Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Well, the cleanse is over and I am jonesing for my donut. My son is stopping to get me one after the gym. Had yoga this morning and then day two of painting and putting up new baseboard trim. Tonight we are heading down to my father in laws for our monthly dinner. It is about a 2 1/2 hour trip on way for a 2 hour dinner but it makes him happy. Hope everyone has a great day!!


    Welcome newbies feel free to add me!!

    Cari - Keep a positive attitude and away from the smokes. You can do it. That bike ride sounds awesome. I love doing stuff like that. Great job on the run. I hear you on the music. It kills me when I forget to charge my headphones. I actually signed up for Apple Music - I love the workout playlists.

    @JenHul - great job walking during flag football. I remember those days. I also remember putting a beer in my water bottle to making the night more enjoyable though...

    @ChangeIsADecision - if praying work, WORK IT. I find if I don't start I am find but if I have one bite I am done for. I have not will power with a taste. I wish I could get to that point

    @goonietime - you make it to the gym? Hope so.

    @danan01 - have a great visit with the in laws and if you eat out remember to try to stay on point.

    @chasidee90 - great job.

    Nichole - just be patient. It will be over in about 15 years. Then she will realize you are not an idiot again. I think my oldest is almost there. He turns 20 this year.

    @janetay01 - I find quick gain quick lose. You can do it.

    @health_guard - have you tried making "omlets" in cupcake muffin tins. I used to make these all the time when I was working. They were great in the morning and I could just pop them in the microwave.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 373 Member
    @FitEqualsSmile What a great idea ;) drinking and exercising......I'll have to be careful I don't break out into my stellar dance moves! I don't think the kids will like that....

  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 373 Member
  • carolinejr14
    carolinejr14 Posts: 3 Member
    I only want to lose about 10 pounds and firm up. Trying to do it by eating healthy and exercising regularly. It helps to track what I do here, keeps me motivated and focused on my personal goals.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Oh, Nichole, I feel your pain! I have said before I would take colicky triplets over one older teenager in the parenting department! Honestly, it takes an incredible amount of patience (and self control not to kill them!). That is why I drink so much wine! LOL!! Think of a phrase or mantra to say when you are ready to lose it, and just keep repeating it in your head until you don't feel like going postal anymore. :)

    JenHul - I love that meme! I SO wish it was Friday. Feels like the longest week this week, it's just dragging!

    @chasidee90 Congrats on your progress, you are doing great. I like how you have cheat meals in there, rewards work! Keep up the good work and good attitude.

    Dana - I ate taco's last night! I forgot it was cinco de mayo today!! (I didn't eat 20, I made it into a big healthy taco salad!)

    @MFPJVAL we have all been discouraged. We've all stalled. We've all fallen so far off the wagon we couldn't even make it out in the distance. But we are all still here, and still trying! So don't worry, the weight loss will catch up, just keep pushing forward and sweating and eating healthy. It takes time, and it takes patience, but it will happen! Keep coming back, we are all in the same boat, just at different times. (thankfully!)

    @health_guard I like that idea of the eggs and veggies - I'm going to do that this weekend too. Sometimes I get in a slump and eat the same sorts of things every week, and it's getting boring! Maybe I will get my hubs to make those on Mother's Day morning instead of waffles with strawberries and whip cream (which is the usual mother's day brunch at my house). Gotta tell him to keep it healthy on Sunday!

    Jen @ChangeIsADecision Praying is not weird! I do it all the time. Mostly for patience with my 21 year old! HA!! I tell him quite often "watch yourself, because it will be homicide, not suicide for me!" He just laughs and keeps up his shenanigans!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • saramarie495
    saramarie495 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Sara, I'm 16 years old and trying my best to be healthy :) About two years ago I used to weigh 167lbs, but I managed to fight off 33 of those lbs and am now sitting proudly at 134! I'd love to provide motivation for others! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • goonietime
    goonietime Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I did make it! I did laps in the pool for an hour and I am so glad I went!
  • tarynbearyn
    tarynbearyn Posts: 25 Member
    MFPJVAL wrote: »
    Today I am feeling very discouraged. I have been doing good with my diet, tracking and exercise for the last month. I even upped my step goal from 10,000 to 13,000 steps a day because I was averaging 14,000 but I weighed myself last night and have not lost a pound. My trainer says he sees me slimming down and thinks I am just losing inches and building muscle but I just don't know. So frustrating!

