Gained Weight and Lied to BF About It

My BF and I have been working since February to help me lose weight, and overall I had lost about 10 pounds. The last few weeks have been extremely stressful at work and I gained a few pounds. When I weighed myself I was so scared because I knew my BF would be mad at me, so I hid it from him, and thought "I can lose those pounds and get back on track without him knowing." 2 pounds turned to 4 pounds turned to 5-6. Finally he had me weigh in in front of him and found out I lied to him. And it's sad, because the only reason I lied is because I don't trust him to talk about why I gained the weight: work stress, weight loss stress, not caring about myself and putting others first. He has not spoken to me in over 24 hours. Not sure what's going to happen. I guess I just need to dust myself of and try again, but ive been trying for 15 years. Maybe I need therapy...


  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    please find lose the boyfriend and find a great therapist. You are much better alone then with someone like this. Your self-worth cannot be measured by a scale.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Get rid of the excess weight by ditching him. He sounds like a control freak

    Coupled with the discussions where women ask "Why won't my partner help me lose weight?" The thing that isn't happening is the thing that needs to happen, every time. Then when it happens it shouldn't be happening.

    Can't we just say, stop lying and have an open conversation with your boyfriend? I like that option.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    "but ive been trying for 15 years" - to lose weight?? If so, that is the issue that needs to be addressed. Just based off of your OP the relationship does not sound healthy either but that's up to you.

    If you've been struggling with your weight and being unhappy about it for this long then you really should take the time and effort to heal yourself from within. Unless we are healthy and happy with ourselves we cannot have healthy relationships with others.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Red flags everywhere in OP's post. This is so wrong on so many levels. and advising talking through this is not an option for a happy solution and even if there was a happy medium for the moment, it will be just that, a moment or day.

    I do wish it were as simple as just have a conversation with BF! But in reality and just based on what is shared in the entire OP, not a solution in this situation on either OP or BF's part. I was born at night but not last night and this is just plain ole ugly!
  • littlebrittfit
    littlebrittfit Posts: 27 Member
    edited May 2016
    1. i'm sure he's more upset about the fact that you've lied to him than about you actually gaining weight.
    2. not talking to you for over 24 hours? that's ridiculous. you both need to sit down and address the issues you so clearly have in your relationship. it's all about communication and trust... it appears you guys have neither.
    3. he sounds emotionally abusive. you shouldn't be afraid to go to your significant other about ANYTHING, especially not gaining weight. him getting mad at you for slipping up? not okay.
    5. be happy with yourself, babe. you're human. you're going to mess up and make mistakes. DONT STOP MOVING FORWARD. you're worth the success.
