Back on the Wagon!



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    *weed whacking
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Didn't get weed whacking in, but walked the dog once more.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Happy Saturday!☀️
    I'm working this weekend, but still plan on staying on track. Biggest obstacle: Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies. I can eat 2...but can I stop at 2?
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    I've suffered from Yoyo dieting all my life. I'm only now beginning to see the problem. Sorry to be a killjoy, but my guess is that you need a wagon you can stay on for the rest of your life. You've proved to yourself that you can cut down. Now you need to find a way to stay slimmer. That means eating for the new you, not in the same way that the old you ate. That means NEVER going back to your old way of eating. ALWAYS being mindful of the exercise you take.
    I'd guess your reducing diet and your maintenance regime are too different.
  • clark614
    clark614 Posts: 92 Member
    How do you friend someone on here? Sorry for the dumb? Question.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    clark614 wrote: »
    How do you friend someone on here? Sorry for the dumb? Question.
    . No question is dumb sweetheart. Just click on their profile and send friend request. It's nice when you send a little note in the field provided sometimes saying how you found the person because there are a lot of creepers around. ;)

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    It's definitely a lifestyle you must embrace. Losing the bulk of the fat is paying off a mortgage debt, and then maintaining is managing the checkbook so you don't go into debt again. If you don't learn to manage the checkbook, and keep spending with a credit card where your mind doesn't "feel the spending" or does mental accounting (we do the same thing with calorie spending) then we all go right back. Embrace the process and keep the tools for life. In modern society you will constantly swim up stream against all the too much food available. Keep setting up your own environment for success as much as you can, never give up, because sometimes there is no such thing as willpower and to rely on it 100% won't work. You gotta set up your own situation for success.

    I agree! My biggest issue has been maintenance. When I get close to my goal, I stop tracking what I eat, and figure that all of my walking will compensate for what I eat....but it never does.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Seinfeld joke! On the wagon or off the wagon. GL original poster.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Today I ate more potato chips than I should have, but managed to stay within my calories. I also didn't have a single cookie at work. A good day all in all. How did you do?

    That's great! It's ok to allow yourself
    To have the occasional things here and there, as long as the general part of your diet is healthy and on track. I also had half a bottle of red wine last night, but I was still under my calories and I had a beer the day before. I am finding this time (because I've gone down this path so many times before!) that my ability to
    Stop before consuming 5 of whatever it is I'm having is much better. My friend kept offering to top up my glass and brought over a big bar of chocolate to eat as we were watching a movie, I declined the chocolate and had a fair bit of wine but not the whole bottle (which I can easily consume at home by myself haha).
    I also always make sure I eat at home before j go round people's houses in the evening for stuff like that.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Seinfeld joke! On the wagon or off the wagon. GL original poster.

    That's so funny :D . I forgot about that episode. Classic Seinfeld!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    i am also getting back on the wagon lost 62 pounds gained 20 back... time to stop it before it gets out of control!!! 1st week went ok logged and exercised every day!

    It feels good to be back in control. Way to go!
  • julietwaters514
    julietwaters514 Posts: 2 Member
    My problem too! I've been on FP for a few years and this year gained five pounds over what I weighed when I started! But at least I have some data so I can make a realistic plan. I lost almost 10 lbs in first few weeks back on wagon, like I always do. The plateau for almost a month. Now I'm starting to lose, slowly but surely, again. The plateau didn't discourage me as much now because now I know it's normal.

    The problem: I stop logging into FP as soon as summer is over. No bathing suit to wear. No motivation. And while I'm not looking, the weight starts creeping back on. I only care when I can't fit comfortably into clothes again. I need a better signal than that!

    So my bigger goal is not weight loss, but to log in everyday for at least a year. I don't expect to log all my food, or all my exercise. But just making a commitment to know what I weigh, and keep an eye out for that creeping poundage in the fall and winter may be the most important thing.

    Thanks for posting. It's good to have company in this.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    My problem too! I've been on FP for a few years and this year gained five pounds over what I weighed when I started! But at least I have some data so I can make a realistic plan. I lost almost 10 lbs in first few weeks back on wagon, like I always do. The plateau for almost a month. Now I'm starting to lose, slowly but surely, again. The plateau didn't discourage me as much now because now I know it's normal.

    The problem: I stop logging into FP as soon as summer is over. No bathing suit to wear. No motivation. And while I'm not looking, the weight starts creeping back on. I only care when I can't fit comfortably into clothes again. I need a better signal than that!

    So my bigger goal is not weight loss, but to log in everyday for at least a year. I don't expect to log all my food, or all my exercise. But just making a commitment to know what I weigh, and keep an eye out for that creeping poundage in the fall and winter may be the most important thing.

    Thanks for posting. It's good to have company in this.

    Julie, I love your goal of logging for a year. This sounds like a great maintenance plan. I tend to go all or nothing in logging, so I need to be more consistent, too.

    Great job in not being discouraged by hitting plateau, because you know that it happens, and it's not the end of the world.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Today I ate more potato chips than I should have, but managed to stay within my calories. I also didn't have a single cookie at work. A good day all in all. How did you do?

    That's great! It's ok to allow yourself
    To have the occasional things here and there, as long as the general part of your diet is healthy and on track. I also had half a bottle of red wine last night, but I was still under my calories and I had a beer the day before. I am finding this time (because I've gone down this path so many times before!) that my ability to
    Stop before consuming 5 of whatever it is I'm having is much better. My friend kept offering to top up my glass and brought over a big bar of chocolate to eat as we were watching a movie, I declined the chocolate and had a fair bit of wine but not the whole bottle (which I can easily consume at home by myself haha).
    I also always make sure I eat at home before j go round people's houses in the evening for stuff like that.


    You are so right about allowing yourself to enjoy the things you love, as long as your overall diet is healthy. My big issue with potato chips is the mindless snacking. I'll open a large bag, and pick at them as I'm making dinner, or cleaning up the house. I'v eaten a whole family sized bag before in the span of a few hours. :o

    It's way better if I just measure out a couple of portions, so I know how much I'm eating.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Have a super Sunday!
  • julietwaters514
    julietwaters514 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    jm216 wrote: »
    Julie, I love your goal of logging for a year. This sounds like a great maintenance plan. I tend to go all or nothing in logging, so I need to be more consistent, too.

    Thanks. I find as I get closer to a goal weight, it gets harder to keep up the motivation to log all food and/or exercise, so sometimes I'll do "micro-logging," just my breakfasts, or my water, or even just one vegetable! Or even just log in to keep a streak going. It's helped in past. Hope I can keep it up!