    I guess I will just have to keep going, what else can I do.

    Sorry for the vent fest :) - thanks!

    Use a measuring tape and track the inches! Or make it about personal gains, can you lift more today than you did yesterday? Go a bit faster on a run? Small victories help!

    For me, trying to to surrender and have a margarita today!....
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Jen, Shy has an under the desk bike that she uses all the time. :)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    What is that sound you may ask? Well, that was me falling off the wagon, again....
    Dinner with friends was not how I'd planned. Eating out is probably not a great idea right now for me when my will power is at it's weakest. Whooops.
    Oh well, I'm off to sleep now, and tomorrow is a new day....
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Rachel0778 - what a great goal to have and well done with the baggy trousers, that's a good victory and reminder that you are on the right track :)
    @MFPJVAL - it is so hard when you don't see the number move but remember that it's not all about the weight and that's really great feedback from your trainer. It sounds like you are doing so well so keep it up and you will get to where you want to be.
    @FitEqualsSmile - hope you enjoyed the meal with your father in law. That's a long way to go for a meal - good for you for making the effort knowing that he enjoys it. My father in law is on his own now but is a 4-5 hour drive away depending on traffic and it's hard - it is far more than just a quick pop to visit him, particularly now when we have to plan and pack for the little one as well!
    @JenHul - love the meme, sums up exactly how I felt yesterday. I'm so glad today is Friday - why is it that when you work a short week, it feels soooooo much longer??
    @ngolden3320 - no experience of the teenage years (yet!) but feel your pain, I'm not sure I'll always have the ability to keep my mouth shut! What do you mean by getting her temps?
    @goonietime - well done you, I'm looking forward to going swimming tomorrow!
    @CariTJR - I've fallen off the wagon myself and you have so much more justification given the month you've had. Don't sweat it - tomorrow (or today :) ) is another day and you'll get back on track over time.

    So, so glad it's Friday - the sun is shining and we've got a busy weekend in prospect. Two play dates for Alistair (one at ours and one at someone elses house) - he has far more of a social life than me!! Swimming tomorrow afternoon and somewhere along the line I need to find the time to do some batch cooking for Alistair's meals. Oh and I have a herb planter in the garage which needs weather proofing so that I can put it in the garden and actually grow some herbs in it. Have a good day all!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My second day dressed and out. I'm on my way to a Melt class this morning to ease into activity after a week of recuperating from a cold.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    For Revenge of the Sixth and Meme Friday:

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome Newcomers, keep posting!

    @MFPJVAL I agree that taking measurments sounds like a great idea! I haven't budged on the scale but my pants are a lot looser. The scale really doesn't tell the whole picture

    @FitEqualsSmile How was the magical doughnut? Was it everything you were hoping for and more?

    @jkhoffe My friend used to have one and loved it. Apparently they sell them online at Target for a pretty reasonable price. I agree with the fitbit article. I can get pretty obsessive about things which is why I don't have a fitbit, but it works well for people who are less obsessive than I am.

    @CariTJR Don't worry too much. You're easing back into the routine this week and there's bound to be bumps! Just think of all the progress you made with running already! I would totally mass murder people without coffee

    @janetay01 Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! I hope you both have fun at all the playdates

    Tonight a local bar is doing a zumba and buti yoga night. My friend and I are making a girls night out of it and I am so excited! I am all about wearing workout gear and tennis shoes to the bar and having wine with yoga :) Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Rachel0778 - that sounds like a fun evening - enjoy!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone! We made it to the weekend! I hope everyone has a great weekend, get your work outs in, even if it is going for a walk for 20 minutes. Try to eat healthy and pre-plan the meals if you can! And for all the moms out there, enjoy Mother's Day, and hopefully someone is going to pamper you and you won't have to do the dishes!