Women over 40 who want to lose weight, support and motivate each other.



  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    How do I add people or request friends?

    Click on the person's name and it should pop up. It will prompt you to send a mesage if you are using your phone app.
  • flamebroiled
    flamebroiled Posts: 3 Member
    41 here and just hit 100 days of MFP with a 15lb loss. Looking to stay motivated and remove another 40 lbs of baby weight ( they are 15 & 18 yrs) :/ Now that my kids are older I don't have any real excuses to not get moving. I could definitely use some support.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    modmom1 wrote: »
    I just want to say that fitness over 40 is hard work and totally possible! I'm 46 and I have battled a lifetime of bad nutrition, fad diets and weight loss/weight gain too. And the universe thought it would be a kick to throw thyroid dysfunction and vertigo in there too.

    Five years ago I started making small changes to my nutrition, then moved into strength training. I have no desire to go the road of a bodybuilder, but I do strive for a balanced life of health, fitness, mindfulness (and cookies! lol). It continues to be daily work as I learn more and more about my body. Setbacks happen and I deal with those too.

    A year ago I became a personal trainer and opened a small gym in my home to help other ladies learn to strength train (the key to healthy aging in my opinion). I'm no lifelong expert but I gladly share what I have learned, hoping to give someone else motivation to find their way. Honestly, helping other gives me the motivation to keep doing what I do. I never liked working out, but I've learned to love it.

    Please feel free to add me. I don't want to get in trouble for saying this (I don't know if it's allowed), but I've just started a facebook page for motivation and celebration purposes (I don't sell anything online or endorse any products). The page is REALLY new (I haven't even told my friends yet lol) but I want to give my clients and others a place to learn, celebrate their victories and find support when needed. I would welcome conversation! https://www.facebook.com/flexandflexibility/

    Please know that you can do this!! It has nothing to do with willpower...that's crap. It's about mindfulness. Knowing that every decision you make leads to an outcome. Its hard work but that just makes the journey sweeter.

    Thank you for your post. I have been struggling on this journey for 4 years and now I have relized how important the role of mindfulness is.
  • Ohiomom91
    Ohiomom91 Posts: 34 Member
    Mamabelle4 wrote: »
    Hiya - another 40+ here. Need to lose 70lb but will take it in baby steps. I'm still blaming baby weight - but the "baby" is turning 3 years old this week

    I'm 46 and could really use the motivation and support. Ideally I would like to lose 50-60 pounds. Oh and my "babies" are 25 and 18 and I'm still hanging on to baby weight!! LOL
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Ohiomom91 wrote: »
    Mamabelle4 wrote: »
    Hiya - another 40+ here. Need to lose 70lb but will take it in baby steps. I'm still blaming baby weight - but the "baby" is turning 3 years old this week

    I'm 46 and could really use the motivation and support. Ideally I would like to lose 50-60 pounds. Oh and my "babies" are 25 and 18 and I'm still hanging on to baby weight!! LOL

    Darn Baby weight
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    How do I add people or request friends?

    It's not very intuitive. Click on someones' name and send them a message requesting they become friends. I'll send you a message - you should then see the option to friend me.
  • goldengirljake
    goldengirljake Posts: 21 Member
    46 years old and need to lose 30 lbs - it's really hard !! Especially with all the changes with our bodies (hormones) and metabolism slowing down.
  • RobinCaputo1974
    RobinCaputo1974 Posts: 1 Member
    Please count me in! 42 and my goal is to lose 90 lbs over 2 years. I'm 15 lbs down and just started using this website recently. Accontibilibuddies rule!
  • eeyorebelieves213
    eeyorebelieves213 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there. In 41yo, will be 42 in August and would like to lose 25lbs by then. I'm not losing it as quickly as I did when I was younger. Definitely a lot harder to lose weight over 40. Feel free to friend me as I would love accountability partners and motivation.
  • dmcatlady
    dmcatlady Posts: 65 Member
    Most important thing is to enjoy ourselves
    No guilt. You have been doing pretty good. I am confident you will get to your goal.

