May 2016 Running Challenge



  • MLS1582
    MLS1582 Posts: 71 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ Congrats on your race! It looks like it was awesome.
    @Orphia I love your picture from the park run!
    I didn't want to do it, but I went ahead and put in my 4.8 miles today, which gets me caught up to my training plan (earlier this week, I cut a run short due to rain).
    5/1 - 4.5m easy
    5/2 - 4m easy then fast w/rain
    5/4 - 3.2m moderate w/rain
    5/6 - 2.5m moderate
    5/7 - 6m RACE 11:10 pace
    5/8 - 4.8 easy
    5/9 -
    5/10 -
    5/12 -
    5/14 -
    5/15 -
    5/17 -
    5/19 -
    5/20 -
    5/21 -
    5/22 -
    5/24 -
    5/26 -
    5/27 -
    5/28 -
    5/29 -
    5/31 -
    Total: 25/94

    5/7 - Sgt. Larner Memorial 10k
    6/25 - Jackson River Scenic Trail 10k
    9/4 - VA Beach R&R Half Marathon
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks for the kind words @ROBOTFOOD @louubelle16 @Orphia @ariceroni @MLS1582 @Elise4270

    @MNLittleFinn Great race for you and your mother, what a lovely way to spend mothers day together.

    @Ch1psNQueso That sounds like a really bad accident. Glad to hear you are feeling better, welcome back!

    @louubelle16 Oh no, I just read your race report, how horrible was that? I think we got hit by the same heat wave, seems like was all over Europe this weekend. It was quite unexpected here too - I think neither London nor Geneva are supposed to be warmer than Madrid this time of the year (or ever). I saw quite a few runners being treated as well during the second half of the course.
    Before the weekend, I was annoyed that the full marathoners started at 11am and could sleep in, while I had to be there at 8:30am for the half - now I'm really glad, this way at least the first 45 minutes or so where fine, until I started noticing the rising temperatures. And no craziness like car drivers on the course - as if the heat wasn't already enough to deal with!
    I'm really sorry for you that you had such a bad time! That you finished in such a great time despite everything is impressive, you can be really proud of yourself!


  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    5/1 - 2 mi
    5/4 - 2 mi
    5/7 - 2 mi
    5/8 - 2 mi

    8 down 22 to go.

    Forgot to log yesterday's run.

    I have signed up for a 5k at work on 5/20. I am planning to run it in intervals since I haven't done 3 miles in a while. Not really worried about time since it is at high noon and last year it was so hot I almost over heated passed out so this year I am planning better.

    So I have a question if anyone can help me. I am stuck on Week 5 day 3 of my Couch to 10k app. It is the dreaded 20 minute non-stop run. I have completed this program before and was up to 5 mile runs so I know I can do it but I am just stuck right now. My question is this... how bad is it if I don't complete it. I am perfectly happy using run/walk intervals and week 6 day 1 goes back to them. Week 6 day 3 and everything after is solid runs until week 9 it goes back to 10 minute intervals when is gets into the bridge to 10k part, there are just more of them. So I guess my question is this... How important is it to keep banging my head against the wall until I complete it?

    Planned races:
    5/20 Move More Spring 5K
    6/11 Run and Ride 5k at Cedar Point
    Oct, Nov, and Dec 5 mile trail series
    Dec Santa Hussle Half Marathon
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @ROBOTFOOD - Everyone talks about Heartbreak Hill in Boston, but it's really the downhills that beat you up. But wow! 5200 feet of drop is way more than Boston, where I found it easier to run gentle inclines than gentle declines after the first 20 miles.

    @louubelle16 - That's brutal weather to run in. I ran a half in temperature like that last July, and it was the most miserable half I've ever done. It's a true accomplishment just to finish under those conditions.

    @_nikkiwolf_ - Nice race report! Good planning, and good adjusting the plan to circumstances! And yes, starting earlier is better on a day when the temperature starts out reasonable and rises.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    May Running Totals (miles)
    5/1 – 3.11 easy
    5/2 – rest day
    5/3 – extra rest day
    5/4 – 3.51 almost easy
    5/5 – 6.34 easy
    5/6 – planned rest day
    5/7 – 11.02 with pace group
    5/8 – extra rest day

    May total to date – 23.98

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 150 miles
    Real Goals: Recover from Boston and Flower City. Build Base. Start training program for Rochester Marathon.

    Today's notes – After yesterday's 11 miles, today my right leg is sore again to the point where I sometimes need to hold the rail going down stairs and running is clearly a Bad Idea. Sigh. At this point, I'm about forced to admit that this is not simply recovery, it's injury. Tomorrow I'll call my PT for an appointment. I might need some other specialty such as an orthopedist, but I have a relationship with a PT so that's where I'll start.

