: Sounds like you have got an excellant pace going for yourself! I only have done 2 10Ks in the past and they were both mud runs (obstacle courses) I think I finished at 1:51 and 1:37 (they say to add 30min onto your norm time to compensate for the obstacles)...I would like to do it 1 more time, and shoot for less then 1:30 (my last one was 2 yrs ago!) It is only 1/year so next June it is for me!!

    WalkingGirl-I am excited to see how round 2 compares to round 1!! and also to see how your results compare! Great job!

    Delana-glad to hear that it seems a little bit better this time around!! I hope it keeps getting easier for you, and you can finish it out strong!

    Nicole-welcome to the group!!

    2 days til start!!!!
  • wannabahotmom
    I'm IN!!! I am waiting for my 30DS to come in the mail and hopefully I"ll be able to start it on the 29th too. I'll have my starting stats and pictures! Can't wait to see all of our progress after the 30 days is up :) Love this thread!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bneydgirl-I think that your results will be a little diff then just doing the shred for 30 days straight...but the higher the calorie burn the more fat loss you will have, and the more strength you do, the more toning oyu will have! I am gonna focus on just the 30DS (since there has been such great results with just that) and then adding in yoga once/wk and walking 10,000 steps Sun-Tues while i am at work!

    CaWaterBug-starting July 1st will be great!! I am shooting for 30 out of 35 days (ending August 3rd) and some of the others are starting a little later/earlier due to personal reasons! Welcome aboard...and don't forget your before STATS/PICS!

    mommytoaiden-Nope!! not too late...we are starting Wednesday, so perfect timing!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm IN!!! I am waiting for my 30DS to come in the mail and hopefully I"ll be able to start it on the 29th too. I'll have my starting stats and pictures! Can't wait to see all of our progress after the 30 days is up :) Love this thread!

    welcome to the group!! can't wait to see how you do with Day 1...I will be right along with ya girl!
  • wara501
    wara501 Posts: 7 Member
    Wish I would have had you all 27 days ago! I only have 3 days left! I haven't taken any days off and it has been tough. But, I decided to push thru the pain and just do it! It has so been worth it. I have lost 7 lbs and lots of inches! My clothes are fitting better so I am so happy with the results. I plan on taking a 9 day break (due to a family vaca) and picking right back up on the 10th of July with Ripped in 30! I can't wait!!! I am addicted to Jillian. I now have faith that I will be wearing my skinny jeans within the next few months!
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    :love: I LOVE this so far!

    Do you think it's too much to do 6 Week Six-Pack at the same time?
  • vitamina19
    vitamina19 Posts: 30
    :love: I LOVE this so far!

    Do you think it's too much to do 6 Week Six-Pack at the same time?
    I was wondering the same thing. Has anyone done it?
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Okay, done with L1D2. I am sore but in a good way. I made a smoothie for after, was under my calories and I feel great - but tired. I am also doing the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Challenge, so I try to do her 2 or 3 mile walks everyday. I have the 5 mile advanced walk coming in the mail soon. My plan is to do 45 - 60 min of Cardio at least 5 days a week on top of the 30 day shred. I am following the diabetic diet that I was given when I had gestational diabetes. It isn't extreme, just an all around healthy way of eating. No cutting out certain foods, just paying very close attention to portion sizes and keeping carbs in check.

    Anyone else following a diet?
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Finished day 4! I really like this work out. The 3-2-1 pattern really works for me and I like that I only have to have 20 minutes. It's hard to commit a lot of time with a 6 month old. I am thinking of adding in the Ripped in 30 and the C25k. All together that would only be an hour and A half broke into 3 separate sections. I want this weight GONE!