Women over 40 who want to lose weight, support and motivate each other.



    SQUIZZER27 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I'm 44 and turn 45 at the end of July. My weight piled on after losing 4 relatives to cancer in a year. I comfort ate and drank myself into a downward spiral. I am now taking control of my own life two years on and doing this for my own physical and mental health. 3 st 9 lbs down - a fair bit more to go. Look forward to having mutual support buddies to go on this journey with x :)
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    dmcatlady wrote: »
    Just completed a 16 hour fast and am eating a small lunch of strawberries for now. I think I'm going to do the fast once or twice a week as long as I don't have a tennis match to play the next day. Really hoping to get in the 3 tennis matches I have to play this weekend but it is still raining here in MD...I think this is day 14 or 15 or rain here. When did we move to Seattle??

    Good. Glad you tried it. Rain rain go away!!
  • adkspep
    adkspep Posts: 4 Member
    Old lady here (48) and so much to lose (100+) and I am just getting re-started. No friends here yet. Looking for support to help me stay motivated!
  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    I'm 46 and I've been trying MFP on and off since 2012. I always have success when I stick to the logging because it keeps me on track with the calories, always a challenge for me. So my biggest area of need in terms of support is definitely being consistent here and logging food daily. Nice to find this thread, I'll try to check in and get to know you all better. Feel free to friend me! -Jessie
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    Luckee_me wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    Looking for some support and to be able to support in return I'm 50+ and have been at this for awhile. I lost 200 pounds and then lost my best friend from high school. Quickly put about half back. Just restarted May first, but not many of my friends are very chatty these days.
    Feel free to add me, but please tell me you saw me here as I'll forget as soon as I post this.

    I just added you as a friend. You can do this. One step at a time. One day at a time. Some days are a huge success and others might be a small failure. But its life and its real.
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not one to post too much on boards but I'm turning 40 on Monday. I know it's just a number but am disappointed that I still don't have this healthy weight figured out. Now I 'know' what to do, it's the follow through that I struggle with. I lost 50 pounds on WW a few years ago, went through a divorce and have gained it all back. I really would like to start the next decade of my life with a better perspective about taking care of myself. I've been thinking the last several weeks about making small changes, hoping small changes can be life lasting. So far I have conquered my Diet Coke habit and am SO HAPPY that it no longer has a hold on me! Lately each time I start tracking calories, I lose motivation. So this time I thought I would change one thing at a time. Like I said I'm not tracking yet but I would enjoy talking with others for motivation.

    I just added you. Great job not drinking Diet Coke any more. That is a small success in the right direction. One small change at a time and you can do this. I have learned cutting sugar out made a huge change in how my body felt alone. The bloat was gone and the energy seemed real and better. Just another idea.
  • zoning25
    zoning25 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in. I'll add you and everyone else please feel free to add me too.

    I just added you as a friend.
  • mindy0518
    mindy0518 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...I will be 42 next week. I have let myself go. I know I need to lose between 80-100 pounds, but working on my first 25 pounds. Large goals are overwhelming to me. I find that I start something and go full speed and then quit. I would like to have support to keep going even when I have a bad day or bad week.
  • vbferg
    vbferg Posts: 7 Member
    If the group is still accepting adds I'd love to join. Just turned 45 on Tuesday and my goal is to lose 35lbs. Looking forward to motivating each other!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    vbferg wrote: »
    If the group is still accepting adds I'd love to join. Just turned 45 on Tuesday and my goal is to lose 35lbs. Looking forward to motivating each other!

    Yes we are still accepting. Search on groups Healthy Women over 40 accountability group.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    mindy0518 wrote: »
    Hi...I will be 42 next week. I have let myself go. I know I need to lose between 80-100 pounds, but working on my first 25 pounds. Large goals are overwhelming to me. I find that I start something and go full speed and then quit. I would like to have support to keep going even when I have a bad day or bad week.