    Bummer. I may end up backing off to volunteer at Lilac Run instead of even pretending to race it. :(

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY)
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY)
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hilton, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)

  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    To everyone running and racing...Cheers!

    5/1....................3.00..................3.00...laChocolat Run 5K 34:28
    5/2....................3.00................. 6.00
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    But I loved your video because I miss tile roofs and windows that open to the side. When I was a teenager, my family lived in Germany, and our cat would jump out the window onto the roof, easy as you please and then come back in when she felt ready.
    Okay, now I'm baffled - I only went to the US a handful of times, and the last time is already more than ten years ago, but I never noticed that there weren't any tile roofs. And even more puzzling - you don't have windows that open to the side? So only slider windows, where you can only get half the window to be open at a time? The only other kinds of window I can think of which don't open to the side are those pivot windows, but I've only ever seen them on roofs, not for lower-floor rooms.

    I had one of those pivot windows as a kid. And the one thing our cat enjoyed more than walking around on the roof was to balance on the window edge and enjoy the view - so that I had to wait for him to make up his mind before I could close the window once he was completely in or out :D

    I'm just now reading, so I don't know if anyone else has answered you, but at least here in Virginia, and where I grew up in Illinois, everyone has shingled roofs (usually black) or occasionally around here you'll see cedar shake roofs (rare) or other wooden shingles on mansard roofs. I've only seen pivot windows on very expensive homes or very old homes.
  • Katiebug89
    Katiebug89 Posts: 18 Member
    May 6 - 2 miles
    May 7 - 6 miles
    May 8 - 2 miles

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I see people with these lists of races they're slogging through and wonder how on earth anybody can afford the registration costs for all these things. lol

    I got a great deal on registrations for 4 local races and a pair of shoes for $180 at Christmastime. A lot of the other races I do are in the $30 range, so I guess I feel like they're cheaper than a lot of other entertainment. The only fees I've cried over is the RunDisney one that I'm skipping because my travel companion is sick with cancer. And then more because of the reason than the money (although I'll admit the money hurts, too).
    MLS1582 wrote: »
    I ran my first 10K race today. I came in dead last, while running a pace that was a full minute faster than I had planned (because I was last). Officially, I finished in 1:07:18, but I think they directed me to cut the last corner (like cut it off entirely) because my watch only had me doing an even 6 miles. I'm really torn - I feel like crap for finishing last and being so slow they had me drop almost a quarter mile just to get me across the finish line, but I'm also really freaking proud to have run 6 miles at an 11:10 pace! I will not be running this race again - ever.

    I'm currently at 20 of 94 miles for the month.

    I've run several 10k races and my fastest speed is 1:09--and I normally come in smack dab in the middle of my age group, so I think you did really well. Congratulations!
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    @louubelle16 - people call me crazy for signing up for races in the winter where it's really cold. But honestly, I can handle cold, heat no so much. I'm super sensitive to high temperatures, especially sudden increases (I got lightheaded dealing with a sudden increase to 74 F the other day). I'll still do races in the summer but usually shorter ones that start early in the morning, haha. Congrats on finishing!

    (oh and as a former EMT, those kinds of races can be tough just making sure everyone that's laying down is okay enough for now and not having heat stroke. Hopefully they called in some reinforcements).
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    MLS1582 wrote: »
    @MobyCarp @Elise4270 @_nikkiwolf_ @skippygirlsmom
    Thank you! I did need to hear all of that! I wish there were a better way for race organizers to clue people in to the pace/culture of any given race. If I'd realized how fast this race would be, I'd have chosen a different one for my first 10K. Having a polite, smiling police officer say, "Go ahead and just cut across here; we're picking up the cones behind you," was a major blow to my self-esteem as runner!
    I have another 10K at the end of June, and I'm hoping it will be a better experience. (It's a 5k, 10k and HM, so I KNOW I won't be last!) :smiley:

    If it's your trail race, don't be surprised if you don't hit your 1:07 time, either. Depending on the terrain, those crazy trails can add a lot of time. (But I think they're way more fun!)
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @louubelle16 and @_nikkiwolf_ Congratulations on your fabulous HMs!