    Thanks! I definitely agree. I know I'm going to have bad days (or weekends even) but I just accept it and do my best to get back on track afterwards. Yesterday it was back to eating better (for the most part) and a nice evening walk as well. I need to stop the carbs, I had a few yesterday which I know didn't help. The bread really gets to me and slows things down.

    I'm considering adding a fast into my plan. My husband does it and even his own doctor swears by it. I know others that do it too. I can't do it regularly because I don't think it would be good to do when I have tennis matches to play, but I think I could work it in maybe once a week. My SIL does a 24 hour fast once a week, but I'm thinking of starting with maybe 12 or 18 hours at first and seeing how I do. There are days when I think I could manage it.

    I will consider it later this week or maybe early next week and see how things go. I'm afraid that this week's weigh-in (tomorrow morning) won't be as great as I was hoping. I think I might just be even with last week, but guess it's better than gaining. We'll see.
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    I've tried to add a few more people, but it doesn't seem to be working for me today.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    dmcatlady wrote: »
    Most important thing is to enjoy ourselves
    No guilt. You have been doing pretty good. I am confident you will get to your goal.

    Thanks! I definitely agree. I know I'm going to have bad days (or weekends even) but I just accept it and do my best to get back on track afterwards. Yesterday it was back to eating better (for the most part) and a nice evening walk as well. I need to stop the carbs, I had a few yesterday which I know didn't help. The bread really gets to me and slows things down.

    I'm considering adding a fast into my plan. My husband does it and even his own doctor swears by it. I know others that do it too. I can't do it regularly because I don't think it would be good to do when I have tennis matches to play, but I think I could work it in maybe once a week. My SIL does a 24 hour fast once a week, but I'm thinking of starting with maybe 12 or 18 hours at first and seeing how I do. There are days when I think I could manage it.

    I will consider it later this week or maybe early next week and see how things go. I'm afraid that this week's weigh-in (tomorrow morning) won't be as great as I was hoping. I think I might just be even with last week, but guess it's better than gaining. We'll see.

    When I overeat or indulge too much with processed carbs I fast the next day for at least 5 hours. Works wonders for me. Baby steps.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited May 2016
    modmom1 wrote: »
    I just want to say that fitness over 40 is hard work and totally possible! I'm 46 and I have battled a lifetime of bad nutrition, fad diets and weight loss/weight gain too. And the universe thought it would be a kick to throw thyroid dysfunction and vertigo in there too.

    Five years ago I started making small changes to my nutrition, then moved into strength training. I have no desire to go the road of a bodybuilder, but I do strive for a balanced life of health, fitness, mindfulness (and cookies! lol). It continues to be daily work as I learn more and more about my body. Setbacks happen and I deal with those too.

    A year ago I became a personal trainer and opened a small gym in my home to help other ladies learn to strength train (the key to healthy aging in my opinion). I'm no lifelong expert but I gladly share what I have learned, hoping to give someone else motivation to find their way. Honestly, helping other gives me the motivation to keep doing what I do. I never liked working out, but I've learned to love it.

    Please feel free to add me. I don't want to get in trouble for saying this (I don't know if it's allowed), but I've just started a facebook page for motivation and celebration purposes (I don't sell anything online or endorse any products). The page is REALLY new (I haven't even told my friends yet lol) but I want to give my clients and others a place to learn, celebrate their victories and find support when needed. I would welcome conversation! https://www.facebook.com/flexandflexibility/

    Please know that you can do this!! It has nothing to do with willpower...that's crap. It's about mindfulness. Knowing that every decision you make leads to an outcome. Its hard work but that just makes the journey sweeter.