    I hear ya. Sometimes even small goals are hard. Keep going. Join the group.
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    edited May 2016
    It's lovely to see all the people who have birthdays so close to mine, and with the same goals! First week back on 'The Plan', and I'm doing OK - 2 gym sessions and a pilates class (have barely missed any pilates classes in the past 10 months, very proud of that - and my core strength!). I've also studiously avoided the table at work where I put all the birthday goodies, and have only caved a couple of times, for one or two of the tiny, bitesize brownies. Also gave away the rest of my birthday cake to other family members, and didn't have any more for myself.

    I was planning on spinning class tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be walking my parents' dog instead - a few miles up and down the beach should compensate a little, I'd have thought! It's tough recording a beach walk - much more effort than a normal walk, plus all the ball throwing etc - anyone know how to accurately report this? Or am I best under-reporting the cals, and just calling it 60 min walk at moderate pace (with dog!!!)?
  • Incommunicadoh
    Incommunicadoh Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm 41 and come back to MFP after joining a while back and not doing anything with it, now I'm back and ready to go. I need to lose a lot of weight around 90lbs. Would love to join the group. Definitely need the support of others in the same boat as me.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    It's lovely to see all the people who have birthdays so close to mine, and with the same goals! First week back on 'The Plan', and I'm doing OK - 2 gym sessions and a pilates class (have barely missed any pilates classes in the past 10 months, very proud of that - and my core strength!). I've also studiously avoided the table at work where I put all the birthday goodies, and have only caved a couple of times, for one or two of the tiny, bitesize brownies. Also gave away the rest of my birthday cake to other family members, and didn't have any more for myself.

    I was planning on spinning class tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be walking my parents' dog instead - a few miles up and down the beach should compensate a little, I'd have thought! It's tough recording a beach walk - much more effort than a normal walk, plus all the ball throwing etc - anyone know how to accurately report this? Or am I best under-reporting the cals, and just calling it 60 min walk at moderate pace (with dog!!!)?

    Walk on the beach is harder...mmm Would need to research more on that. How about recording it as a brisk walk? I love walking on the beach. I am from Puerto Rico and lived in the Bahamas 5 years. Love it!
  • suziemills1
    suziemills1 Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm looking to expand my circle of friends and those over 40 embarking on a tough journey would be ideal.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Hi, I'm 41 and come back to MFP after joining a while back and not doing anything with it, now I'm back and ready to go. I need to lose a lot of weight around 90lbs. Would love to join the group. Definitely need the support of others in the same boat as me.

    Welcome back!
  • AnasNina
    AnasNina Posts: 16 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2011.Every day I fill out my diary. Every day it tells me I need to eat more. But yet I'm still gaining weight. I have major joint damage thanks to the military, so not all exercises are possible for me. I'm lost on what to do.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    So I've surpassed my calories by a WHOPPING 1176 for the day.
    *Sigh* No wonder I'm huge.

    No worries! Just track it and move forward. I have bad eating days here and there. Gets me back on track for sure because no way do I want to go back to where I was!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    AnasNina wrote: »
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2011.Every day I fill out my diary. Every day it tells me I need to eat more. But yet I'm still gaining weight. I have major joint damage thanks to the military, so not all exercises are possible for me. I'm lost on what to do.

    Hugs. Have you consulted with your doctor about any type of exercise you can do? For people who cannot exercise due to a physical condition a good healthy diet is key. How about a nutrituonist? Going raw or starting a plant base diet. Of course you would need to consult your doctor.
  • AnasNina
    AnasNina Posts: 16 Member
    Hugs. Have you consulted with your doctor about any type of exercise you can do? For people who cannot exercise due to a physical condition a good healthy diet is key. How about a nutrituonist? Going raw or starting a plant base diet. Of course you would need to consult your doctor. [/quote]

    I'm normally a healthy eater. As much as I love beef, I try to only indulge once or twice a week. All the doctors I've seen say the same thing - low impact. But that really doesn't do squat for losing weight.