    Sadly, in spite of my best intentions, I did not get to go for a run on this beautiful day. My kids had need of me, and I guess even on Mother's Day, the Mom gig deal is that you still need to take care of them first. That's ok...they're cool kids. :)

    My plan for this week is a 4-5 miles and strength training two days in a row on Monday and Tuesday, and as long a run as I can stand on Wednesday (I'm hoping for 6-8 miles, but a lot will depend on the weather). Thursday I'm busy and then Friday is surgery. Can I say that one of my biggest fears of being out of commission for a week or more is that I won't go back to running when it's over? :( I have failed so many times at sticking with my "lifestyle" changes, and this is the first time I've really had any serious challenge to my new way of living in two years (if you don't count holiday food and such). I keep telling myself that I find such joy in running now, and I have all sorts of fun races to keep me motivated...but that niggling fear is there in the back of my mind. So I'm asking you, my running friends, to pray for me or wish me good mojo-jojo or whatever positive thing you might do, that I would come back and keep going.

    5/2...4.25 @ 12:22 on the hilly lake trail
    5/3...3.0 @ 13:00 (this is really 2.0 @ 12:00 and 1.0 walking) on the treadmill and strength training day
    5/4...4.25 @ 11:51 (most of it was around 11:30, but mile 4 is a brutal hill) on the neighborhood rail trail
    5/5...2 miles walking. I'm not counting it, but thought I'd throw it in here as my "active rest" day
    5/6...5.0 @ 11:21 on the treadmill, since it's raining pairs of cats and dogs straight onto the ark...
    5/7-8 Rest/life days

    Completed races:
    1/18 MLK 8K, Burke, VA 56:14
    2/22 Princess Half, Orlando FL, 2:49:33
    4/23 Healthy Strides Community 10K, Burke, VA 1:14:29
    4/30 Run for the Children 8K, Fairfax, VA 56:35

    Upcoming races:
    5/21 RunFitKidz 5K, Springfield, VA (maybe--if recovered enough from surgery)
    6/12 Celebrate Fairfax 5K, Fairfax, VA
    7/4 Freedom 5K, Fairfax VA
    9/5 Great American 5K, Fairfax, VA
    Either Hemlock Half or Divas Half in September
    10/30 MCM 10K, Washington, DC
    11/6 The Parks 10K, Washington, DC
    11/19 Potomac River Half, Carderock, MD


  • 19MotherRunner80
    19MotherRunner80 Posts: 37 Member
    ran my 10k race today. It was a bit of struggle physically and mentally but I pushed through and managed to place 1st for my age division...yay! race recap on blog if anyone is interested:

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited May 2016
    30th annual Brian Harms Memorial Race. 274 Runners Total. 66 in 16km, 85 in 8km, 123 in 5km.
    Probably had that number of walkers also, plus its an open course through River Valley Parkland Trails and you would come across other people walking/running etc who weren't in the event.

    Got up at 5:30 for the 2 Hour drive to pick up my Bib and Race package. Building opened at 8:00am.
    Scheduled 9:00 am start pushed back to 9:30 due to Weather concerns.

    8km Results.
    Remember when races were in Miles? That's why we had the Funky distance of 8 and 16km.

    25/85 BIB 8197 B Johnson M5059 ( 3rd in AG ) 44:25 5:34/Km 8:57/Mile PB pace B) .

    I have been a 6.00 min/km rock for the last year.
    A fellow racer would look at their GPS watch and ##***## because it failed, would look at me with that desperation/confusion. I would look at my old watch - Not GPS ( my GPS Running Watch had a failure when I tripped on a Root and Fell last fall ) - and say were 27 mins in so we are at km 4.7 etc. Give me a time and I would give you the approximate distance we were at. 3 HM's in 2016 and all around 6:00/km, So I don't know where this new PB Pace came from. But I like It.

    So we went out in Brutal Conditions - From Gov't of Canada Weather Report - Showers ending this evening then partly cloudy. Local smoke.
    Wind west 30 km/h (18.6mph) gusting to 50km/h ( 31.1mph ) becoming light near midnight.
    High plus 7C ( 45F ) Low plus 2C ( 36F ) .
    The race directors were thinking about cancelling the event but we had a Participant discussion and it was unanimous and as one runner said we had all signed the waiver, the volunteers were ready to go so off we went.

    Started with the Wind at our back for the first km and then turned into the trees. Just past the 2 km sign there was a tree blown down across the course, skirt around the branch's and jumped over the trunk then looked at my watch and seen that I was at 10:40. OH OH going out to fast SLOW DOWN - is what I thought - that's not what I did. It was feeling good so I just went with it. Had a group of about 8 with me all fairly close in pace so we fed off each other. At 3km we had a long slow down hill. Just before the 4 km turn we had a short steep uphill - what goes down must go up. Lost half the group. 21:30ish minutes? not possible kept on keeping on. Back down the Short Steep hill. Got back to the Long Slow Hill and lost the rest of the group. Could just see the outlines of 3 people ahead of me through the trees - what the heck lets go catch them. I don't really understand it yet but Dang it was working today and I caught them. Hurdled the tree again, went around the corner and there was another New Tree laying across the trail.