    Modmom1 - You are an inspiration. I would love get your input re: weight training and nutrition and how you went about losing all the weight. I'm currently doing SL 5x5 and have been doing this program on and off for the past year but want to progress by getting lean and losing fat. I run about 2 - 3x a week. My macros are 40 carbs, 30fat, 30protein. MFP has me eating 1290 calories (plus I add my cardio calories). I try to track consistently but sometimes that doesn't happen. Anyway, just want to hear your story about your weight loss.Thanks.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Mamabelle4 wrote: »
    @dcresider I hear you on the eating habits! I joined a gym last year - parted with 800 and was then told it's 95% nutrition and 5% exercise...

    Yep, that's what my gym peeps tell me. It's all about what you put in your mouth. Exercise is secondary.
  • ladybuggylr
    ladybuggylr Posts: 2 Member
    Hi.. I'm 44 and looking to loose 50 more lbs.. I've lost 12 so far. Would love the motivation friends and accountability!!
  • modmom1
    modmom1 Posts: 210 Member

    dcresider wrote: »
    Modmom1 - You are an inspiration. I would love get your input re: weight training and nutrition and how you went about losing all the weight. I'm currently doing SL 5x5 and have been doing this program on and off for the past year but want to progress by getting lean and losing fat. I run about 2 - 3x a week. My macros are 40 carbs, 30fat, 30protein. MFP has me eating 1290 calories (plus I add my cardio calories). I try to track consistently but sometimes that doesn't happen. Anyway, just want to hear your story about your weight loss.Thanks.

    I'll chat anytime! At my heaviest, in my early 20's, I was over 60lbs heavier than I am today. I dropped around 40 lbs of that over the years by extreme dieting and killing my metabolism. My body was a sad mess.

    Five years ago I started simply with clean eating, following the book Clean Eating Recharged by Tosca Reno. No calorie counting, just making good choices often. It's still my go-to when I need to tighten up the nutrition. I lost almost 20 lbs rather quickly, over the course of probably a few months. Then I started the book program New Rules of Lifting for Women. It was a great way to begin on weights and I highly recommend the book, but it's somewhat hard on the knees from all the Bulgarian split squats. I soon moved into circuit training and split training, working 4x a week. My sessions even today are always under an hour including warm up and cool down. I don't do long, steady state cardio. 20 min max is my preference. HIIT and strength training are enough to get my heart rate up. I have done short sprints on the treadmill mixed into my lifting and I enjoy that. My body changed the most noticeably when I started lifting heavy (not powerlifting, but enough to keep challenged). I love yoga too and feel that its nicely paired with the strain of lifting

    I am working with macros for the first time and am aiming for the same ratios that you have. I'm eating about 1600 calories a day currently to try and drop some body fat but maintain lean muscle mass. I will slowly be adding back calories next month to see how my body adapts.

    I haven't done the 5x5 but I'm familiar with it and think its a great program. If you find you're in and out of it, then start another program to keep you interested. I change my programs every few months.
  • ChristinaLuv1215
    ChristinaLuv1215 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 44. I'm a single mom...yep mom not single parent. I've felt so ALONE lately. My son is 7.
    He called me "Moo Moo Cow" yesterday. I was so hurt and angry @ him and @ myself.
    I've done this dance for almost 40 years and feel like it's never ending. I have at least 70 lbs to lose this time.
    So demoralized.
  • ChristinaLuv1215
    ChristinaLuv1215 Posts: 6 Member
    How do you add people?
  • inquilter01
    inquilter01 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not one to post too much on boards but I'm turning 40 on Monday. I know it's just a number but am disappointed that I still don't have this healthy weight figured out. Now I 'know' what to do, it's the follow through that I struggle with. I lost 50 pounds on WW a few years ago, went through a divorce and have gained it all back. I really would like to start the next decade of my life with a better perspective about taking care of myself. I've been thinking the last several weeks about making small changes, hoping small changes can be life lasting. So far I have conquered my Diet Coke habit and am SO HAPPY that it no longer has a hold on me! Lately each time I start tracking calories, I lose motivation. So this time I thought I would change one thing at a time. Like I said I'm not tracking yet but I would enjoy talking with others for motivation.