    Remember we started with the Wind at our Backs - What do you think the Finish was like?
    Came out of the Trees and turned straight into the Wind. Brutal - felt like I was dragging a Parachute. Head Down point it into the wind and keep moving. Might sound strange but we had a short 200 m section exposed to the cross wind and it was harder than the head wind - kept pushing you off the trail with the gusts.
    Crossed the line - Stopped my watch It said 44:42 - My chip Time 44:25. I was shocked and still on the runners PB High. As you can tell by my long winded post.

    05/01 – 0.0 Km – 0.0 - 140 km
    05/01 – 10.0 Km – 10.0 - 130 km
    05/05 – 14.0 Km – 24.0 - 116 km
    05/08 – 8.0 Km – 32.0 - 108 km – YTD 546.8 km

    4 members of our club were out and all 4 of us had Top 3 Finish's AG or Overall. + 2 Honouary Member's ( former residents ) also got hardware. One Girl got New shoes and we all Howled with laughter - if you looked at her shoes closely she has worn through the Tread Layer on the Toe/Pushoff point right through to the next layer.

    Next event in 2 weeks. Basically the same course ran from the other end with a 2 km loop around a water reservoir. Due to Road Construction - Bridge Work the Trails are cut in Half resulting in Multiple Short Loops rather than the normal Out and Back.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Friday is surgery. Can I say that one of my biggest fears of being out of commission for a week or more is that I won't go back to running when it's over? So I'm asking you, my running friends, to pray for me or wish me good mojo-jojo or whatever positive thing you might do, that I would come back and keep going.

    @5BeautifulDays I will be Calling up all the Mo-Jo I have and making Sure to Harass You - in the Most Politically Correct way - in the Running Group and the Swimming Group!!!!! To get back out here and get back in the routine. o:)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    edited May 2016
    Quick update just to post my miles; work and life are crazy right now... heading back to Dallas in the morning for most of this week again. Than I hope to get back to a more regular schedule for running, working, living, etc..
    I did have a fabulous run on Saturday - the kind where you just want to keep going and going - so I did. Went out to go 4-5 and ended up with 10 and it felt great during and afterwards. This base building business seems to be working!

    05/02.......5.16..........5.16 - + Agility
    05/03.......0.00..........5.16 - Dallas
    05/05.......0.00..........9.41 - Home
    05/08.......2.50........21.94 - Dog beach run


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    06/25/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    09/xx/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    xx/xx/xx - Nike Women's Half Marathon, Los Angeles
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @juliet3455 8 km in 44:25 is outstanding! Yay, you!
  • biscuitnow
    biscuitnow Posts: 141 Member


    Ankle hurts a little after this morning's run - I hope that'll clear up by itself. :neutral:

    My heart rate is also still pretty high (167 avg on today's run) although I'm learning to run slowly and not get out of breath. It has been always been volatile though and my last ECG was fine. The HR discussion a few pages back makes me wonder if that's maybe just my normal running HR. I guess I'll find out in the long run, no pun intended.

    Have an awesome day, everyone! :smile:
  • Anabbee
    Anabbee Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks to those sharing race reports. I love reading them!

    So I really wanted to get out today, even just for a walk would have been great, but feeling sick, tired, shift work, and 2 year old, made my exercise impossible today. I guess I got lightly active with cleaning etc. And I'm sure to fit something in tomorrow. This Saturday is my walking half marathon, so I'm not overdoing the running this week anyway.

    May 1 No run
    May 2 3km run
    May 3 Sick! Cold!
    May 4 Sick! rest!
    May 5 2km
    May 6 Hill walk...small amount of running
    May 7 5km!!!
    May 8 rest
    May 9 blah, still sick with a cold etc

    Total: Run 10km/ 50 km
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited May 2016
    Did 5.8 km yesterday and my watch says I walked 30 km in total. I might over did it a bit.

    After 3 days of constant raining I managed to do some running again. Huray.

    Noticed a lot of people got injured lately. That sucks. I know that feel. Just find something to replace running with for the time being. It feels like hell but you will manage

    May 01 - rest
    May 02 - 4.1 km
    May 03 - rest
    May 04 - rest
    May 05 - 5 km
    May 06 - rest
    May 07 - 4.1 km
    May 08 - 5.8 km


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    ??/??: VeterRUN 6.7k